The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 20, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, JUNE so, 150O.
llii'l'" ' " " " W W
Three Boxes Cents
$I.BO The Crate
menf, end the godd work U to be con
tinned until Astoria has a beautiful
Ihkwll sells kat.
Astoria Souvenlri at Svenson'e.
National Bicycle for mlo at Otkwita.
Club Cleaning sad 'jprritlnir mrlnr;
suit, SO cent., Tel. IlUck 21 M. 72 Mh.
Ala ahn Aa11i) fnr. tMnftd AtiA
ellverrd. Tr. Wa.k 225S. Brown &
Tit very but bond to bo obtained ta
tbo city ia at "The Occident Hotel."
Satea very reaeonable.
, 4
New Poet Office, A post oflh and
tor combined, I being built t War-
rfiitoti nero lh railroad (rfk frmn
the Warrenton Hotel.
Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avenue
and Eleventh atreet, Enropean plan;
beat rooma and board In the city at rea
aonablo prlcei; free but.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St.. dooa al'
manner of teildermy, furniture upbol
staring, carpet cleaning and laving, mat
tree making a specialty and al work
In Juatlce Court.-Frank Orr was ar
reted yesterday on a warrant charging
him with assault and battery on Henry
W'vman. Before Jimtir of the Peace
Goodman he pleaded guilty and w
fined $12. which he paid, t'arr ! c
ond mat of the schooner A. F. font.
No Truth in Report. A report was In
circulation yesterday that Mayor Wle
intended to order the town "cloned,
When queried last night concerning the.
nutter he said. "The report 1 totally
fal, and I have no intention of taking
any audi dra-tie action. There are
many more important and urgent mat
ter for mv to consider than this."
On a Happy Quest, Mrs. Oniric L
Houston, of thi city, departed for the
mtrnMdia on hint evening' express, to
be present today, at noon, ot the wed
ding of her brother, Mr. Homer Fletcher,
and Mis Helen K. Thomas, of Sacra-1
mento, California, The ceremony will
take place at Trinity Episcopal church,
and at it conclusion the happy couple
will leave Portland for their new home
at HiHuinm, Washington.
To the Public Record!. Among the
instruments filed for record nt the office
r,f li.i ninnfv clerk, Yesterday, were tlie
following deed! Einmn It. Thompon
et nx to A. H. Muckinnon, warranty.
$1)1X10, the south half of the north half
of section 3. T. 5 N, 11. 10 W. A. II.
Mnel nnon to Ada H. Bennett, warranty,
$0000, the eolith half of the north half
of Motion 3, T. 6 N It. 10 W. K. L, A.
Gerdlng and wife to J. H. Hansen, war
ranty, $000. lot 3, block 0.1. McClure's
In Police Court. A quartet of prison
era, greeted Judge Anderson yeterduy
oftvriKxWi in police court, all but on
offender luring there for becoming too
disorderly and creating a rougncr house,
than uiml, in one of the saloon on
Ator atreet. One of the primmer, the
immediate auo of all the troubk, wm
a young girl, and two Finnish (Uheniien
were the trouble makers. The girl waa
fined $40, and In default of the required
amount was committed to jail. John
Anderaon and , Peter Helm, the flshcr
nun. received tinea of $10 and $1.1 each,
rejMMtlve)y, The story of the affair
aa told through Officer Oberg, acting in
the capacity of Interpreter, wa In effect,
Hist the girl bad been miatreated by the
bar tender of the saloon, and Anderaon
rd Helm had attempted to take ven
ucance oil the peron of the bartender,
which ended In a general mlxup, a good
deal of strong language, nd the suos
qnent arret and lockup of the trio
Nell Narwin, after Mna in Jail two
daya on it charge of drunkenness, waa
given a hearing today, and fined $5,
sentence being suspended In considers-
tlon of the fact that be had already
been punlahed enough. Four other per
sona forfieted $5 bail respectively for
their nun appearance.
