The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, July 08, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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I "I
SUNDAY, JULY I, !oil ,
I(UblllB4 '
Published Daily by
By mail, per year . 17.00
By mail, per month.. .10
By carrier, per month..... .63
8, mail, per year, in ad ranee. .$1.00
Xntered aa ieeond--cUM matter Jane
St, 1905, at tbe potofllce at Astoria, Ore
gon, aadrr the act of CongreM ol March t,
trOtAtn for the daHvwmg o(Tai Moan
nraicroaiAX to either residence or olaos of
buMBoa jiay be aaado by paatal card or
through telephone. Any Irregularity ia de
Bwj ahouM be immediately reported to tbe
offloe ot publication.
Official paper "of Clatsop county and
the City ofA tori.
Western Oregon and Washing-
ton Fair.- , , , .
Eastern Oregon, Eastern Wash-
ington, Idaho Showers and
thunderstorms; coler. -4
On the anniversary of the " nation's
independence, in a free American, city,
with the Stars and Stripes floating at
every visible point in the community,
rthe following utterance was made by an
' alleged socialist, in relation to the nomi
nation of William D. Haywood for the
governorship of Colorado by the social-
ista of that state:
"And if they , refuse to release him
we may feel impelled to march to Idaho
and take our chief executive by f dree, if
necessary, out of the teeth of the dogs
of capitalism and carry him in triumph
to our state house."
' Haywood is at present a prisoner in
Idaho, charged with complicity in the
late outrageous murder of Governor
Steunenberg of that state.
; .The socialists of Colorado have a per
fect right to elect whosoever they desire
to the high office of governor. But right
there their limitations begin. If Hay
wood, is convicted, their claim on his
services as governor, or in any rapacity
whatever, will have ceased by reason f
the prior claim of the State of Idaho in
the premises, for he will either be dead
' and buried, or serving a term in the
Idaho penitentiary. If he is freed from
his present predicament, he may take
up the honors, gubern atonal, or other
wise, that may have been awarded him
but the moment any 'fool expedition is
; sent; into Idaho to take him from the
legal custody of the authorities there,
there will be an awakening for the so
cialists of America such as was never
dreamed of in their wildest visions. Not
only will that especial, group be apprised
of certain adamantine facts in connection
with the law and sentiment of the coun
try at large, but tbe whole people will
know what socialism really means and
take measures accordingly. Nor are
Americans likely to deal with such an
issue in half hearted fashion; it will be
full, final, conclusive and everlastingly
ample for generations to come. The
creed of socialism conveys no such doc
trine as lies at the root of such a threat.
Nothing but anarchy furnishes such
propaganda and none but an anarchist
uttered it. The socialists might better
look to their own salvation and weed
out the murderous hounds whose vicious
niadnew will be the utter undoing of
those who are standing sponsor for
them. There is, right now, in the gen
eral acceptation of the two terms, the
country over, but a flimsy difference, and
the socialists are the ones to suffer when
the issue shall be sharply raised.
. o
There is nothing like advertising. A
short time ago a Boston paper hunted up
one of the pretty girls of "The Hub"
and printed her picture, declaring that
ehe was the most beautiful girl in Mas
sachusetts. Within the next 30 days she
had 800 offers of marriage. A paper in
Virginia taking a hint from this, printed
the photos of two famous beauties and
offered a prize to the one having tbe
greatest number of offers of marriage
withtn 24 hourtj after the portraits were
published. The offers poured in by the
dozens, and one beat the other by three,
and the prize was duly awarded. All I
ot which shows that the ordinary mortal
doesn't. recognize ft good thing until its !
merits have been exploited in the daily
press. This holds good in everything. V
has long been shown' to be true in the ,
dry goods market. In the elutbiiigtrade,
with boot and hoe, real estate, gro
ceries, aud it i equally true ol human-,
My itself. See how men run after chorus
girls. They could find just at charming
b.utiet in their own kitchens, but the 1
chorus girl are advrlied and " the
kitchen girls are not, therefore, the first
are feted and toasted ami treated to
birds and cold bottles, while the poor
kitchen girl are snubbed and neglected.
