-4 FRIDAY, AUGUST 3, 1908. t v , J- 'i i T1IE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. I f I ' - THE LUNACY OF LOVE. 4 Vmlwcr I.rttoa Ltter ta Hi Off i vi f Adore Wo!.", To Mist Louise Deyey, the former friend and the executrix of Lady Lyt- ton, had been confided a packet of 18 letters, representing the correspond enee of Bulwer I-tton with Miss Wlieeler In the days of; their early courtship. Miss Devey published these with a preface, stating that sue toou this action tn order to vindicate the memory of her dead friend. In what mauner the letters could bo rvgnrOed as a vindication it Is difficult to see, though they serve as a remarkable con tribution to the literature of epistolary lovemaklng. The extravagant absurdi ty of some of them Is almost beyoud belief, and two passages may be quot ed as Illustrative of many others. la the letters Bulwer Lyttos. addresses Miss Wheeler as "Poodle" and signs himself Tuppy" or "Puppo." "My Adored Poodle: Many, many thanks for 00 darling letter. Me Is so happy, me is wagging my tall and put ting my ears down. Me is to meet 00 tomorrow. O day f days: I cannot tell you how very, very happy you have made mel No, my own love, don't come before 12; but really I shall meet you! Oh, darling of darlings 0 boo love of loves, me Is ready to leap oat of my skin for Joy! Adieu. Twen ty million kisses. "And so they dressed my poodle In white and black? 0 too darling! How Kk a poodle! And had 00 oo'a bootlful an curled nicely, and did 00 not look too pretty, and did not all the puppy dogi run after 00 and tell 00 what a darling 00 was? Ah! Me sends 00 8,000,000 kisses to be distributed at follows: 600,000 for 00 bootlful mouth, 230,000 to 00 right eye, 250,000 to 00 left eye. 1,000,000 to 00 dear neck and the rest to be equaHy divided between 00 arms and hands. "Ten million more kisses, my own darling, for your letter which is just arrived. It Is read, and now before It la answered take the following (marks of kisses). Pray, darling, shall we not kiss prettily tomorrow, darling (d) (a) (r) l)(i) (n) (? "Adieu, my own Rose, my life of life, wry poodle of very poodles, adieu! "Adieu, 00 own Idolatrous puppy. "Ever my dearest, dearest, dearest, fondest, kindest, bootlfulest, darling ast. angelest poodle. Oo own puppy." Lyndon Orr In Bookman. Aa to Til. Husband What has become of those Indestructible toys you got last week? Wife They are out 00 the scrap heap along with the indestructible kitchen ntensils. New York Life.. T Strictly Germ Prof. The antiseptic 'aby and tba prophylactic pup ' - ' r -.' Were playing In the garden when the bunny gamboled up. They looked U2n the. creature with a loathing undisguised - -" It wasn't disinfected, and it wasn't eter nized. They said it was a microbe and a hotbed of disease! They (teamed it in a vapor of a thousand odd degrees; They froze it In a freezer that was cold as banished hope And washed It in permanganate with carbolated soap. in sulphuretted hydrogen they steeped Its wiggly ears; They trimmer Its frisky whiskers with a pair of hard boiled shears; They donned the'.r rubber mittens, and they took it by the hand And 'lected it a member of the fumigated band. There's not a micrococcus In the garden where they play: They swim in pure Iodoform a dozen times a day. And each Imbibes his rations from a hygienic cu? The bunny and the baby and the prophy lactic vup. Arthur Gulterman in tfoman's Home Companion. The intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is instantly al layed by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As a cure for skin diseases this salve ia unequalled. For sale by Frank Hart, leading druggist. aug LAUNDRIES. The Troy Laundry The only white labor laundry in th city. Does the best work at reasonable prices and is in every way worthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE Ste., Prion. 