2 THE MORNING ASTOItlAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Pubiifthcd Deny by IIXJ.S. DELLUIGER COMPACT. SUBSCRIPTION SATES. By mall, per yew 7.00 By nail, per month JO By Mrrier. per month.. .15 WEEXXY ASTOSIAS. 8, auto, per year, la advance. .11.00 iMcred aa eeoci-rla matter J one 33, IWfc, at tt postofflca at ajtorla, Ure roa, aider Uw act of Coogreci ol Marca t. KVOrdan for Um (Wtwnii of TBI Hoax s unoaiaa to Uc rwxSwaot or Dlaca of tinahwi stay aiada by poatal card or throat telethon. Amy irregularity ia aa Brery should be laraediatety reported to U officarfpublioatioa. TCLXPBOHX HATS 66u Official paper of Clatsop county and Ua City ofAatorla. WEAXHER. 4 Oregon. Washington, Idaho Fair; cooler. A5TH03TY COJISTOCS; WATCHDOG! For thirty-five years Anthony Corn stock ha been wtrW.:-i ol the moral of New York City, aad iacideetny, of the conn try. He u one of tse most courageous and nneompromtMisg enemies of the vicious and lewd ia 90cie.tr, ia the whole nation. Nothing escapes him; be ia at the head of a great department of the police bureau of New York, and his only aim is life is to safeguard the decency of the young. He is a master detective and one of the most notable and successful officers, in his line, in the world. He has just made a raid on one of the art galleries of 3ew York for ex hibiting too many and too suggestive pictures of the nude, and while he may be getting a bit crotchety and super censorious in his old days, well bet a free copy of the Astoria n, he is right in his premise. He has mighty few blunders to his account in the long drift of years in which he has figured as the arch-enemy of the nasty; and the pre sumption is a safe one that he is strict ly within the limits of his authority in the present instance. His name is a terror to the' corrupt and licentious all over the land. THE WORD OF A FRIEND. Richard Harding Davis, the well known novelist, comes to the rescue of- the good name of his dead friend, Stan ford White, the victim of Harry Thaw's murderous gun, lately in New York. Mr. Davis declares the early accounts sent out defaming White's name and record, were inspired lies, and utterly without foundation. That Stanford White was a clean and wholesome man, with the highest and purest motives, and led a life that was simply irreproach able, from any view-point honorably taken. This mean much. Men of the stamp of Mr. Davis are not given to making false moves, nor statements, even to spare a friend who is palpably unworthy the effort. And in confirma tion of bis loyal defense, it may bs noticed that the 1c10us stories scat tered broad-cast immediately after the murder and dealing with Mr. White' alleged licentious and ignoble courses of life, have ceased utterly since the stal wart and magnamimous vindication in augurated by this noted and thoroughly respected author and gentleman. Hard ing Davis speaks by the card when he speaks in this wise, and he will be duly credited everywhere. 0 ASTORIA'S PLAIN DUTY. It is Astoria's plain and simple duty to put herself in shape for the proper reception and entertainment of the traveling public, before another summer solstice shall swing upon her. She must have a new and modem hotel, whomso ever shall build it. She is the only city of her size in the country so badly equipped in this particular, and the laches is being remarked on all sides. There are hundreds of people who would make this city a summer habitat, a common center from which to radiate in a hundred directions to points of in terest round about, if only she had a place to house and feed them as they demand housing and feeding. Whatever else she may do in the quest for popu larity, h must mt longer neglect this arch-need. It is contributing to her injury now, far more than her people imagine, and another season of delin queney will work her poltiv detri went. There is nothing that should command a deeper nor readier interest than this. o THE OTHER AKGUJTE5T. To check the political ambitions of the Labor I'nion leader, the National Citizens' Industrial Association ia sub mitting to political candidates through out the country two questions: "Have you pledged your support to the Labor trut or to any other trust organization, or corporation seeking special legislation V "H1 you or will you not represent the citizens a a whole and seek to protect them from class legislation whether by organized capital or orga niied labor when such legislation Is in the interests of the few to give power over the many!" The plan provides that the names of candidate who stand for labor or capi ta trusts shall be supplied to the differ ent citizens associations now organized in over 500 town and cities in order