The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 20, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    WEDNESDAY, JUKE 10, 190O.
fVtpyrliilit, by R. W, Hriit
Jack Itiimlolph Mtit 011 the (ilnxsen 11 ml
read over (lie tWcgrniH ngulu. Already
the piipiT was cruckliiK on tint rii'iinon
from frequent loldliiK and uufoltllitifn.
Randolph could have road It from
oiemor. "Clo to Old Point Comfort,"
It read, "Hiid wait orders."
lid hud liffii waiting orders for four
days now, mikI repented li'li'uraiiiK to
the office tnid dimply drought forth rep
etitions of those Instructions.
Randolph was Mirk of It nil. Ever
Inco ho liiul refused point blank to
conxlili'T llio (jtifwtlim of h mnrrliiKO to
Mine Klrl hl father liiul picked out for
blni In liiul ticcn exiled to tlio rood aa
piH'liil aiilesuiau uml had beeu jumped
from i-iiHt to went on the most nbsurd
There uiltfht he n in 11 11 coming to Old
Point who wanted to buy 11 suspension
bridge, hut ltiuidi.lph could not see
why ho bad not been wot to the ofllce
of tht firm Instead of bolng shipped to
tld Point. Not that he objw-ted to a
rwk ct tho fsuious resort with noth
Ing to do, but the umwtaluty of It nil
wan Irritating. IT derided to send an-
otui-r telegram ana neaaea ror me ieie
graph ohe.
Fie never got there, for Just aa be
wmif around a corner of the pin if a
trie prettleat girl he hnl over seen rnu
Into tilm aa she dashed along tho pln
m. Ily the time mutual apologlea were
ronrltided Jack had forgo) ten all alwut
tho teli-gram and had com to tho con
clusion that ho waa aatlnfled to atny at
tho Point aa long aa tho office decided
be waa needed there.
Instead of going; Into the office be
volunteered hla services aa guide to
Marjorlt Corson, who had arrival the
night before, and It waa well along In
the afternoon lcfore he even thought
of the !plM)d telegram,
He met Mm. ( "anion on their return
nd that evening he changed hi aer.t
to their taljjlo and waa Installed na their
guide and counselor. More than ever
I ; Aft ! iJwiv
waa he glad that lie had refused to ac
cept hla father's dictum and marry
some oue flue. Of courae It would
make an awful row when be wrote
that be waa going to marry Mnrjorle,
but be bad gained some recognition aa
an engineer, aud It would not be hard
to make bla way If only Marjorle
would accept hliu.
Marjorlo'e frank frlendllneaa wna
scarcely encouraging to bis hopes, but
ss the daya progreaaed he gained In
ber favor, and before the end of hla
Brut week he bad liegun to flatter him
self that he was making headway. '
Mra. Carson clearly approved of him.
Early In tho acquaintance be bad taken
paln to acquaint her with bla history
In an Impersonal sort of way flint did
not Houud like a formal announcement,
and alio had smiled and replied that she
bad hoard of hla father. After that she
bad been much In the background, aud
the young peopla went boating and on
other excursions alone.
It was well along In the third week
.before he had ventured to '-speak of
love to the girl. It waa as they were
coming homo one evening, and In suv
, Ing herself from n full aa alio stepped
on a loose atone, sho had caught nt-liln
coat, sleeve, He had thrown an arm
about her and had kept It there until
wltlra rosy face she. had disengaged
berself. ,
""I-,can et along all right now,"she
.said, as she stepped ahead. He laW a
. hand upon her sho'iilder.
. "I hope you can't," he saldslriiply.
"I 4buld like you to thlnlcvthat you
; a 1 wijfca needed me".' ". ''-"' ;t"(
:""I don't," was the savage answer!,
VI don't over need you,. and I wlshymi
ji:ould go a'wny." ' rr
('"Pardon,' ho aald quietly. "I ha 110
Wish tp be offensive." , ' y.
:They wont' along In allonce, but as
they parted at 'the foot of the plitzjtft
stepi she tunu'd .toward him and held
out her liiiud. ,
" am iifruld I was very rude," she
aald simply, "Will you forgive meT"
',t "If you will take hack what you
; aald," lie answered pleadingly,
, "I tlilnk you're horrid,!' she exelalm
J wl(l u suddeii Shift from her peul
tenflul imsid. "Jf yog wtre, juitls-
domatul an explanation, and left be
hind her a much puzzled swain.
Ho was too tactful to reopen the
qucKtloii that evening, but for half the
night ho paced tho floor after he had
gone to his room and vululy sought for
Bu explanation of her odd remark.
That sho liked him was apparent, lie
could not see wherein be bad been of
fensive, and yet she had spoken as If
bs must understand what tho matter
He was still puzzled the next morn
ing when they met at breakfast, but
there was no opportunity for an expla
nation until late that evening. Just be
fore the party broke up Jack and Mar
jorle wore standing on tho plum. Tho
Others had niovod toward the entrance
nd had left them alone In tho corner.
