The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, August 03, 1906, Image 1

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Son of Lyraaa Gage Suici
des in Seattle
Wife Was Trying to Find Him
and His Disgrace Caused
Deed ComroltUd at th Tourist Hotel
Yesterday Afternoon Registered
Under Aitumed Nam Had
Money ia tbt Bink,
SEATTLE, Augut 2.-E. A. Gage,
on of Lyman J. Gage, former- secre
tary of the treasury committed suicide
ttilt afternoon in the Tourist Hotel by
shooting hlnuolf in the hud with a
revolver. He died a few minutes later.
The only caue which can be sslgned
U that li wi temporarily lnane from
drinking. Hie wife tome here train
Chicago ht Monday and employed de
tectlve to locale her hubnd. Friend
of the dead man believe he learned of
her pretir and fearing to meet her,
divided to end hli life.
Gage evidently knew he wa shadow
d. for he registered a J. W. Corat.
He went there on July 21), and had atop
ped at evera other place under a
ouiiu'd itnme. None of )U hnggugc i
at the Touriitt. There tint nothing in
the mom but four empty whisky bottle
and another half full. On liU person
wa a bankbook of the National Hank
of Commerce, which ahnwed he had de
posited more than fHXHl when he ar
rived here. On July 24th, he had re-
quested the bank to give him a state
nifnt of hla balance, and it tad footed
tip (211.83. The check book failed to
ahow any money drawn since that date,
t Mr. Gage did not hear of her husband'
death until late thi evening.
RAX DIEGO. AugiK 2,-Lyman J
Gage, when called up at Point Ixmia,
utoted, over the phone, that the name of
the Seattle suicide corresponded to that
of hi on but he thought it strange if
it i the latter, that nobody in Seattle
had notified him.
CHICAGO, August 2.-K11 A. Gage
left Chicago several year ago and went
to Alaka during the gold excitement.
For several year he was auditor of the
North American Trading 4 Transporta
tion Company.' Since leaving the em
ploy of the company two year ago
nothing is known about him in Chicago.
BALTIMORE, August 2,-Valtor K.
McElroy, aged 54, a prominent member
of the Independent Order of Odd Fel
low, w.i almost instantly killed yes
terdny while returning from the funeral
of Israel Terry of Bnyomie, N. J., whose
body had been brought here for burial.
McKlroy was alone in a hack, the horses
of which became frightened and run
away. The hack was dashed violently
against a post and demolished and Me
F.lroy's bend wn out by broken gins.
The driver of the hack was seriously
injured, . ,
' MADE11A, Cal., August 2. -After
leaving $120 in gold sealed tn on en
velope nt the local undertakers, J. V.
Lnversk Inst evening committed suicide
by taking morphine. Family troubles
culminated yesterday and this brought
n divorve suit. This is supposed to be
the cause of his act.
Arsenic in Dead Woman's Stomach
Leads to Suspicion of Foul Play.
CHICAGO, August 2,-Vriial woll-de-filled
evidence of arsenic have been
found in the vital organ of Mr. Jo
hanna Aug. Knudsen who died i her
home In Went Pullman, March 17, wa
reported to Assistant Slate Attorney
01en yesterday by Profeor Walter
Ifilmm, Dr. Ltulwlg Hckton. and Coroner
riiyti Ian lwk. Arrangement for the
InmieM Thursday MIoweiL Whether
the ease will be presented to the grand
Jury depend upon the coroner.
Mr. Knudten wa the wife of K. 0.
Kniiilien. a carpenter and the cau-e of
her death after an llliiea of le than a
week after was given acute gatriti.
.Some time after her death, Charles II.
Wler, a brother-in-law, declared hi
belief thant the woman had been poU
oned and Coroner HolTman ordered the
body exhumed.
It developed yesterday that Detec
tive Kheehan , l In Providence, It. I.
searching for a Ml Helen HelflelL
an intimate of Mia Helena Wetberg.
who wa said to have been on friendly
term with KnimVn and for whom the
police have bean searching.
Invstigstioa of New Yoik Picking
Hornet Show PUci Clean.
