The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 08, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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SUNDAY, JULY I, ijofl.
-' r'.'W W jLWy j - Jie V-v w
' Clataop Beautlei. Three tnagnlfloent
kample of C'latiKip grown berrle were
nt to tha olllce of the Morning An
toilan yeterduyf by a prmrtlnent citizen
jUNt to how what carr be, yjon in thU
county In the way of berry culture here;
Not How Cheap, But How Good
, lt; All Goodness In v
Sinclair's Fidelity Ham
Wo" Sell Them.
and they Were a rveltlop 1 here wa
on box each of igafWie, atrawkT
rle and raepberrie. tM finer fruit
liu Iiieu handled In tin city ,tliU aea
tori) they were large, full colored, luclou
and firm In texture ilnd were product
of the home farm of Mr. J. Eriyknon of
Hvenien In thU county. It i a hame
'JW e p
- Vn
thut a "ll capable of raiding afich auperb
Ninnll fruit, thould be neglected, and
the jieiiple compelled to worry along
with the Infinitely poorer atuff from out-
Ide market. ,'
ins mi or i ion
OrkwlU Mill ikat
National Bicycle (or mI at OrkwlU.
Going Away.Furnlturt (or tale. Ap
ply to 301 DuiM itreet. 6-281w.
Olrl wmW to work In bookblndcry.
A mil v ai Aitorlan ofllee. tf.
1 1 -
Finnish Lutheran Sunday ehno pic
nie, September 8, 1W6. to Deep River.
Club Gaining and prelng ptrloni
auiU, 00 cent. Tl. Black 8184. 78 9tb.
Tk Ttry bait board to U obtalaad l
tba dty to t "Ik Ocddant Botal"
RatM wty raaaoaabla.
Ladlea ahoti called for, abioad and
dallvartd. TaL Black ajj. Brows k
Balaam. t
Hotal Irving, corner franklin aranua
sd Elmntb itrtet Karopeaa pUnj
beat rooma and board la tba dty at ra
aonablt prkaa.
Appoint Patrolman. The Aitorla Po
Ilea ConimUdlou yesterday announced
tba appolntmont of Kmlie Houghton at
patrolman to wowed Oflleer WlUon.
Pay Water Bate Tueday, July 10
ia the Utt day in which to pay the water
rata and eap tba 25 cent penalty
charged (or being delinquent. 7-8 31.
Bow Do I look. To really aee your
'f aa other aee you, get one of thoe
new atyle rolrrora at Hart' Drug Storei
all price. A new upply Jut received.
' tt.
N. A. Ackennan, 421 Bond St, doe all
manner of teilderuy, furniture upbol
it ring, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
treat making a ipeclalty and a.1 work
InatalUtion Tb K. of P. Lodge
No. 6. of thU city, ha Installed the fol
lowing oflleere for the eniuing ternit
C. W. Spring. C. C.j T. Nordtrora, V.
Cj L J. CarUon. P.j D. S. Rowan, M.
A. E. J. Nyman, 0. O.j J. M. Johmtton,
Why don't you have your work done
by the Eaatera Painting ft Decorating
Company, 73 Ninth atreet? ' They do
tha work cheaper, quicker and better
than any other firm. Tha Parker
Houae which ia being papered and
painted from cellar to genet ia being
done by them. Go and inapect the work.
..-.111 I
mV9 Miih AHAtiAJIMlMllH
1 ne rnunuiiMBKn
We Are Agents for Edison's Phonograps
And Supplies Full List of Records
Health Falling. - Dr. Prang' illne
that lia Confined him to bit home at
Fort Grove, for two month, atill
keep hlui In a very weakened condi
tion, 'although Ha preacrlbe hi own
medicine which U very little, aa hi con
dltlim I Mu-tt that little or no medicine
l required. Dr. Illnea of Fori-nt drove
who U a great admirer of the old doc
Utt, l daily attendant and give out
no hop to the family that there I
any polblllty of the recovery to health
of the venerable doctor. It 1 only a
tietlim of how hmg the old doctor'
remarkable vitality ran tand the atraln
he hn endured the hot (pell moat
Making Good Catebti The run of al
lium In the C'olumliift river 1 lncwalng
a the water recede. Tliere are about
13 fUhcrmeti at lUlnlcr and during the
pat wwk have Wn making good
inU'tif. , J. .1, Brnhn, who buy the flh,
report that he hlp on an average
about 20 bo.e a day. The-e Uni t cm
tain about 2il Kund each. Mr. Draim
collect fUli ffttu teveral adjacent point
An the oppmite ide of the river. The
run of had and blueWk I nearly over.
