WEDNESDAY, JULY ij, 190O. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 WILL DECIDE REGATTA ON ss44Ss4s) W ' ' "' " y W" '' f. " . :: . j ,4. : " - Out ON T IE STAND WHEN THE HOT DAYS COME And you dont feel like cookiag, don't worry. Just remember that we have everything necessary for "A DAINTY APPETIZING LUNCH" Our delicatessen counters are loaded with everything the market affords and our prices are with in the reach of all. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD THINGS TO EAT. CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S PRESSED -j : FREE OF CHARGE WHENEVER YOU SAY SO Witness, Who Shammed Sickness Appears in Court. , : ; THE MATTER OF THE TWELFTH ANNUAL REGATTA WILL COME UP TONIGHT FOR FINAL SETTLE MENT AT THE CITY HALL, ' BONDSMEN bECOME WORRIED TERSE TALES Of THE TOWN OrkwlU sells ik it. Orkwlti Rcpatrt Bicycle. Sa shall souvenirs it Svsnaon'i. tf. tf. Tbt very best board to to obtained la tbo dty if it "Iba Ooddont HotoL1 J Ratti rtry reasonable. Elko Meat. Tito regular meeting of the Atorl lodge of F.Ik took place lt night wiib a good attendance. let Croam made from full emm, 10c Mr pint. Special prfcea for lodgs and ohurches, at Tagg's confectionary. 7-lDtf Payi Out Money. City Treasurer peaty yesterday paid out the uiu of $1110 In warrant on the general fund Hotel Irving, corner franklin avenue tad Eleventh atreet Enropeaa planj beet room tad board in tbo dty at ret o ruble prices. Bow Do I look. To really tee your 'f aa otheri aee you, get one of thoe new style mlrrori at Hart's Drug Store j all price. A new supply Just rcoolved. tf. Finish Main. The workmen have com pleted the laying of the new water main on Bond street, and will now flnUh the work of extending the main amund Smith' point to the ah and door plant. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St. doteaO manner of taxidermy, furniture uphol stering, crpet cleanlug and laying, mat trees making a specialty and evl work guaranteed. Order In Probate County Judge Tren chard yesterday mnde an order in pro bate, appointing the following gentlemen at appraiser In the matter of the rtlate of 1 K. G. Smith, deceased. B. Van Puaen, D. M. Stuart, and J. A. Fish-r. Tbey will meet on the fourth of August. Fish Cateh. Fishermen on the river say that the rim of salmon l about the same for the pant few days. Every gill net on the river 1 now in ue and near the mouth, the net were so thickly strewn as to cause some Inconvenience to th operation. Why don't yon have your work done by the Eastern Painting k Decorating Company, 73 Ninth street? Tbey do tbo work cheaper, quicker and better than any other firm. Tbo Parker House which la being papered and painted from cellar to garret is being done by them. Go and Inspect the work. HOEFLER'S HANDSOMEST SWEET SHOP The Last of the Season This Week Will Be the Time to Can Apricots, N Logan BerriesandBIack- terries. To Wait Is to Miss Them, Leave Your Orders Now. JOHNSON BROS GOOD GOODS. Septet of Titles Exchanged. Among the msny document filed at the county clerk's ollke, yesterday, were the follow ing deed for Clataop realty 1 Sheriff Thoina Llnvllle to A. It. Cyrus, tax title 0. 1 rent, lot 1. block U Chelaea R. It. Addition to Astoria. Martha Ke, ad ministratrix to Albert Harrison, $H00, 35 1. y 130 feet of lot 4, block 3H. Upper As toria. The Vnlied Htate to R. R. New ton. patent, northeast quarter of section 10, T. 5 N ft. 6 W. E. L Howe and wife to Anemia H. Venwaa, warranty. 110, lota 0 and 10, block II. llermoa l'ark. The l'nlte.1 Mate to C. I. Maginnk patent, lot 83, sect l..n 8. T. 4 S., R. 7 W. Tlie I'nlted Hlat to C. E. Shepherd patent. 120 acre in sec) Ion 3fi. T. 5 N R. 7 W. ('. K. Shepherd ami wife to .1. J. Itupp. warranty, $1300, the 120 acflea ht aliove mentioned. All Have Consented. It seem that the larger merchant of the city have depra rated the keeping open of the lesser tore ou the side streets of the, city, after the hour of fl in the evening, the time at which all the leading al.lih ment have been In the habit of closing; and the Clerks' Union of this city have endeavored to induce the other to meet the altuatlon at the same time, and have m-reded. The store of Atoria, big and little, will all cloe hereafter prompt ly at 0 o'clock p. m. and thi report ha Wen died with the union, who have made it known to the complaining merchant. Fishy, But True. A friend st the re- portorial ellww Mid, yterday. that the United States was doing a heavy bul ne In the proportion of fish, and was wondering how much of the large fell to the Columbia and it tributaries It eems thst Unci Sam furnishes the fol lowing lot of iUh egg.' annually: Pike perch. 