It is all a matter of" advertising. That
which i advertised sell, that which I
not advertised is neglected and the prob
lem is as plain as the nose on one' face.
S. A. D. Puter, the convicted land-
thief "was visibly affected." when he
was sentenced to two years In the peni
tentiary and a fine of 1500. Th des
patch failed to state whether his agita
tion .was Wrought by grief at the
weighty quality of the sentence, or ex
uberant joy at it exceedingly light and
easy terms. The federal court of this
country are getting to be notoriously
lenient with offender against the edicts
of the higher realm they stand for, and
the fear of that judiciary, in a penal
sene, is becoming le every day. It is
jut such sentences as thi of Puter's
that makes for this state of affairs. Up
to the moment of his incarceration he
was a desperate and fugitive thief, whose
rotten villainy was proven' to its last
phase of fact, and popular sentiment
outraged by the losses incident to his
schemes and the rank and open nature
of his guilt, demanded something more
at the hands of the federal courts than a
beggarly punishment such as has been
awarded to him.
Kings of Spain don't generally deserve
anything ex-officio, but if this particular
young chap deserves his luck, as they
say, here's the world looking at him.
An English bishop wants a training
school for engaged coupled. The course
on how to talk about something else will
be liberally endowed. ' , : 4 -
President Baer is shocked at graft on
President CassattY railroad; but what
can be expected, of a purely human in
stitution? . ' " '
. ' 9- - , ,
That Russian revolution was called
off, to be sure, but lots of people think
it worth while to save their rain checks,
Both Empire and Princess Styles
in Children's Dresses.
The Best Linen SutU Made With
, Bolero and Chemisette Old fash
ioned Crossbar Muslin Again in
Vogue New Costume.
Whole drvjwes of Valenciennes lace
are among the exquisite emulous worn
at important early summer functions.
Moat of them are relieved with the fin
er forms of heavier lacee, such at
cluny and baby Irish. "
Browns, both the real brown tones
and Jthose that verge upon the chest
nut, are the predominating shades fot
A Perverted Proverb.
It is only in America that assurance
does not make doubly sure. Westmin
ster Gazette.
- 1 " '.' t
.' Dennis And so you've been ter the
funeral of Micky Dolonf How could
the minister find anything to say? Why,
be owed money all round the place.
Murphy Oh. the parson bit H off all
right. Said that a loss would be felt
wherever Micky was known. Smiles.
I sat down 'beside my sweet Esther,
And ardently, fondly carestherj
; But soon Esther cried,
She sobbed and she sied,
I don't know what ever possesther!
London Magazine.
A Fortunate Sain.
Mr. Samuels Hellup! HellupL Yaky,
hellup me get in dese clodings. It is
starting to rain and I can see dem
Yaky Nefer mind, vader. Let some
of der suits shrink. We are yust out of
boys' cloding. London Journal v
A Tip Due. . .
Diner Is it customary to tip the
waiter in this restaurant?
Waiter Why ah yes, sir.
Diner Then hand me a tip. I've
waited three-quarters of an, hour for
that steak I ordered. Smiles. .
Time for Diplomacy. ' ,,
The lucky young German attache,
whose engagement to Fraulein Krupp
(of gun renown) is gazetted, announces
that on his marriage he will abandon
diplomacy. But he will find he wants
it more than evef then. Bystander.
When the Clock Strikes Six.
