The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, AUGUST y igofl.
By George Carey Kyglviton
(Continued from Lat Week.)
Captain Guilford Duncan, C. S. A.
takes part In the latt flalit. it Anno
nmttojt, and leave the army, He then
determines to go to C'hIi'Oi 111 Although
wen eaunatefl arid a lawyer, captain
Duncan U without family or money
and work hit imMiiK" to Cairo, Here
lm navf Captain Jlsllam's cotton from
flit, and Captain 1! u 1 1 mil, a modern
"captain of Industry," hires Captain
Duncan, and tiulrkly advance in till
employer's estimation, lit aayes Cap
tain Hullam'a coal fleet from destruction
I))' storm, and I made a partner by
Captain Jlallam. The younir man be-
coin a force of good amoiur the young
men of Cairo. Ilarbara Vente, a young
lady, run the boarding home In which
Captain Duncan take hit meal. Cap
tain Duncan is thanked by Ilarbara for
lavlriir her from annoyance by inlwhlcv
ott boyi. He determine to call upon
her, -
Captain Duncan Invite Ilarbara to a
dance, lie incur the enmity of Napper
Tandy, a capitalist, a rival of Ca-ptaln
Itollam, by making of the latter' coal
mine a paying property, in competition
with one of Tandy' propertle. At
the coal mine Duncan meet an old
acquaintance, Dick Temple, now working
a a miner. Dick Temple suggests way
to Increase the output of the mine and I
appointed engineer. XVI Duncan, who
W in love with Barbara. Napper Tandy
attempt to bribe Duncan. Duncan pro
pose to Ikrbara. She tell him ah can
not give him a decided answer. Xapper
Tandy circulate the vtory that Duncan
ha akcd him for a bribe. To retail
late, Haflam propoc to buy uffklent
hare in Tandy' bank to elect Duncan
president. Dick Temple I commUMon
ed by Hallam to muy the bank attk.
Ikrbara tell Duncan he cannot marry
hint becauae ahe la the daughter of
HEN Duncan left bit room on
tko evening of Tcuiplw'a con
tVrenco with Will Hallam
bo iaol down the atalr
and Into U Ilallani ottlcca, wurre be
till bad a little worklug dcu of his
own, for uao when be did not care to
eee the people tvbo soutrut bliu at til
law office.
A bo entered ho found a little not
upon bla cbak, nud ho recognized Bar
bara'e small round band In the aupr
acrlptlou. Opening the envelope eager
ly, be read the few Hue wltblu:
You may come for your answer when
ever It la convenient any evening, I
mean, for I am at Naur only In the
evening. There la a great deal for me to
tell you, and It I arnlriar to be very bard
for me to tell It. but It 1 my duty, and
1 mum do It of course. I'm afraid It
won't be ilrttaiit evening for eltht-r of
Tbcro was no address, but Duncan
obaerved with pleasure a a hopeful
Igu that tbo llttlo missive was signed
".She wouldn't bnve signed It In tbnt
Informal way, with ouly her flint name,
If alio meant to brcuk off the acquaint
ance." bo argued with himself. And
yet tho substance of the uoto waa ills
cournglug In tho extreme, ao that Gull
ford Duncau waa a very apprehensive
and unlmppy man as he hurried to
Barbara's homo. He still held her noto
crushed In bla hand aa be entered the
bouse, and lie read It over twice whllo
.waiting for her to appear.
She could aay 00 word a bo stood
looking eagerly Into Lor eyes, as If
questioning them. He, too, was silent
for perhaps a minute, when at last,
realizing tbo girl's distressing agita
tion, he gently took her band, saying
In bis soft, winning voice:
"You are not well. You must sit
"Ob, It Isn't that," sbo answered as
she seated bersolf bolt upright upon
the lenst ensy chair In the room. "It Is
what I must tell you."
"What Is it? I am waiting anxiously
to hear."
"You must bo very patient then," she
answered, with difficulty. "It Is bard
" l'ow are not well. You must Kit down,"
to say, and I don't know whore to bo
jgtn. Oh, yes; I know now. I must
begin where wo left ott when well,
that other tlmo."
; Duncan saw Ibflt jahQeedjed., assist.
ance, and be' gave" Itl'slwuttlng sooth
Ingly to her, saying;
."You' are to begin wherever you And
it easiest to begin, and you ara to toll
mo nothing that It distresses you to
"Oh, but all of It distresses mo, and
I must toll It-nil of It."
