The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 27, 1906, Image 1

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    7 af
Mysterious Theft ot Jew.
elry From Thaws.
IS VALUED AT $60,000
RobberyCommitttd Several Wee b
Ago, But Suppressed By
(he Police.
Whit U Thought to Hive Had Some
Connection With Murder of White,
Though Thii la Not Yet
I'lTTSMRO, June 21,-White decking
Information of the Thaw family it was
learned tonight that the home of Mr.
William Thaw, mother of Harry Thew,
w robbed of jewel and silver pint
within the rmt few week, the value of
which 1. laid to amount to $00,000. Th
matter wa reported to the police, hut
became of the prominence of the family
the incident wan suppressed.
I lie iintcionure of the robbery wan
made through a 'leak" iinroneiou
dropped hy one very close to the family
The exact date, of the rohltcrv it not
known, but it occurred while the family
wa in the city. The jewel are mi id to
lie of mre value and gathered by Mr,
Thaw during her travel. They include
pearl, diamond and ilver plate. The
Pittsburg Post will nay tomorrow that
the l of this property i one of a
list of many sensational epoch that
have marked the history of Lyndhiirt
Mr. Thaw when he left for Europe did
so with the intention of never return
Ing to Pittsburg again. A new and
smaller home i being erected for her,
ONTARIO, Ore., June 2(1. Fred
Wheler, of Caldwell, In., was drowned in
Snake River, two miles west of town
yesterday afternoon. lie wai employed
in constructing tho new bridge over the
Malheur River. Wheeler and three com
pnnions were swimming. Wheeler was
Mvimming some distance from the bank.
mid shouted to his companions: "I can't
iniiko it; help me." They thought ho
was joking and paid no attention to his
remark, when suddenly he sank from
view, His body has as yet not been
recovered, although the river hag been
dragged and dynamite used.
ONTARIO, Ore., Juno 21.-Mnlhenr
county will Rend to the Nutional Irriga
tion' Congress nt Noise an exhibit of
products grown under irrigation, and
challenge the State of Idaho for the Hen;
ntor W. A, Chirk cup, which was award
ed Idaho nt the 1 1th National Irriga
tion Congress, held at Ogden, Utah, Sep
tember, 1903.
BUTTE, Mont., June 20. R. 11. Strong,
who is working in ft mine near Ana
conda, Mont., today brought into that
city a knife of stone, carved with the
heads of animals, vuneartlidd 03 feet
from the mouth of a tunnel driven into a
bill 200 feet from the penk. Mr. Strong
also found, near the knife, a huge storto,
in the shape of an altar, and believed to
have been the sacrificial stone, of a pre
historic people. A peculiar nauseating
odor, unlike anything encountered In
mines in Montana, leads Mr. Strong to
ibelleve that further along his workings
he will encounter either mummies or a
charnel-house, The knife will be sent
to the Smithsonian Institution, " " "
Question li Railed to Legal Adoption
of Constitutional Amendment,
NALKM, June 20. It U a question yet
to lie determined whether the "irontitii
t joint I amendment providing a method
of amending the constitution and apply
ing the referendum to all law affecting
constitutional amendment" and the
"constitutional amendment for the Initia
tive and referendum ou local special and
municipal law and part of law" have
been legally adopted.
The former amendment received 47,'lfll
vote for, to IR.751 agalnt, and the lat
ter 47,078 for, to 10,735 agalnt. There
were (HI.4-15 vote ct at the general
It I claimed by aome constitutional
law that A contitulional amendment
muot receive a majority of all the elec
tor voting at an election to he adopted
If that i- correct both thee amendment
lack by more than 2000 votes the re
quired number to be adopted.
Section 1 of Article IV of the const i
tut ion, a amended by the initiative and
referendum amendment adopted June 2,
I'MKi. it i claimed, doe not repeal or
modify section I of Article XVII of the
constitution, which nay that a majority
vote of the elector of the stale it neces
sary to adopt an amendment to the con
MARSH FIELD. Ore., June 20.-How
ard I Itoff. who came to this section
from Sierra, Wash., was killed y ester
day in a logging camp near Heaver Hill,
operated by the Coos Hay Lumber &
Coal Company, Eastern capitalists. A
log was lieing yarded out by the donkey
engine, uud one end struck a tree, the
other swinging around catching Hoff and
killing him instantly.
