J. ..... THE MORNING AST01UAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, louO. 8 Plllsbury's Best THE FLOUR THAT HAS A WORLD WIDE REPUTATION. Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds Received Daily. A. V. ALLEN'S SOLE AGENT BAKER'S BARRINGTON HALL STEEL CUT COFFEE, Are You Going to Paint this Season? Painting is always expen site and you.want to have it done as cheaply as possible. irtfioi Homiira By buying a cheap paint and saving a trifle in the be ginning,'or by using PATTON'S Sun Proof Paint which looks best and wears longest ANGRY WATERS CLAIM TWO (Continued from page 1) reach shore. One was seized and landed safely by Alex McLean, of the McLean Launch Company, and the other, who had left all his clothing aboard, managed to crawl ashore himself, to receive atten tion and clothing and a good place be side a blazing bonfire. The Corinthian, bound from this port to San Francisco, attempted to cross out of the harbor at 7 o'clock. A heavy ea was running, and as the vessel ivached the outer entrance she was struck by a comber wave, which flood ed the engine room and rendered her helpless. The little vessel became wat erlogged at one? and all hands were forced to take to the rigging. NEILL-REYNOLDS REPORT. (Continued from page 1) Slayden and Fulkeron discus-ing the advisability of the report in scathing terms. Ames defended both the Presi- ! dent and the report and insisted that the packers should pay the cost of inspection. B. F. Allen & Son Sole Agennts AViaitnoidf Roofing Malthoid on your houses, (beds and all farm building -will help you raise healthy, thrifty stock. Cover your cattl sheds, hog houses, chicken houses and sheep folds with Malthoid and give your stock warm, dry and comfortable quarters. Malthoid Is wind tight, water tight, beat tight and proof against dampness. It is fire resisting and will last for ages. Send for booklet. The Paraffine Paint Company FISHER BROS, CO Sole Agents. HOIST PENNANT. MAKES HARD FLOORS feel like a cushion, what does? THE DR. A. REED CUSHION SHOE. Why? because the sole is constructed in four sections, the outer sole, then a cork section, an inner Kile, and next to the feet covered by fine French calf is the fibre cushion. That's where the secret is. Keeps the feet cool and comfortable in the summer. S. A. G1MRE 43 Bond St., opp. Row. Higgini & Co. , Attractive Booklet. "A Glimpse of Utah Where Health and Wealth Abound" is the title of an exceedingly attractive booklet just issued by the passenger de partment of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. The book was written by Mr. Edward F. Colburn and treats of the early settlement of Utah; the Mormons and Gentiles j the natural wonders of the State 1 IU resources, and of its rowing cities and town. The whole fitate Is clearly and adequately described and a careful reading of this publication cannot fall to be of benefit to any one desiring to keep posted on the renounces and progress b' tmr Vmi trn empire, New York Nationals Will Raise World's Championship Pennant NEW YORK, June 12. This promises to be a memorable day in the annals of baseball in New York. The presentation of the world's championship pennant to the New York club of the National League and its unfurling at the polo grounds will be made an event long to be remembered by the patrons of America's national game. The polo grounsd will be decorated more hand somely than ever before and from 2 to 4 o'clock besides the band concerts, there will be fireworks. Th- pennant will be formally present ed by the National Commission to Pres ident Pulliam, who will then turn it over to Patrick F. McGowan, president of the board of aldermen, who in the ab sence of Mayor McClellan, will present the pennant to hte New York Club. Af ter this ceremony it will be hoisted on a specially prepared pole by the giants and memljers of the Cincinnati team. Incident to the regularly scheduled game between the New Yorks and Cin cinnati? there will be a parade, in which nearly all of the prominent amateur and semi-professional clubs in Greater New York will participate. THROWN OUT WINDOW. Infuriated Husband Pushes His Wife From Fifth Story Window. NEW YORK. June 12. Campbell 0. Adair, an English bricklayer, was ar rested early today after his wife,' Agnes, had been killed by a fall from the front window of their home, on the fifth Hoop of a tenement house at 229 East 127th street. . James Smith, who lives In the house said he was coining home and was just about to enter the door on the ground floor when he heard screams overhead, and looking up saw the body of a wom an come whirling through the air and strike heavily on the pickets of an jrnn railing in front of the house. Smith recognized the Woman as Mrs. Adair, and hurried to a police station. The woman was dead when picked up. Two detectives went up to the Adair apartments and found, they said, that the bricklayer had barricaded himself in the room. When they asked him to open the door his replies were curses and threats. They broke down the door and arrested him. The questioned his 18-year-old daughter Kitty, who