afwm ' :UBLISHKtJ,rUlL A8800IAT1D PRIM RtPORT OOVKRS THE MORNINQ HtLD ON THH LOWE COLUMBIA'. VOLUME LXI NO. 189 ASTORIA, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 29 1906 PRICE FIVE CENTS - JURY FINDS TRUE BILL Thaw Indicted for Murder In First Degree. HE WILL PLEAD TODAY Wife of Assassin Not Compelled to Testify Before the Grand Jury. BODY OF WHITE 1$ BURIED PREPARE TO ADJUST INSURANCE LOSSES COMMITTEES FROM COMPANIES IN VESTIGATINO EXTENT OF LOSS TO BANKING INSTITUTIONS. HAN FRANCISCO, June 28.-Th. IIM utep wm taken ycntcrdiiy by the lniiriuce compHliicii to adjllt the loe of big bunking ciii(iriif ion mid estate by the llr in t It it city. Ix Angelc eointiiitecii were then appointed by the companies nt tin- Instance of the com mittee of fifteen. the executive body nf the fire underwriter, which tin urged lllllt report H llllllll II noon N Id nilile. Tliee committer will consider and repent all the fact ncc?ary for a prompt mill full eoniiIerulion of the trim vuliie of the property before the fire, (lie earthquake damage if uny, the lo hy lire, iiinl nil other factor tlmt count in determining what miiiiK nre due to I lie important financial interests r'pre Jilted in lln'iie Instance. The flmilicinl center of the elty in I him represented by th" insurance compntiics. Murdered Man Found By Examining Physicians To Have Been Able To Live But Two Yean More Mai Bright'! Dtieaie. NO OUTBREAK OCCURS. KIKV, June 28. In spite of rumor f mi iniKiidin(r antlJewUh outbreak the dny pnwd quiet I v. Patrol nre in all the street and the military mul police itiithnriticii have taken stringent im-aMire to prevent exeoinie. SURRENDER OR PERISH Czar and Court Must Bow Before Parliament. REVOLUTION SPREADS HEROIC ATTEMPT OF BOY TO SAVE SISTER Time Almost Arrived When Em peror Must Dismiss Gorem kin Ministry. PEASANTS ABANDON FIELDS COURT SERVANTS REVOLT. XKW YOltK, .lime 2.-Hurry K Thaw tta indictiMl today fr minder in the lint degree of Stanford White. Hi INTEREST IS GREAT Result of White's Inquest Awaited . By Public. MRS. THAW MAY NOT TESTIFY MINIMIS', June 28 Th Time St, Petersburg correspondent learn that the court in nlmut to return to Tarkoe Sclo owinif to the dieovrrv of n revnlu if Kvelyn Nr.bltt Thaw, appeared , tW VtthM mant ,t petcr, a vi it lie. before the grand jury, but wui hot, excused from giving tetiinonv bv Aitunt Diiitrict Attorney (inrvnn. and by the jiiroi. who would not init that he anwrr question. Thaw will plead tomorrow. S'o time wilt lie net for the trial until litrlrt Attorney Jerome r turn to the eitv next week. In the meantime witnesse have liecn nummon ed lo nppenr in John 1' proceeding nt the District Attorney' nlllce. White, who vvna quietly buried today nt SI JniiK'i, in the opinion of physician who performed the autop-y, had not mine tliiin two year to live, when hia life wiii horteiH'd bv TIiiiw 'h bullet, lie wan found suffering from Bright' Disease iiieipieiil tuberculosis a lid from fatty degeneration or uic liver, sir. I haw appearance before the grand jury had been looked forward to with consider- able interest, a it wit thouuht she might possibly throw some light on th tragedy. When ushered into the jury room Mid, Thaw was linked: "What i your name!" "Kvelyn Neabltt Thaw." "How old are you!" "Twenty yenra." "When did you lnt kco and meet Stanford White, ilei-cnned?" Without becoming in the lcnt excited Mic replied with einplia-i-i on each word 'T hope that you gentlemen will not In Hint that I nnawer nny more qiiPHtiona. I iniiHt respect fully decline to nua)vep the queationa you intend to ak inc. I any thi with nil rcsjicet to you gentlemen." Akcd for her reason hIic said, "I might nay aoniotliing tlint might do hnrm to my Imsliniid and n wife ought to do n hIic can to protect her hii-dinnd. I beg of you not to insint in putting further qticMioim to me becniixc if you do I will have to decline to answer." Tells Friend She Will Go Before The Grand Jury But Will Refuse To Answer Any of the Questions. XKW YOltK, June 28,-The coroner's inipient and the meeting of tlw grand Jury today lxith to formally name the murderer of Stanford White, divided public interest today with the develop ment of yesterday when an insanity commission declared Harry K. Thaw nne nnd Mr. Thaw visited her husband in hi cell in the Tomb prison. There wa much speculation today ns to just what position Mr. Thuw would take