'V :1 -t,i ., Uf,.lf 4 V ' ; 4 i ,t FRIDAY, JULY 0, ioo8. THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. GLAD TO BE HOME ONCE MORE A 1 ,1 ' 1 ;.yi...f'l J!lii y.'j. TRY A NEW SAMPLE OR. "CHASE AND SANBORN'S , SEAL BRAND COFFEE" And you will buy a pound. It is rich, fragrant, uniform and cost" no more than many inferior .brands. There is nothing just as good. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO. ASTORIA'S LEADING GROCERS. CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISE'S PRESSED FREE. OF v ' CHARGE WHENEVER YOU SAY SO SENATOR CHARLES W. FULTON RE TURNS FROM WASHINGTON LAST NIGHTSUMMER WILL BE SPENT ON SEASHORE REST NEEDED. TERSE TILES Of I III OrkwiU kat. tf. National Bicyel for lata at Orkwlta, Going AwayFurltur fur tat. Ap ly to 301 Dun street. 6-28-1 fllrl wld to work In bookblndery Apply at Atorln office. tf. FlnnUk Lutheran Kunday school pic nlc, September 2, ItXM. to Deep River. Club Cleaning and praising ptrloM) suits, SO eant. Tt). Black 1181 72 9tb Tk very bHt beai4 to I obtained la th dtf to at "Tbt Otdlait Botat" Sitt rvry maoaabU. LadW bot called for. aklned ml ftliwad. Tl. Black ujj. Brown & Balaam. Hottt Irving, corner Franklin avenu lad EltrtBtb atrttt. European plan . boat rooms and board la tba dty at re aoaabla price. Bow Do I look,-To really your 'f at other you, get ono of tho new ityU mirror at Hart' Drug Store j all price. A new supply Jut received. Fuoerai Today. Tlie funeral of the lata John Kordlund will take place thl afternoon at 1 o'clock from tba PoM undertaking parlor lth interment In Greenwood cemetery. K. A. Ackernao, 421 Bond Si, doeatC manner of Uiidtray, furaltura upbol iterlcg, earpat cleaning and laying, mat tma making a tpecialty and a.1 work guaraataad. Ill Time Waa Up-utaf Petersen the young man who waa sent up for 25 day for stealing gold and tool from th office of Dr. W. C Ixgan, aome time aim, waa releetl by Sheriff romeroy yesterday,' and a gentle hint waa given him to make himself scarce hereabout. Deeply Appreciated. Mayor Wise is in receipt of letter of acknowledgment from the authority at San Franelnco. telling of the safe arrival of the cash balance of 1922, from thia city, In favor of the different, and expressing a deep aonaa of appreciation for the generoalty and timeline of the gift. Why don't yon have your work don by tba Eaitern Painting k Decorating Company, .75 Ninth atreet? They do the, work cheaper, quicker and better than any other firm, t The Parker Houie which it being papered and painted from cellar to garret ia being done by them. Go and inspect the work. HOEFLER'S HANDSOMEST SWEET SHOP HERE NOW Those Fancy Royal Ann Cherries for Canning Nsv Is the Tims, Dent Elisrry But Just Gem to JOHNSON BROS. IHIbTvARE Fourth la Aatorla The Fourth In thl city waa obaerved In fitting ttyle, ami the Immense erowda which came in from the, surrounding , country , and town, thronged the street from daylight until late at night, these additional peoil, to gelhtr with the ritlxen mad the fourth complete turn in every way. The regular program of the day began at 1 oVImk by the big parade, which wound through the main thoroughfare and waa watched by the crowd which were lined up 00 either aide. In the line were the Aatorla polk force, followed by the Eagle military band then in order came two eotnpanie of soldier from fort Columbia and Stevensf The 0. A. R, veterans, followed th aoldlcrt. The liberty ear, containing the goddt-aa of Liberty, and her aidHi, waa the only float in line. The offlclaU of the day and the city official eame next. Tbi com mimhI the (1rt diviaion, which waa led by firand ,Murlml l!mn and hi aide. The econd divli,n wat in command of (liicf of Staff J. C. McCne, and aidca. In Hi1 d-ntiil llvon marched the mem Iwr of the different Wei lodgp and the labor uniont. Th parade diibanded at the eiy ball where xcrel were held. Rev. V, K. (illbert, pator of the Hrt I're.b.vterian church of thl city deliv ered the oration of the day, eaklng on the subject "Th Spirit of Liberty." During the eoure of the afternoon, porta eonalating of races, and the usual recreation, were indulged in by the younger element. Th day wa closed by the exhibition of .fireworks under charge of Max PoliT. ,80 far a reported there were no accidenta of any kind to mar the day a pleasure. Killed Oa Foarth-Fre.hk I Harding. a young man about 23 ycare old. living It mile touth of Clatskanie, was almoat inotantly killed at 2 o'clock on July 4th. while preparing