Again Duncan spoke soothingly, and
presently tho girl began again,
"Well, first, I can nover-I moan
mustn't-I mustn't say 'yes' to tht
questions you asked ma that other
"You mean whoa I askod If you
would do my wirer
"Yes. That's it Thank you very
much, Hint's the first thing I am to
toll you,"
"Who bndo you toll me thntf
"Oh, nolHMly, or, rather, I mean no
body told mo I mustn't say 'yes bat
after I bad mado up my mind that I
mustn't, thou auntie said I was bound
to tell yon about It all, I wanted to
wrltt It. but alio said that wouldn't be
fair and that 1 must tell you myself."
"isat wDy dia you make up your
mind that you mustn't say 'year Can
you not lovo mo, Barbara r
"Oh, yes-I mean no or, rather,
"But If you can, wby la It that you
mustn't r
That question at last gave Barbara
courage to speak. It seemed to nerve
her for the ordeal and at tbo same time
to point a way for the telling.
"Wby, I mustn't love you, Mr. Dun
can, because I cannot marry you. You
00, that would be very wrong. Wben
you-well, wben you asked mo those
questions, It atartled me, and I didn't
know what to say, but after you bad
gone away that night I saw clearly
that I mustn't think of such a thing. It
would bo ao unfair to you."
"Hut bow would It be unfair? It
would bo doing the on thing In tbe
world thai I want you to do. It would
bo giving me tho one woman In tbe
world whom I want for my wife, tbe
only woman I shall ever think of mar
"But you mustn't think of that any
more. You aee, Mr. Duncan, I am not
fit to be your wife. I ahould be a ter-
rlblo drag upoti you. You are already
a man of promlneuce, and everybody
says you are soon to become a man of
great distinction. You must bavo
wlfo worthy of such a man, a wife who
can help him ana do him credit lu so
ciety. Now, you know I could never lie-
coma that sort of woman. I am only
an obscure girl. I don't know how. I
cannot talk brilliantly, I couldn't lm
press people as your wife must I am
not even educated In any regular way.
I've juat grown up In my own fashion
In the shade, as It wereand tbe
trong sunlight would only emphasize
my Insignificance."
"Will you let me aay one word at
this point Barbara?" broke In Duncan
In aplte of her effort to prevent "You
are wronglug yourself and you are
wronging me. Aa God Uvea, I tell you
there Is no woman in the world so fit
to be my wife as you are. My only
wish Is that I were worthy to have
such a wlfel I Intend, of course, to
achieve all Uiat I can-to make tbe best
use I can of such faculties as I possess,
but nothing Imaginable could so great
ly help me to do that as tbe Inspiration
of your love and tho stimulus of know
lug that you were to be always by my
An occasional tear was by this time
trickling down tho girl's cheeks. How
could It bo otherwise wben the man
she loved and honored above all others
was so tenderly saying such things of
her and to her with a sincerity too
greatly pnssiouate to be open to any
doubt? How could It be otherwise
when sho knew that she must put
aside tho love of this man, ber hero,
tho only love, aa she kuew In ber in
most soul, that she could ever think of
with rejoicing so long as ahe should
11 vo?
She would have Interrupted the pas
sionate pleading If ber voice bad been
under coutrol. As It was she eat si
lent while bo wont on.
"I have spoken of my ambitions first
and of your capacity to help them not
because such things aro first in my esti
mation, but because you have treated
them us worthy of being put first
There are much higher things to be
thought of. What a man achieves Is
of far less cousoqueuee than what a
mun Is. That which I nsk of you Is
to help mo be tho best that: I am capa
ble of being, and for you to bo It with
me. I want to muke the most the
best tho happiest life for you that Is
possible. Oh, Barbara, you will never
know how longingly I dream of a
homo with you at Its head! You can
not know how absolutely tbe worthi
ness of iny life depends upon such a
linking of It with yours."
The girl had completely given way to
her emotions now, but with that reso
luto self miiHtory which was a dom
inant noto in her nature sho presently
controlled herself.
"You do not know all," she said.