that citizens of all parties, who are op poed to cUs legislation and organized trust methods of seeking to control legislation can vote for anti-trust candi dates at the coming election. The citizens propose to support public men of either party who stand free from pledge to any organization. They refer to the effort of the labor leaders to secure the passage of an anti-injunction MIL as a direct step towards anarchy and an effort to take away the power of the courts and transfer it to the labor trut or a capital trust, whichever might choose to revenge itself on workingmen. To strip the courts of power to restrain organizations from attacking men or property, would place citizen and com munities in jeopardy, from any organi zation either of labor or capital which might choose to ue violence. Labor in its proposed attacks upon other work men and property; capital if it should see fit to hire men to attack union workmen. This movement of citizens is based upon the theory of government that the community must protect its member from control of the people by any orga nization, class or trust. 0 OREGON'S PRIMARY LAW. Pa 'Merlraaa (UrC I awta mash weeth iUg JJ.C, An' aha e 'Mericana too! Tom weell no cutta me ro slow Eat som' tiros yo ran looka aea How she sea com' an' flirt areata ina. Moat vra two t ree day. my frand, 8te atop by dees pranutta stand An' amlle an' mat' 4a funrla eye An' Justa lovk at me an' sigh, An alia time she so excite' Ptie peeck som' fruit an' take bit a Oh. my, she eesa look to twtt t t no ears how much fruit the eat tie? I am tw an' m' prrtand 1 want no more dun be her frand. But en my heart, you bit my Ufa, ! theenk of Mr for b my wlf. Today I thernk: "Now I weal to How moocha she ee mash wtrth ma." An to I span of dea an' dat How moocha ploynta won' I rat. How mooch I makto' tvra day An' w'at 1 rpand an' put away. An' den 1 ask, to quteck. to sly: "Tou theenk torn' pretta atrl watll try For Jovln- rr.B a leetla fern? An" f I ask her Uka da For averta" mt a foot la area. Tou s'poee sti reave me wan or twoT She tai m. Twanty-t'm for yon!" An' den the laugh to tweet an' say: "SkaeJdoo; Skeeddoo!" an' run away. Bh tike to mooch for keesa ma She trona crew ma twanty-t'ree! I s'pose dat Wat tha aav-'gkeaddaor-. Ua. Wat you theenk? Now, mebba aa Tou weell no rails ma to slow! -T. A. Daly tn Cat hollo Standard aut limes. BLEAK SHETLAND. Ita I warms at trm Call aaa Ita Laas Trea, ip iuue mne on Lerwick a one street then la a garden. At least. It la aa Inclosed space. In the middle of this pae there la a tree. It la not a very tall tree; you could, in fact, toss biscuit over Its branches, bnt atill It a tree the only tree In Shetland. And Shetland 1 proud of it. Children who are brought for the first time to ee the wonder of one streeted Ler wick are shown this tree. This la not fiction. It Is the only treo tn Shetland. Aa there are no trees tn Shetland. there are no birds, except, of course. the sea gulls, which you can number by the thousand. The sea gulls are the sparrows of Lerwick, and. as such, they have a greater share In the town's life than have the sparrows of London. In the morning time you will note that a sea gull sits on every chimney pot Sea gulls swoop nnd hover over every roof In the town. The air is full at their strange, high. plaintive, haunting cries. Their sad. shrill, loug drawn cries are to Lerwick as the chattering of sparrows or the cawing of rooks ae to us In England. Every bouse has rts own familiar sea gulls and every street Its own band of sea gulls. They never nilx. The chil dren tn each bouse have a pet name for their own particular sea gulls, and, having called them to them by those names, they feed tfcein every day. And each sea gull knows what Is meant for htm N'd UM Villi Q f t ft yv nnn tita Frederick W. Mulkey. who was a can- rer seek, to eat tha food araHm didate in the primary election in Oregon from the house next door. He does not I . : T . , C i . i " J .1 . .. ... tor uoiumaijuu as i nuva states senator, and who is on a visit to this city, has given the Post-Intelligencer some inter' estinff facts about the workings of the now law in his state. It is quite evi dent that Mr. Mulkey is not an unquali fied admirer of the new law. He criti cizes it sharply in some respects, but he also said: "It seems to have annihilat ed completely the party boss and there seems no manner or way in which politi cal manipulation can be successfully re sorted to in a primary election." If this stood alone as the sole argu ment which could be made in favor of the direct primary, it should be suffic ient to mass the great majority of the people behind the demand for ita enact ment. A system which annihilates