1991. SEASIDE ADVERTISEMENTS. Lewis & Co., Druggists Full line of drugs, souvenirs, stationery confectionery and soda waters. Office of Dr. Lewis at drug store, Bridge street end of the bridge. . SEASIDE, ' OREGON New building, New Furniture, 100 Rooms COLONIAIHOTEL , LINDSLEY & SON, Proprietors Modern and Up-to-Date Electric lights, hot and cold water; free 'bus to all trains. Rates, $2.00 per day and up. SEASIDE, - OREGON. OCEAN SALOON A high clasg place for refresh ments for ladies and gentlemen B. J. CALLAHAN, Prop. The supplying of any want that may arise in domestic or commercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want in the " Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astorian. A necessity which may arise for buying or selling horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, real estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewriters, or thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help cf any sort, or situation of any kind, to Hud lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodging or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; any of these wants - , . may be supplied by using the "Want" columns of The Morning ' Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements ON INSERTION ONE CENT A WORD TERES LINES THREE DATS, 30 CENTS Count Six Words to a Lisa. to Casta a lint a week. "SITUATION WANTED" For the benefit of persona oat of employment, ads under the head of "8ttua tion Wanted f wfll ba HELP WANTED. WANTED-GIRL TO WORK IX PRIV- ate family of 3. Inquire at Astorian office. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work. Apply 276 Bond St. 8-3-3t. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED-PQSITION AS BOOKKEEP- er, office man, or shipping clerk, speaks and writes Swedish, English and Ger man; handy in any line. Address F- 32, Astorian. , 7-31-lt. LOST AND FOUND. FOUND-200 FLOATS OF i INCH mesh net at head of Sand Island on July 10th. Apply to George Barker's Cannery. ;, 7-29-7t FOUND JOHN ELEFTHERia FISH- ing for- Tallant ft Grant, picked up put side of Peacock Spit, full net. .Looser enquire at Tallant ft Grant's Cannery. 7-28-7t NET LOST SATURDAY NIGHT AT the light house; 8-inch mesh; one- half net 53 mesh deep, other half 60 mesh deep; finder return to Combine cannery and receive reward, Fred Chris tofsen. 8-1-St. tOST-A WHITE AND RED HEIFER; ha small bell; finder notify O. Tom- berg. Seventh street anil Young's Bay. PERSONAL. ELDERLY LADY WISHES THE Ac quaintance of elderly gentleman of means; no other need apply. Address "J," Astorian. 8-2-3t. FURNISHED ROOMS. WANTED 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping. Address N. J. J., Astorian. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms, 578 Shannahan Bldg. 8-3-2t. WANTED 2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping. Enquire at Astorian office. 8-3-It. BOARDING. THE LEYDE. Rooms with or without board; rates reasonable; good accom modation for transients. 14th and Commercial. TWO OR THREE ROOMS WITH board at the Holden House, 405 Duane. 8-2-4t. HOUSE MOVERS. FREDRECKSON BROS. We make a specialty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Duane. tf WOOD YARDS. DRY MILL WOOD. ALL KINDS OF WOOD BOX WOOD from Humes Mill a specialty. Ben Ekoos. Tel. Black 2438. 1828 38th street. WOOD Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood ( t lowest prices. Kelly, the transfer man. 'Phone aioi Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. It printed tkwo days im of eharg, PROFESSIONAL ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. H. ABERCROMBIE, Attorney-at-Law. General Practitioner, Notary Public Rooms 35-38 Phone Mala 2951. Page Block. Cor. Commercial ft 12th 8t. F. D. WINT0N, Attorney-at-Law. Practices in all United States and State Courts in Oregon and Washing ton. Notary Public, Phone Main 941, noma 2 and 3. Logaa Building, corner Commercial and Sixteenth streets oppo site O. R. ft N. Company doc. OSTEOPATH 1ST. Dl. SB0DA C. EXCXS ' OSTEOPATH Office Mansefi Bid. Phone Black 1011 171 Commercial St, Aatorta, On. DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial 8t Astoria Oreeon. Dr. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria. Oregon. Dr. W. C LOGAN DENTI81 78 Commercial St., Shanahan Building NURSES. MRS. JULIUS DAVIS (late of Portland) n,.A.ta VnrM Roval London (Eng.), Hospital Maternity cases requested. Hammond, - vregon. MU3IC TEACHES. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian office. MAND9LTN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RE8TAU RANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 434 Jiona st. BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 15-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 CommercialSt. Parker House Oregon Restaurant NEW AND FIRST-CLASS DINING ROOM. ALL THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Corner Ninth and Astor Streets. t-" ;H ? J ! ; XI ! WWWWM MM WW I 1 HOTEL! HOTEL PORTLAND Finest Hotel In the Northwest PORTLAND, OR1. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. THE SAVOY Popular Concert Ball Good musk. All an welcome. Cor aar Senntk and Astor. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St Tba leading amusement house. Agency ior Edison Phonographs aad Cold Moulded Records. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. ffi Till ill 410 BOND ST, ASTORIA, OREGON Carries the Finest Line of Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AND SEE US "PaleBohemlan LaAer Beer" THE BEER. FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Brewed stiller sanitary conditions sod proper iy aged right here in Aitorto. North Pacific Brewing Go. ASTORIA, OREGON. INEXPENSIVE JAPANESE FIXINGS, MADE OF BAM BOO, LIGHT, STRONG, HAND MADE, TABLES, STANDS, CHAIRS, WHAT-NOTS, BOOKCASES, SHELV ING, ETC. Yokohama Bazaa'r 625 Commercial St., Astoria. MM I m s of NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. H annual minting of the utm-klwld' ir of the Odd Fellows' Lend A UulM Ititj Association will I held on Tliur day, August 23, WW- t 8 o'clock P at 'Odd Fellows" flail. JOHN HAUN Set-rotary. 1-8 4t. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Know all peopla that from this dnt. the firm of V. N. Vancll 4 Co.. Is dU solved. J. Splglit. retiring, and V. N. Vancil continuing the hulni, asumlng H debts and collecting all accounts due the nn. V. 2?. VAN'CIL, JAMES SPIOIIT. Astoria. 0r July 23, 1000. 7-SMOt. RECEIVER'S NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah. Eloanor 01mtead. plalntlft, vs. The Trader' Insurance Company, et at. defendant. Notice U hereby given that the under signed h ben appointed by the above entitled court In the above-entitled cause receiver for the State of Oregon, of the defendant. The Trader' Insurance Com pany of Chicago, IlllnoU, and that by order of the said court, alt persons hav og claim, against the said defendant, The Trader' Insurance Company, arising on policies iued In Oregon, are required to present the tame to the undersigned, at the address below given on or before the 31st day of October, W6, snd If not so preentfd, the same will not partici pate in the dlitrlbuatlon of the fund of the said defendant company .In the hands of the receiver. Notice li further given, that all re turn premiums will be computed from the 5th day of May. l('6, the date of the lno!vency of the aM The Traders' Insurance Company, and all policyhold ers of tb- said defendant company are urjed to inir, If they have not al ready done so. and to preent their claims properly verified promptly to the receiver with the surrender of thi lr policies. Forms for proofs of claims may be had from the receiver or from the former agents of the company. A. H. Bill It ELL. Receiver. Address McKsy Building. Portland, Oregon. Dated June 29. 1004. A. F. FLEGEL and BEACH ft SIMON, Attorneys for Receiver. T-lfl JM. CITT NOTICES. NOTICE. Notice U hereby given Hint the Com mittee on Streets and Public Ways, the City Surveyor and the Superintendent of Streets have filed a certificate of the completion of the 18th street sewer, from a point 15 feet south of the north line of Grand avenue to the north line of Exchange street, by W. A. Gootlin the contractor, in accordance with general ordinance Xo, 3234 and the contract therefore. That unlets objections arc filed agaitmt the same, the same will be accepted at the nxt regular meet ing of the common council by ordinance. OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Tolice Judge of the City of Alorla. Dated, Aug. 2, 1!MW. 8-2-3t. NOTICE. Notice U hereby given that the Com mittee on Street and public Ways of the Common Council of the City of As toria, the City Surveyor and the Super intendent of Street have filed n cer tificate of the completion of the Im provement of 10th street, from the south line of Commercial street to the north line of Dunne street, by E. A. Gcrdlng, the contractor, in accordance with gen eral ordinance, No. 3254 and the contract therefore. That unles objection are filed against the same, the name will be accepted by ordinance nt the next regu lar meeting of the common council. OIX)F ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated, Aug. 2, ltiOil. 