Partnerships fly CLARENCE CUSON CMrt(M . fc K. A M'MMrad "Hut upjKUMi you don't win," ug. treated Dorothy anxiously. ; i, Vernon ,BjrHKMt lit shoulder, "TIhmi our mnrrlHBo In lnli'flnltlv nost- pouwl," lit. said, "but It cannot full," be nnHl. "My lf annul Ion puAltlvb. "It' nu awful risk," wblHjuwa th girl, Vornon took hor In bin firm, , "Dar little ttlrl," bo km I J soothingly, "It I n deal thai tulle jilu;o iilmuKt ovoty dny, It I tho only way In wbli b I can (jiilckly imtUo iiiiib tiioucy to IIrt you In ijikhI my in, i ona Hot tnkM you from your futhnr'n bound fo loud a of dmiry fconoiiiy," "I'd ruilicr do tltut tliuu risk losing It all," bo mi I.I liravely. "That would b awful, dcnr." ".NVywr four," bo flniirod. "Thl will win. It l Jtmt a vnm of ncllliiir omo tbtiisr for mom tlmu you vxm'X to my for It, wbllo the otlu-r wan exiwU you will liv to pay iiioro," "njiixi fathor should find It out," sua wbliorHi, ami a shade of aw crept into her tone. Him wa a llttm afmld of tbl father, who wa ono 01 tbi flnniwliil kins. "Ho would (irobobly bold up tbu mar ket aud fliu me out,", bo rviicluilrd. "TliiTpfora be taunt not know." "Tell m all about It Again, ah ploadwJ. "I am ao alow." Patently bo wont Into tbo detail again, F. ami V. atot k waa steady al 78. II bad reawon to know tbat tbtre would bo a drop In a wwk. II would purchano "call," tbo rljjlit to all with la ton day, abarr of the atock at 73. Tbt profit would coma If tbo atock waa soiling lower than tbAt If tblnga went well, tbo atock abould fall to US, tear ing blm a profit of fa on every abara tbat bo aold. Soma largo operators bnd combined to fore down tbe atock, and be waa to profit by hi knowledge of Hint fact bo fort tbo break came. Two daya bcfor Morton llarrey bad refused bl con- aeot to tbe marriage of bl daughter to Cbeater Vernon and bad auggcwteil tbat lie abould make aome niork lu tba world before be aspired to Uie band of tba daughter of a man wbo owned en tire railroad. Tbla tip bad come a ao "gOU KXCU IKXTTT CHIPPKR rOB A MAM WHO HA BBKJf CLKAMXO OUT." luaplratlon, and bo determined to ataka bis entire fortune In an effort to abow what be could do. ,For two daya be worked lnduatrloua- ly buying "puts," or permlaalona, to aell certain block of atock at stipulat ed prices. If the price did not (all be low tbat price be would be reduced to practically nothing. If It fell below he could demand the difference between tbe price and tbe actual aelllng price In cash, y '-,:,. -;K , Beyond a hurried telephone call be did not bear from Dorothy, for aftor tbe exchnnge closed be waa busy wltb bla agents settling tbolr figures. It was not until tbe third dny tbat be placed bla block and In jubilant tonea Invited Dorothy to lunch , with him.' "I've won," be exulted; "there Is notblug to do now but to alt still and watch the stock fall, I don't even have to bother about depressing It Tbo other fellow kindly does that for me." , But bis triumph was abort lived, and It was a haggard faced man who pre sented himself at the restaurant "It's all up," be aald In answer to Dorothy's eager questioning. "I have just bnd word tbat the pool has boon aban doned." "But can't you take those things back and get an exchange slip for thorn?" .asked Dorothy, with a recollection of shopping tours. Vernon shook his bend. "No such luck," ho groaned. "They've got pretty nearly every cent I own, and they won't give It up." i Dorothy smiled softly to hersolf. , "I don't think It Is ns bad aa that" .she said decidedly. "I have an Idea," "If your Idea will depress F. and V. ten points," be said grimly, "I should like to haw It" Dorothy dimpled and shook her heat). "You can't have It," she laughed. "You Just sit still and let the othor follow do the work." , - morning and groaned. Tbe other fel lows had decided to do nothing wltb tbe stock. It wa.toJ)9 eft, slope, . Tour lather wonTbdlu out," La aald dolefully. "1 told yon tbat the other day. , Bemstaberrv i Dorothy noddad bar head "I "don't