In Two Short Houn. The Hotel Com
mittee, in two abort hourt yesterday
atuveeded handsomely in their quest
for f iinda wherewith to meet the cot of
the new hotel site that Astoria la to
give the founder of the aplendid mod
em hoatelry in thi city. The committee
collected Hie following aillil in that brief
period from the following public spirited
citizen t S. Elmore, 1230 j F. J. Taylor.
UK); Frank L Parker, $100i Herman
WW, fliai; John E. Gratke, floo! G. C.
Fulton. floO; John Fx, $100; (5. W.
SanlKirn. 1W; E. X. Baker, flOO; G. H.
George, $.'iOi and S. I)an-ilg'r & Com
pany, f VI. Thi make a notuhle begin
ning of the good work and the commit
ten ia heartily encouraged with the
allowing, nor will they nbate their mia
aion until adequate figure ia on hand to
face the new promi-ing aituatiou, Of
eourae they have come acroaa the in
evitable kntx-keri he ia perennial and
omiiipiwent, and hi little hammer ia
going uninterruptedly, but even amiie of
them gave, after they had done their
aaeiitial little atunt. nnd at nmm yea-
terday there waa a round $1500 to the
good of the caue. and the ret
n -
12 Crepe
With Each
lOc Package
Leslies Pure
Cheerful News. There ia a proapect
of tho rebuilding of Fiahor' ojierft
hoiiKo in thi city, Mea-ra. Fiaher Itrotli
era having been approached by a cer
tain gentleman from Spokane with a
propoaition to restore the burned build
ing nnd put it in thorough shape, for
the new aeaon, with the privilege of
renting and managing it after it ahull
bo in order. The negotiation involve
the expenditure of a auin approaching
$14,000, of which the negotiator is will
ing to put up $8010 and the bnlunce to
be furnished by the owners of the prop
erly. It will be an excellent thing if
thi I all carried out, aa,, next to n
hotel, thi-re i nothing needed o badly,
in the way of public utilitiea, a a firat.
elm theater. Good luck to the pro
posal. The party'a name ia withheld
until the matter hae progressed to n
flnnlity of aome sort.
Will Speak Tonizht.-Touluht at h
Salvation Army headquarters there w)l
! bo an address by a commercial traveler,
who ia in the city, nnd delre to relaus
hi experience, Kvery on U cordially
invited to attend and listen to him
Tho liandaome little Columbine leave
at A o'clock thi morning for a four
day cruise, carrying supplies of all sorts
to lightahlpa Xo. 1)7 and 70, to Destruc
tion Island. Capo Flattery and Nesh
May, She exports to lie at the latter
point tonight.
Done In Probate. An order waa made
in probate court yealerday by Judge
Trenchord, approving the final account
of Kxecutor Frank Spittlo of the estate
of Michael Sharp, deceased, discharging
said executor, and ri dealing all connect
ed therewith from further responsibility.
Annual Statement Piled By Clerk
E. Z. Ferguson. , ;
Contract Let For Digging the Proposed
Drains About the McClure Building
ProfMsor Diebel Tender!
Hi! Resignation to Board.
All questions pertaining to health and
beauty are answered here. Makes people
feel as they felt in full-blooded youth.
Does business while you sleep. That's
what Holllster's Ro-:ky Mountain Tea
will do. 3 J cents Tea or Tablets. Frank
Hart, druggist.
To Stop Sliding Cround-The sliding
ground on the I Mink of the water com-
inMon's property at the city reser
voir, will Ik) repaired this week by Con
tractor Gerding, who will commence
work May. A it now is the water has
ooened the dirt so that the bank ha
caved Into the road.
The delicate art of frescoing is only
learned by years of hard tutelage under
expert mater. F!ach of the proprietors
the Eastern Painting t Decorating Co,
78 Xinth street, ha. spent years in the
best shops of the east and ia proficient
in the art of decorating and frescoing.
Funeral Yesterday. The funeral of
the, late George Hendrickson. the fisher
man drowned from the net racks of the
Sanborn-Cuttlng Company, took place
yesterday morning from the Pohl
funeral parlors. Rev. h, J. Trumbull of
the Firt Baptist Church officiating. The
interment was in Greenwood cemetery.
