THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 11, 1906. MARINE MEM QRANDA Roanoake Goes South With Some Astorians Aboard. NEVADAN IN FROM HONOLULU Telegraph Blowi Out Cylinder' Head Cbehalis Gets Away Kilburn Playi Trick OS Steamers la and Out Note. It turn the big and handsome Potter is getting the cordial ill will of the fish enneo down on the lower boy. On Thursday night ehe swept her big hull through quite a string of nets, cutting them all to pieces, at least that is what is reported. It is a great handicap on the fishermen, but the T. J. Potter is absolutely required to keep in the given channels that lead to and from her destin ations herabout. and it is up to the fish ermen to keep out of her way. She does not hunt them up and run them down; they must be in her way if she cuts into them; therefor it is their fault and not bers. Two wrongs never made a right in the world. It is too bad, but there is a way out of it The 0. R. A N. dock is to be equipped with a big gong, for calling the various employes to the office. Agent Roberts has had all he wants of chasing over the huge length of the pier for the men be needed, and has installed the bell, with a code of signals indicatnig the man be wants at headquarters. The gong is an imense affair and comes from one of the company's fleet of steamers which has been dismantled sometime, somewhere; but to the stranger they will tefl a fairy tale of its being saved from some of the wrecks of old, and the older the fairier. J f The snug and stout steamship Roanoke arrived down from Portland early yes terday morning and left for San Fran cisco and Los Angeles about ten o'clock. She had nearly 250 people on board and all the freight she could carry. Tbere was a big' crowd to see her off, and she took out fifteen people from this port. among them being: . Mrs. Charles Brink and her little daughter, Mrs. Dan Allen, Miss Kate Shively, and the Mesdames Malar, all bound for an outing fn San Francisco arid the) bay, points about there, ., ..... The steamer F. A. Kilburn did a shabby trick jesterday morning when he slipped through thia port without stopping, leaving a dozen people on her dock, with prepaid passages ii their pockets, and several tons of freight awating her as welL She might, have sent a hail that she was crowded in cabin and hold, but didn't even do that It pays to do business in fashion., river yesterday. She blew out her star board cylinder bend and broke the big straps on her pitman, and in consequence cut out all landing on the return trip to Portland. She will be under repair for the next three days' and will not make her appearance for that time. The steamer Lurliue did not arrive down last evening until 8:40, She was busy along stream, so she reported. Jack Moron, her genial purser, who was doing lay off stuut here for a day, while Agent Charlie Fowler made the round trip for him, went back on her last night; that is, he went back to work at hi desk. She took out quite a lit of people, ( The fine steamship Nevada, Capt. J. S. Greene, from San Francisco, entered port a. little after the noon hour and came directly up to an anchorage in the city channel .under the pilotage of Captain Archie Cann. She went on tojhe me tropolis, with a part cargo for Honolulu, and will go from there to Seattle and Tacouur, and thence to the Hawaiian port. The steamer Nahcotta will go under federal inspection on Monday next along with a number of other local vessel. Inspectors Fuller and Edwards and their families are over Sunday guests at the Breakers, at Long Beach, and will be here in season on Monday to open up business. The steamer George Looruis, with a big tankful of piL arrived in from California yesterday morning, just as her sister ship, the Ascuneion. was passing out. The barkentine Chehalis left out for sea and San FrancUeo yesterday morn ing, on the tow lines of the bar tug Tatoosh. ..." A DING ROBBERY Wholesale Clothing Store Robbed Before Onlookers. WOMAN DIRECTS OPERATIONS Store Entered at it O'clock Wednesday Might Light Turned On and Goods Loaded in Wagoa and Art Carried Off. The. fleet. Francisco. them 'oil. steamer Rosecrans, of the oil is due this morning, from San She is the finest vessel of A Tragic Finish. A watchman's neglect permitted a leak in the great North Sea dyke, which Child's finger could have stopped, to become a ruinous break, devasting an entire province of Holland. In like man ner Kenneth Mclver, of Tanceboro, Me. permitted a little cold to go unnoticed until! V. tragic finish finish was only averted by Dr. King's New Discovery. He writes: ; Three doctors gave me up to die of lung inflammation, caused by a neglected cold; but Dr. Kinga New Discovery saved my life." Guaranteed best cough and cold cure, at , Charles Rogers' drug store. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. .r.v wkiv, July 2fl. With a woman as their chief, a gang of burglars dar ingly entered a wholesale clothing store few doors from Broadway on Twen tietb (street late Wednesday night and carried out a truck load of valuable ap pare! while occupants of the continental hotel opposite looked on. The woman directed the men of the gang in selecting the material to .be taken. She accom panied them from the truck into the store and followed each bundle of cloth ing out to the street and superintended the packing of it on the wagon AH thU the Continental patrons saw, not suspecting that the store was being robbed. They believed the concern was moving and that the woman was a sales woman or floorwalker in charge of the work. The pkice was that of I. A. Harris & Brothers at 20 East Twentieth street. The bright lights of Broadway lllumi nated the entrance to the building and it would not have been possible for the burglars to make a raid without being observed for at all hours of the day and night persons in the hotel across the street are awake It is evident that the burglars had taken this into consideration and plan ned accordingly. At 11 o'clock Wednea day night they drove to the building in the truck. A glass cutter and a jimmy were ud to gain an entrance. Then the doors were thrown wide open and the men went leisurely at their work, rooms and began carrying out bundle rooms and bega n carrying out bundle after bundle. An inventory taken yes terday disclosed that about 1000 pieces were taken, among them 300 skirts and 230 rain coats valued at $3000, ft' if A .,.. W. v-v-v: V Copyright 1906 by Hart SchafTner fc? Mvf OUR SALE OF : OUTING SUITS IS AT ITS HEIGHT You can buy a good suit now of latest style and pattern, from $6 up to $9e85. See windows Dr. Deimel Linen Mesh Underwear The all-the-year-round underwear. See it in our window. We are local agents P.A.STOKES "Good Clothes for Men Who Know." GOURDAIN MAY GET IN PRISON THE GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS SAY THERE ARE FOUR WAYS IN WHICH IT WILL BE POSSIBLE TO FORCE ENTRANCE TO J0LIET VAUDEVILLE IS CUT OUT AT STAR CHICAGO, July 20.-Four ways by which Louis A. Gourdain, who la now In the East seeking some avenue by which When h ton ta ntr"nc Jn,o the pent- the woman chief thought everything Mntiary at Joliet. can attain his end if worth taking had been loaded upon the he returns to Chicago and seeks them, wagon the burglars drove away. TheLere pointed out yesterday bv Govern- robbery terday. was not discovered until yes- HAVE NARROW ESCAPE. The passen- King's Bridge trolley car of the business motorman 1FH3 The steamship Bawacouta from San Francisco, Portland bound, is practically 48 hours behind time. It was intimated yesterday that she was killing time to let the Roanoke and Kilburn get out of the way before she came in. She may have met with trouble but has not been spoken. ' The tkndjlitjrie ststymer Telegraph) 1 NEW YORK, July gers on a the Union Railway Company in Bronx, had a wild ride last night when the car got beyond the control of the and for eight blocks tore along Bailey avenue with women and children screaming in fear that they would be killed. In Heath avenue the car left the track, tore through a mud pile and hung suspended over the New York Central tracks from which perilous position it waa bauled by a wrecking crew.' A surgeon from Fordham hospital dressed the Injuries of the victims, all of whom will recover. delivered by carrier. met with an accident coming down the Morning Astorian, 65 cents per month. TAKE THE ELEVATOR! TO OUR NEW DEPARTMENTS And See the Fine Assortment of Crockery, Glassware, Graniteware, Tinware, Silver Plated' Ware, Stoves and Ranges. EVERYTHING FOR THE HOME All On the Second Moor, Especially Arranged for the Convenience ?,? of the' Buying Public to ? v ; x ' Make Shopping Easy - s it ! FOARD & STOKES GO; O PERSONAL MENTION. O 00000000000000000 D. B. Abdill of Portland arrived here on the noon express yesterday, D. G. Anstruther of London was business visitor in Astoria yesterday, Peter Gullickson of Ferndsle was business visitor in Astoria yesterday. J. B. Semple of San Francisco waa in the city yesterday on a business quest William Ross was a homing passenger from Portland, on the noon train yes terday. K. A. Merriam of Sacramento, spent the day in Astoria yesterday on busi ness. - ' P. J. McGowan of McGowan's is in the city and domiciled at the Hotel Oc cident. " Alec Bernstein of Portland with his family went to Seaside yesterday for the season. Mrs. C Marquam of Portland came down on the noon train yesterday for a few days' outing. W. L. Dudley Jr., was a passenger for Portland on the steamer Telegraph yes terday afternoon. E. E. Loomis of Knappton was a visi tor in this city yesterday being register ed at the Occident. E. D. Doran alighted from the Port land express at noon yesterday for an over Sunday stay where it -is cool. Miss H. Brunold of the ment attaches. The means by which the lottery man canget relief from fre.-dom follow: 1 Application to Judge Peter 8. Grosscup in the court which granted the superseada upon which Gourdain waa released pending ass appeal to quash the supsedeas. Result: Seizure by United States Mar shal and rv-turn to the penitentiary. 2 Application to the Dintrict Court to revoke his appeal bond. Result: Quashing of superseadas and seizure. 3 Application to United States Dis trict Attorney' Morrison to seek the re vocation of hi bond of f 1000 on the superseadas or his appeal bond. Result: Seiiure and arrest, 4 Compel his bondsmen, John K Dal- ton and his wife, to surrender him Into the custody4 of the United States Mar- shaL Result: Surrender of defendant by surety always' places him back into the custody of the prosecution. MANAGER GEVURTZ BACK FROM PUGET SOUND POINTS WHERE HE BILLED A NUMBER OF HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS. NO REDUCTION LIKELY. Little Probability of Two-Cent Letter Rate Between England and America. NEW YORK, July 20.