The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 11, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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SUbliilt9 1873.
Published Dally by
By mall, per year 17.00
By mail, per month W
By carrier, per month..... 5
B, mall, per year, In advance. .1.00
. Entered u Kond-cli matter Jane
B.1906, at the pottofflc ai Astoria, ur
ton, nnder U ad of Confresi ot March S,
KVOntot for th deUnmnir ofTsi Moan
miaroBixtoalt)r msideuo or olac ot
busfm jnay be made by postal card or
througk tetedioaa. Any lmfuUritj' ta d
llwi should be tauMdiatelT reported to tb
ofBos ot pubUcatfoo.
thlCIVy of Astoria.
ORIelal paper of Clatsop county and
feasible. He never reason that would
disarm him; hence, he simply crie down,
distorts and digtiie the plant of oth
ers, challenge the good faith of all men,
and uea hi deadening cult the loss
misery and humiliation of every one he
cn reach. He may te our next-door
neighbor ,our fellow -citUen, our brother
in the churvh, our partner in business,
our very kinman, but. nut (withstand
ing, we reserve the right, and cheerfully
exercise it, to d the knocker!
Advice to Person! Who Want to Keep
Away Freckles and Sunburn,
0000 00 00 000 00 0 0 000
In St Louis a national organization
ha been formed of a givat shifting body
of shiftiest men known as, "the hobo."
numbering anywhere from three million
to five million and is to hi gathered
under the wing of the order if the plan
of the promoters are successful. The
president, Robert M. Wilson, father of
the' idea, propose to establish hobo
headquarter in evety large city in the
union. A free labor bureau will be
maintained and contractors will be sup
plied with all the laborer they may
Ineed through this agency. One of the
........ ai.:. - . n v. a
wi vi una new oruer win u 10
secure a modification of the vagrancy
laws tliat in most cities' are stringent, in
view of keeping the supply of tramps
induced to the minimum..
Western Oregon Fair; con-
tinued warm.
Western Washington Fair;
wanner in interior. ,
Eastern Oregon and Washing-
ton, Idaho Generally fair and
continued warm. , -
The speech made by Secretary of War
Taftat Greensboro, North Carolina, on
' Monday .at the opening of Congressional
campaign in that state, was a master
" piece of logic and opportune counsel.
Not in years have the "people of the
South had the fallacies of the doctrine
of a "solid South" shown so plainly and
honestly as Judge Taft expounded them.
It was a "case of clear and consummate
reasoning without a word that can, by
the-most untoward construction, be
classified as politically censorious. The
fact that many of the border states of
the South have already relinquished the
theory )f an amalgamated section in
politics, will add force to the truths ut
tered by this representative American,
and will contribute largely . in the re
adjustment of the new lines through the
Cotton Belt, a condition as inevitable as
many of the preceding adaptations mad1
by the ardent, and conventional people
of that great section. There is nothing
like breaking away from prescriptive and
formal doctrines. They gtow old and
unserviceable, and the laying them aside
is the highest evidence of progressive
purpose and duty.
' v. ' " 0 " "'
President Roosevelt intends to take a
long and grateful rest after the ardorous
duties of the late congressional season,
provided he can get it! He will , have
to hark back to the Rockies and their
impenetrable fastnesses; or to the wide
plains of the west, where he may lose
himself utterly; otherwise, he will get
"norest. We are of the opinion that men
of his calibre need, and take, but very
little rest; they are so innured to study,
to enterprise, ami so wrought with the
living sense of their high duties, that
what might have been a season of re
taxation, is but another stretch of time
devoted to still nobler aspirations and
the formation of greater schemes of
public good. Such a mind as his is
never quiet, never free from the stress
of importunate thought, never without
a burden of formulative, progressive
ideas. ' What such men as he call rest,
is but the opportunity to think, and
divine, and mentally build, without the
harassing interruptions of the multitude
The splendid activty of his life knows
no season of abject quietude; this is
what makes such ,men so immensely
valuable to the world at large.
The "knocker" is perennial. He is
of, every time and place and circum
stance. , In business, religion, sport, and
every phase of human action, he is in
evitably on hand. He is the logical pro
duct of competitive life. Cursing, defeat,
exposure, nothing phases him; he goes
on hourly and daily plying his little
hammer wherever an aggressive and pro
gressive head shows itself above the
dead level of conservatism. He has no
spirit, no pride, no purpose of his own;
he exists simply to despoil, discourage
and undo the work of others. He lives
in the shadow and works in the dark,
and would knock the sunshine if ft were ,
An exchange thus describes the man
who does things in a hurry s "The un
wise man is always in a hurry. He eats
in a hurry and gets apoplexy. He talks
in a hurry and says too much. He does
business in a hurry and goes broke. He
reads in a hurry and ts superficial. He
votes in a hurry and produces corrup
tion. He marries in a hurry and hurries
then into evil ways. He gets religion
in a hurry andforgets it in a hurry. He bis will in a hurry and leaves a
legal contest. He dies in a hurry and
goes ' to the devil and his tribe increases.