Several flb trap are now under con
triiitiiin and a oon a the current
ubid the river will be dotted with
In County Court. The county court
jeterduy morning before it left on It
tour of Inaction to tbe county rock
cruiher and the adjacent road, made an
order denying the petition of W. L. Dud
ley for a right of way over certain of the
county road for th Atoria-6ealde
Interurbn Railway) and at the aame
time denied the petition of tbe Seailde
ftpruen J.tiinW Company, for a eimllar
pmilcget and to complete it negative
tand on tuvh mater, dented the peti
tion of Mr. Sloop and other, for the
conMruction of a road in district No. 9.
Another New Hotel.-E. Schacht. the
well known Portland architect, wa a
paenger for Gearhart Park lat even
ing, whither he goea to confer today with
Theo. Kme and hi partner upon the
project of the new hotel to be erected
there early next eion. The bouee I
to tie of eplendid dimenion and 1 to be
equipped with every conceivable comfort
and convenience, in fact. St will be thor
oughly modern In every detail. The ite
will be selected today.
In Town. D. C. Pclton, president of
the Lumberman' Bank at Portland wa
in Antorla this week, on hi return home
from Sen (tide where he ha just pur
ched eight lot, and a cottage from
K. M. Grime of that place. Mr. Pclton
wa regiittered at the Occident.
Will Cloae Saturdaya. In accordance
with the inetruetlon laued by the Sec
retary of the Trvaury, the local cus
tome home will be closed during the
uinmer month on Saturday after 12
o'clock noon. The new order became
effective yesterday.
J Vk
Mutt Have Two Llcentea. In answer
to lniiilrle from Matel Fih Warden
Van Ihincn, Attorney Geu( rl L'ruwford
fan rendered 'an opinion in which many
Columbia river flhermnn are Interested.
lie hold that ilxherman who come
under more than one A'li(l.tion for
exviiiple. (Ulic with gillhet ami a trap
in 11 t have two ; Jicenw. u . naa wan
contended that only oiia liien could be
liin il to oiiij niun. j
. 11 1 !
Arm Fractured-W, I. fclmltt a well-
known farmer living about two mile
back of lUinicr, milTcred a compound
fracture of bi right arm hint Tueoday.
While hauling a load of lumber to town
the chain binding tbe load to the wagon
broke. ti 1 iking Mr. Hhultz a heavy blow
and knocking him to the ground. ;Dr.
McUren act the Injured . memlier and
report the fracture a eriou one.
Retume InvettlgatlonaDr. D, T. Day
an expert a the Investigation of the
mineral value in black nl, arid known
throughout the country for hi experi
ment and progre in finding methods
to extract the different mineral from
the tand. will come to the Pacific
coat from Washington. D. C, and con
tinue hi invetigtion.
Paiaing Title. The following deed
were filed for record yeterday, along
with a number of other MnatrumenU:
O. P. Ch-rin end wife to tbe Vetern
Cooperage Company, warranty, $1. 280
aere of land In Clatsop county. Cath
erine Rit to William Mather!, war
ranty. $12.1, five and 4 10 acre.
Play Fort Stevani Tbla morning the
Brown will leave on tha ateamer Major
Guy Howard for Feri Steven where
they will meet the soldier in a game
of baeball. A hard and o1oe contest
it fxpeeted.
Begin Tomorrow. Mis Birdie Mc
Crokie, of thi city, ba been appointed
aa clerk In the pMtt-offlee service of thi
city and will take up her dutiea tomor
row morning at the uual hour.
From Eugene. Charles .Cleveland of
thi city ha returned home from at
tending the tate university at Eugene,
where h ha just' completed a course
in electrical engtoeririff- )
To facilitate the movement of Seaside
travel during the present eeaton, and in
order to avoid delay caused by frequent
stop of heavy trains, the A. & C. R. It
will, on and after June 30th, until fur
ther notice, discontinue stopping through
trains from Portlnnd at pointa' on its
Seaside divlaion between Warrenton and
Cearhart, In both directions, and passen
ger for Skipanou, Morrison. Glen wood,
must ue trains leaving Astoria at 8:13
a. m, 11:30 a. in., or 0:50 p. m., daily.
and trains leaving Seaside at 0:50 a, m4
9:40 a. m. or 2:30 p. m. daily.