400,000.000; white fUh. 3O0.OO0, 000s salmon 130.000.000; brook trout. 10.000.000j shad. 33.000.OO0j cod, 170.- 000.000; or totl of 1. 750.000.000 of all sort. Dies in Portland. On Monday Mrs. Maria Davk a former reaident of thi city, died at her home at 420 Burnide trwt, Portland. The funeral will take place today at the cathedral in that city with the Interment in Riverview ceme tery. The deceed wa proprietor of a millinery store in this city some 10 or 12 years ago, in the building now occu pied by llllderbrand & Ore. It brings to the little one that priceless gift of healthy flesh, solid bone and muscle. That's what HollWer'e Rooky Mountain Tea does. Best baby medi cine on earth. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. Frank Hart, druggist. Roller in Use. The city authorities are putting the new steamer roller Into good ue and yesterday it was employed n rolling Orond avenue, which was im proved some time sgo. Entertain. The members of the Ladles' Aid Society of the First Lutheran church will be entertained thi afternoon at the home of Mrs. Pearson in Aider brook. I live and let my brethren live With all thnt's good to me; Unto the poor some cash I give. The balance I give Rocky Mountain Tea. Frank Hart, druggixt. Off For An Outing. Hon. Dan J. In gulls left for Portland, last night on the Lurline. The veteran of the civil war and nil the republican campaigns since then. Is tired of the inertia of an idle life in Astoria, nnd wjll go to St. Mar tin's Springs, where he will be joined by hi brother, Walt. Ingalls as soon the latter shall have recovered from an operation to be performed on his head, at Portland, today. They will both miss the cooling airs of the coast country be fore they have been there msny dnys. ARE YOU A BON VIVANT? The pith of life, after all, is a good feed. The good things of this life are not as a rule easily found, so that it is a pleasure to find so close at hand a first-class up-to-date establlBhmeent, whre one gets those good things at every meal, like the Palace Restaurant, on Commercial street.' The home of the bon vlvant. tf Hasten to See Honey as Tbey Pear Hoge Will Try .to Escape Prosecution Rests Ita ' Caw. . A despatch from Portland says that Martin U. iloge. on trial for land fraud, had o far recovered this morning as to walk into court and take the witness tsnd. Special Prosecutor Ifeney's threat to forfeit his bond if he did not appear today seemed to have an elixir effect, and the man whose counsel said yester day probably would be dead today seem ed to lie hlmelf this morning. ', His eyes, which yesterday were luterles, were bright when he came into court leaning on the ami of Deputy Marshal Glenn Bushy, V . . . t ... That Hoge's alleged shamming of Ill ness came near getting him into troubfc, aide from any measures the government might take, is evident from the fact that VV, H, Bradsbawr Washington JUwling. and L L Hamilton, bis bomifrnen, of Medford, came to Portland this morning for the express purpose of surrendering him to the United States Marshal Tbey had become auspicious that he might flee certain that they got word of Mr. lleney's threat to declare the bond for feited, for last night they boarded the Portland-bound train In a body and call ed on Mr. nney. It Is probable, how ever, that they will not surrender him while the trial is in progress. Today witnessed the resting of the government's and the beginning of the defense's case. Mr. Heney rested for the prosecution with the tettimony of sev eral additional witnesses, and Judge O'Day began the defence with the tes timony of Mrs. Ida M. Hoge, wife of the defendant, and Hoge blmself. The burden of Hoge's story wss that be had been buncoed and "played for a aucker" by Miller in common with the several "batche" victimized from Placer and Medford. , .. , WILL URGE USE OF OLD CHANNEL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF THIS CITY TAKES THE MATTER UP AND WILL TRY TO HAVE THE DREDGE PUT ON. For some time it has been mooted among many leading citizens, that the old city channel extending Immediately along the harbor line inshore and direct to, and from. Tongue Point, was still available and if cleared out in certain shoal spots, a much better waterway, and