AMU XV, S. Y, Aug. 2.. .Comml
iloner Porter of the Stat Department
of Health, in a bulletin printed today
declare that recent Inspection of slauglv
ter houe and meat packing etabllh
mcnl by local health officer we par'
every part of the state.
"Wlille a comparatively small number
of place were found In which the con
dltlon could be considered as being
ummnitary," say Mr. Porter, "enough
wa discovered to show the value of
maintaining an Inspection of the place.
The local board have been prompt to
act in ordering the premise cleaned and
general condition bettered. The reult
ha been a marked improvement in a
large ihiiiiIht of these establishments
Rockefeller Will Not Go Before
the Grand Juiy.
Attorneys of Government In Standard
Oil Prosecution Will Not Jeopardise
Rockefeller! Prosecution by
Subpoenaing Him.
CHICAGO, August 2. Preparatory to
an ItiveHtigntion Of the relations of the
Standard Oil and Certain Chicago rail
roads, a mass of evidence weighing 200
pounds was sent from the office of Com
inissioner of Corporations Garfield at
Washington and is being examined by
the government attorneys in charge oi
the Investigation. It is announced that
John I). Rockefeller will not be sum
moned to appear before the grand jury
as such nppearnnco would jeopardize bis
prosecution if such notion decided was
NEW YORK, August 2. Ilobart S.
Bird, who once published a newspaper
iu Ran Juan, P. R., has sued eight of the
highest American officials in the island,
ircluding the present governor, and his
predecessor, for $100,000 damages in the
Supremo Court in Brooklyn. Ho charges
them with having wiveked his paper,
ruined his reputation and forced him
out of the island. Biivl is now practic
ing law in this. city. : ,
VIENNA. August 2. Walter Fried-
landers, cousin of Joseph Pulitzer, was
killed by falling over a precipice while
descending the Brounningzinken.
Testimony Comes to Very
Sudden Close
Attorneys Will Argue Their Re
speclive Sides of Case
Monday. .
Friends Felicitate Woman Upon the
the Admirable Way She Ha
Borne the Severs Strain of
the Trial.
PITTSBURG, August 2.-Aften 21
days of actual court sessions, the Hartje
divorce case terminated rather suddenly
today. Skilfully the attorneys for both
sides fenced for advantage over the
argument, but with the consent of tie
attorneys, and at the suggestion of
Judge Rolrt 8. Fraser they were set
for next Monday morning. Judge Fraser
announced More the cloe that the case
must be submitted to him by Wednes
day evening, a he Intended to leave for
his vacation next Thursday.
Immediately after the caa was con
eluded Mrs. Hartje was surrounded by
a group of friend, who shook her
hands and congratulated her on the
manner in which she held up under the
severe strain. Augustus Hartje sat in
his chair watching his wife closely. He,
too. showed relief, but said nothing. The
attorneys for both Mr. and Mr. Hartje
expreed themselves entirely satisfied
with the cae as it now stands, and each
side professes confidence that the decis
ion of the court will be In its favor.
Surrebuttal testimony in the Ilartje
divorce ease was commenced today,
John A. Ball, a newspaper man, who
was the first witness, testified to an
interview had with Edward O. Hartje,
brother of the libellant, on April 12, in
which Hartje said:
"We have letters to other men to
show that Mrs. Ilartje is a very bad
John Gaylor. a detective and former
newspaper man, testified that be was
present at the interview, and corrobo
rated Ball. The date mentioned, April
12. was two months before the Hartje
detective said they had taken the let
ters from Coachman Madines trunks.
Attorney Freeman then announced the
case closed for the respondent. Ed
ward Hartje was called to the stand by
the plaintiffs counsel and denied that
he had made the statement to Ball.
CHICAGO, August 2.-Through grimy
windows the employes of ten or more
big olllce buildings will have to look
until a settlement has been made with
the window washers union or the strike
lins been broken by the employment of
non-union men.
The buildings in which strikes were
called yesterday are the Railway Ex
change, Rookery, Tostml Telegraph, Ash
land, Stewart, Relinnce, Stock Ex
change, First National Bank, and Mer
chants Loan & Trust. At the head
quarters of the union it was said nearly
400 men ere now on strike and it is
expected this number will be augmented
today when tho officers of the union will
demand from other employers that they
sign the new scale of wages.