when she appeared before the grand jury today. It wn averted that the wife had told icr friend that hIic would go to prison rather than testify in the grand jury room where proceedings uro secret and where the only counsel k a representa tive of the district attorney's ollice. Mrs. Thaw has told a most intimate friend that she would "Stand pn.t," and refuse to say anything no matter how Roving Bands of Peasants Wander Through Provinces Compelling Others to Join Them Par liament's Attack. A SERIOUS REVOLT ON THE POLISH FRONTIER. ST. rKTERSIlURd (Friday) June 29. Later lat night it was reported that aerioua disorder had broken out in the garrison of (Kowiee, on the great fortreM guarding the Polish frontier against Herman invasion. It i impossible to obtain details, but an army officer intimated to the Associated Press tlint the nllnir wa more serious than any that had heretofore occurred. Other unit iuou net nre reported from the Samara, ltutoum, and Vladi- knvnk garrison. . THREE-YEAR OLD DOROTHY JOR- DAN'S CLOTHES IGNITED BOY RUSHES TO SISTER'S AID. ( IIK'AOO, June 28. In pite of the effort! of 3-year-old Donald Jordan to save her life from the flumes which en veloped her, Dorothy, hi twin sister, wa futility burned in the present.' of the little fellow and hi mother. Mr. Hubert Jordun yesterday. The children were playing in the yard of their home when a lox of matches they had taken from the house became ignited and et fire to the clothes of little Dorothy. Itegurdles of hi own danger, Donald rushed to her aid. With hi bare hands he attempted to to lieat out the flame. He failed in this and throwing the girl on the grass, he tried with all his strength to roll her over and over. Hi little hand were ciullv burned, but he stuck to hi tusk till hi mother arrived. Mrs. Jordan seized her Imbv in her arms and cast her into a tub of water. The flame were extinguished but too late to save her life. PORK BARREL MB DOWN Senate Frowns on Public Building Bill. NOTHING GETS THROUGH Efforts of Individual Senators to Secure Appropriations Prove Fruitless. DIES, EEFUSINO ANY INFORMATION MRS. MORRIS SKIRTS AIRED LONGWORTHS DINED WITH JULES CAMBON Tillman Resurrects Ejection Scandal and Treats the Senate to Some Oratory on the Subject Deficiency Bill Is Passed. MEMBER OF NEW YORK CRIMINAL GANG SHOT IN BACK WILL NOT TELL HIS ASSAILANT'S NAME XKW YORK. June 28. The police found another mystery on their hand early today, and to add to the chapter of murders yesterday. Thomas Petto wa found alxjut two o'clock thin morn ing with a pistol wound in hi back, lying on the idewalk on Forsyth ctreet, one of the mo densely populated sec tions of the city. He was alive and conscious, but when the police asked him the name of hia assailant he pleaded the east side "code of honor" which pro hibits man assaulted from giving any information to the authorities. Then declaring that he would get even, and that there had been "no trouble in which the police had any interest'" he was taken to a hospital just a few mo ments before he died. The Tetto case illustrates one of the most peculiar' phaes of criminal life on th eeast side, "gam" are fn contlinual feud and where murder are freipient, but the slayers are seldom caught because of the refusal of persons assaulted to assist the police. OUSTED FROM OFFICE. ROOSEVELT BACKS IDE'S POSITION i,",)or,nnt tlu' ,imBti(m- Jhi assertion seems to have ken brought from Mr. Thaw by the inten WASHINGTON, June 28.-Iiiiuiry a the state department today developed that the I'lCHident fully indorsed Clover- nor General Lie's position in regard to the title to the San J nan De Dins prop erty. It i intimated that the, Vatican Authorities disapproved the letter writ ten by Arcliibshop Ifnrty. Ido will pro' tion of the district attorney's ollice to make her a witness for the proseeu lion. Assistant District Attorneys Nott and (iarvin, it was said today are determin ed that the woman shall be examined be fore the grand jury where sho can be put under oath and whero it will be ceed in the court In the near future to poMibk to I(,arn from 1,er tho motive I tll.lf tll,l.,.tA.l HMxi... . l.ltl t7l r - recover nosscsaOn of the nrnnert.v. v " iw mii u iiiie. jjir. B-ll 4...i nt... rrn . . . iiwii, miD mm. iurs. i im CHIinot claim the privilege' of refusing to answer questions just because she is the wife of n. man accused of n rvimn iml ll.:.. , I - .....a illllb HUB LONDON, June 28. According to a privilege is extended only to what are f dispatch from Wnrsaw to. the Jewish known as confidential communications Chronicle, Uman, 15 miles southeast of between husband and wife. If she re Kiev, is in a forment and a massacre of fuses to answer other questions she can Jews is feared. The Jewish population of the town is In & state of panic. I (Continued on page 8) FEAR MASSACRE OF JEWS. ST. PKTEUSlU'RO, June 28. The uinpnign which the opposition in the ower house is waging to compel the Kmperor to dismiss the fioremkin minis try nr.d accept the principle of a re sponsible ministry, promises to lie sue- eful soon. Roth the Kmperor and the court nre licing frightened into sur render by alarming spread of revolution ary ideas among the troop. When the Preobrnjensky regiment "his majesty's own" pronounced it's solidarity with parliament, the Kmeperor's eyes were opened and tho court began to realize there was only a step from that to declaring allegiance to parliament as against the government. News from the provinces shows that the general anarchy is growing. In Altark and Tmiride prov inces the peasants are abandoning their Held and in Tula province roving bands are marching through the country drag ging in their wake not only workers from the field., but domestic servants. The only cousvrvativc group in the lower house, the one headed by Count Heydon, has nt last bowed it's head before, the storm of radiea.Usin nnd declared in favor of practically the whole of the constitutional democrats agrarian pro gram, including the expropriation of state, church, crown and private land. and insisting only on their distribution into private holdings. Parliament seems practically to have abandoned its attempts to frame legis lation. It's energy is directed towards attacking the government by the medium of interpollntions for the double pur pose of strengthening it's authority with the masse and ousting the ministry. Today the Bialystok report was again postponed. The interpollntions began with the demand to know why the gov ernment prohibited the proposed meet ing of peasant leagues and. permitted that of the nobles. lilXlXJN, June 28. French Amlmssa dor Cambon entertained Ambassador eluded memliers of the diplomatic serv ice and officials of the foreign oflices, HOUSE GETS BUSY ordinances. i FAVOR STANDARD Tsrra Haute. Ind.. June 28. Hhe city council in the impeaeliiueent charges brought against Mayor Ed waard J. P-oda- WAKIIIYMTMY .Inn. Oil -T1 ..I man man vesterdav found hi mmiiltir l!..i.l 1r. J nr. r... i "- " wiiHiei a,,u ",,u '"K- tolav,! !i,. m..i. .1 .1. s charreed and declared bim .l - i- ... . i . .i . . " K'ovw ..ail. vi nir " """ Ul '"-l' lon.giu. nieguesis in- ,,av Hi-..,! !.. -..mi- k. from office. Bi.kman imneM,0,l fn. s.11,7 iuunu uuimmii uiu. I "r v I i m . i - hHorts by several senator to secure in-1 ""Pg Miiureto enlo4e certain city creases for public buildings were in no case successful In reporting the bill. Scott, chairman of the committee on public grounds and buildings referred to it as "The pork barrel." The agricultural bill reappeared in a portion of the conference report. The report was conmlete excent. with Conference Reports on Rate and a reference to the meat inspection pro- Oil Freight Rates Made Only to A r:ii aj i.j I viion and on that another conferen. i I IIlI IkUHUrdl Dill Moopicu. , . , " cussion of the conference report on the pure food bill, but it's disposition is postponed until tnmnrivm-. Tha UlAiiiR a m . mm I v"' INIUni JtiMUIM 13 TANL1M ence committee's report on Jie TVo )FMAMn DDHDFD PAPII ITICC L wi koHl all. . T 1 mm a I i.i i cuuu vino reiver snip canal Dili, was accepted without debate. Tillman found opportunity to make his speech on the Big Company. Labors From Eleven O'clock Eleven P. M. Conferees Support on Meat Inspection Amendment No Rest Taken. A. M. Until M-ch of Mrs. Minor Mor- Southera Rafl wm , g upported ' by direction of Assistant Secretary v' ... AGITATORS ARRESTED. KREMENTCHUO, June 28.-The po lice today arrested several agitators on a charge of seeking to "Provoke a pro gram (massacre) of the Jews." WASHINGTON, June 28.