to fir a. Fourth of July laltite from an Improved bomb loaded with a amokelena powder of hi own manufacture, the recipe for which wa obtained from an Eastern advertising fakir, Ue had taken a piece of two-Inch gas Jlpe 14 inches long and stopped up one end. Filling the pipe with the ex ploitive, he was in the act of plugging the other end, when the friction caused It to explode, tearing off his right arm between the elbow and wrist, shattering hi right leg, and otherwise mangling him. Harding leave a father, who U a telegraph operator on the Great North ern Railroad at tome atation near Spo kane) a mother, two sinter and a broth er, the latter living on the farm near here, where he met his death. He will be burled in Clatskanie Saturday by the Modern Woodmen of the World of which nrpnlxatlon he waa a member. Well There'a Fiah Left. There was quite a meat famine in thl city yester day ami the day Iwfore, very little com ing down from the metropolis, and the restaurants felt the shortage plainly, but made good with other good thing. There was evidently a big reservation made in Portland, in view of the Fourth, but It re-acted here and everywhere else, ihere supplies are drawn from that center. Up to coing to pre, however, there are no reports of any starvation case". And beide, the canneries were running full blast., V Vacation Deferred. Edgar 0. Getir- hart, who has so acceptably filled the post of second deputy, in the office of Sheriff Thomas Linville, nd who left that department upon the taking over of that office by Sheriff Pomeroy. had laid hi pluns carefully, for a delightful out lug of a month' duration, In the benutl ful Nelmlem woods, and would have left yesterday, but his services were pre empted by County Clerk Clinton, to fill the vacancy caused by the vacation out ing of Deputy G, L. J. Zlgler, who de part on the 13th, Mr. Gearhart will squeeze in a week' outing at Collin's Soring before assuming Mr. Zlgler functions at the court house. Patience For Awhile. New wa re ceived here1 from Portland yesterday that one of the parties to the new hotel investment had left the city on Import ant business and would be away until about the 18th of this month. In the meantime the hotel matter will remain In statu quo, and upon his return, will, be carried to a successful issue if it lie in the power of man. A little pa tience and a big inning. "How good to l home again!" ex claimed Kenator Charles V. Fulton bat night as he stepped from the ' train, which bore him to Atoria and breathed once more the refreshing atmosphere of the wean breezes. With these words, the Senator ex preMd bis thankfulness to bo in bla home town once more, away from hi otrenuous duties in the nation'a capitol. Mr. Fulton lookml In the best of health. despite bis arduous labor in the Inter ests of Oregon and the country in gen eral. Haid he, "I have com borne' and am going to rent, for .we had a strenuous sesaion In Congress and everybody worked hard." He stated that be would probably go with his family in a few days after he had greeted bit friends here, to the coast, and remain there lor the u miner. . .Senator Fulton did not discus thing political Ut night, being fatigued from Ills journey, and anxious to reach' borne. Lost Bit Llfe, A young Japanese, by the name of KoUuro Manatu, waa fall ing from the dock at the McGowan cannery on the northhore, on the 4th, and his hook caught upon one of the piling below the water level H did U bet to loosen the thing, but could not, from above; end being a good swimmer, plunged into the bay to try hi luck at close quarter. I'nhsppily be was taken with a severe cramp, and before anyone could get to biin in answer to bis cries for help, be bad drifted away and drowned. The body wa recovered and will be brought to this city, and pre pared by Coroner W. C A. Pohl, for shipment to friend in Portland. 0 PERSONAL MENTION. 