aieau to Inugli, Chester," ahe aald ton Jerly, "but It 1 all too fuuuy." :i , "It won't seeiu ao aiiiulug Inter," bl warned, but In the cod be caught aometblng of bcr confidence, aud tba dessert found blm far moro cheerful thna bad tbo consomme, ao suggest! v of hi own Impending fnta. If tbcro waa a clmnce for a fight there would bare been some comfort, but oven tbe opportunity of a atruggU waa denied blm. Mo could only wall for tbo unexpected to hapnor JDor otby'a plan to work. lie could not be lieve that the latter wna of any avail What could ahe know about tbo mar ket! Hut for all that V. end V. wont te 77, bold there for an hour, then drop, ped to the quarter. It gave the trad era no concern. Y. and , V. wm a teady atock, but It could not always atand at 78. It might even go a trlfli lower. j j . but when It went to 74 tbo1 next morning and cloned a half point lowci tbe room tradera Itegan to grow Inter eated and speculated a to where tin drop wna coming from. When It wni found that the Meek of atock wert coming from the Jaitrest holder a nun le took them, aud for the next thro daya the market steadily declined. wtieu It went to BX Vernon closed oul and In bla Jubilation tnlenboued Dor otby to aelect tbo rlug. lie bad clean- ea up an enormoua profit. Morton Harvey found them In tba library - when be came borne. Ha frowned allghtly aa be aaw Vernon, tben bla face lighted un. "You snew pretty chipper for a man wbo bna been cleaned out," he aald grimly. "Cleaned outr laughed Vernon. "Why, It's Juat tbe other way around, I waa on the right aide or F. and V." I thought you aold long." be cried "Dorothy aald"- Ile checked himself, but Uie murder waa out. "I never could understand those tbJnga," algbed Dorothy. "Were you llateuing when I tebmhoned JMler "Didn't you know tbat the library ooor waa open ami that I wa Bitting merer' no aemanileil. Khe looked bravely Into bl face. "Yen." ahe anld mifctlv. "I did know I knew that you wore there and tbat you would hurt Cbeater'a deal If you could." "And fooled me Into putting tba mar ket down to help blm out?" be laugh- ea. , , . . . Dorothy bung bor bend. He crowed tbe room and ra!ad tbo dimpled chin. "Daughter," be aald tenderly, "I neaa I'd better eonfoM that I bib beaten. I think I'm getting to be too old a man to play tbe game all alone. I think I ahall form a partnership of Harrey & Vernon.", "lou and Chester r abe cried, aprlng big up and throwing her anna about ma dock. "No," be corrected, "myaelf and Mr, Cbeater Vernon, nee Harvey. Cbeater won't need me If he bna you. You may form a matrimonial partnership wltb him. That would be aatlsfactory." A Jewel of Wife. A certain IttiHsliin nobleman visiting Far Is waa noticed to be constantly plunged In deep sadness. lie wore on bla finger a very remarkable ring, large enough for a bracelet, and which ex tended over bla band like a buckler for the ring finger. It was of a greenish color and waa traversed by red veins. A lady, , meeting blm In public, ven tured to aay: "You wear a very handsome ring." "It la not a ring," he anawered, "but asepulcber. "Thla Jewel," ho continued, "Is my wife. I bad the misfortune to lose her some years alnce In Russia. She waa an Italian and dreaded the bed which awaited her after tbla life. t I carried her body to Germany, where I waa ac quainted : with a celebrated chemist, whom I directed to make of tbe body a solid aubstance which I could 'carry about with me. , Eight daya after-b aent for me and showed me the empty coffin amid a horrid collection of In struments and alembics. Tbe jewel was lying upon tbe table. lie bad through means of aome corrosive sub stance reduced and compressed that wblcb was my wife luto tbla jewel, which shall never more leave me." The Flatting Fleet. In many localities off tbo Scotch coasts and tbe coasts of Norway the fishing grounds llo at some distance from the shore and tbe start mast be made wltb the ebb tide, sometimes In the middle of the night. All tbe boats of a