a shorter one. than the cross-bay channel from Taylor's Sands, now used by all the river pilots in the Portland and up-river service. Yesterday morning the Navigation Committee of the Astoria Chamber of Commerce. Messrs. J. Q. A. Bowlby, B. Van Dusen and 0. W. Lounsberry, aconimpanied by Captains Granville Reid and J. W, Babbidge, went over the old course on the steamer Volga. Sounding were taken that demon strate the channel to be in fine shape for use, except at one or5 two points, where some lijjht dredging will be necessary, and it is the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce to communicate with the proper authorities with a view of re establishing the old steamer course, as the most advantageous in points of time and directness, and the better facility it offers for cleaning itself and carrying the sands to sea instead of deflecting them Into Young's Bay, which is the ease with the newer trans-bay cliannel in use now. REGATTA NOTICE. AH citizens interested in holding a Regatta for the year 1906, are requested to meet at the Police Court Room of the Cityi Hall, Wednesday e"j'cning, July 28, 1900, at 8 o'clock P. M. Subscrip tions up to date amount to $1306.00, which amount could probably be Increas ed to $2500, The committee considering this amount insufficient to defray ex penses, urgently requests .all interested to attend and express their views on the matter. (Signed), COMMITTEE. 7-24-2t. The meeting called by the Regatta Committee for tonight, t the city bait, to finally and, fully determine the moot ed question of the 1906 Regatta, should I well attended, If only to lend emphasis to the decision whatever it may be. The committee ha had a hard task In securing subscriptions, and baa bad mora or less cause to doubt the public desire for the festival, but are not willing to relinquish the work utiles it Is mad evident that the people do not want it. They have secured subscriptions to the amount of $1300, and this with the $700 on hand from the last Regatta,' and the $000 left from the Fourth of July Celebration, makes a possible $2500, to operate on, and it is not at all improb sble the necessary $1500 can be readily raised at the hands of those who have not yet subscribed, and those who may increase sums they have already given in thla behalf. However, the whole city will have a chance to declare Itself, singly, and en masse, tonight, and the issue ought to be settled. It will be well if Astoria can contrive to give her popular and own peculiar entertainment and if the decis ion falls that way, the Astoria n will ba squarely behind it until it is closed in its usual blaze of glory and success. "TRY AGAIN" ADVICE. You say you have tried a dozen time, and failed. Well, what of it! Try again. Nothing worth while is won with out effort "Keeping everlasting at if brings success but be sure you go at it In tbe right way. It isn't so much the doing, as the manner of doing. Suppose conditions are adverse to success. Are you going to let that handi cap you. or are you going to rise above iet and make things essier for eomeone else J The world wants your smiles, your hopes, your aspiration. She already has too many frowns and tear. , , Open mind and heart. Be awake to possibilities of the moment. Opportun ity, like a will-o' the-wisp. flits before bim who has no time or is too indolent stretch forth his hand and makes her his own. Lovingly she comrades with him whose wish is will; whose will is to dare; whose daring' is to achieve. Remember energy, ambition, and tire less effort alone spell the great secret of success. Be surw your vision is clear, your purpose right, then push on with might and main. "Let nothing you dis maysDavenport Times. He Likes Astoria. W. L. Gould, repre senting the American De Forest Wireless Telegraph Company, one of the biggest commercial institutions In the country moner its newer enterprises, arrived in the city yesterday, in the interest of bis principals, and will spend some time here, ne is delighted with the city and its cool, bracing airs, and says it bea's anything he has seen on the coast for summer comfort. He is an interesting man with an interesting business, and will meet a good many people before he leaves the city. Astoria is to be the first point in Oregon to have a station, on ac count of its situation on the coast. Operation will shortly be commenced on this station. The company have just finished the stations at San Francisco