"You luivo not heard all I huve to tell
you. lou iinvcnt uenra tue most Im
portant part of It. I have only told
you what I thought on that evening
when when you asked questions. 1
still think that ought to settle the mat-1
tor, but you seem to thluk perhaps
you might have convinced me. or at
lenst oh, you don't know! There nvi
other reasons stronger reasons, m
eons that nothing can remove."
"Tell mo of them. I can Imagine 110
reason whatever that could satisfy
"It Is very hard to tell. You lunw
I never knew my parents, Bath m(
mother and my father died on the day
I was born. I seem to know my motl.
er, because auutle loved her so much
and bos talked to me so much abaut
ber all my life. But aim never talked
to mo 'much a5out my fattier. ITU
family was a good one, his father bar
log been a banker, with some reputa.
Won as an artist alao, and my father
was bis partner In business. But that
1b all I know of my father no, that
Isn't what 1 meant to say. I meant to
say that that I all my aunt ever told
Norwegian M. E. Church.
The ptor will preach at 11:00 a. m.
and 8 i 00 p, m, Evening theme, first
me about blm and nil I know until tbe lecture on "John Bunyan and Pilgrim's
night wheu you nkd me-quostlons. I rngm." gunday school at 10:00 a. m,
After you went away that evening I
went to my ro-rn and thought the mat
ter out. 1 have nlreudy told you what
conclusions I reached. When I bad
decided I went to auntie's room and
school at 10 a. m. and a. Y. P. U. at
7s 15 p. m. Everybody cordially in-viUd.
Baptist Church.
"Christ Lifted Up," and "God's Call to
Men," are the theme of sermon to be
Baton the side of her bod and told her P""" BaptUt church 1 Sunday
everything. 8he cried bitterly I didn't
understand why at first After awhile
she said sho didn't at all agree with
me In my conclusions and added:
'If tho thing you mention were all,
Bab, I should tell you to stop thinking
of them and let Mr. Duncan Judge for
himself, but there Is something else,
Bab-something very dreadful. 1 nev
cr Intended to tell you of It. but now I
First Lutheran Church.
Service a uual at the First Luther
an church. Sunday chool at 9:30 a. m.,
Mifts Alma Nyluml. superintendent:
morning service In Swedish at 10:45;
You would find It out very soon, I evening service in English at 8 o'clock ;
ror xanays wire Knows It, and If she subject of sermon, "Deceit" All are
beard that there was anything between cordially Invited to attend.
you nuu air. uuncun rub wouiu n nae i Tn,w . oan. n. o..
t..u .ti, t f -e,r 0,1 Tuesday, August 28th, the Sunday
ha 1... hflnMned iu.twnon Tn,w Khol w Kiv' Maoa! picnic The
and Mr. Duncan. Then you would p'ce Mlectd tor m Fort
never forelve me for not telllna vou.' uawop on tue iewi & Clark Kiver.
"fibo went on then and told me what Further announcement later,
I must tell you. She told me, Mr.
Duncan, that I am tno oaugatcr of a
Tue girl paused, unable to (to on
Duncan saw that aho was suffering
acutely, and be determined to spare
"You must stop now, Barbara," be
said in a caressing tone, "lou are
overwrought I will bear tbe rest an
other tlmo wben you feel stronger and
send for me. 1 am going to say good
nlgbt now, so that you may rest But
before I go I want to say that nothing
you have told me can make the least
difference In my feelings or my de
sires or my purposes. You are what
you are. Nothing else matters. Wben
you feel strong enough I will come
again and persuade you to be my wife.
Good nlgbt!"
As she stood facing blm, with unut
terable distress In every line of ber
face, be leaned forward Impulsively,
but with extreme gentleness, and rev
erently kissed ber.
Presbyterian Church.
Rev. D, A. Thompson, paitor of the
Sellwood Prenbyterian Church of Port
land will preach morning and evening.
Mr. Thompson and tbe pastor of the
church have exchanged for the day.
Sunday school 12:15; Y. P. S. C. E., 7
o'clock. The Younir Men' League and
the Young Women's bible cla will meet
together, 12:15.
Grace Church.
Service Sunday a uual. Preaching
at II a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Sunday
school omitted. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson
of St. Mark's church. Portland, will con
duct service at Holy Innocent chapel in
Uppertown, at 10:30 a. m. Tbe service
which was to have been held at Chad-
well in the afternoon has been post
(To be continued.)
A MUtakea IMaaraoala.
Peniel Mission.
