The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 04, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    SATURDAY, AUGUST 4 tpofl.
AT AHf f Wrt 1TlAtflvssja m AaI srt sm. 1 '' J . '
We Havcjust Unloaded a Car
of the Finest and Sweetest -
" , . r -? i i-
The Famous Make of Union Label Clothing
Manufactured by that Fair House of
That Ever Came to Town, If You Order
Yours From Us You'll Not Be Disapointed
Ripe Tomatoes 5c the Pound
HENRY J. BROCK (Si Co,, Buffalo, N. Y. J
Orkwiti sells iktt.
Sea shell souvenirs at 8vtnson's.
Orkwiti Repairs Bicycles
I)ll 11. Scully, Notary Public (
Scully's Cigar Store. Any old hour I
Ts vtry btit board t t obtalnsd la
tbf dty to at "Tn Ocddtnt HotaL"
Ratal very reasonable,
let Craam mad from full cream, 15c
par pint. Special prleea for lodges and
churches, at Tagga confectionary. 7-19tf
Hot! Irving, corner Franklin avenue
and Eleventh atrett European plan;
fcaat raoroa and board la tba dty at tea
aonabta prices.
Almost Ready.J. Kdlou's new bums
on Wet Commercial street which ii all
but flnUhed. at a cit of $20(11), will n
be ready for occupancy,
Bow Do I look. To rtalty ato your
ao'f aa others see you, get ona of thot
, i i . it...,. r.. .
all prices. A new supply Just r-lved.
N. A. Ackerwan, 421 Pond St, doaa aO
Banner of taxidermy, furniture upbol
staring, oarptt cleaning and laying, nut
tms making specialty and aI work
Astoria Lover Captured. A dlpatch
from Seattle seysi "Married through
the klnlnc of mttm iiollee ofllecr and
some bystander wa (lit experience of
Augwt HaksU and Maggie Kauppl, both
resident of Astoria, Oregon, Maggie
found August after following br sweet
heart around the country for more tbnn
a yt'ut, Hakala was advised by the
Htli- to marry Hie girl and avoi)
trouble. This he was willing to do, but
he did not have any money. A auWrip
(Inn wa started, and In Ave minute $3
was rUd and August and Maggie were
made iitnn end wife. They went away
happy ami atind. Jljkaln' wife de
clare nhe cmne all the way from Michl
giit to itiiirry Hakala, and when be
learned of hi't preene in Atoria went
to Wilkinson,, to work in ruin-.
The woman followed him there, and
found ouf that h had gone to Seattle.
Slot arrived tliera jttirdy and within
a ciMijiln of hour altr khe 't fxt in
Spiiitle ha bad him t the home of Ir.
There 1 Just ai good ftibjaiha brine t
Aa aver oome out of the aas.
But you wilt take it out in fishing.
Unle you take Rocky Mountain Tea
Bold by Frank Hart.
Soma Mora Power. The Chinook Log
cilia Coiniwny I the iMiimciior of a line
new Lima logging locomotive, just ar
rived hre from Urns, Ohio, via the
A. & C. It will U shipped acron the
river today if pomtlhle. and put to work
without delay.
Concert. Norwegian Singing Society
comv rt at Foard and Stoke' Hall, Sun
day, AuUHt 3th at 3;00 p. m. The
ladies' choir of 1H voi will ng for
the first time at this concert. Dr. F. V.
Molin will give Norwegian selections on
the plnno. Songs In Knglih, Swedish
and Norwegian.
Why don't you have your work dona
by the Eastern Painting k Decorating
Company 38s Commercial street? They do
the work cheaper, quicker and better
than any other firm. Tba Parker
Houaa which la being papered and
painted from cellar to garret la being
dona by tbem. Go and Inspect tba work.
Complexion tremtmenta are a neces
sary part of the grooming of a well
preserved woman. It is not so much a
matter of how you look today, as how
you will look tomorrw. nollister's
Rocky Mountain Tea docs the buniness.
Tea op Tablets, 35 cents. Sold by Frank
To Hunt For Bear. YeMnlay even
ing In (li-fcr'iiif to the continual report
of the bold iiifuriiis of Ix-ar and wild
cat ami other 'varmint,' into the
neighborhood of tbt city re"-rvoir site,
mul their ruthWs destruction of pig
and chicken and other delectable mor
ei round about there, a large, party
of young gentlemen and ladie. armed
with fan, cane, bon-bons and other
dangerous weapon, made a determined
sortie into the bills and it is reported
put every wild and threatening beast
to In-lmtt (light j at least none were
seen after the young people arrived
there. There were about ten couple
of the predatory army and girls were
all "offlcvr.1! It a bold hd lar lt
can withstand; thf terrifying eye of an
Atorla girl when she means buine.
ami a for wildcats, they become a
flrcidde kitten in such a coitet. The
score of names will appear later.