How exqtiMtely lovely in this vernal
season! The trees are heavy with ver
dure. Mrs. Terre Firma't bosom is rk
ly carpeted with green, the roosters blow
their trumpets from morn till night, the
feathered vocalists carol their solos upon
every bough. All nature grins, includ
ing you and us.
A Belleville, HI- woman while hur
riedly dressing for a party one evening
last week, after laboriously fastening a j
dozen buttons on the back of her waist.
suddenly broke her arm in, attempting
the next one. Same old hoodoo; the
13th button and on a Friday.
How desperate are the straits created
by the scarcity of good plays is evi
denced by the holding up in Xew York,
of a messenger boy and looting of ths
manuscript play he was carrying. Thi
should be worth more than stolen dia
monds to the management.
One of the Pennsylvania Railroad
clerks who received a salary varying
from $30 to $126 a month says he pur
chased $75,000 worth of coal stock.
Wouldn't he and the giri who can keep
house on $10 a week be able to save
money, though!
The American Ice Company of New
York has requested all its customers to
be economical in the use of ice. But
the housewives are asking how that is
possible when a 20-pound apiece is only
half as large as it used to be!
"Every man should stick to his joU"
said John D. Rockefeller, just before he
sailed for Europe. A good many people
claim that they would have been glad to
stick to theirs if John D. hadn't pushed
them out '
A Kansas student says lower animals
have the power of reison and imagina
tion, When you are milking her, a cow
always thinks that your neck was made
on purpose for her to hang her tail on.
A Chinese student has won the second
prize for oratory at the University of
New York, fireat heavens! Must our
sons now be beaten in school by the
Chinese as well as by the negroes f
The are the day when the tun's
ray which the Greeks called "Appolo't
lances" make the outdoors a joy some,
what mixed with pain and sorrow for
thoe enthusiast of who linger on
the beach over long or stray in hade
less Held., And oh! don't the elbow
sleeve nwke us fine target for tan
and sunburn in temik golf and boating)
Appolu the areher shoots well these
days and Fashion's decree that we must
go forth unarmed and unprotected Wow
our elbow make us easy victims.
Octicftni sited hats and parasols some
what protect our cheek and forehead.
but our almost sIeevclosnet It going
to, or has got most of u into trouble
ere thi. To be sure a little tan, and
sunburn will be fashionably at long a
vacations are a proper portion of every
ona summer, and may this never cease
to be. '
Hut really a thick coat of tan, a big
crop of freckle or even a slight case of
sunburn are never sheer Joys to the
mot enthusiastic maid or matron. And
wlien the men return from the water
and fieldt red as boiled lobsters they
may not mind the appear nee of their
complexions then or later, but their tun
burn language U not at all the tort we
designate a pjrlor conversation, and it
rather indicates that even the sterner
sex do not relish sunburn when it is on
Now if you are burned here is what
you want at once, and if you haven't
lieen even tanned or freckled yet. it
might not be amiss to make ome up
against the fateful days when you will
he. Then too if you have it made up in
advance youH not need to worry whe
out in the tun for this borax complex
mq cream is sure to alleviate alt the tan
or sunburn annoyances, and it is
delightful cream for ordinary use when
you merely want "to protect your com
plexion and kin. The ingredients and
proportions are as follows:
Fresh cucumber jujee.. . . 8 ounces
Oil of sweet almonds.... 2 ounces
Powdered castile soap.. J ounce
Essence of cucumbers... 3 ouncet
Tincture of benzoin .... .20 drops
Boric acid ..............15 grains
The manner of making and mixing
these ingredients is as folow: Wash
and slice two large green cucumbers
toil in porcelain kettle with scant half
cup of water until soft and pulpy; cool
and strain (trough muslin. Measure off
one and a half ounces and add an equal
amount of alcohol. Let this cucumber
essence stan over night; in the morning
and the powdered toap, then eight ounces
of cucumber juice; boil very tlowly and
add the benzoin. Shake thoroughly 13
minutes, pour in the boric acid and
shake again in five minutes.
If you will use this borax complexion
cream faithfully you need not fear ill
effects from sunbum or tan; and beside
this the cream levet you plenty of the
rich red and brown proof that you have
been in the open.
If you are very prudent you w ill apply
this cream after every exposure to hot
bright sunlight, and as the application
is really pleasant you will find your
prudence no irksome a task.
And by the way, take along this borax
complexion cream when you go camping
or on your vacation. If you men folk
get burned recommend this "salve" to
them for many of them who would balk
at using a complexion cream will use a
salve. Once they use it and find this
suffering banished they will sing your
praises loudly.
Italian Society Threatens to Kill Man
Unless He Delivert Them $300.
CHICAGO, July lO.-The police today
will arrest any man who upon meeting
Salvatore Sorafina, 11 Milton street, say
"Cigar spagnioli." According to letters
received by Sorafina, and signed by the
"Black Hand Society," unless he delivers"
$300 today to the man who meets him
with that signal he will be murdered.
At first he decided to deliver the money.