The report of School Clerk 'K. 7.. Fer
guson 'of school district Xo. I. showing
the receipt and expenditures for the
year, beginning June 5. 1905, and ending
June 7, J 000, was filed at the annual
school meeting held on Monday night
last, in words and figures, a follows:
To cash on hand...',' $13,090.31
Itec'd.for tuition 72.00
" taxes, old roils 18,72
" " Co. Trea.... 7,207.06
" - State appmt 8,38.5.60
" " Co. appmt 18,456.08
" broken windows -78
V t f f .tr f
Paid teachers' salaries $21,9.50.23
" janitors' salaries 2,40153
" bond intere-t 4,255.00
" clerk's salary 650.00
" euperintendent's salary.... 1,250.00
" repairs Shively school 820.49
" " Olney school 15.98
" " Taylor school 1,601.11
" " Aldcrbrofdc school. 305.20
" MtClure school.. 16554
" " Adair, school ; 75.00
" supplies, wood, etc 3,397.00
" out-tanding warrant..... 95.00
Very Small Business. For years pat
it has been the custom of the senior
class of the Astoria High School to hoi-t
it class flag on the staff of the build
ing. and keep It afloat during the exam
and graduation period, and thi they
did a few day ago, in conformity with
the time-honored practice; but someone,
with a poor sense of fun, or a witless
idea of "doing something," ha delib
erately purluined the banner and con
waled it. Such an act. is neither gen
nine skylarking, nnr a manly case of re
piinl. It would W well to restore the
las emblem, even if it ha to be done,
surreptitiously, and be apnred the con
fusion of discovery.
Cash on hsnd to balance.
'. 9,189.00
Cash in A-toris Xational Bank,$ 9,11750
" " hand of the clerk 71.80
- - - Co. Treas. 7.662.22
Lively at Seaside. Business condi
tions are very lively at present in Sea
side end there are a large number of
structures being erected, both residences
and for business enterprises. Among the
buildings just completed or in process of
construction is the new eleotrlo light
plant, which w'ill be reedy for operations
by the first of next month; a steam
laundry is now being constructed;
there is a now bank; two up-to-date
bakeries, and a harneas shop. All thee
things shows that Seaside is coming to
the front. The big six hundred foot
pier is fast nearing completion, and will
he one of the main attractions hereafter.
Donate Lumber. Representing all the
tujuber mills in town, the City I.umlier
.'llox Company yesterday informed tho
purk commiasion that all the lumber
needed for the erection of the band
stand on the park property would be
given free by it. Work la progressing
very satisfactorily on the park improve-
There is no change in the situation on
the waterfront nt San Francisco and
the strike among the coasting bailors is
t ill maintained. Yesterday the steam
schooner Sea Fount succeeded in getting
onie men to take the place of the
union sailors who left and the vessel
sailed for Mendocino. The I'mnUlU
arrived yesterday there from Seattle
and was manned by n non-union rev,
and if the men remained on board it i
probable they will be shifted to the
steamer Queen, thus allowing that
steamer to sail for the north on her
scheduled date. It is reported that the
Pacific Coast Steamship Company is
bringing from Alaska about 100 Chil
kat. Indians to take the place of the
union sailors. They will also be used
n guards on the docks of the company.
All property owners having suitable
sites for the proposed new and modern
hotel, within the business district of
Astoria, are requested to submit same,
giving location, dimensions and purchase
price, together with a sixty-day option,
to the secretary of the committee. Ad
dress F. L. Parker, secretary P. O.' Box
137, Astoria, Oregon.
Fine hats at the Bonton Milliuery
store, 483 Bond street. Mrs. Jaloff,
The fashionable milliner, la the Star
Theater building, is hs best place to
buy your summer bat.
Sig. L. 0. Auletti, violinist, orchestra
furnished for all occasions, teacher of
violin and mandolin. Address- 361 Duane
street, Astoria, Ore.
Have you been betrayed by promises
of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled
medicine without results except a dam
aged stomach. To those wa offer Hqllla
tor's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents,
Sold by Frank Hart.
Total cash available $16,83152
The board yesterday let the contract
for the construction of the drains around
the McClure school building, to Birch &
Jacobson, for the sum of $1055, the
work to le completed by August 1. 1906.