WALLA WALLA, June 20. Isaac
Chapman was badly gored by n enraged
bull on hi farm near Walla Walla yes
terday. He was trying to drive the ani-
nial into a corral when it attacked him,
i mipman was knocked down ami as a
result four rib were broken.
Columbia and Bogota Will Build
Interoceanic Canal.
COST TO BE $70,000,000
Soldiers of Columbian Army and Armies
of Other Interested Republics
Will Dig Canal -No
New Problems.
vr e i v n
:ew lork, .nine zu. ia, seinona. a
Spanish weekly news bulletin, publishes
today a report from Columbia that the
Bogota government has in contemplation
u project for an interoceanic sea level
oanal through Divrion, a modification of
the original plan of the Atralo Trunndo
route. According to tho private advices
which . bring this information Columbia
has been assured of the co-operation of
various sister republics of Latin-America.
The plans for the canal do not present
any new eiiL'ineennir problem. More
than half of the total cost, which it is
estimated would- be about $70,000,000,
would lie for labor. The laborers will be
soldiers of the Columbia army and con
tingents of soldiers from tho other ae
punnes interested in the project expect
unit country to pay its own men as if I
tney were in actual service. This co-
operation is to lie paid tor by shares of
me siock ot tne canal and - by certain
e it; . 1
. - ' '.- ..
HONONLULU, June 20, via San Fran-
Cisco. llie Wade Lumber Company of
Aberdeen, Wash., has purchased the busi-
ness of the Oahu Lumber Company and
in connection with the purchase there are
reports that the Washington concern in
tends to enter the local field and send
logs nere in a raft to be sawed at
mill, w hich may be established here.
Pittsburg Society Man in
Inquest Over Body of His Victim, Stanford
White Grand Jury will Investigate.
NEW YORK. June 2(1. Frankly ad
mitting that he killed Stanford White,
the famous architect, and pleading in
justification of the deed, that White had
mined the life of hi wife, beautiful
Evelyn Ncsbitt, Harry Kendall Thaw of
IltUhurtr, occupies a cell in the Tombs
I awaiting the action of the grand jury
on a charge of murder. His counsel will
I offer the defense of insanity and today
jtlie prisoner was examined by eminent
alienists, retained on his behalf and by
I Ike Dialriut Attorney' oiUo. The wo
ners inquest win tie new on inursasy
land in all probability the case will then
be considered by the Grand Jury, when
the prisoner's wife will lie required to
appear In-fore that body, she having been
served with a subpoena today while in
consultation at the offices of her hus
band's counsel. Every effort is now
ttcing made by both
sides to expedite
the legul preliminaries so an arraignment
and trial may take place at the earliest
possible date.
Mrs. Thaw Located.
The whereabouts of Mrs. Thaw, who
disappeared from Madison Square Ger-1
den in the confusion that followed the
tragedy remained a mystery until this
afternoon, when accompanied by her
friend, Miss May McKinsey, she arrived
ut the offices of Deluflcld and Longfellow,
Thaw's lawyers, on Wall street, where
she remained in consultation with her
lawyers several hours. While there she
was served with a subpoena requiring
her attendance before the grand jury
on Thursday. Mrs. Thaw speared ill and :
nervous, and was so weak she was hard-
Iv able to walk from her carriage to
the door. Mrs. Thaw was not seen to
leave tho building, which was closely !
Hatched by reporters and it was learned j
Inte in the afternoon, she and Miss Mc-
Klnsev had left the lawyer's office on :
the thirteenth floor, crossed the roofs of
two adjacent buildings and entered the
window of the City National Bank build
ing in front of which a carriage awaited
them. Delnflcld declined to make any
statement relative to Mrs. Thaw, ex
cept that she would not be spirited away
and would respond to any summons of
the authorities. Mrs. Thaw will not be
required to be present nt the coroner's
District Attorney Busy.