"What did you mean yesterday V ho
Silked, "I was not conscious of giving
offense." 1
"I should think It would bo'yl as
much as It does me," .She answered,
("but I don't want to talk about It, so
'good nlglit," ,
Sho speil down tho piazza, no turn
ed half Irresolutely, then wllb a sigh
be turned back and went down the
other side.
That night he walked the floor again,
but no solution rums to hint, and at
last he threw himself upou the bed and
lept a sleep In which Marjorle perpet
ually danced before blni, ever eluding
bla grasp and yet ever entreating him.
Borne Intangible barrier seemed to bo
separating them, and be had the un
comfortable feeling that If be could de
termine the nature of this barrier be
would gain ber band.
do strong was this Impression that
Unuiedlntely after breakfast be sought
Marjorle on the piazza.
"You're been mystifying me long
enoiiuh," be siild abruptly. "I want to
know what It all means."
"As If you didn't," she said scorn
fully. "I've caught you and mother
laughing over It lots of times."
' "I anHiire you that I do not know
what you mean," he said.
"Just aa If you were not down here
by your father's orders," sho scoffed.
"I saw It all the moment mother said
you were bare."
Ilaudolph gasped. "You don't mean
to say that you aro the girl father
wants me to marry?" be cried.
"Why, of courne," nhe retorted. "Just
as If you didn't know."
"I didn't." be replied promptly. "The
moment the pater said marriage I
balked and did not even learn the
nauie of the girl."
"Then why are you here?" she de
manded. "You know It was all a pre
arranged plan."
For answer he pulled out the tele
gram. "I thought It was some one who
wanted to buy a bridge," be explained.
Had I supposed otherwise 1 should
never have come."
"Are you sorry you dldf she asked
"Not If you say yes," he answered
"Since you arc not acting under or
ders and Juat loved me" ahe began.
The sentence was not finished; there
waa no need.
Ten minutes later Mra. Carsou found
them In front of the telegraph desk.
Jack held a telegram In his hand. It
"Special bualness concluded. Think
I shall stay on. Thlnk I have done very
well In deTault of more definite In
tmctlona." Fratr Rejotrlaa?.
"You tell me that I am 'If with herr
"Not a doubt of It."
"You don't know how glud you make
me feel. How do you know?"
"Why, she nhvisys refers to you as
'It' when your name Is mentioned."
Houston Post.
Cures Kidney and Blad
der Dlsoases In Every
Form Many People
Have Kidney Trouble
and Do Not Know It.
It Is the function of the kidneys to Alter
And purify the blood which is constantly
passing through them.
When the kidneys are out of order tho
ther organa are affected Immediately
ind you may have symptons of hurt
trouble, stomach and liver trouble, and
jther ailments, which are all owing; to the
kidneys being; weak and out of order.
If yop aro sick Foley's Kidney
Cure will strengthen and build up the
arorn out tissues of the kidneys so they
will act properly and the symptons of
weakness, heart, stomach and liver
trouble will disappear and you will bo
restored to perfect health.
You can easily determine If your kid
leys are out of order by setting aside for
U hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination It Is
cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sed
iment or small particles float about in it,
your kidneys are diseased and Foley's
Kidney Cure should be taken at once.
Foley' Kidney Cure Is pleasant to
take and acts directly upon tho parts
affected and you begin to feel better
at once.
it corrects slight disorders In a few
days and it baa cored many obstinate
cases after other treatment had failed.
Doctors Said Hs Would NolUvs.
Peter Frey, of Woodruff, Pa., wrttest j
Alter aocionng lor iwo yean wua ine
best physicians in Waynesburg, and still
Jetting worse, the doctors advised roe If
had any business to attend to I bad bet
tor atteod to it at once, as I could not
possibly live another month, as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
wss recommended to ms by friend, and
I Immediately sent my son to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I be
gan to get better and continued to In
prove until I waa entirely well."
Two tlies, SOs aa SIM.
board of directors of the San Francisco
Theological Seminary has unanimously
elected the Rev. h. V. Moore, D. D.. ss
succea-or to the late Dr. John S. Macin
tosh a professor of theolopy. Hr. Moore
U pntor of the Westminster Preaby-1
terian church. Oinnlia, and i a man of ,
scholarly attainments. j
AVcfletabJePrcnarationfor As
similating ttic Food ami Reg ula -ting
theStomnfto and Bowels of
ncssandHestContains neither
Opiumlorphine nor Mineral.
Not Nahcotic.
Aricrfecl Remedy forConsliM-
tion. Sour SlDtnach.Diarrhoca,
Worms onvulsiors,revcnsrt
oess ondLoss or Sleep.
Tac Simile Signature of .
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