Trains leaving Astoria at 11:33 a. m.
daily and 6:05 p. m., Saturday only, and
train leaving Seaside at 5:00 p. m., daily,
are through trains and will not handle
passenger or baggage for polntt shown
Jt, C. MAYO.
General Passenger Agent,
Astoria, Ore., June 25, 1000. C-26-10t.
All nronertv owners havlnir suitable
r 4 "
sites for the proposed new and modern
WaV within the business district of
Astoria, are reauested to submit same,
giving location, dimensions and purchase
price," together with a sixty-day option,
to the aecretary of the committee. Ad-
dresa F. L. Parker, secretary, p. o. Box
137, Astoria. Oregon.
Browns baseball team will give a
moonlight excursion and dance on next
Tuesday evening to Warrenton. The
steamer Pilot will leave- the wharf of the
Callcnder Navigation. Cft,1 itJiijO, o'clock.
Fare for the round trip, 50 tents. 7-7-4t.
I. I'J1" .1 ,.
One of the best metal 'life-boat In
this port wot brought dvyeafcrday,
on the Undine, for the steaiuep Volga! Xk
is all metal with big air-chambers In
each end, aud thoroughly made, in
every particular.
LONG BEACH, Wash- July 7.-The
Independence day celebrations, both pub
lie and private, were tha principal
events of the week, and although there
are few people here , yet, there wa
enough noie to satisfy tha most dem
onstrative of patriot. Both Julius
Meier and Mr. Wilcox bad immense sup
plier of firework ahipped down and that
part of the beach in front of their re
tpective house waa ablaze tha whole
Great number of people from tbe
beach attended the races, etc. in II
waco on the afternoon of the Fourth and
the Ilwacoans returned the compliment
by coming in a special train to the dance
given at Round Hall, Long Beach, in the
evening. Music waa furnished by Jacob
sen' orchestra and the hall was filled to
N Personal
Among those in cottage at Tbe
Breakers are Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Lipman,
Julius L. Meier and family, Mra. Isam
White and Mra. S. Aphel.
J. J. Woolery, a well-known business
man of Dalian, Ore was at Hackney'
Cot tage last week.
In the cottages at Seaview are: Mrs.
O. and Mrs. C Heitkemper, Mrs. Harney
O'Bryan, her mother and children, Mr.
and Mi. Cliateriuan and baby, Mrs. Will
Allard, Sherman D. Brown and wife,
Mr. Charles Branin and children, Mrs.
C. SchaU-ht and family.
Judge Bloomfleld and wife'are in their
house at Seaview.
Mrs. F. W. Jone. son and maid, f rom J
the Holmrt-Curtis of Portland, are at
Hackney'a Cottage. '
Mrs. Holt Wilson and Mrs. Mahn aire
among Mrs. Wilcox's house party guests.
Mia Flora Fleischncr and Miss Helen
Rosenfeld are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I.
N. Lipman.
T. G. Hendricks antf his daughterf
Ruby, of F.ugene, returned Tuesday from
a week's stay at their home.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Keady and chil
dren of Portlnnd hae having an enjoy-.
able time at the beach.
The Meier cottage at Tioga has been
the scene of brilliant entertainments the
past week. Chief among them was the
Fourth of July celebration. The fire
works were a beautiful tight.' and the
superb display could be seen by those
at the lighthouse at Canby. The enter
tainment was regarded a one of the
most successful of many seasons. The
coaching party, with four-in-hand, driven
by Julius L. Meier, wa very enjoyable.
The trip was made to the Rock and a
sumptuous supper was served.