The District' Attorney's office was
busily engaged in looking up Thaw's
WASHINGTON, June 26.-After two
or three more speeches on the conference
re,,,,, to the railroad rate bill, the Sen
nte today sent the bill back to confer
The naval appropriation bill was pass-
ed todav,
Speaker Cannon Says Congress Must Con
clude Labors Before Adjourning,
WASHINGTON, June 20. Congress
will stay in session until its work is
finished. This is the dictum of Speaker
Cannon and his lieutenants, and is being
emphasized at this time to counteract
any impression that the pure food bill
at least, might go Over until tha next
Prison Awaiting Coroner's
antecedents, his mode of living, reported
dissipation and indulgences with a view
of analyzing their bearing on his men
tal condition. On this subject Deputy
District Attorney Nott, who in District
Attorney Jerome's abence from the city
has charge of the prosecution said:
'ile is not insane now nor was he in
sane at the time he shot White."
Asked concerning the probable date of
the trial Nott said:
"I know of no reason why Thaw
should be treated differently than an
ordinary aeetised murderer. He will nave
to wait his turn to be tried in all proba
bility. However, Mr. Jerome will
back Monday and will decide that."
New York. June 26. Perfectly calm
Harry Kendall Thaw, who last night shot
and killed Stanford white, a prominent
architect, faced a coroner and a number
of police officials early today, absolutely
refusing to make any extended statement
as to the motive which led to the tragedy
I on the roof of Madison Square Garden as
the first night's performance of Mam
selle Champagne" was being sung to
While Thaw, in his immaculate even
ini; dress, sat in a cell in the Tender-
lqin police station detectives were scour
ing the city for his wife, formerly Evelyn
Florence Nesbit, before her marriage a
chorus girl and an artist's model.
Mrs. Thaw disappeared as her husband
was being hurried from the playhouse by
a policeman, and after throwing her
arms around his neck and crying, "Oh,
Hurry, Harry, why did you do it.
Harry!" She is said to have entered an
automobile, then whirled away before
the crowd of police recovered from the
excitement caused by one of the most
sensational tragedies in New York's
criminal history.
It was after 3 o'clock this morning
when Coroner Dooley, after viewing
White's body, ordered it removed to an
undertaking establishment end then pve
permission to have it taken to the pala
tial White residence in Gramerey square.
Tho coroner then went to the police
station and questioned Thaw. He asked
the young man if he had anv statement
to make.
Refuses to Talk.
"No," replied Thaw. "I don't care to
(Continued on page 8)
session. There is also trouble on the
meat inspection bill and the "tie-up" on
the railroad rate bill indicates that these
things must be worked out without any
date for adjournment being set. When
the work is done, an adjournment resolu
tion will be forthcoming in Bhort order.
' WASHINGTON, .June 26. The meat
inspection amendment to the agricul
tural bill will be returned to the Senate
and House as in disagreement. The con
frees twice had it under discussion today
and indictions are that the differences in
regard to payment for inspections by the
Faeker's or whether the date of inspec
tion must be placed on cans of meat, are
irreconcilable. Another efforts to get
together will be made tomorrow. A com
plete agreement was reached on all other
matters in the bill.
News of Preparation of Disorder!
Against Jews Received.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 26. -M.
V'inaver, a member of the lower house,
ha received a nurnlier of telegrams from
cities in southern Russia saying anti-
Jewish disorder are being prepared and
asking for the adoption of immediate
measures for protection of the Jews,
Dispatches from Vladikavkaz, Caucasia,
report an outbreak of disorders among
the troop in the garrison. The mutin
ious troops bombarded the government
house while a dance was in progress,
with stones, causing a panic, among the
dancers. One woman was injured. All
the delegate from the provinces par
ticipated in a popular meeting at which
a resolution was adopted demanding
that in the event of an anti-Jewish out
break the troop defend the citizens
against the black hundred. The soldier
openly insulted General Zcnvusski, the
commandant in the streets.
United States Circuit Court of Appeals
yesterday affirmed the decision of United
States District Judge Hawley. of Car
son, Xev in the case of Jerome Porter,
John G. Jury, Thomas W. Chandler,
Charles J. Carr andMrs. Mary Thomp
son vs. Tonopah North Star Tunnel &
Development Company. The decision
was in favor of the defendants. The
judgment of the lower court was reversed
in the ease of the National Bank of Com
merce vs. James J. Anderson, a Wash
ington case.