said her father and mother bad quarreled during the night. SSONARY Different Phases of Missionary Endeavor Set Fourth. EVANGELISM AMONG THE JAPS Missionaries Say the Japanese Soldiers Were Ready to Receive the Gospel and Aid in the Work. CLIFTON SPRINGS, N. Y.. June 12. The home side of foreign mi-dons, the reaction of missionary interests upon the spiritual life of the home church and the support of missionaries and missionary stations by individuals and churche were the subjects' discussed at yester day's session of the International Mis sionary Union. At the afternoon session the following topics were discussed: "Evangelism in Japan and Corea;" "Effects of the Recent War Upon the People"; "Protectorate of Japan in Corea." Rev. (5. F. Drap r described the work of the Y. M. C. A. among the soldiers of the Japanese army in the recent war and said that the soldiers and officers were ready to receive the gospel and help to support the work. Rev. J. P. Moore said that the people of Japan were now ready for Christian ity, as they never were before. This was especially noticed among the wounded soldiers in the hospital in one of them over 2000 soldiers being converted. Miss Ethel M. E-dcy said the opening wedge to Christianity in Corea was medical work and that the Corean peo ple were today pleading for more work ers to come among them. The topic for the evening service was Christianity and Japan's leadership in the East" Rev. I J. F. l)raer said thut Japan todav was the commercial leader of the Far East and that it would pay the United States to hold the commercial friendship of this rapidly growing country." CONTESTS ARE COMING v (Continued from pue 1) FATAL QUARREL. INDIO, Cal., June 12-f.regorio Ber- dusca was shot and instantly killed by Julian Sabadra at Thermal today.. The men were employed on a runch and the shooting took place just after the em ployes left the breakfast table. Sabadra fled immediately and was traced through the brush into the mountains for twelve milt. The slayer will have to return for water soon or perish on the desert. ting down the' woter-comHttlm element and railway -competition lenient. Rates in competitive regions are now much lower thnn'lu the noncompetitive. Should the commission adopt a cold Has of reasoning, important changes might bo made for many great jobbing centers. These aw but suggestions of what is ptvotihle, after n hasty survey of the field following the contllct. Courts will have to determine finally the scope of the change. Interpretations and con struction advanced now nwy stiffer de molition when real issue are joined fore the highest tribunal. If the legls lative mind can control and regulate In railway affairs, it 1 believed that the recently completed bill accomplishes that end for more than the preceding law, yet every one feel that it i futile to recokou upon the future with any degree of absolute certainly. In the Pacific Northwest the opportun ity for disturbance I said to be not considerable, If the pending law liestow the power upon the commission that I generally understood to le conferred, Spokune's complaint of her jobbing rate has become time-honored. Portland's inability to reach the radius of tributary territory given by railway rates to San Francisco, is also on many tongues. luteal rale on many of the northwestern road hne been complained of at arlous times. Hut thee complaint are light compared with i"ues promised by Phila delphia, Cincinnati and Chicago- These great centers are rumored to contemplate a number of test case which may make or unmake cities and shift matiufaetur ing centers. Whenever their leading busi ness men feel that the eommission is open to the arrangement of new sched ule for them, a mass of evideitc is ex pected to la: adduced. The future is rather vague, but seems to 15 prolille with tiallic problems. Within a short time business men are expected to be confronted with the ne cessity of studying complex quest ions! that have taxed the bruin of trafllc ex perts. f - n r, .1 1 1 va tmiinrr inn in mr rr " 7 j II I 1 iB 1 mW3JWUO0 ilfinttliisin8iiaii.iiitiliiiiiiinifn!nlnhriiiiii:liiiiiilli,ii ANtcebUoPrcparatioaforAs- ttuglbtSk sltn&iUng tttfTood AndRetf uts Naa&cuaMiWwcuar TwnotesTJIgcstloaClmAa nwsaftd HestContalns neither Optum.Morpbiiif) nor MiucraL Not Narcotic. W imJ' .Mxitmmm Smd- A perfect Remedy for ComUm tioa. Sour Stom&ch.DUrrweA Worms jConvulsioas Tevtrish oess rod Loss or Sleep. TacSurik & feature at KEW YORK. ITT CXACT C0rOF VtAWt. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ft .ft In Use ror uver Thirty Years tmc ttrtt To Try Case.-' District Attorney Har rison Allen left lat night for Oregon Cilv where he will trv a case in the cir cuit court. BRAINS DASHED OUT. SAX PKDRO. Cal., June 12. Dion Icott. the CO-vear-nld s)n of F. IJ. Scott, formerly editor of the San Tedro mes. was instantlv killed and Rotert Wayne, a playmate severely injured in runaway this morning. In turning on Beacon street, the carriage was overturn- 1 throwing the boys from the seat, ion struck his head against the cement curb, his brains being dahed out. STAY OF EXECUTION. CANTON, Ohio, June 12,-AppHcatlon was made today to Justice Day of the I'nited States supreme court for stay writ of appeal and a consequent stay of execution In behalf of lawyer Albert T. Patrick. After hearing the reasons of Patrick's counsel, Jy granted the writ, It Mill l heA by th Hlpr court In October, MAY PLAY SUNDAY. NEW YORK, June 12.