0 00000000000000000 C C. Going of Portland waa an Astoria visitor yesterday. V. G. Shaftbury of Pendleton was In the city yeterday. Mrs. It A. Swope Is visiting in Port land for a few day. J. I Goodman of New York arrived in the city on a buineat trip. W. II. Fisk of Chicago wa doing busi ne in the city yesterday. George Fxlgur of Tillamook waa in the city yesterday on business. R. A. Purdy of Monmouth was in the city for a few hours yesterday. G. 0. Coleman of Portland, wa in the city yesterday on a buinc tour. G. T. Taylor spent the day here ye terdoy, coming down from Portland. James F. Newman of Sacramento was a business vWtor in the city yesterday. W. A. Marvin of Minneapolis apent the day in Astoria yetterday on business bent, , ' N. V. Murray of Albany wa in As toria yestenlay attending to some busi ness. Fred Trout of Ashland came in from the metropolis on the noon train yes terday. C. B. Maxim of New York, spent the day Here yesie-rdiiy on matters of Dusi lies. Mrs. G. It. Lyman of McGowan' ar rived in the city yesterday and is registered at the Occident. G. B. Mathews of South Bend came over for the Fourth and returned on the Potter yesterday afternoon II. D. Lamson of Seattle was doing business here yesterday and left for home on the 6:10 train last evening, Dr. J. A, Fulton of thia city went to the metropolis yesterday morning to meet and greet his brother, United State Senator Charles W, Fulton , Inspector Raphael Bonham, "of the federal Immigration service, is in the oity, waiting for the arrival of the steamship Aragonla, which he will board and Inspect, en route to Portland. Hon. and Mrs. Harrison Allen have gone to Idaho, Mr, Allen has a pro fessional engagement there which will require at least ten days of his time. They went, via the Tuget Sound cities. George H. George left last evening for a business trip to Pubet Sound to look after hi cannery interests there. II. S. Laridn of Houston. Texas, was a business tourist in and about thia city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. II. R. Kane of Gresham, Oregon, were in the city ovr the Fourth as guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Puring ton. Mr. Purington and Mrs. Kane are brother and sster. Mr. and Mrs. Kane and their Ittle son left for home on the morning express yesterday. ' '" ' JULY NO ADMISSION , WITHOUT CELEBRATE FOURTH INOLNEY. ONE HUNDRED PERSONS ENJOY PICNIC GIVEN BY THE DORCAS SOCIETY SPORTS ARE ENJOYED BY ALL. According to arangement, the Dorcas Society and friends, a little over a 100 in number, celebrated the 4th of July by a picnic in tbe grove on the Kemm farm at Olney. The day wat excellent and the steamer Mayflower left the dock at 9:15 a. nu carrying ber limit of picnicers, and the surplus was taken on tbe launch Loule, arriving at the grounds at about eleven o'clock. After partaking of a basket- lunch the pro gram of sports was carried out.: After the program of sports was con cluded, the crowd wended their way again to where the bountifully laden baskets were stored, and a the sun was inking low in the western sky. the clothes were spread upon the green, and the want of the Innep person were again satisfied, after which some of the na tional airs were ung, followed by prayer by Rev. Rydquist. A. Y. Ander son read the Declaration of Independ ence, after which Rev. Sandstedt de livered an iutereting and eloquent ad dress. . ' At the conclusion of the addree Mr. John Tcterson proposed three cheers for the Fourth of July, and for the great native bora upon that day. These were given with tremeduous energy, and the happy throng departed on their home ward wav, while the woods were still echoing with patriotic ardor. FLOWERS IN PROFUSION. The Columbia nursery, which is now being managed by Ole Erickson on Bond street .has all of tbe choicest flowers grown, and he is easily able to supply the Fourth of July demand. If you want to get the best flowers, and flowers , ,,. . ... . . . grown in Clatsop county, and not ship ped in, patronize Mr. Erickson's place on Bond street. They are the freshest and best in the market. 7-3-2t. Two More Titles. The following deeds were sent in to the public records of Clatsop county yesterday, among a'gf lot more matter bound for the same des-1 tination; A. J. Klafkl and wife to A, S. Wentjar, warranty, $180, lots 10, 11, 12 and 13, in tract 1, of Olney's Astoria. City of Warrenton to the Warrenton Lumber Company by ordinance, convey ing a number of lots in the City of War renton. , v Shot Through The Head. Ben Larson, a young man of about eighteen years, became too "flossie' with his 32-calibre revolver on the afternoon of the fourth, while at the Skamokawa seining grounds and as a result the weapon was dis charged, the contents finding lodgement in his left hand. He came to Astoria yesterday, and Dr. Finch .dressed the wound. v REMEMBER TEE PLACE. Fine hat at the Bonton Millinery store, 483 Bond street. Mr. Jaloff. milliner. tf. The Dance and Piano Presentation Had to be Changed to July I2th Be cause Logan's Hall Will be Otherwise Occupied on the 11th