The union demands an increase in
wage of $2.50 a month, which the offi
cers say is simply a sufficient fund to
pay the carfare of the men to and from
their work. This the managers refuse
to do.
Contest of Sag Will to Commence Some
mence Sometime in September.
NEW YORK. August 2. Transcript
of a judgment agaiiwt James II. Sage of
Troy, who ha announced that he wil!
contest the will of Kuell Sage and ha
retained Senator Brackett a counsel
was filed in the county clerk's office
yeterduy. The claim i for f)!8 judg
ment ad wa obtained In Troy on Feb
ruary 3, IMOH. Jame H. Huge came
here yesterday.
A. Welle Stump, lawyer for intend
ing contestants of the will of Russell
Sage said yelerdfiy that he wished to
make it plain that if any contest were
made, it would not be for the purpose
of a "trike" for settlement, but because
the heir were of the opinion that they
had not received their full due. He in
timated that the context probably would
be begun by September 21.
It fa pretty well understood that the
ground for context will be that Mr.
Sage wa not competent to make will
in 1901. A Wall streot man said yes
terday that Mr. Sage wa engineering
some of hi Mggt deals about that
SAX FRANCISCO, August 2. It is
stated by the Bulletin that President
David Starr Jordan of Leland Stanford
Jr., University, ha been stripped of his
power of appointment, and dimisal of
professors, and that hereafter, when the
President desires to dimi a professor,
he must refer the matter to the Board of
Trustees. The professor will then be giv
en written charge in full and will b
accorded a complete hearing.
Northwest League.
At Hoquiam Butte 1, Gray's Har
bor Q.
At Fresno Los Angeles 3, Fresno 4.
Pacific Coast League.
At Taconia Spokane 2, Tacoma 8.
At Seattle Seattle 5, Oakland 3.
At Oakland San Francisco 4, Port
land 0.
Expense for Bryan's Reception
Will Be $10,000.
Madison Square Gardens, Where Bryan
Will Speak, to Have Seats Re
served Bryan is Endorsed
in Michigan.
NEW YORK, August 2. At a meet
ing of the executive committee of the
W. J. Bryan reception today, it was
decided to issue reserved scat tickets
to Madison Square Garden, where Bryan
is to deliver his address Madison Square
Garden has a seating capacity of 12.000.
One thousand democrats from all parts
of the United States have been invited.
The expense of the reception will not
be less than $10,000.
DETROIT, August 2. The Democratic
State Convention today endorsed Wil
liam J. Bryan, as presidential candidate
for 1008 and nominated Charles H. Kim
nierle of Cassapolis for Governor.
rARIS, August 2. A private agree
ment reached between the Count and
Countess de Castellnne stipulates that
at least one of the children shall remain
with the mother" at all times.
GOLDFIELD, Nev., August 2. The
Goldfleld Athletic Club will guarantee a
purse of $20,000 for a contest for the
lightweight championship of the world
between Gang and Nelson and $10,000
for Britt and McGovern on Labor Day.
New Premier's Plans Not
Liked By Czar.
Emperor Believed (o be About
to Appoint Grand Duke
Cru uter Asia Hoists the Red Flag
Sveaborg and Cronstadt Under
Control Mutineers PUced
Under Arrest
(2:43 A. M.)-On the beel of
other bad news comes the start-
O ling statement that the Emperor
has flatly refuted to accept the
conditions to which Premier O
Stolypin agreed in his negotia-
tions with the candidates for a
reorganized cabinet. There is in-
creasing apprehension that the
O Emperor purposes to take a final
step, by turning the country over
to the military dictatorship of
Grand Duke Nicholas. The streets
here are again filled with patrols.
ST. PETERSBURG, August 2. The
crew of the cruiser Asia, which was
sent to Abo has hoisted the red flag.
The Asia has left in the direction of
REVAL, August 3. The cruiser Pum
vat Azova has arrived in the Roadstead
here in possession of the loyal portion
of the crew, who gained the upper hand
over the mutineers. One hundred and
fifty mutineers were sent ashore and im
prisoned. . ,
ST. PETERSBURG. August 3 (1:13
A. M.) Although the mutinies at Svea
borg have been ended and the one at
Cronstadt practically put down, the out
look is still black. The revolutionists,
whose hands were suddenly forced by
the premature rising at Sveaborg, ap
parently are undaunted at these initial
reverses and intend to persist in their
program of calling a general strike Sat
urday or Monday.