Alwaya Welcome. P. 8. Hates, the
well known editor and proprietor of the
Pacific Northwest, of Portland, arrived
in Astoria yeterdy direct from Tilla
mook. He say it i absolutely essen
tial for Tillamook and Axtoria that the
magnificent indutrial Acids of the Tilla
mook country shall be opened up to
quick communication with the outside
markets, and that the A. A C. railroad
extension will be a great thing for both
countries. Mr. Itute want to name a
girl nominee for hi free-trip to the
Jamestown exposition next year, from
Clatop county, and it may develop in a
few days who is to be the contestant.
Word from South Ttand saya that
politically things are becoming very
interesting In Paclflo county. The fight
centers on state senator, there being,
to date, six candidates John T. Welsh,
the prenent state senator, is after re-
nomination, and B. A, Seaborg, of
Kksmokawai W. R. Williams, of Chi
nook) J. (i, Megler, of Urookflcld, and
W, H, Ikiiicr and J. W. Kled. of South
For the ollices of county attorney and
sheriff there are many aspirants. For
county attorney, John I. O'PLnlan, Judgj
Sol Smith and A. K. ItuOiu are candi
date, while W. M. Round, of Icbam, is
a candidate againt A. B. McDonald for
sheriff. ,.
A surprise was sprung when Mi
Jiwlo Jluh tba present county superin
tendent of school, announced that she
Is not a candidate for renomination.
There will now 1 a scramble for this
(, and Prof. Oreenway, who Is now
living in Seattle, and ha had charge
of the Menlo school, of this county,
may enter the race.
Deputy County Treasurer J, H Stout
and Ajojctwor Aker both want to be
county traiurer, while A. W. Dodwrll
is alone for surveyor. County Clerk
Seaborg and Deputy Auditor Dslton will
lock horns for the auditor's ehalr. and
1. If. Lovering, of this city, has hi
eye ou the asesor'a chair.
O. C. Wilon, who is deputy aseor.
bs his eye on the county clerk's office.
Itay Wheaton, of the Willapa Valley
country, wants to lie commiioner for
his territory. For representative the
field is still open.
The above candidates are for the re
publican ticket alone, and are the only
ones yet heard from. Owing to the
large republican msjority in Pacific
county, It is not likely that there will
he other" candidate,, ,,
Of the above it i hard to pick the
winners at this time. On the average,
all are unuually strong men. County
Auditor Leonard and County Treasurer
Hudler are out of the race. These two
men have been the bet of officials, and
are known all over the state, and vol
iintarily step out with enviable honors.
A notable thing about it all is the good
feeling and "Roosevelt style" of cam
paigning of the aspirants.
The water commission met last night
in the office of the water clerk in the
city hall, with all excepting Brix pres
ent. There was hardly anything of con-
seouence'tran'acted, though the begin
ning ha promixe of definite action be
ing taken with reference to the reservoir
proposition. This matter however, was
not definitely decided on, as the cornmls-,
slon feci it bent to proceed on such an
important matter with extreme cau
After a great deal of discussion in
an effort to discover what were the var
ious opinions of the respective mem
bers, It was decided to submit a propo
sition to Engineer Adams of Portland
and Engineers Young A Keley. of that
city, asking the terms, which these gen
tlemen would give in regard to the con
struction of the new reervoir, and what
they would charge to give an opinion
on the present condition of the pipe line.
The monthly report of the clerk was
read and ordered filed. The treasurer
reported a balance on hand of $10,964.01.
The superintendent in hU report rec
ommended that the hours for lawn
sprinkling be from six to nine in the
morning, and five to eight in the even
ing. The report was ordered placed
on Ale.
The action of the chairman and clerk
in paying the monthly pay roll amount
ing to 11237.73, was endorsed.
Bills for July to the amount of $498.07
were ordered paid.
A petition from property ownera on
Grand avenue asking that a main hi
installed on Grand avenue between Sev
enth and Eleventh streets, was read and
laid on the table.