"It's never too late to mend," argued
the customer. -
"Oh, yes, it is," answered the journey
man tailor; "tins is a union snopr
Answers- "
mi t V;
. i M : lit t I Si ' ' m
tixwM orougnt oat art cunrnilng'exam.
pies of the Jeweler's art and colored
feint rather than rhlnestone have the
d reference In the (fastens. Blldes of
frail enamel and gun metal are also
Gray la particularly prominent la tbe
millinery world this wftson, Attra
tire sailors la this shade are very pret
ty made of toft gray norsebatr and
trimmed with ribbon and either quills
or flower.- -- , ,. . ..,
Pale blue moussollne do eole makes
this dainty, blouse. The Dutch neck
and yoke are formed of cream Qermao
valendennes lace. An exquisite piece
of embroidery worked In faded shade
of pink and dull blue outlines the yoke.
The three-quarter sleeves are adorned
on the Inside aeuui with lines, of, toners
Old ashioued crossbar muslins are
In the shops, selling for IS cents a yard.
Very tluy star shaped buttons In steel
and riilftQatoues are effective when
used In groups of "threes" on boleros
and short jackets.
In handkerchiefs the newest wrinkle
ts to block off a small space with a
both dresses and bats. And brown
adapts itself admirably to costumes of
half a dozen tones, .
Fascinating evolutions of both the
princess and empire styles are about
for tlny( tots to wear. The princess
ones are particularly happy In their
dainty severity. ' . I
Tpon some of the prettiest suits and
dresses a wide braid is put on quite
simply outlined on both sldfes by a nar
row braid which stops every little
while to deoerlbe a circle.
The newest belt Is of black kid, with
the buckle In the back. Smart ones
are on sale for $t.
1 Very attractive Is the pinafore frock
of sapphire flue chiffon veiling seen In
the picture. Tbe accordion plaited skirt
is run Just below the waist line with
ribbon velvet of the same shade. This
velvet also trims the braces. The
blouse ia of cream colored spotted net.
and the girdle la fashioned from velvet
The best linen suit Is made with a
bolero which when removed will dis
play a pretty chemisette.'
Pale lavender Is a favorite shade this
summer and is much seen In the ward
robe of Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt The
other day as she alighted from her
carriage observant femininity drank la
the details of a beautiful gown of pale
lavender.' The plain circular skirt fit
ted tightly, and the jacket. was cut In
so exaggerated a fashion that It re-
Cure Old Sore.
Westmoreland, Eans., Hay S, 1902;
Ballard, Snow Liniment .Co., your Snow
liniment cured an old sors on the side
of my. chin that was supposed to be a
cancer. The sore was stubborn nd
would not yield to treatment, , until I
tried Snow Liniment, which did the work
in short order. My sister, Mrs. Sophia
J. Carson, Allensville, Miffin Co., Pa., has
sore and mistrust that it is a can
cer, please send her a iOo bottle. Sold
by Hart's drug store.
delicate scroll in a faint color and
within this magic territory embroider
tiny iultluls. v ,
Crystalline Is another material that
ts especially adapted for the sweet girl
graduates' gowua. 'v
Some of the graduating frocks are
made princess, but aa a role thla style
1 not becoming to youthful figures. '
Very natty to wear with the linen
collar Is a lingerie tie of soft batiste
adorned In some pretty fashion at the
ends. This tie is small, forming only a
tiny bow. ,. , v ; . .,
,. The newest tie Is knitted like the
one In the cut, but Is quite unlike the
old knitted tie, as it Is very quickly
done, and has a pretty openwork effect
Two evenings win amply suffice to be
gin and finish one. There are now
such pretty silks to be procured In tbe
loveliest colors. A particular shade of
blue mauve Is charming for a knitted
Fashion decrees tbat the parasol shall
match the costume. This fortunately
does not mean that a sunshade la to
be provided for each gown. On the
contrary, the clever woman will choose
several pretty parasols that will bar
moutze with anything old or new that
her wardrobe contains.
