2 THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. FRIDAY, JULY tj, 1908. THE MORNING ASTORIAN Established 1S73. Publi&hed Drily by t XII J. S. DELUKGEX C0MPA5Y. SUBSCRIPTION KATXS. By mail, per year I7J0O By maO, per month..... .10 By carrier, per month... .65 WXEKIY ASTOKUlt. 8, maO, per year, in adranct. .L00 Intered h tecond-elMt nmttr Jnne B. 106, at the poetoffice at Aitorla, One toa, mcder ih act of Congress ol March t, is IVOnlan tor the deUtwmK o( Tna Mow umui to ditbar xasideooe or place o( buaiMS oaj ba stade by poatal card or tbrougfc talerbooa. Any lrnulaiity in do Vmrr should be tmmadiatahr reported to the office oC pubUcMtaav , , , TELEPHONE KAHf Mt. Official DDr of ClaUOD county and the CU7 of Astoria. WEAXSEB. Oregon, Idaho. Washington Fair continued warm. ., ON TO TILLAMOOK. Some years ago, President A. B. Ham mond, of the Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Company, made the deliberate statement, in this city, that "that rail way line would be the first to enter tho Tillamook country," and the news of the hour is in direct conformity with that declaration. It is good news for Tillamook county, and as good for Astoria. It means a vast deal for the state and all its northwest ern communities, since it will open up to quick communication limitless re sources hitherto submerged and nnap proachable. There is a virgin world of magnificent timber irvolved in the ex ploitation of that section, aside from the establishment of daily markets for the cultivated staples and products of the immense farm districts of Tillamook anJ the intervening country. Now that the assurance has gone forth in this behalf, we, of Clatsop, with a warm Tillamookian leaning and purpose, hope the inauguration of the extension of the "A. & C." will not be deferred until the encouraging prospect is once again lost in the mazes of time, inertia and silence. We hope the word of this capable man will be fortified and proven by the early commencement of the work ,and that the dawn of the new year will see the venture so far along as to preclude another instant of doubt or foreboding. It is an initiative carrying huge possi bilities with it, and the period of dsap pontment has been so long drawn out that the first tangible sign of the reality will be hailed with genuine and unal loyed satisfaction, not only here, but in Tillamook county, where the hunger and thirst for the lively touch of inter communication with the outer world is intense. - MA Hammond has said the word, and that word should mean much and does mean much, the only thing now want ing is the outward and visible sign of the actual launching of the scheme. Hello, Tillamook! ALBERT BEIT-RUSSEL SAGE. Within a very few days two of the wealthiest men of the present day have gone the way of at) flch, leaving their enormous fortunes behind them. As the Oregonian remarked the other day, "they left the money, probably, because they could not take it with them." But the fact that engage the attention of the whole world, l the wonderfully different dispositions made of the masked mil lions, Albert Beit, died in Africa where he had made his millions; in the midst of a new continent iust awakenins to the magical touch of the news, live cen tury, and he carefully, and conscientious ly. prescribed vast and enduring chari ties for colleges, hospitals and other agencies of common good, while Russel Sage, who having lived for nearly 00 years in the heart of the heart of modern life and its fullest expression for good sod evil, turns his sixty millions still further inward to the secluded and un productive limitations of the family. Not one dollar for humanity; not a cent for the future honor of his name; not mark to show that he thought or lived for a soul beyond the confines of his own home and its interests. The comparison i odiou, sure enough, and may be cited to the constant and unequivocal dis paragement of the American spirit, though, God be thanked, it lacks every thing of Wing an essential type. 000000000000000000 0 EDITOKAL SALAD. 0 000000000000000000 Hitch your wagon to a star mean to hitch to a chorus girl. o don't Spain has a that has been or since 1517. law suit, still unsettled, in the courts 389 years, We are told by the bug men that there are different kinds of insects. We believe it. 0 Some brands of coffee are now adulter ated with sawdut. Let us hope the sawdust is clean. No man has any right to stay in the church baby carriage when he might be pushing its bread wagon. 0 When a man takes pride in being con sidered a rough diamond it is pretty certain that he would not be hurt by a little polish. 0 ... Forty thousand is the number of the graduates who go out from colleges and universities this month to find their places in the world. THE HUMAN VAMPIRE By Police Magistrate DANIEL FINN of New York HE human vampire is a terrible thing, and wo boo it in the police court IN ALL ITS HIDEOUSNESS. It buttons on the immorality of men and women, puts its claws in the pockets of the push cart humanity, which, wretched and low as it is, is infinitely superior to the thing that profit by ita ignorance. IT WILL TAK MONEY DRIPPING WITH BLOOD AND REEKINQ WITH THE WORST THERE 19 AND LAUGH AT YOU WHILE IT IS DOING IT. The grossnesa and brutality of man's inhumanity to nun and tho whole worlds wolfishness toward woman, as scon from a police mag istrate s bench, sometimes shako our belief in the things learned at Sunday school. ? i ; .