-The House worked under forced draft today and accomplished an immense amount of business preparatory to adjournment at the week's end. Conference reports on number of measures were adopted 1 1,111 without debate, but required special rules in other particulars to effect the consideration and adoption of important conference agreements. Interest centered about the conference reports on the rail road rate bill and the agricultural ap proprintion bill, llotli were considered ami adopted under the blanket rule per mitting consideration of conference re ports without being printed in the rec ord. The house expressed confidence in the conferees ou the agricultural bill by instructing them not to recede from the meat inspection amendment. On the rate bill there was a general expression of satisfaction, but the measure should be perfected. Without taking recess, the house labored from 11 this morning until 11 tonight. Barnes. He reiterated his charge that Mrs. Morris was outrageously treated and said the President endorsed the action by appointing Barnes postmaster at Washington. The last of great ap propriation bills, the general deficiency, was reached during the day and a night Rates Except Storage Tanks Are Built Which Debars Small Dealers, NEW ORLEANS. June 28.-Testimony After the legislative business, which kept the house at the grindstone until 8 o'clock, had been disposed of, the crowd ed galleries listened to another series of political speeches. PRESIDENT WILL NOT BE CANDIDATE COLORADO SPRINGS, June 28. W. A. Conant, who was delegate to the first republican convention more than fifty years ago from New York, recently wrote President Roosevelt, asking him if he intended to be a candidate for re election, to which Secretary Loeb replied stating the President says "That you will haive to vote for some other repub lican next time." . session was held for its consideration at jon the freight rates affecting seven which time it was passed. The hill I southern states was taken here toda v bv carries over $11,000,000. The Senate to-tne mterstate commerce commission, night also passed the public buildin" were witnesses of the independent oil dealers. The book on oil tariff rates issued by the Southern Railway was put in evidence. W. O. Hudson, a former employe of the Standard Oil Company, testified that the rate published, was between the Standard Oil stations. Mar tin Cary of Buffalo, representing the RATE HEARING AT WALLA WALLA ENDS PROBABLY BE SOME TIME BEFORE Standard Oil poined out a proviso in inn. i,uraMiJMON WILL HAND this book, that rates will be made to anv DOWN ITS DECISION. station when DroDer facilities for unload- ing are furnished. Commissioner Prouty replying said: WALLA WALLA, Wash., June 28. "I understand that proper facilities The State Railroad Commission finished for unloading, means storage tanks, and the lfearing of the Walla Walla demand that small dealers cannot build such for distributing rates today. All the I tanks." testimony was in at noon and the attor- M. Milburn, secretary and treasurer of ncys submitted the question without ar- the National Refining Company of Mem- theguedment. This matter ha been one phis, Tenn., testified that in Arkansas of the hardest problems that the com- his salesmen had been arrested by the mission has been called on to decide and State oil inspectors on the charge that it will probably be some time before a their oil was below the Standard. These decision is handed down by the commis- arrests had never been prosecuted. The sion. The Walla Walla jobbers feel con- salesman had frequently been told that fident that the showing made will result if they would leave town there would be in some relief being made, even if a no prosecution. At Walnut Ridge, the complete distributing ra.te is not granted I witness said, one inspector was also a the jobbers of this city. distributer Company. for the Water Pierce Oil WISCONSIN PEOPLE CHEER BRYAN GIVE FRUIT MEN RIDE. LOS ANGELES. June 28. A resolu tion was passed yesterday by the Chamber of Commerce to the effect that Congress be urgeed to include in the Railroad Rate bill a clajuse which will give the fruit shippers privilege of ac-j MILWAUKEE, June 28. William J. companying shipments, as stockmen are I Bryan was strongly endorsed by the now allowed to do. It is said that such democratic sttae convention today. personal care is of the utmost import-1 There were two occasions on which ance to citrus fruit growers for the pre-1 Bryan was mentioned, and in both in vention of decay in the fruit. I stances his name was cheered repeatedly.