SEASIDE, July 7 The largest and
undoubtedly the most flourishing settle
ment on Clatsop Beach is Seaside; the
part of the town on the e"ast side of the
river is permanent: people living there
all the year round j on the west aide,
closer to the sea, ia the summer city,
and it is nothing short of wonderful to
see it build up within a few days when
the summer once set in. Every incom-
The.' Dance and Piano Presentation
Had to be Changed to July 12th De
cause Logan's Hall Will be Otherwise
Occupied on the 11th'. V . ". . 71 ' -'
. N t,
The Advance Agent of
' Supported by an Excellent Company
Under the Management of
ARTHUR C. FOX ! , j i ; ;
In High Class Drama and Comedy
Commencing Monday, July 9th
Summer Prices, 15c and
ing train ia loaded, to capacity, cottages
begin to be opened up, tent are raised,
and the hotel flourish. Moore's Hotel,
accommodating 123 ' guests, ia aleady
nearly, filled, and an annex of 50 rooms
is in process of construction. An es
pecially attractive feature this year i
the pier jutting out into the ocean di
rectly in front of the hotel. Besides
being of particular advantage to bath
ers and fishers, it is a novelty in this
part of the country the only one on the
Pacific Coast north of San Francisco.
All manner of gaieties are planned
for the near future; picnic parties to
places of interest, informal dances at
the hotels, boating and fishing excur
sions on the Necanicum. The reign
supreme of the summer girl is about
to begin, and the one man at the beach
is aure to be as eagerly sought aa ever.
The mills at Seaside are in a flourish
ing condition under present manage-
men. Much trouble has been experienced
by what might be called floating work
ing force men come for" a short time
until a little money, could, be earned.
then move on. Gradually this is being
changed. Many families retheret- and
other coming from different points in
the East, who desire to 'make tliia-a per
manent home. The heads of these are
reliable and steady workers and
who will lie valuable citizen.
John P. Johansen of Johansen & Co.,
has accepted the position of manager of
the fishing business on Taylor Island,
in the Columbia Riven- Mr- Johansen
stnrted for his new field of labor today.
Mrs. Johansen and daughter will re
main in their Seaside homer for tire
' ! . t
"The Owls", a young men's club of
Astoria, have rented a cottage in Seaside
for the season, and Will take turns in
occupying it. '
No 'small amount of excitement was
caused near Moore' Hotel on the 4th,
when the small daughter of Mr. R. B.
Porter of Portland was discovered with
her dress ablaee. Fortunately Mr.
Moore happened to be near, and succeed
ed in smothering the flames before any
more serious consequences than very
badly frightened child and a hero with a
slightly burned thumb.
25c Reserved Seats 35c
O PERSONAL Mzsnoir. 0
T. Webster, of Berkley, is in the city
on a business tour.
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Barkiner of Seattle
arrived in the city yesterday.
H. B. Parker leaves this morning for
Long Beach on a business trip.
J. B. Ballentine of Portland was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
U. S. Senator and !Mrs. Charles W.
Fulton are over Sunday visitors at Sea
side. , .,
Hon. Bruce Polworth, of Cathlamet
wa in the city yesterday on business
bent. . , .
G. W. Evans of Portland arrived in
Astoria yesterday and is registered at
the Occident.
W., F. McGregor" went to Seaside on .
the evening train yesterday for an over
Sunday visit.
W. P. O'Brien was an over Sunday
passenger for Portland on the 6:10 train
last evening.
Mrs. W. H. Hobson and Mrs. John
Phair left yesterday for Seaside where
they will spend the season.
Captain and Mrs. Gardner of Fort
Stevens were passengers for Portland on
tle morning express 'yesterday.
Rev. Mr. Alleyne. of Holy Innocents
church, went to the beach at Seaside last
evening for an over Sunday stay. '
, Mrs. B. B. Allen departed last evening
the Portland express for a visit of
several weeks with friends in the metro-
Dr. W. F. Brown7"TJ.'"S. A- who has
been stationed at Fort .Stevens for the
past two months, left yesterday morning
for Fort Walla Walla.
Captain Wilms, of the, German ship
Ehielie, now at Portlmid. arived down
on the noon express -yesterday, enroute
to Seaside for a Jwief outing.
Mr. and Mrs. ft'H. Abercrombie left
yesterday evening on the excursion train
for Seaside, where they will spend to
day, returning tomorrow mortiing.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kirkwood, ac
companied by Mr. D. J. Kelly and
daughter of Walla Walla, the mother
and sister of Mrs. Kirkwood, will arrive
from Seaside tomorrow, and occupy their
home in thi city at 738 Duane atreet.
Morning Astorian, 65 cents per month,
delivered by carrier.