Short sleeves are a very expensive
luxury, as they demand upon outdoor
costumes a long glove. , A practical
MAO JniUBJ) eUA JtfltNUlt tk
etft jo tnpA juoj; oil) uo sH)dd esoj
eoo( put fcs4S po4iipiuqiu tvq eiR?
mu PIQ jo aSuiiuuifJi Mfp pDu tpiOJ
mi Jin qnrj uvwjj ma jo oumj
tW )M1)S oputu lltAVI f Wl'Uq
jouimn em Jo ouo 'stt-nuj joegQt
pu stiMoB usnoq aoj A"nimo)dwt
pau smnbojqmii joj iu Xiun iim i
m jacket. (Tt) gowa Is as rich ami
effective as If t was made from tutt
hnndMonitt l.ynn silk. Instead of tlw
rdugD'tud mtif wjnb.
The Inlwrnt' Jliiue'rle gowh Mil.
trn(id la bf livtf trlinqiwl linndkeMilef
linen. With It I won! i'Lmits emit of
brortkh'd uliu twn silk IncritNtcd wltti
lace. 1VVIQ C1I0LLET.
20 muleTeamOorax
Before packing away Clothing:, Furs,
Flannels, Rugs or Woolens, sprinkle them
freely wih 20-Mule-Team Pure Borax.
Leaves no grease, stain or odor, and will keep the trtl
clcs free from Moths and germ-proof.
AH d tiers, or f' Sumpte and ltlurl4 BookUt U cnlt la sismps of
In taundiy Work the best oap to use with "JO-Mule" Borax ia
clothes, soft hands. All grocers.
SOAP, Insure whit
J. Q. A. BOWLBY, Pretldtot.
a I. PETERSON, Vlos-Pnildeat
J. W. GARNER, Assistant Cashier.
embled a shoulder cape more than
anything else. Her high girdle; how
ever, with lta beautiful amethyst but
tons, save the jacket; an excuse for be
ing cut In this way, and every one who
saw It agreed that it was far too artis
tic to be covered up,'' V " ' '
A rival to decorative buttons are tiny
Jeweled buckles or allde which adorn
some of the new gowes from the best
modistes.: This style o( trimming is a
revival of the mode of many'years ago,
and there Is every reason why the re
vival will "catch on.y Many, of the
Astoria Saving Bank
Capital Paid in luejDOO, lorpttts and Cndlvlrted Proflia IM.ODO. v
TraniaeUj a General Banking Bastneaa, IdImtmI 1104 oa Tin Deposit
IU Tenth Street,
First National Bank of Astoria, Ore.
Capitol $100,000
Weinhard's SSS
Up to-Eate Saw Mill Maehlnery.KS rrenrpt StlfntKn;lvtn;iooi.rralrwoik
18th and Franklin Ave. '
Tel. Main 2151
glove economy Is the separate mousque
talre arm, coverings that can be used
with short gloves in matching color.
Considering the general elaboration
of gowns, a number of French frodks
are finished at the bottom merely with
row of stitching, r . - " . .
Some of the loveliest Bilks of the sea
ton have a waterproof finish, render
ing them; Impervious to rata an4 per
tplratlon.:' ' ,, ,, ..
Tbe (tunning sash ribbons must be
used with care, as, they have a habit of
clashing with most things under lieav-ns;',t':'-
f', -.'V. - "':i
' Long ladders, ot ribbon bows, some
times with, a bit of fringe depending
from them, are a favorite mode of trim
ming. : '
; .Women who scorned rajah silk In the
beginning of the season and asserted
Sherman Transter Co.
IHEMBT 8HEBMAN, Manager . .. .,
" ' :':.
Hacks, Carriage Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and Furniture ,
Wagons Pianos Moved, . Boxed and Shipped. '
433 Commercial Street Phone Ha in 121
JOHNi FOX, Pres. '
F L BISHOP. Secretary
Nelnon Troyar, Vice-Pres, and Supt
Designers and anvfactqrers of
Canning Machipr,; Marinf Enjlnq Bpllcrs
C Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished,
CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ) , Foot of Fourth Street.