Superintendent Bergsvik reported that
Contractor Goodia had not complied with
the specifications In the clearing of the
reservoir tract and that the work was
not done according to contract. This
was submitted together with a request
J by Goodin for the payment of $500 on
account of the work done. The commis
sion directed that Mr. Goodin be paid
the $500 and that his contract time for
the completion of the work be extended
ten days so that he could comply with
the provisions of his contract
It was Uo directed that the super
intendent be empowered to have the
needed work in the way of repaira done
on the power house.
Newt From McKsniis. State Fish
Warden H. G. Van Duen yesterday re
ceived a cheerful letter from Superin
tendent J. A. Talbcrt. of the McKensie
river hatchery, announcing that the pros
pects there are very bright for a good
season, and while a bit premature, haa
ard the conviction that he will secure
upward of 5,000,000 Chinook salmon
Almost Too Tender. Charlie Fowler,
the genial agent of the Lurline, at this
port. Is just in receipt of the following
letter, which indicates a conscience of
the very tendcrest sort imaginable:
"Shoshone, Idaho, July 31. Office of
Steamer Lurline, Gentlemen: Enclosed
please find 23 cents in stamp. I bought
a lieith ticket on the above uteamer dur
ing the fair last year and used the
higher priced berth, the ticket was for
the other. Kindly accept the recom
pense now. Very sincerely. Passenger,"
The writer is unquestionably a woman.
Masons Will Meet There will be a
special sesion of Temple Lodge, No. 7,
A. F. A A. M., at Musonie Hall, tonight
at eight o'clock, with work in tile t.
C. degree.
Dance Tonight. The Liberty Bell
Social Club will give another one of it
successful dunce tonight in Logan's
A Car Load of Sweet and Juicy
Dies of Cancer. Mrs. Louise Nord
strom of this city passed away yester
day morning after a prolonged illness,
The deceased was a native of Finland
nnd aged 53 yeaiv, and had lived in As
toria for the past 24 years. She leaves
a son, Alfred, and three daughters, Mrs
Olga Jones, Mrs, Alma Howard, both
of this city, and Mr. Ina Howard of
Stella. The funeral will take place Sun
day from the residence of the deceased's
son-in-law Walter Howard, at 69 Third
street. The interment will be in Green
wood cemetery.
ifctl- .fia . wmmi,
lr iiiii"ft v f " ' a;
vww-wrao 'J!5 --4 owt wo, '
Wise Has Just Received A Large As
sortment of Advance Fall Styles
Has Eased Up Some. The Astoria 1
Columbia River Railroad people report
the cheerful intelligence that the car
shortage has cased up to such an ex
tent, for them, as to permit the opera
tion of an extra freight line out of here
every day now, and it is expected this
will hold good until the new grain crop
begins to move, when another squeeze
may be looked for; but for the time
being this road is comfortably fixed for
cars, though old orders are taking pre
cedence, of course, and new shipments
have to await the return of empties.
Trying Him Out Sheriff Pomcroy has
Olof Petersen, the ex-poundmaster of
the city, whose mind has become un
hinged lately from the excessive use of
"dope," in the county jail, and under
treatment, in the hope he may rally
from the lapse and take a new lease
on life nud comfort. If he does not
improve perceptibly in a few days, he
will be subjected to formal commitment
to the State Asylum' for Insane.
Redeems Warrants. The following
amounts have been paid out in the
redemption of city warrants by city
Treasurer Dealy: General fund, $1,
1 16.35 i street repair, $140.52; street im
provement, $87.25; street bonds, $46.25;
interest, $75.
Guardian Appointed In probate court
yesterday Judge Trencliard made an or
der appointing Frank Spittle guardian,
ad litem, of the minor children of Jacob
Reifol; this on petition of J. Q. A. Bowl
by, attorney for the administratrix of
snid estate, for permission to sell the
real property thereof. September' 4.
1900, was set for hearing of the matter,
by the court.
Returna. Rev. Gustave Rvdquist re
turned with his faniilr vesterdav noon Puget Sound Salmon Run Has Now Com-
Otto Duffner to Mary Tomberg. 4
lots, block 23, Olney's Addition
to Astoria $ 150
Frank Conkel and wife to Mary
R, Jeffers, 40 acres, section 7,
T. 5 "Jf, R. 7 W.......
J. H. Parelius and wife to Kate
Beal; lot 1. block 6, Grimes'
United States to Leon Mansur,
149 acres, section 6, T. 4 N
R. 10 W.
United SMtes to Albert Olsen, 160
acres sec. 15, T. 5 X, R. 9 W...