fierman Wise STARTHEATER P. GEVURTZ, Mgr. SECOND ANNUAL TOUR OF MR. LEE WILLARD Supported by an Excellent Company Under the Management of ; ARTHUR C. FOX In High Class Drama and Comedy Commencing Monday, July 9 th iiEHiiir A Thrilling Story Popular Prices, 25c and DONE FOR CLATSOP. Yesterday's Proceeding in County Court Commissioner Hasten in Place. The county court met yesterday morn ing at 9 o'clock, with Judge C, J. Tren- cahrd presiding, and Commissioners Lar sen and Mason on the bench with him. County Clerk Clinton being in charge of the records and documents, as usual. W. L. Oudley, the local representative of the Astoria-Seaside Inter urban Rail way Company, was present and present ed a strong place in behalf of the fran chise heretofore asked for, in favor of that road, over certain of the county highways. In the absenca of District Attorney Harrison Allen and the fact that he had not reported an opinion up on the subject as yet, induced the court to take the matter under advisement until he can be heard in the premises. The court took into consideration the present conditions of Cook's Slough, as a commercial channel, and directed the clerk of the court to address letter on . Bli"efc to Maior Roessler, of the (United States Enginers, at Portland. - An order was made by the court, re quiring all bills presented by the var ious road supervisors of thi county, without their "0. K.B, and all bills for oil and bridge Bupptics, presented by J bridge-keepers without their receipt, to , . . . ffl . . ... . ... , . Tbe court, at the afternoon session. made detailed and close scrutiny of the general bills and accounts of the county before making the necessary order for tbe warrants to issue in belialf of the same. Mr. Edwards was given the contract to clear the right-of-way on the John Day road, for ono and one-half miles, twenty-four feet wide, and - clear the ground of everything except stumps, at D5 cent per rod. Bowel Complaint in Children. During the summer months children are subject to disorders of the bowels which should receive careful attention as soon as the first unnatural loseness of the bowels appprs I The best medicine in use for bowel complaint is Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Rem edy as it promptly controls any unnat ural looseness of the bowels . For sale by Frank Hart, leading druggist. 1 INVITATION of the Golden West 35c Eeserod Seats 50c LIHD WITH EU Obliged to Lie With Limbs Higher Than Head Suffered Untold Agonies and Could Not Walk Doctor Said It Was the Worst Case he Ever Saw. ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "I received your letter asking for information about using the Cuticura Remedies. I used them for eczema. The doctor said it waa the worst case he ever saw. It was on both limbs, from the knees to the ankles. Wa tried everything the doctors knew of, but the Cuticura Remedies did the most good. I was obliged to lie with my limbs higher than my head, for the r in was so terrible I could not walk. Buffered untold agonies. One limb wasted away a great deal smaller than the other, there was so much discharge from it. I found the Cuticura Rem-' edics very soothing, and I still keep them in the house. I am very thankful to say that I am cured, and you can pub lish this statement if you wish. I found the Cuticura Remedies all that you say they are. I hope that you may be spared many years to make the Cuticura Remedies for the benefit of persons suf fering from the torture of skin diseases, such as I had. I remain, yours re spectfully, Mrs. Golding, ,Box 8, Ayr, Canada, June 6, 1905." CURED OF CHAFFED HMDS "I have used the Cuticura Soap for chapped hands, which I had been troubled with for about three years, I suffered intense pain and itching. I used nearly two cakes of the Cuticura Soap, and my hands were completely cured and have never troubled me since. I also took the Cuticura Resol vent for the blood at the same time. I can recommend the Cuticura Rem edies to others suffering the same.. Chaa. xoung, mttsville, Untano, Can ada, Sept. 29, 1905." CompM External and Intern TtMtmmt for nrf Humor, from Flrap Im to Scrofula, from Infancy to Ait, con Bitting of Cuticura Smp, Se Ointment, UK., Hwchf ot, 50c. (inlorra-etChocolM Owiltd Villi, jm. bw Tin! of ma be had of aildrugainla. Aeiugleeetofteneuraf, Fotter Drue Chem. Corn., Sole ProiM., Bnetoo. Man, NaT Mailed l'n. "Uowto Curd IkUai, Saij iiuuwca.' Morning Astorian, 05 cents per month, delivered by carrier. .