and Eureka, Astoria is to be the next point. With this station completed and in operation, Astoria will be in direct communication wth Alaska, as well as having a direct connection with Hono lulu, the Philippines, and the Orient. BIG CROWDS AT STAR. Usual Crowded House Greets Willard Company Last Night Asain last night the Star theatre was crowded with a most fashionable au dience. In fact, it seemed that all the elite were there showing that the peo ple of Astoria appreciates the most beau tiful of all plays, "Kathleen Mavour neen,'' most Justly so too, for it is ex ceedingly well produced by the Willard Company. Mr. Williard a Terranee O'Moor, has the most beautiful interpre tation of the part. The various meniDcrs of the company are all most excellent in their parts. Thursday nijrht the chance of program will be an exceedingly strong drama with lots of comedy, entitled "A South ern Romance." Saturday matinee will be the reproduction of "Kathleen Ma-vourneen."- Morning Astorlan, 65 cents per month. delivered by carrier. All of Our OUTlNGj SUITS Assorted Patterns and Grades fjWprth from $15 to $22.50 ' ' NOW Herman Wise The Advance Agent for Men's New Styles $ STARTHEATER P. GEVURTZ, Mgr. MR. LEE WILLARD MANAGEMENT ARTHUR C. FOX. TONIGHT THE MOST BEAUTIFUL OF ALL TRISH PLAYS Kathleen Ma vourneen THURSDAY NIGHT ''A SOUTHERN ROMANCE" Special Scenic Production and Realistic Effects Summer Prices, 15c and IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS. Two Heavy Mortgages Filed in Clatsop County Yesterday. Two voluminous and heavy instru ments were presented to County Clerk Clinton for record yesterday, both mort gages or trust deeds, une was trom the Willamette Valley Company to the Germantown Trust Company, of Phila delphia, and in the su mof $800,000. It covers a large lot of real and personal properties of the company in this county, and in Lane and includes the light and power plant at Seaside. The other was more significant. It was filed by the Pacific Railway 1 Navi gation Company (the Lytle system) to the Union Trust Company, of San Fran cisco, in the sum of $5,200,000, and cov ers all the railway and telegraph proper ties in Oregon between the cities of Portland and Astoria. The document lays down the projected 'line of road as from Portland to a point near Oswego, thence along the, Tualatin river, includ ing Hillsboro and thence, in a northwest course direct to Astoria, via the Dairy Creek Valley and the valley of the Nehalem. Thus there is record proof of still an other rail line headed for the City-by-the-Sea. Indigestion, With its companions,, heart bum, flatulence, torpidity of the liver, consti pation, palpitation of the heart, poor cir culation, headache and other nervous symptoms, sallow skin, four tongue, offensive breath and a legion of other ailments, is at once the most widespread and destructive malady among the American people. The Herbine treat ment will cure all these troubles. 60c bottle. Sold by Hart's drug store. 25c Reserved Seats 35c O PERSONAL MENTION. 0 00000000000000000 E. C. Mears, of Portland, is in the city. A. ML Gardiner, of San Francisco, ar rived here yesterday. B. G. Estor, of Portland, is among As toria's welcome visitors. J. Dwyer of Portland, came down on the noon express yesterday. C. W. Limlqnist, of Portland, is in the city, a guest at the Irving. C. A. Watson, of San Francisco, came in on the noon express yesterday. Mrs. J. Smith, of Pendleton, arrived here yesterday, en route to Seaside. Mrs. C. L. Wentworth. of NaseL is in the city, and quartered at the Occident. F. R. Stokes was a homing passenger on the noon express from Portland, yes terday. E. P. Hoff. of San Francisco, was among the tourist arrivals in Astoria yesterday. A. C. Pittsburg came down from Port- - land on the noon train yesterday, on a business quest. " Geo. C. Flanders arrived from the metropolis yesterday at 11:30 en route to Long Beach. H. S. Meyers, of Portland, was a busi ness visitor in Astoria, yesterday, ac companied by Miss Meyers. James Curran came down from the metropolis on the 11:35 train yesterday and was domiciled at the Occident. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Stephens are in the city, from La Grand, accompanied by their daughter, Miss Allie Stephens. After Citizenship. Albert Hjalma Ny- stedt, a native of Finland, yesterday filed his declaration of intention in the mat ter of American citizenship, with County Clerk Clinton.