KIEL, July 26. Congressman Long
worth and wife left for London tonight
to be present at a ball at the American
embassy tomorrow and one at the draw
ing room in Buckingham Palace Thurs
day. About five hundred persons were
assembled to see them off. The crowd
gave three cheers as the train pulled
Car of Dynamite Overturns With
Terrible Results.
Freight Car Jumps Track Exploding
Dynamite Two Men Killed and
Two Injured Thought to
Be Earthquake.
ANGELS, Cal., June 26. The over
turning of a freight car of a train run
ning on the Sierra Railway between
Jamestown and Angels this afternoon
exploded a ton and a half of dynamite
and killed two brakemen. The conduc
tor was injured and a passenger severely
hurt, but will recover. The explosion
was caused by the car carrying the dyna
mite jumping the track when coming
out of the great canon of the Stanislaus
River, about six miles from here. The
explosion wrecked the chlorination works
at the Jones Mine and felt at Stockton,
60 miles away, where it was believed an
other earthquake had occurred.
At Oakland Oakland 5, Los An
geles 1.
At Portland Portland 4, Fresno 3 (12
innings). I
At Seattle Seattle 9, San Francisco 2.
CHICAGO, June 26. Miss Elizabeth
McGlennan, formerly Dr. Dowie's nurse
testified today at the hearings to deter
mine the ownership of the Zion City
properties, that Dowie was delirious the
greater part of the time on his trip to
Mexico and Jamaica. While at Jamaica,
she declared, Dowie was under the im
pression that the Emperor of Germany
was coming to visit him, and sent a
witness to watch for the imperial fleet.
Lower House Members
Encourage Revolution.
Parliament Openly Favors the
Revolutionary Propaganda.
Agitation Continues.
Cossacks At Rostov-On-The-Don, Refuse
To Leave To Suppress Anti-Jewish
Agitation Unless Families
Are Pensioned.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 26.-The ses
sion of the lower house today was open
ly devoted to the revolutionist propa
ganda for undermining the loyalty of
the troops, a score of speeches couched
in an ardent revolutionary tone, were
delivered with the direct object of dis
semination among the soldiers. The au
thorities, who are able to confiscate tha
papers containing the telegraphic account
of ferment among the soldiery, are un
able to prevent the publication of par
liamentary speeches, and these delivered
today will tomorrow be printed in every
radical paper in the empire and so find
their way into every barracks. A rumor
was circulated in the corridors that
President Mouromtseff of the lower
house had been summoned to Peterhof
for consultation with the Emperor with
regard to a new cabinet, but confirma
tion of this report is not obtainable.
Revolutionary Agitation.
The revolutionary agitation in the
guard camp at Krasnoye Selo, has reach
ed such a pitch that Minister Budiger i
contemplating breaking up the camp and
scatering the disaffected regiments. Sev
eral hundred members supposed to be
from the ultra loyal Preobrajensky regi
ment, are reported to have held a meet
ing and drawn up a resolution upholding
all the actions of parliament and de
claring they want no more police duty.
entailing the duty of slaying a brother
or a father. The Cossacks at Rostov-on-the-Don
are said to have refused to
leave their quarters to suppress anti
Semite disturbances, unless their families
are guaranteed pensions in case of
their death. The strike at St. Peters
burg is spreading in all directions.
Further details regarding the alleged
anti-Jewish outbreaks at Zhitomir are
not obtainable. Jewish members of par
liament and deputies from Zhitomir
know nothing about the affair, which in
dicates it probably is an invention.
ROSEBURG, Ore., June 26. Walter
Soper, 16 years of age, was found dead
in the mountains 25 miles east of this
city, on Honey Creek, a tributary to the
North Umpqua River, last Saturday af
ternoon. The death is supposed to have
been caused by the accidental discharge
of his own rifle.
VANCOUVER, B. C, June 26.-As a
result of a boy playing with matches,
a fire was started at Sandon, B. C, last
night which destroyed 15 houses, despite
the efforts of firemen and citizens, be
fore the flames were subdued.
Western Oregon and Washing-
ton Cloudy,- probably shower.
Eastern Oregon and Washing-
ton Cloudy and threatening.