-A special to the Herald from Halifax, N. S., says: George B, Cortelyou, potmaeter-gen- eral of the United States is in Halifax with his family on Vacation trip. Mr, Cortelyou said he did not wish to express any opinion on the question of a two-cent letUr rate between the United States and England but he thought it . telephone unlikely that such an arrangement would service, went to Seaside for a few" days' be effected, outing on yesterday's noon train. The United States had taken a step Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mitchell of Port-1 in the way of greater international pos- land, paHed through the city yesterday tal facilities by increasing the regulation en route to their Seaside cottage, I weight of letters, but considering un- Allen C. Miller of Portland is in the I necessary for use the light paper form- city the guest of his sister, Miss Ade- erly used for foreign letter wirting. Manager Gevurtt returned lflt night from Puget Sound points after a pleas aat trip. He states that while there he booked up several of the best com panies now ou the road, and from now on he Intends to give the Astoria public no more vaudeville, but the best stork companies to be bad. will be secured. Among the best of the excellent attrac tions which Mr, Gevurti has billed are the famous Brandon players. This com pany consists of 14 people and is now in Taooma, ( The Allen Company which has been playing fur 52 eonMH-utive weeks at the Star theatre In Tacoma is to be another of the high class companies to furnish Astorians with amusement and recrea tion. Coincident with Manager Gcvurtz' determination to a boll It vaudeville and put on some of the standard, high class, attractions, he says that he will have a change of bill twice a weeks on Monday and Thursday, thus assuring everyone that there will be no monotony, but something new and good all the time. The seats throughout the theatre will be numbered immediately and coupon tickets made, and reserved seats can e secured as soon as the new schedule Is inaugurated. A"torla has cause to ap pluud Mr. Gevurtz'ii efforts to furnih the public with ftrst-chss amusements. COFFEE WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Greggs Brands of Coffees JUST RECEIVED A FRESH SHIPMENT TODAY. THIS COFfEE IS THE VERY BEST ON THE MARKET EVERY POUND GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. CALL FOR SAMPLE PACKAGE. ALL KINDS OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES IN SEASON ASTORIA GROCERY Pbon Miin 61 1. js j Co mm tidal St IN THE CITY CHURCHES. 0 MILLINERY. Big clearance sale of ladies' and chil dren's trimmed hats, street hats, shirt waists, and notions. Mrs. R. Ingleton, Welch block, opposite Budget office, 17-3t laide E. Miller, of the Budget staff, Haakon J. Langoe, formerly of this city, but now editor of the Pacific Skamdinaven at Portland was in Astoria yesterday on business, Mrs. Susan Mills of Newcastle, Pa., is i nthe city, the guest of her old time friend, Mrs, A. A, Douglas. Mft. Mills will spend the balance of the sea son here. , ,As an offset to the British imperial two-cent rate that now prevails Mr, Cortelyou mentioned the fact that a similar rate existed between. the United States, the Philippines, and Porto Rico. WILL GET CONTRACT, VICTORIA, B. C July lO.-Bccause of protests made Against the awarding Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kelly of this city of the recent contract to an English left yesterday evening with their son I shipbuilding firm the Ottawa government who has been ill for some months, lxmnd is reported to have assured the Esqui for their old home in Oregon City, in the malt Marine Railway Company that it hope that the change may benefit him. will' be given the-contract to build a Their many friends trust they will be in hydrographic steamer for the British bee(sJhtvb 25 DISCOUNT ON ALL Children's Summer Dresses IN LATEST DESIGNS AND STYLES, YOURS FOR - THE COST OF THE MATERIAL ONLY SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF LADIES' WHITE SHIRT WAISTS A FULL LINE AND COMPLETE LINE OF THIS SEA-:j SON'S VERY LATEST STYLES.. Baptist Church. There will be the usual service at the Baptl.t church. "Working With God," will be the subject of the morning sermon, ami "Why Accept of Christian' ityt" of that In the evening. You' are cordially invited to be present. First Lutheran. Services in the First Lutheran church as usuul. Morning service at 10:43 a. m. Evening service in English at 8 o'clock, tleme, "Forgive and Ye Shall Be For given." ' Methodist Church. Sermon themes: Morning, "What I the Trinity?" This will lie the third sermon in the series on "Great Ques tions." Evening theme, "Does Chris tianity offer any hope of real victory over evil, or, la evil always to be triumphant?" The Sunday school at 12:13 promises to be unusually interest ing aa both teachers and scholars are making an effort to have this, the best session of the year, One of the feature will be an illustrated sermon by tha , pastor. It is hoped that there will be large attendance on the part of parents and children, A cordial Invitation is extended to the publio to attend all services. , Norwegian M. E. Church. The pastor will preach at 11 . m. and p. m. Evening subject, "The Training of Children," being the second of a series of sermons on "Home and Family Life." Sundny school at 10 a. m. 1 1 Presbyterian Church. Morning worship, 11 o'clock, sermon theme, "Ought Men to Pray?" Sunday sohol, 12:13 p. m.i P, Y. 8. C. E., 7:00 m.j evening worship, 8 p, rh.j praise service: Program, male qnatet solos by Grace JlannelB, Mrs. Stephenson, Mr. J. Ross j duettj anthem, by choir; soldier hymns by congregation. . 4 v . f v- , i f 1 no wise disappointed. Columbia work.