-Managers of baseball games for financial profit played in Brooklyn on Sundays felt encouraged by the discharge of two men who were arrested by the police on Sunday for displaying contribution boxes on the ball grounds during a game there. As a result President Ebetts of the Brooklyn National League Club said he might de cide to play the Cincinnati team at Washington Park next Sunday. DENOUNCE IMMIGRATION LAW. NEW YORK, June 12.-The proposed Gardner-Dillingham immigration law was attacked last night at a meeting of the New Immigrants' Protective League held at Cooper Union, resolutions were passed denouncing the bill as un American and asking that President Roosevelt and Speaker Cannon hold the measure in abeyance until a committee appointed by the former could investi gate the mimigration conditions and re port to the federal officials. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluff ton, Ind., saysi "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy In ray family for several yean. I am never without it," This remedy is al moH to be needed before the summer Is over. Why not buy It now and b pre psred for such tn emergency f For sale by Frank Hart sod leading druggists, If you knew the value of Chamber lain's Salve you would never wish to be without it. Here are some of the dis eases for which it is especially valuable; some nipples, chapped haDds, burns, frost bites, chilblains, chronic sore eyes, itching pile, tetter, salt rheum and eccema. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Frank Hart and leading druggist. TO LATE TO CLASSIFY. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Bids will be received until Monday, June 18, 190(5, at noon, at the office of the School Clerk, IT!) Eleventh street for placing drains around the MeClure Schol Building in accordance with plans and specifications to be found at the office of Architect J. E. Wicks, over the Star Theater. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. By order of the Board of Directors of School District No. 1. E. Z. FERGUSON, Clerk. J. W. WELCH, J. A. EAKIN, Committee on Repairs. Agency Standard Gas Engines STATIONARY TYPE AN HONEST ENGINE AN HONEST PRICE "Standard" "Standard" "Standard" J. M. ARTHUR & CO., Hacl"ntfir tM PORTLAND, OREGON. A a ..til sm 1 WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR housework ; wages $30. Apply at C. R. Higgins, res. N. E. cor. 7th and llarri son. 613 Have vou been betrayed by promises of quacks, swallowed pills and bottled medicine without results except a dam aged stomach. To those we offer Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents. Sold by Frank Hart. Elks Meet. The Astoria Lodge No. 180, B. P. 0. E.. met last evening in its hall and transacted business matters, after which a social time was enjoyed. Have You Cough . A dose of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will relieve it Have you a coldf Try it for whooping coughs, for asth ma, for consumption, for bronchitis. Mrs. Joe McGrath, 327 E. First street, Hutchison, Kans., writes: "I have used Ballard's Horehound Syrup in my family for five yean and find it the most palatable medicine I ever used. Sold by Hart's drug store. National Bicycle for sale at Orkwitz. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Hit Rind You Havi Always Bocght Bears the gigsatora of The Art of Fine Plumbing has progreMed with the development of the science of sanitation snd we have kept pice with the improvements. s Have you Or ii your bathroom one of the old fsihioned, unhealthy kind I If you sre,itill uiing the "closed In" futures of ten years ago, it would be well to remove them snd install in their stead, snowy white "jtoatiatsT Porcelain Enam eled Were, of which we have samples displayed in our showroom. Let us quote you prices. Illustrated cstslogue free. I, A. Montgomery, Astoria. J r PANORAMIC VIEW of SAN FRANCISCO Taken by one of the best photographic firms of the Bay City immediately after the fire showing and naming all the Import tant structures taken at Four Different Pictures and printed as a panaroma it looks exactly as the city would to the eye from Pine and Hyde streets. Price 15c. J. N. GRIFFIN J BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, AND SPOBTINO GOODS. UNION GAS ENGINE COMPANY Our New Works Twenty-third Avenue, East Oakland, Cal ifornia are completed, and we will be ready to deliver Engines from time to time. "The Union" Engine needs no recommendation. Our Motto is not "How Cheap" fcut "How Good" an Engine we can produce, and we shall maintain our past reputation. WRITE US FOR PRICES AND ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. F. P. Kendall, General Sales Agent, 8 Hamilton Building., Portland, Oregon.