One of the leaders of the revolution
ists, with whom the Associated Press
correspondent spoke last night boasted
that the word had gone forth, and that
the fire of revolt would spread to all
corners of the empire. His closing words
were: "Now watch Reval. Riga anl
Mutiny May Spread in Fleet
The news of the mutiny of the cruiser
Pamyat Azaova off the Ethonian coast
is fraught with enormous possibilities.
The crew rose and killed the command
er and four officers. Ambassador Meyer
has received a dispatch from the Ameri
can consul at Reval that the Pamyat
Azaova entered that port this afternoon
with the red flag at the masthead.
Should this cruiser under the flag of
the mutineers sail to the northward and
appear in the presence of the main
squadron in the gulf of Finland, the
loyalty of the crews of these vessels
would perhaps be put to a stronger test
than they could stand.
Although the admiralty asserts the
squadron off Sveaborg did not waver
In allegiance, there is something myster
ious about the reports of the action of
the ship, which warrants the suspicion
that all is not right on board. Only two
ships fired on the mutineer. The others
of the fleet remained on the horizon as
if the admiral was not sure they could
be depended upon.
Germany May Take Hand.
The mutiny on the Pamyat Azaova;
may possibly raise international com
plications a in the eye of the law, this
cruiser, like the Kniaz Potemkine in the
Black Sea in the summer of 1905. Is a
pirate. There is reason to believe the
German fleet hat orders covering just
such a contingency as this, and that it
would not besitaate to put an end to
the renegade cruiser a a danger to com
When the firing began at Cronstadt
Wednesday night there was a wild
panic in the imperial palace at PeterhonT
where the palace lies under the guns of
the fortress.
All preparations were made in ad
vance to flee to Tsarskoe-Selo, but the
report that the emperor and family had
actually fled during the night is de
nied. It was explained however that
on account of the dampness at Teterhoff
arrangements have been made to re
turn the imperial family to Tsarkoe
Sclo. About 2000 niutinious sailors were ar
rested in their barracks at Cron-tadt
and surrounded by the troops.
HELSIXGFORS. August 3 (1:34 A.
M.) The entire Sveaborg fortress is
now in the hands of the government
Prisoners are being hurried over to
ST. PETERSBURG, August 2 (9:55
P. M.) Martial law was proclaimed at
Cronsadt and in the Denets basin, the
center of the mining and smelter in
dustry. ST. PETERSBURG, August 2. Mill,
tary order have broken out at Reval
Details are lacking. Reval is the capital
of the Government of EethonLt situated
on an arm of the Guld, Finland. 200
miles southeast of St. Petersburg. It is
a naval station of second class.
Anthony ComstocK Causes Art
Studios to Be Raided.
Pictures in the Nude Not Thought Nice
for the Wicked World to See
Woman Bookkeeper is
NEW YORK, August 2. Upon a
warrant sworn out by Anthony Corn
stock, the Secretary of the Society
for the suppression of vice, the studios
of the Art Students' League, one of the
most noted art schools in America, wera
searched and the bookkeeper Miss Anna,
Robinson placed under arrest.
It is charged that the reproduction of
figures in the nude contained in the fall
catalogue, which the league was about
to issue, are immoral in character. A
patrol wagon load of the catalogues was
seized and taken to the police court as
evidence. Miss Robinson, the only per
son arrested, was arraigned on a charge
of the violation of an act for the sup
pression of traffic in obscene literature.
illustrations, pictures, etc. Magistrate
Mayo adjourned the hearing until Aug
ust 7. The pictures in the catalogue are
such as are seen in any art studio or
museum. But two pages are devoted to
the nude. , (
SAN FRANCISCO. August 2 There
was a third strike of the street car sys
tem when the oilers, wipers, and firemen
struck tonight. The delay in traffic was
of short duration, the company filling
the vacancies with other men. They
asked eight hours, but the real cause of
the strike was sympathy with the elec
tricians, who are on a strike.