single locality generally start to gether, and to one unaccustomed to the sight the spectacle of 200 to 300 fishing boats putting off from a harbor like Yarmouth Is a sight never to bo for gotten. London Graphic. Bonne. ' ' ."Bonus" ought to be "bonum," sines it Is evidently . Intended to mean "a good thing'' and therefore should be neuter, not mnscullne, , The word Is found ns early us 1773, but no one knows who was the Ignorant or will ful sinner against Latin that Intro duced ;t, though conjecture nsslgna It to tbe London Stock Uxchiuigo. ,;R, i : Made Him TJred, - Affectionate Wlfo-rCeorse. dear, sit down and rest In your eloijnnt now chair, Worried Husband-How can I rest In tbat chair, Emily, when. I know that the mau Is jjkoly to come In & any moment to collect an Installment on Itl-Chlcaiv Trlbuue. fir. Bbivser f Meant Wei Showed Poor Judgment, However, In 7 Buying H Wife. New Tea Gown. TRIED TO SURPRISE HER Neighbor Enlighten Him on the Folly of Trying to Take Advan ' tage of Bargain. Copvrlafct, 130$, by Eucen Parcel 1.! When Mr. Bowser came borne tb othj-j evening wltb a package under bla arm he entered tbe bouse and crept up stairs' and down again so softly tbat Mr. Bowtor did not bear blm. lie did another tiling unuaual with blm. He did not glvo away tbo fact tbat be bad a little plot on band until dinner bad been dlapoaed of and be bad skimmed over tbo contents of tbe evening paper. Tben be carehiMly observed: "I suppose you wars down to tbat salo of tea gowns today r I . "I haven't beard anything about a sale," site replied. "There was a big one advertised yes terday, and I don't aee bow you missed TOTflA UXJX im A ntSKXU 15 THIS oowm It Qowns tbat bad been selling at 23 were advertised to go at f 12." "I couldn't bav gone If I had seen tbe advertisement" ahe algbed, "as I bsd no money to buy wltb." "But you need a new tea gown, don't j ou?" "Indeed I do. If you can spare tbe taoney I'll go down tomorrow and aee what I can do." Mr. Bowser alapped bla leg and chuckled. "Do you mean tbat you will give me tbe money?" He obuckled and alapped aome more and then walked upstairs aud brought down tbe mysterious package and aald: "Mrs. Bowser, I don't claim to be a model husband, but i" think I do de serve credit for certain things. When ever I can give you an agreeable sur prise It delights me. You needed a new tea gown. I saw tbat you did a month ago, but I was lying low for a sale. I kept the paper away from you last night ao that you couldn't see tbe ad' vertlaement" Bonsfct Her m Preient. "And what what have you doner she asked, with her heart In her mouth, "Nothing to be banged for. I simply left the office two hours earlier than usual and attended tbe Bale." "And you bought me a tea gown?" "I bought you a tea gown, Madam Bowserthe finest one In the lot. You have an old bulldozer for a husband, but now and then he gets bla good streaks on. My dear woman, I take pleasure hi presenting to you my pur chase. Some men might have done better, but I did the best I could." Mrs. Bowser bad grown pale. With out a word as to her bust measure or preference for style or color Mr. BoW' ser bnd gone and bought her a tea gown, and the chances were not one In Ave hundred that he had hit the right thing. It was Inevitable that she would bo disappointed, but sho must do her best to conceal It and not humiliate him. He saw her perturbation and said: "The little surprise rather knocks you out, eh? DIdu't suspect that I bad bad my eye on that old tea gown for tbo last two months and meant to re place It as soon as 1 c)uld? . Open the paper and see how you like it" , Mrs. Bowser pulled herself together and made up her mind to praise that gown If It brought on fatal palpitation of the heart. She forced a smile, broke the string and almost at a glance she discovered: , That the color waa lavender a color she could not have been found dead In. Tbe bust size was forty-two Instead of thirty-four, i v It waa cut lower In the neck than ahe ever wore one. Tbe . style waa more for a girl of twenty than for a woman of forty. " i The aelllng price marked on the card waa $2 higher than she had seen tbe same thing a week before. Wm Great SnrprUe. 