On Tuesday evening next, at the
Peniel Miion on Tenth street, there
will lie held a special Scandinavian
f .U U. .1 -S . ,..,- - I
tu uie mum uuja ui nicuiw ouo vi mMt:n. !,!,., .1 ,.mU. r.1 H,f
toe cnnrneieni or tue city was a ibw-i .. , , .. ,
yer. big pauncbod. big voiced, blg cord.a!y inv.ted,
necked and given to making political
speeches. I First M. E. Church.
He had a nasty way of talking about! Morning aermon. "Is Life Worth Liv
elier people. One night while bo was ling?" evening sermon, "The First Cow
UBUBWU(t ui uie street one 01 wt rd m the World." Sundav school at
stabbed the orator. neday ven5nJ? enri( or prayer, praise
He fell to the street, writhing and nd mbIe tudy' theme To What Er
shouting: "I'm killed! I'm killed!" I tent Should We Go To Secure the Sal
They took blm Into a billiard roomlvation of Others?" You are Invited to
and laid blm out on a billiard table, tttend all these services.
W oru got to the newspaper offices, and
The lawver whs stretched on the hll. .u.u iuu
Hard table delivering bis last speech. Kf lm 1 dicuious to say -ciotnes
be said. In the middle of an Impress- do n" th man?'" "Quite so,
ivo paragraph be suw the reporters. replied Cholly Dreseer. "If one didn't
He raised himself and bellowed, have so manv clothes one would not
-iiraw nign. urnw nign, ye uouucis oz need a man ."-Philadelphia Press,
the press, nnd see a K-o-man die!"
And then the doctor came and found
tbe knife hud peuetrated bim about a
slxtecutu of an incb.-Saturday Even
ing Post.
Cures Sciatica
Rev. W. L. Riley, L L. D., Cuba, New
York, writes: "After fifteen days of
excruciating pain from sciatic rheuma
tism. under various treatments. I was
Marahull tield'a Adrte.
A young bond snlesmnn for a New
York house interviewed Marshall Field
in the spring of 11105 with a view to mtlUMd t0 lT7 ""Hard's Snow Linimentj
Idling him a number of Pennsylvania the first application giving my first re
rallroud guaranteed bonds, yielding a I lief and the second entire relief,
little less thou 4 per cent. "Young Un give it unqualified recommendation,
man. soiu .Mr. new. - you are oniy oS(, ro, i no SnU K,- rw. Arn
wasting my tlmo nud yours. I like
your lxnds. When tho trustees of my
estnte come to Investlug tho Interest
on my Investment I hope they will buy
that kind of Ixuids, but I am a busl
ness man and do not care to put a
"I am not quite satisfied with your
references," said the lady of the house
to the cook applying for work. "Nay
... f ..... ,.....!.... n ..II. I
., i n, .u.. .u ur ther am t mum but they're the best
u it'i'vw j'l v i tj tiwj uivi v; iuuu
should enre to buy out a business en
terprise thnt seemed to me to have
reached the limit of Its growth, no
matter how solid It might be. Your
bonds nre too good for mo." Mr. Field,
It will be riMed, Invested bis surplus
on the same principle upon which be
built up XAi business uamely, to put
1 1 could get." Milwaukee Sentinel
Renders the bile more fluid and thus
helps the blood to flow: it affords
primpt relief from biliousness, indi
gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and
the money where It has a chance to over-indulgence in food and drink.
grow.-World's Work. O. L. Caldwell. Agt. M. K. and T. R. R..
A Ii.ioli on n 'rnarc, Cliccotah, Ind. Ten, writes. April 18,
ssonie or tno lea's'nttri.iuteu to nn
clout masters of callgrnphy aro nlmo:r
past belie! . .tUian knew nu artist who
wrote a distich lu letters of gold, which
1003: "I was sick for over two years
with enlargement of the liver and
spleen. The doctors did me no good.
ho Inclosed In the rind of a gralu of and 1 had "P a11 hoPe of beinS
corn. Oxford boasts a portrait f curea, wnen my aroggist aavised me to
buries I. which has as the lines of tho I use Herbine. It has made me sound and
end ami ruff characters setting forth well.'? 60o. Sold by Hart's drus store,
me uook or rsauns, tne creeu anu tne
Lllivl's Pmver In till, Tll'ltlali miianum
Is a Portrait of Oueen Anno ahnnt th Two mont1'9 "g the Mr referred to
size of one's band. Upon It are what tlie '"embers of the duma as "the best
seem at first sight to be certain 'en in Russia," and it may yet he
scratches, but which prove to be a proved that he picked the winners.
transcript or n nook. Tho "Hind ' of
Homer In n nutshell, which Cicero Is
said by Pliny to have seen, sounds Im
possible, but It lias been shown that
tho thins Is feasible, Riven tho man
aud that man tho patience, A thin
"Make Hay While the Sun Shines.'