W. Case, trustee, to G. Voss,
lots 21. 22, block 28, II. & A.
Addition to Astoria 275
Theo. Kruse Catering Co- to W. R.
Sebree lots 1, 2, 3, 4, block 4,
Kruse's First Addition, Gear hart 400
from Hockinson, Wash, where Rev
Rvdquist officiated at the dedicatory
exercises of a new cemetery just opened
there by the Lutheran church. He says
the weather was uncomfortably warm
and Astoria weather is immeasurably
Funeral Yesterday. The body of the
late Aldric Waare, the boat puller of
Matt Korpela, drowned on July 23rd
through the .capsizing of the boat at
the mouth of the river, which was
washed up on the rocks at Long Beach
on Wednesday, was brought to Astoria
yetserday and the funeral held from the
Pohl Undertaking parlors. The inter
ment was in Greenwood cemetery.
Diea Yesterday. Mrs. Mary E. Rowa,
the wife of Charles Rowa, died yester
day morning of pneumonia after a brief
illness at her home on Irving avenue
in Uppertown. The deceased was aged
30 and a native of Finland. The funeral
will take place Sunday from the family
residence, with interment in Gray's
River cemetery.
NEW YORK. Aug. 3.-A cable dis
patch to the Herald from Montevideo,
Uruguay, says:
Students have actively endeavored to
provoke the animosity of the people
Against Secretary Root. Some papers
comment unfavorably on his last discourse.
Morning Astorian. 65 cents per month,
delivered by carrier.
menced in Earnest.
The sockeye salmon run on the Sound
has commenced in earnest, according to
the reports rweived by packers and
brokers in Seattle! The pack from the
usual early, straggling run, which has
been on for the past twojpr three weeks,
is estimated at between 60.000 and 70.-
000 cases, which is nearly equal to tho
pack of four years ago, the comparative
season, foi the same period of time.
The fish are in the strait in large shoals,
and are reported working in toward tha
regular course in the annual movement
to the spawning grounds of the Fraser
Estimates on the total pack at this
time are at variance, some of the pack
ers holding to the opinion that it will
equal four years ago, and others that it
will fall short. At this time there is no
W4iy of estimating the length ' of time
the present run will last. If the packing
continues for five or six days on the
same basis as yesterday, the output for
the season will be nearly equal that of
1902, which was slightly In excesa of
300,000 cases.
Up to last Wednesday the largest
number of sockeye taken in one trap
for a single day's fishing was 11,000.
This catch was made by a trap on
Strawberry bay, Cook's Cherry point
trap took 10.000 fish for one day's fish
ing on Monday.
The reports from the canneries, which
are submitted each week by the opera
tors to each other for comparison, show
that up to the present the smaller con
cerns have kept well up with former
records for light; yews.
Notice is hereby given that the
county superintendent of Clatsop coun
ty, will hold the regular examination of
applicants for atate and county- papers
For State Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August 8, at
9 o'clock a. m and continuing until
Saturday, August 10, at 4 o'clock, p. m.
Wednesday Penmanship, history.
spelling, physical geography, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic, theory
of teaching, grammar, bookkeeping.
physios, civil government
Friday Physiology, geography, men
tal arithmetic, composition, algebra.
Saturday Botany, plane geometry,
general history, English literature,
school law.
For County Papers.
Commencing Wednesday, August 8th,
at 9 o'clock, a. m and continuing until
Friday, August 10th at 4 o'clock. First
second and third grade certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship history,
orthograph, reading.
Thursday Written arithmetic theory
of teaching, grammar, physiology.
Friday Geography, mental arithme
tic, school law, civil government.
Primary Certificates.
Wednesday Penmanship, ortho
graphy, arithmetic, reading.
Thursday Art of questioning, theory
of teaching, physiology.
Supt. of Clatsop Co.
Astoria, Ore., July 30. 1900.
Theatre Again Packed to
Dumas' Famous Creation.
The Star theatre was again packed to
witness the second performance of Monte
Cristo by the Lee Willard Company. Mr.
Wilkrd demonstrated once more that ha
is a finished actor of no mean order,
and heartily earned the applause bestow
ed upon him.
In fact nothing too highly can be said
of the performance, and with the addi
tion of five new people, it is an aggre-
tion the Astoria people can well be
proud of, and which they are patroniz
ing very freely. Don't fail to see "Monte
Cristo. or you will miss the treat of
the season.
Photographer, first-class work, satis
faction guaranteed, an Fourteenth St.,
opposite Foard & Stokes.