S K. Diebel, of the High School staff
of teachers, ha tendered his resignation
to the, board of directors and the same
ha been accepted. He will go abroad
to pursue his studies. He taught Latin
and German here, very successfully.
JULY 11th
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
ft. J. Knowlton of Spokane is in the i
cur on ousiness.
D. 15. Ahvorthy of Walla Walla was
in the city yesterday.
A. Cameron, of Chicago, was in the
city yesterday on business.
C. G. Cadwallader of Memphis spent
the day in this city yesterday.
G. R. Stockton of Sacramento, arrived
here on the Hasaalo yesterday.
J. F.. I'pdyke of Victoria arrived here
vesterdav noon on a business tour.
II. A. Kensington of Montreal was a
business visitor in Astoria yesterday.
R. L. Adams, of Portland, was an
Astoria passenger on the noon train yesterday.
William Anderson arrived here from
the metropolis ou the noon express yesterday.
B. G. Compton of St. Loui, was among
the business visitors in Astoria yester
C. A. Knutson of Los Angeles spent
the day in this city yesterday on busi
F. R. Johnson of Portland, came down
on the noon train yesterday for a day's
outing in Astoria.
V. W, Oarrington of Baltimore was in
the city yesterday returning to the me
tropolis last evening.
Sylvester Farrell, of the state board
of pilot commissioners, was a business
visitor in the city yesterday.
Hon. David West, of Westport, was in
the city yesterday, shaking hands with
a wide range of old friends and enjoy
ing himself generally. I
R. A. Hawkins of Hwaco, came over
to the metropolis of the lower Colum
bia, for a few hours business quest,
F. C. Graham, the well known lum
berman, of the Graham Lumber Com
pany, at Portland, was in the city yes
terday, on a brief business trip, and
had many cheerful things to say anent
his particular line of commerce.
Week Beginning June 18 :
The Greatest Juggler in the World
In Their Great Character Sketch
" Mandy Hawkins"
Matinee Daily at 3 P. M,
Horning Aatorian OS cents per month.
NEW YORK, June 19. At the Na
tional Association of Stationers are
being held in this city, delegates are
present representing firms in Boston.
Chicago. Philadelphia, St. Louis. Den
ver, Cincinnati, and other large cities
of the country.
The organization of ( local associations
will be discuSed at the business sessions
later. The speakers will be Theodore L.
C. Grey, Fletcher B. Gibbs. ;Edwin E.
Williams, of Minneapolis1 E. Von
Vedelstadt of St. Paul Charles A. Jfoy
er of Omaha; James T. Lacey of St.
Louis and others. The convention will
be in session four days, closing Thurs
day night.
ALBANY, Ore.. June, 19. Conrad
Buekner, pioneer resident of Linn county
died at hi home near Albany yesterday
at the age of 80 years. He was a native
of Germany and came to the United
Staies GO years ago and has resided
near Albany since 1877. . He leaves ijne
children: Mr. Christina Farlow, Wil
liam. Charles, Emma and Edward Buek
ner, all of Albany; Paul Buekner of
Jefferson; John Buekner of Lebanon, and
Lillian and Clara Buekner of Eugene.
WALLA WALLA, Wa.h., June
Lee Kennard, a Weston horse dealer
arrested Saturday on a charge of passing
a bogus check for $22 on the Fountain
saloon a month ago, was released from
custody yesterday, friends in Walla
Walla making up a purse and squaring
the matter. Kennard lost no time in
leaving for home.
' '' V
EUGENE, Ore., June 19. At the an
nual school election held here yesterday
afternoon, O.' J. Hull, a druggist, was
elected director over W. C. Yoran, a
printer, by a majority, of 43 votes. There
were 616 votes , cast as compared to
about 300 last year, when there were
four candidates in the field.
AURORA, Ore. June 19. A new ad
dition has .been laid olt to Aurora. on
the south, known as Snyder's Addition.
There are 47 acres jin' the plat, and the
land is being laid out in residence lots,
and streets opened up through the prop