8-2-3t. NOTICE. There is money in the city treasury to pay all warrants endorsed from the 20th day of July to the 8th day of August, 1005. This call Includes a war rant drawn on the city , hall fund in favor of Eniil Schncht for $853.30, inter est will cease after this dnte. TffOS. DEALEV, ; City Treasurer. Astoria, Or., July 31, 190(1. 8-l-3t, ! NOTICE! OF ASSESSMENT. ' Notice is hereby given that the assess ment made for the improvement, of Alameda avenue, from a point 10 feet went of Ihe center line of Columbia ave nue to the east line of Ilwaeo avenue, as per assessment roll number 122, wa made by an order of the common coun cil dun and payable on the 1st day of October, 1900, by ordinance number 3202 confirming said assessment roll, that the following are the names of the perooiis against whom tht assessment la made and the amount owing by eh to-wit 1 Astoria A Cut. Rlv. By, Co. 2008 Antterg. Aleda . V 37 50 Alio, Paul ,.....'....).... mi 18.75 American Finnish Workmen's Co Operative Association , 28.50 Atol Lodge N. 8, Finnish Broth- crbiHHl of the World 20 W) Dnkka, Andrew 1878 Host row. Ilanmt mm ,... 18,78 llyyny, Aigut 19.00 Wghltl, Lea 22.W Carlson, C. ,, fl-80 Columbia River Packer A woola- ' tion 80.00 Eiitkson, Josephine 10,00 Krli-ksoit, John 78.00 Erlckson, Abram 30,00 Ivskala, Kmll 37,80 Elmore, Samuel . ...., Hffl Furslck, Elena . 88,00 Forsnmn, Charles , 18.78 FlnnMi Evangelical Luthmn Na tional Congregation 30.00 Oustavson, John 30,00 HakvU. Alesamb 17-00 ITanula, Daniel 1600 lUnula. Andrew 10.00 llotm. Andrew 32 00 Hllstrom, Matlld 37.80 Hendrlekson, Herman 2800 Ttammond Lumber Co m .. 072 00 Helkke, Belnt 18.78 Ilendrtckson. Ilenif ........mm. 2400 Ifannus, Jacob .................. 1.78 Hedrlck. Jlina Megler 41.21 Jakkolaa. Maria 32,00 Johnwm, Anton ................ 37.80 Johnson. Ale ....... .......... 18,78 Jyllia. John 19 80 Jo,on, Charlc 30.00 Johnson, John 1. .... . 18 78 Jneolison, August 2400 Juola, John 3t0 Jackson, Jacob 1080 Korpela. Matt 32,00 Kankonen, Jacob ,. 121.83 Karjala. Lars 32.00 Koskle Andrew 32.00 Klppo, Katie 2800 Kertnla, John 28,00 Kaleva, Axel 30.00 Kauttu, Chas 30,00 Kamarn. Issk 37.80 Kankonen, Frans 4280 KiMkela, Koorsd 10.00 Kankkonen, Matt F. 13 00 Klosternmn. John 188.00 Kalston, Tlllla Walsonsa 1800 Lebeck, L. .............. 28.00 Lynl, Matlaa 8780 Thdtnpera, Andreir 19.80 Lucason, Ilehn 18.78 Lahtl, Lars 18.00 Larson, Henry 18.73 Matlln, Michael 32.00 Mattson, Ireel 18.00 Mattson. Emll 37JW Melin, Isaae 00 Miller. Matt 13 00 MeriUne Jacob 30.00 Maknl. Kenry 18.73 Msttila. Anna Maria ... 10.78 Megler, J. G 41.28 Neika. Albert 8.8S Numtr, Alfred - 37,00 Niemclin, Frank 18.00 Norberg, Helena 10 00 Nelson. Israel 18.73 (Htrom, John 28.13 Ostman, Frank 87 0 Pattaja, Jacob E. 33.80 Pato, Alex 18 00 Pentlla. John 18.00 Palo, Matt 32.00 Planting, John 37 80 PantUjn. Wm 37.80 Pentllla, Alet 28.12 Pletala, Alex 7.38 Pauttn, Ea H.00 Peninsula Land 4 Trust Co 1027.23 Relnlkka. Hentrl 75.00 Rilppa, Richard H.00 Ross, Hlgglns t Co H.00 Soumi Temperance Society 63.80 Saarlnen, Karl 37.80 School District No. 1 49,00 Strong, Mary F 85.00 Stonlnke. Wm 80.25 Souppl, Jacob 10,00 Soumatalnen Co-OperAtive Co.... 10.00 Sttiiborn-Cutting Co 50.00 Totvonen, Moes 37.50 Thompton, August 32.00 Thompson, Ida K 10.30 Thompson, Alex 7.37 Takkuncn, John William 32.00 Talvitie, John Guatava . . . . 45,00 Tarppa, Maria 10.00 Taylor, Kate 110,50 Taylor, Frank 84.00 Taylor, E. A 109,00 Utterberg, Ava ................ 24.00 Union Fishermen Co-Operatlve Packing Company 100.00 Wilson, John , .. 7-00 Wilson, Charles 25.50 Winters, James J 37.50 Wuopla, John 6.00 Wirkkaln, Lena 0,00 Wirkkaln, Neater 11.80 White, lone E 87.00 Yrcll, Alex 32.00 Ylitnls, rirnry Erlckson 8.00 City of Astoria (excels) 2.00 By order of the common council. ' - , " OLOF ANDERSON, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Astoria. Dated Astoria, Oregon, July 21, 1000. , 7-21-10t. Seaside, . Oregon