- 1 f I . ;'t 3 The love of money has got the world in a frenzy, and NOTHING COUNTS AGAINST IT. It kills the love of home and family; it makes repulsive, ugly, slimy things out of men and women who Beem fair enough to look at until you hear them open their mouths in a yawp that haa only money for its theme and you see that the only motive that is propelling the living thing is the tnholy, rapacious, vulture-like desire TO GAIN A DOLLAR OR TWO or to keep from Jetting ono go. t , , t i r The insolence of people who feel the power of money they posses, got BY FOUL OR FAIR MEANS, is as bad in ita way as the lack of decency on the part of those poof creatures who are trying to get it by any of the means that have, as incidents in the getting of it, frequent appearance in the police court. THE INSOLENCE OF MONEY GOES TO TURN THE SOCIALISTIC SPIRIT OF THE IGNORANT INTO ANARCHY. I. The Great Inefficiency Of Criminal Prosecution By Unlttd State Judft EMORY SPEER of Georgia SO far as the efficiency of criminal prosecution is concerned, it is far safer to kill a man than it is to STEAL A MULE. In the latter case EVERY MA in the community, with every sort of gun, from an old fashioned Yager to the latest pattern, and every canine adjutant of man, from the old fashioned yellow dog to the latest improved Fido, will turn out and hunt down the thief. IN THE OTHER CASE MANY TO WAIT FOR THE SON TO OFFER A REWARD IT HAS DECOMS. A CUSTOM WITH GOVERNC". OR SOME PRIVATE PER. BEFORE ACTION 13 TAKEN. Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, and don't know where to find 'em; prob ably up to the packing house, with some dirty cuss to grind 'em. 0 .- Next we will be hearing about the government prowling around trying to find out what the cheap restaurants have been putting in the hah. 0 A man in Philadelphia allowed 100 angry bees to sting him to prove the stings cured rheumatism. At least it should prove a man can forget rheuma tisra. It is hard for a married man to under stand how his wife can find any pleasure in watching another woman as she enters into the bonds of matrimony. 0 Science informs us that it is the female mosquito that does the singing. It has been observed, also, that the sing ers are quite expert with their stingers. 0 fcteve j-jkins notes that poor men whistle more than rich men do; hence thev are happier. But the poor man frequently pays dearly for his whistle. TWELFTH ANNUAL REGATTA. After a season of dubious conjecture and half-hearted interest in the propo sition, the Twelfth Annual Regatta of Astoria is to be put on, with all the zest and success for which the city is famous in this particular. This i as it should be. The event is expected everywhere. Astoria's best name abroad, in the mat ter of great entertainments, is bound up in the regattas she has given. It is peculiarly Astorian as far as this upper coast is concerned, and to miss a year would be detrimental to her prestige as the head-center of one of the liveliest attractions in the northwest. Get in, now, everybody! Make it the jolliest and freshest and best ever! It is yours, and yours alone; there is no other city to dispute the honor with you. The year has been pretty strong on the pure strings and Astoria has done a world of good work in 1906, but she can forget all the stress and charges of the past months in the resounding enjoyment and success of the biggest regatta she has ever known, and she will do it, now that her mind has. been made up I , Do Not Neglect Your Bowels. Many serious diseases arise from neg. lect of the bowela Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tablets are a pleasant and agreeable laxative. They invigorate the b'ver and regulate the bowels. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggists. It must not be supposed that the man ufacturers of black pepper are confined to the ue of lampblack and tapioca. They can make an excellent article out of ground cocoa nut shells. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. When Maxim, the famous gun inven tor, placed his gun before a committee of judges, he stated its carrying power to be below what he felt sure the gun would accomplish. The result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, instead 0' disappointment. It is the same with Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy . They uot publicly boast of all this remedy will accomplish, but prefer to let the users make the state ments. What they do claim, is that it will positively cure diarrhoea, dysen tery, pains in the stomach and bowels and has never been known to fail . For sale by Frank Hart, letding druggists. Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural loseness of the bowels apper . The best medicine in use for bowel complaint is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy at it promptly controls any unnat ural looseness of the bowels . For sale .by Frank Hart, leading druggist Huband My dear Angela, when I go to the opera, you are jealous of the sing ers; if I go to the circus, you are jealous of the equestrienne, so thers is nothing else for me to do but take box in the monkey theater. Salonwitzblatt. let Cream Jell-0 Ice Cream Powder Baseball Players and Foot Racers! Louis J. Kruger, ex-champion long distance foot racer of Germany and Holland, writes, October 27, 1901 : "During my training of 8 weeks for the foot races at Salt Lake City, in April last, I used Ballard's Snow Liniment to my greatest satisfaction. "Therefore, I highly recommend Snow Liniment to all who are troubled with sprains, bruises, or rheumatism." 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. Mother Elly. they tell me that the young assessor runs after you every where. I think it is very improper. Daughter Well, shall I run after him? -Kleiner Witzblatt. Indigestion. With its companions, heart burn, flatulence, torpidity of the liver, consti pation, palpitation of the heart, poor cir culation, neadacne and other nervous symptoms, sallow skin, four tongue, offensive breath and a legion of other ailments, is at once the most widespread and destructive malady among the American people. The Herbine treat ment will cure all these troubles. 50c bottle. Sold by Hart's drug store. Makes dellelooa Ic Cream In 10 minutes lor 1 cent a plate. Btlr contents of on pick sg Into a quartof milk aod fretta: thus all. Baals the old Iuhloned,UborW oat way sad makee beUsf lea Craam. Flarota. ADDfoTed br Para Food CommnwtoDtfa. Two aaekaoes, ti cents at all areeert. If Tour trocar baant It. saod hi nana and SSc to u and two packages and our Illustrated i recipe book will ba mailed jroa. 1t totoe Part li Ca U lay, M. V. Teacher (pointing with his finger to a place on the map) What is that? Pupil A dirty Hngi-r. Sulonwitzlilatt MADE SOFT Young Husband Look here, Marie, we can really have a much better and healthier holiday in this quiet, little vil lage than we can in Ostend. Young Wife No doubt, but what should I do with my new dresses here? Muskete. Croup. Is a violent inflammation of the mucous membrance of the wind pipe, which sometimes extends to the larynx and bronchial tubes; and is one of the most dangerous diseases of children. It almost always comes on in the night, Give frequent small doses of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard'' Snow Liniment externally to the throat. 25c, 60c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. WITH PURE ffil fo) fl W "How do you like my last volume of poems?" "Oh, your first had a handsome bind ing." Bombe. Send for free booklet showing analysis of hard water in 100 cit ies in the United States, with the amount of 20-Mule-Team Pure Borax necessary to use in each case to soften the water and pro duce clean, white clothes without injury to the finest fabric or most delicate, hands. , 10-Mule-Teim Pur torn sold by all dealer Sample for 5c in stamps. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., San Francisco, Cl, Often ft person is sized up by his appear ance; by the tone that surrounds him. And more often a business house is sized up by tho stationary it uses. A cheap letter head or a poor bill head gives a mighty poor first impression and makes business harder to transact Good printing costs no more than poor printing. The first im pression is half the battle ;in business. You wouldn't employ, a "sloppy" sales man; why put up with "sloppy" station ery, that gives a wrong impression of tho importance of your business. Let us do your printing and help you to make that ten strike The J. S. DellingerCo. ASTORIA, OREGON OFOUR SPECIALTIES WALL PAPER Best Selection in the City at the Low- ,-,. .; ( est, Prices. JAPANESE MATTINGS Just the Thing for the Floor of Any " " Room; Easily kept Clean PREPARED WALL BURLAPS For the Den or Dining Room. Made in Beautiful Shades A Large Assortment of Room Mouldings and Plate Rails D, F. ALLEN 0 SON ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHNiFOX.Pree. F L BISHOP. Secretary Nelson Troyer, Yice-Prw. and Kupt. A8T0RIA BA VIXOH BANK, Treaa ; Designer and Manufacturers of x , , THE LATEST IMPItOVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED. 1 1 Foot of Fourth 8trl. M: II. WeiiiH ara s beer Nil I First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. KSTAIJLISHED 1880. Capital $100,000 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, Preildant. cltANK PATTON, Cashier. 0. L PETERSON. Vice-President J. W. GARNER, AuUUnt Caahlar. Astoria Savings Bank Capital Pftld In 1100,000, Burpiu and Undivided prontaM,ooo. Tranwcti a General Banking Bnalneu. In Wren Paid un Time DepoalU 88 Tenth Streat, A3T0KIA, OREGON. Sherman Transter Co. 13ENRY 8HERMAN, Manager Hacks, Carriages-Baggage Checked and Transferred - Truck, and Furniture Wagons-PIanoa Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phn ioi ' --. a aavaav alt M mmm ' USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL WIRE and IRON WORK of ALL KINDS. 203 Flandera Ht, PORTLAND, OR.