the boss and makes for good services rendered the people, not personal sen-ices render ed the bos', the effective method of ad vancing the political fortunes of the in dividual office holder or office seeker, guarantees that the public will be in finitely better served in the future than in the paet. If the direct primary annihilates the party boss system and closes the door to political trickery and manipulation through which to control nominations, which are substantially equivalent to elections, the state which adopts the direct primary is to see a cleaner era in politics and a higher order of public service than it has ever witnessed in the past. It is certain to have in office public nervants who recognize their ac countability is to the people, not to the machine. Seattle P.-I. o THE PERFECT WAY. Scorta of Astoria Citiitns Learned It If you suffer from backache. Thero It only out way to curt It, The perfect way is to curs ths kidney. A bad back mean tick kidueya. Keglect it, urinary troubles follow. Doan's Kidney Pilla are made for kid Myt only. Mrs. J. W, Painter, of 310 East Sev enth street Portland. Ors., taytt "1 hava not h-i any of my faith ia Doan's Kidney Pills since I publicly rscom mended the remedy in February, 1903. As I started at that tlmt, a severs spell of sicknc early In my life left ms with kidneys, and is time went on I suf fered mors end mors with spells of backache. The pain through ths kid neys was torture, and often a could not find a comfortable position to lis in. When aWs to be up and around I wti troubled with headaches and dizziness and could not stoop or lift anything. I doctored and used various treatments but nothing seemed to help ms any until I began using Doan's Kidney Pilla. The use of this remedy was very satisfac tory. It gars ms to much relief that I cannot hesitate to recommend it, and will put In a good word for Doan's Kid ney Pills whenerer I find an opportun Ity- rienty more proof lika this from As. toria people. Call at Charles Rogers drug store and a'k what his customers report For sale by all dealers. Pries SO cents. Foster-Milbtirn Co., Buffalo, New York. sole agents for ths United States. Remember ths name Doan's sad take no other. S0l!.EF0UaaSPECIALTIES Best Selection in the City at the Low est Prices JAPANESE MATTINGS Just the Thing for the Floor of Any Room; Easily Kept Clean PREPARED WALL BURLAPS For the Den or Dining Room. Made in Beautiful Shades A Large Assortment of Room Mouldings and Plate Ralls B, F. ALLEN G SON S"iBT The Art of Fin Plumbing: has progreud with the development of ths science of tanlutioa sod wt hivs kept pact with the Improvements, litre vouf Or It your bathroom ths old hohlooed, cnhaaltfc kind I If JtM art itlfl using the closed In" fixtures of tea years ago, It would be well roremort ihetn ind Install In their itcid, snowy white 'StesdW Porcelain Emm eled Ware, of which we have samples displayed In our showroom. ui quote ot prices. Illustrated catalogue free. I, 'A. Monomery.OAstoria. JM0f)J of WHAT'S THE USE WORRYING. Microbes in everything you eat and drink, and if you eat and drink microbes you will surely die and if you don't eat and drink you will still more surely die, Bound to surely die in any event, you had bettter pay no more attention to microbes than your grand daddies did. They ate and drank everything they wanted and they lived long and pros pered knowing nothing whatever about microbes and yet it is .said they lived eight hundred years, eating and drinking microbes all the time. Eat and drink anything you want, microbes and all, and you will live until you die and that is just what old Methuselah did he lived until he died. o ' Judge Aren't you ashamed to stand there in the dock charged with beating your own wife! Prisoner Herr Judge, what would you do if your wife called you a besotted, drunken vagabond! Witzblatt. dare; the other auila would kill him So all day long the ea gulls hover and call over the roofs of Lerwick. The people of tbe town, hf they come across a little pile of rice hid upon the rood way, step over It with care. They know that It Is plaesd there for some sea gull. And at n'ght the sea gulls leave their own appointed chimney pots and fly gracefully away to their resting places on the rocks of the Isle of Noss. London Express. Judge Have you any witnees lat night's attack upon yout Prosecutor Certainly; my house dog Plulo. Just let him Inside the door and he will go straight for ths prisoner. Judge No; we can't go so fait. The witnees have to be sworn first. Bombe. Ia Self Defense Major Hamm, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist Eminem, Ky, when he was fiercely attacked four years ago by piles, bought s box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he savs; It cured me in ten days and no trouble since." Quickest healer of Burns, Sores Cutt and Wounds. 