Yesterday he took the matter to the
police who will make nil efforts to cap
ture the authors,
The letters were writen in Italian. The
margins were decorated with crude look
ing skulls and cross-bones and long
daggern. One letter indicated that un
less the agent called on July 10 he would
make his demand on July 31,
Saved Hit Comrade's Life.
"While returning from the Grand
Army Encampment at Washington City,
a comrade from Elgin, III, wat taken
with cholra morbus and wat in a criti
cal condition," says Mr. J. E. Hough-
land, of Eldon, Iowa. "I gave him Cham
berkins Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and believe saved his life .
have been engaged for ten years in im
migration worK ana conducted many
parties to the south and west. I ai
ways carry this remedy and have used
it succesfuly on many occasions." Sold
by Frank Hart, leading druggist,
Real Newt of the Event.
. ' , (Philadelphia Press.)
"Your wife," began the reporter, "and
the man with whom' she eloped have
been located in New York. They were
on their way to Europe, but they lost
their money "
"Wellt" said the man quite unmoved.
"Why er " stammered the reporter,
"we thought that you might want the
hews, and"
"That's not the news. The news i
that I've just sent them enough money
to see the'm through."
Old Chronic Sores,
As a dressing for old chronic toret
there is nothing to good as Chamber
lain's Salve. While it is not advisable
to heal old sores entirely, they should be
kept in a good condition for which this
salve it especially valuable. For tale by
Frank Hart and leading druggists. .
Witt cite
any case of
. that is
not beyond
the reach
of medicine.
can do more,
Spiegel, 1201' N,v Virginia 8t.,
vW, Ind., wrltesr 1 "For over flvs
B. S
years I was troubled with kidney and
bladder affections which caused me ranch
pain and worry. I lott Sesb and was all
ran down, and a year ago had to
abandon, work entirely. I had three of
(he best physicians who did me no good
and I was practically given cp to die.
Foley's Kidney Care was recommended
and the first bottle gave me great relief,
and after taking the second bottle 1 was
entirely cured."
Do It By Proxy.
(Syracuse Post-Express.)
We do not liink enough. Secretary
Shaw. .
Why should we think while Secretary
Shaw is in good health and is willing to
think for us I
Modest Claims Often Carry the Most
When Maxim, the famoui gun inven
tor, placed his gun before a committee of
judges, he stated itt carrying power to
lie below what he felt sure the gun would
accomplish. The result of the trial was
therefore a great surprise, instead of
disappointment. It it the tame with
Chamberlain'a Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy . They uot publicly boast
of all thit remedy will accamplish, but
prefer to let the users make the state
ments. What they do claim, is that it
will positively cure diarrhoea, dysen
tery, paint in the ttomach and bowels
and has never been known to fail . For
sale by Frank Hart, letding druggists.
a m w
, Unprecedented
Success of
1, i be n
Q Who it known
-throughout the United
4Statet on account of
C.ft. ,ha
AWgc table Prep arallon for As
glmftattrig B Tood and Rf2uki
tlDg UaSapiswaiJWowda of
OptumlorpMa& nor Uksxai.
Not Kaho otic.
JWbi Srni
A porfkf Remedy forcarrtllM-
tl oh. Sour StDraah.Dianrrioca.
Worms .Cormihions .Fevtrisiv
ocsj and Loss OF Slmp.
facSunik Signature el
exact comrcp vtAmi.
For Infant! nd Children.
Ttio Kind You llavo
Bears the
t J(V In
is ' 14 : 4
For Over
Thirty, Years
y stfttMt twM, atit veah errs, '
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President.
0. I. PETERSON, Vlce-Pretldtnt
rTUXK PATTON, Cashier.
J. W. CAUSER, Assistant Catbter.
Astoria Savings Bank
rapiul Paia In IIOCSOO. Surplus a4 Cadlrld4 Profit W,0U3,
Transwu a General Banking fiattntM. Interwt raid oa Ttmt Deposits
168 Ttnth Street,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore
Capital $100,000
Up-to-Date Saw Mill Macblncry.e Prompt attention lven;to al. rej air work'
18th and Franklin Ave.
Tel. Slain 2481
wonderful curet.
No poisons nor drugs used. He guaran
tees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung and
throat trouble, rheumatism, nervousness,
stomach, liver, and kidney, female com
plaints and all chronic diseases.
If you cannot call write for symptom
blank and circular, inclosing 4 cents in
stamps. .,,,,.
102J First St.( Corner Morriton,
Please mention the Astorian .,
JFerlWif and BladdsrTroufeltss
3 trr- , I,T f J
' !i1!feVi all rami
. J discharges ;
' -i i t ' r ' I Each Cap- ,
Shennan Transfer Co.
Hacks, Carrlaget Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture
Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped.
433 Commercial Street
Phone Main 121
JOHNi FOX, Pres.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
Nelson Troyer, Vica-Pres. and Supt.
Designeri and Mant
Canning Machinery, lark. Engines and Boilers
. ' ' .
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished.
CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 1 1 , Foot of Fourth Street.