1 i, ' i "Well, why don't you get up and dance and shout and swing your hat?" asked, as he held tbe gown up to'iri'i'riiiw, i .. "It-It la .rerv nice, and I thank yoe many, many times for buying It" she replied. "It la indeed a great surprl." "I thought It' would' be.. They tried to work a dozen other styles off on me, but I was after tbe best aud would take uo other. By George, but you'll look like a princess In tills gown!" Mr. Bowser smiled,, but It was a ghastly smile. She wanted to "swing her bat," but It wouldn't swing. Mr, Bowser finally 'caught on to the fact that she wasn't euthuslaatlc and be queried; ; "I there anytblng wrong about Itr "No-o," he replied, a abe held it up against her. r "But If there Is jut ny so. I may have made a mistake, you know. If you were to make any criticism at all, what woud It be?" , "There 1 nothing to crltlclae, you good man, you," she answered, know ing that sbe could take It down In tbe morning and exchange It and tbat the chance were be would never discover tbe fact "It 1 perfectly all rltfht, and you,nrc one of the best husband Jn tbe TlEEfACTS For Sick Women To Consider yiMT. Thtt elmnet In our hospitals performed npon women Becomes necessary inrongb neglect of such symptoms as backache, irregular and Dsinful Mriode. 4fn1aA,nnt of the female organs, pain Lnthe aids. Durum? sensation in tbe stomach, bearing-down pains, nervousness, dl tineas and sleeplessness. 8ooin. Tbo medicine that holds the record for the largest number of absolute cures of female Ills 1 Lydls E. Finkham's Vegetable Compound. It MiralfttM. atronirthana mil O R nut uv diseases of the female organism as nothing else can. For ihlrtv veara it tiaa Iwwn fcolntno women to bo strong, curing backache, nervousness, kidney troubles, inflam mation of tba femala omni walr. ness and displacements, regulating me penoaa periecuy ana overcoming their pains. It has also proved itself invaluable in Brenarlnir wnnwii tnr childbirth and uie change of life. TbTRH. Th at-eat Vftlnma n4 nnu. Melted and mtefnl (Mtlmnnltli m fit at the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, nass., many oi wnicn are irora time to time nnbliahed ! ru-rmlulnn. tIm th. solute tridenoe ti th tain of Lydla K.nnicnam s vegetable compound and am. nnanaia aanoe. Mrs.Pfakbam'1 Stasdi at Invitation to Women.- Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to Promptly communicate with Mrs. Pink am, at Lran. Mass. All letters in received, opened, read and anawered by women only. From stod torn riven. your trouble may be located and tba quickest and surest way of recovery advised. Mrs. Pinkham is daughter, in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and lor twenty-five years tinder her direction and since her decease ahe has been ad viaingalck women free of charge, Out of the vast volume of experience in treat ing female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably has the very knowledge that will heln your ease. Surely, any woman, rich or poor, ib very xooiisn u sue does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. 1 Otill &e MORNING ASTORIAN world." " ' ' "Tbat pays me for all my trouble." he said, as a tear gathered In bis left eye. "There are wive and wlvea, There are wive wbo appreciate and wlvea wbo don't You belong to the former class, and I thank beaven for It" Met Mr, (tree. Ten minutes later Mr. Bowser had an errand at tbe drug store. On bis way over he met Mr. Green. When she bad asked after Mrs. I! iwscr she said: "I thought I saw you In one of tbe store this afternoon, but I was proba bly mistaken." "I wa In one of tbe stores all right enough, and yon can't gues what for?" "Gloves for your wife?" - "No. I waa down to tbe tea gown ale." "Oh, abe gave you a bint that she wanted a new tea gown, did she?" "Not