25c at Charles Rogers drug store. aug MlM168HMPiy iiniiiNDPnsoniop Steam Cleaning sod Dying a Specialty. Special Atttntloa Clvta to ladies' Work, All Work Called tot and Delivered. 71 KISTH STREET CARL BREON ASTORIA, OREGON, j ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHNi FOX, Pres. FL BISHOP. Secretar) ftlS?. I01 Vi-rre. nd Rupt. AHTORIA SA VINOS HANK, Tress A That bewitching siren has cost me all my fortune. B And me my understanding. A You always get off eailv. Kikeriki. Mow Ha Kaew. There Is a very forgetful girl In Den ver, living up on Washington street Fearing a young man who called on her last week would stay too long she set the clock In the parlor half an hour ahead. She was tired, having been out norseback riding that day, and wanted to get to bed early. The scheme worked. But then she forgot to turn the clock back and, having numerous young men friends, she also very care lessly forgot which one It was. Last night the young man called again. me ciocs: was still fast and he no ticed it mat clock Is wrong. Isn't ltr he asked. "Yes," she replied. "I set It ahead so a fellow who called Wednesday night would go home In time to let me get some siet-p." "The clock fooled him all right," said tne caller quietly. "How do you know?" she asked. The younir man smiled a sickly smile. "i cauea Wednesday night." The girl coughed. "We're having so much trouble In getting n hired girl," she said. "Does your mother ever have difficulty secur ing gooa neipy-Deaver Vt Twisted. Lady (enw.tfiig donicstio-And does your .voting wan wish to see you every week? Servant no, mum: some weeks ' don't MHMiif. far montlis.-Tatler. Morning Astorian, 65 cents per month. delivered by carrier. The Empress of Japan has preented 084 artificial eves and 17!)7 artificiul limbs to soldiers maimed during the Russo-Japanese war, according to a Iapanee newspaper. Designers and Manafactaren of THE LATEdT IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outilti Furni$h4 CORRESPONDENCe SOUCITED. II Foot of FmiHi. - w . ns a VVl Conductor (to gentleman with lady) lMtt t you wish a separate coin part ment again, Herr Schancherlf loung Husband No. this time it's my wife. Kikeriki. Werahard's LAGER The End of ths World of troubles that robbed E. n. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters. He writes: "Two years ago kidney trouble caued me great suffering, which I never would have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of general debility." Sure cure for all stomach, Liver and Kidney coni' plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and weakness or bodily decline. Price 50c. Guaranteed by Charles Rogers drug store. ug First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. CSTA1SLISIIED 1880. Capital $100,000 J. Q. A. B0WLBY, President. 0. I. PETERSON. Vice-President. tiere is a question in naval science which is to the avemge sailor man a ridle unsolved. Take a vessel, of sny, 2,500 tons; place on it a cargo of 3,500 tons. This gives you a total of 0,000 tons. Hitch a little tug to this vessel and she will yank the big craft along at the rate of six or eight knots an hour. Now, put the tugs machinery in the big vessel. It wont move her half a knot an hour. Why is tins? r RANK PATT0N, Cashier. J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Paid In f loooo, Surplus and Undivided Profit IM.000. Transact a General Banking Business, Intere.l Paid on Tlrna Deposits 168 Tenth 8trst, Daughter I am going to read that new book, "In the Everlasting Ice." Mother Very well; but better wrap something round your throat. Bombe. A8TOKIA, OREGON, Sherman Transler Co. 3ENRY 8HERMAN, Manager "A stupid, jealous girl, that Elsie. I told her four weeks ago in the strict est confidence that I was secretly en gaged, and up to now she hasn't told a s, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred -Trucks .-J .u .ini.t,.i.miu'n.i.i.tt "ucas ari rumiture A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodio attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that Dr, King's New Life Pills solved for me" writes John N. Pleasant of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that are guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction to everybody or money refunded. Only 25c at Charles Rotrers (drugstore. aug Wagons Pianos Movsd, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phnn m.im i. PORTLAND WIRB AND IRON WORKS USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE and IRON WORK of ALL KINDS. 283 Flandera St,mtTLAND,OR. wlWw,l,l,J