There is a lesson in the work of the
tlu'ifty farmer. He knows that the
sheet of vellum, capablo of folding bright sunshine mav last but a day and
easuy. ims uoeu rounti to tase T.ow he prepares for the showers that are
viMNt-a i.iumi out? mite tutu tue same nnl,l0 fMW, if .fcnnM ho ni.
miuiui'i uu tue revofne, mere yon . , , , . ,. ,
have the 15.000 verses of tbo -Illatl- 'a. wynietv, umuuuen
all upon a sliijjle slip of vellum. The a,ld c,lolera niorbns may attack some
latter folds up, nnd readily, and you I member of the home without warning.
hnvo your Homer lu a nutshell. St I Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarr
James' Gazette.
Morning Astorian, G5 cents per month.
delivered by carrier. .
Ihoea Remedy, which is the best known
medicine for these diseases, should al
ways be kept at hand, as immediate
treatment is necessary, and delay may
prove fatal. For sale by Frank Hart,
a. -'.. .
r- 1
i -
Don't buy substitutes for MEN- m "
KP.V'S UnHATtrn TAfrtlU lC"T '
POWDER. "Just aa good" la
only a deceit by which a dealer
tries to make money out of the
superiority and success of MEM.
KEN'S POWDER. There's nothing
just as good aa M&KNEN'S and
users of substitutes and imitation
risk skin, complexion and comfort io
doing so.
As a protection to health use Mennen'a
Powder and only Mennen'a. '
Have you tried MENKEN'S VIO
POWDER? Ladies partial to violet
perfume will find Mennena Violet
Powder fragrant with tha nAar nf
fresh plucked Parma Violet.
For sale everywhere for 23 cents, or
mailed post paid on receipt of price, by
... ,. ,. .
Marine and Stationary Gas and Gasoline Engines.
F. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent,
tt-66 Front St, Portland, Ore.
We G E M
C.F.WISE. Prop.
Choice Wines, Liquors
and Cigars
Hot Lunch at all Hours
Merchants Lunch From
11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p jr.
35 Cents
Corner Eleventh and Commercial
Br- I Up-to-Cate 8aw;mu Uacbinery Urcmpt attentioca-iveiiyctal.rera'rork
18th and Franklin Are.; TeL Main 2451
Mado Spotless White and Hyglenlcally Clean
Hv0tBS,n,?,S, ,onger henco ,a9t lonSer. but be whiter and
x UltNiCALLY clean, insist on 20-Mule Team Borax being used
H Hgw !llU save yur en and add much to its appear
ance. 20-Mule-Team Purr n.. n .k... . .v..
nnest linen, and, being absolutely pure, does away with the usual
vtcaku uicinoaa.
All dealers, or Free Sample and illustrated booklet of
"w ootm to, Sao Francisco, Cat.
Adversity borrows its sharpest sting
fron: our impatience. norne.
Makes delicious
Ice Cream
In 10 minutes
for 1 cent
a plate.
Stir contents of one pack
age Intoaqnutof milk aud
freeze: that's all. Bests
the old fashioned, labori
ous way and makes better
, . ice vre&m. o Flavors.
Annroved bv Pore Voad (mniiu.i,..,.
Two packages, 25 cents at ail grocers.
If Tour srocer basnt it. rend liia nam A
85c to us aud two packages and our Illustrated
recipe dook wui oe mailed too.
The Ceaesee Pare Food C.. U toy, N. T.
'v- -'fin
UJtth. 11 nss 4rj
To advertise our stamped linens we will sell
centerpieces likecut stamped onpureiitun
complete with floss to embroider,
Regular value 90c Special 50c
In ordering by mail send post office or ex
press money order and mention this paper
'She NeedlecraflHob
382 YH.3T.,P0mAfiD OIL;