a blessed bint I wanted to give ber a little surprise, you know, and I think I did. Hue was raving about the gown as I left tbe bouse." , "What color did you getr asked tbe woman. "Lavender." "Lavender on Mr. Bowser! Why. you don't tell me! fine can't wear lav ender any more than I can wear pink'" "Why notr , .."Because It doesn't become ber. What izo did you get?" "Forty-two bust measure." "Sokes alive! I know that her mess ure Is only thirty-four. Wa It high o: low cut?" "Low, of course." "Tben she will never, never wear It Sbe hasn't g'rt tbe neck for a low cct gown, and you csver saw ber wear one. Tbo salesgirl uiiwt have thought yoi: wanted something for a woman weigh ing about 300 pounds and seventy yean old. You shouldn't have done it Mr. Bowser." ( Told Be Had Made Mletake. "But do you mean to tell me," be re torted, "do you mean to tell me that I don't know enough to pick out a teu guwn for Mrs. Bowser?" "Of course you don't Not ono hus band In a thousand does. Mr. Green would no more attempt to pick out a gown for me than nothing In the world. Can't you see tbat you made four or five bad mistakes?" ?; Sbe said "Good night!" and passed on, and Mr. Bowser took a walk around the block. When be came to bla bouse be turned In at the gate. He opened the door like a man wbo baa deter mined to scale the Alps. He walked down tbe ball like a man having no fear of a Colorado avalanche. The tea gown lay on a chair. Mrs. Bowser and tbe cat seemed to have been weeping. "What a the matter?" was asked aa be counted out $10 and alapped tbe bills down on the table, . Ko answer. ? : . ; .'What are you going to dor was ssked aa be flung the gown over his arm and turned away. . No answer. Mr. Bowser walked straight out of the bouse, straight down to the gate, straight down the street for balf a block, and then tbe tragedy occurred. He seized that tea gown by the neck and choked It to death. He seized It by tbe arms . and wrenched them from their sockets. He gathered up tbe skirt and rent and tore and made strips of It, and tben he Jumped up and down and uttered cuss words, and tbe spring robin roosting In a tree over bis bead uttered a shriek and flew away through the darkness. 3d. QUAD. IS OUR FIELD, AND WE COVER IT. Our field is the district tributary to the mouth of the Columbia River. We pene trate into all the outlying districts, into lumber camps and isolated neighborhoods. The business of these places belongs to you, and it is worth going after.. .Space in THE MORNING ASTORIAN is reason able; contract for some and let these out siders know that you are still in business at the old stand. You may have a "grouch" but that won't get business; forget it. .Let the people know what you have to sell; they may "forget" or have "forgotten" THE ONLY PAPER ON THE LOWER COLUMBIA HAVING ASSOCIATED . PRESS SERVICE Ack your dealer FCa32-PAS ILLUSTRATED fa-iif"-- - -g lii't ft, t, ' li,:'A '' j'''"' BOOKLET Mite It gives much valuable infor mation on the one thousand uses of Borax in the Home. , CONTENTS ' How to Km a Ciar CentpJsxJsau ArtirJfs ea tbt Hair and Hands. tsnx to tht Laundry, Kunsry and Kttchtn. Borax In tht Sick Room. Prntrvatfva Utta of Borax, its. This Book is FREE Of your dealer, or on postal request of Pacific Coast Borax Cc San Francisco. Jell-0 Ice Cream Powder Unices delicious Iec Cream la II minutes lor 1 cent . a plate. . Btireantattof one pack agt lutasqsHtof silk tad irt: vat au. urn tin oid bthkmed,llMri. oat wiy and makN btttar Amnmi br Pan food rnmmlwIniMira Tw aaduots. IS ents at all arseers. If roar trocar bant it (and bit nunc tad S9& to u tad taro packasaa and our Uloatrated recipe ooos will m mailed joo. le Ceacgce fare faed Ca, U ay. H. T. MEN AM WOMEN. Tm Eif G for on wit oral d i c har km. in flam mat tons, irntatiiioa or nicwation of mncuRi mQibrknL a fsMttwtaa. tMiittkk,. and not suit now gflnl or poionou. Sold by DntsalaU, tvV. -J r or 'n l '' wrapper. P$ !.0. or lb"Hl'fJ.7. i inirrui.1 uml am mim. n Ml I