WEDNESDAY, JUNE t), 1900, THE MORNING ASTORIA ASTORIA, OREGON. 7 PORTLAND MARKETS Latest Quotations In the Portland Markets. Complete Market Report! Corrected lava Day Giving the Wholesale Pricei of Commodities, Farm Product aod Vege-table PORTLAND, .lurrn ll-OrfjionRiown small fruit nit beginning to innkfl a rreditahla timvlu In went arrival, tliiHigh lln'iv U no rvlilfiMT of the np d(v outrunning tli.' demand fm ine time jot. 'I'lil morning tlicro n' "ine nice Royal Anne cIipitI revived liy a lend ing POiiiinUtlon linttnv from The h-. Tht I'll''" of I Me pur pound was pinned on till 'I'' I miiviil. fWciiilna tli" California fruit condi tion the following ml vires have been r"wjvl In 11 inwutly iliil-'l li'liiM' fmm . Kweatl'i ' "It aertus a wrtalnly that disturbing features, liorctofoie (Outing, ere to be come permanently t t Wather I r-liiir. with warmth of summer, nil In dilutions Ix-ltig of a not iiironrsging character. "Pei-hr Alexunih-rs now rtinlnff rapidly, ami siinViently plentiful to Isd rar. wlihh will 1 moving soon, "IVirle - Much tliiiuiigti vn doim. particularly affecting Hlni-k Oregon, the n-iill lciii receipt of that variety will be limited, Itmnl Amies are more plentiful, but tlu season will Ix ihort. i'luma -Only the Clyman variety ob tainable, which can le had In littoral Jots. "Aprieota -Aliimt n failure In Califor nia. Car will continue an average quan tity, and for express trade, a good sup ply for a hort period. "J-ngen and Phennminal IterTlee-5ea-ton will ba abort." Grain, Produce, Feefi. Wheat-Walla Walla. 71c; V.IIeyi 72c; bluetem, 73c; red, "Oc. OaU-Whita, 31; gray, 130.. Barley Brewing. 24; feed. 123.75; rolled, 2Sf?:20. Hay -Valley timothy. in12.Mi Eastern Oregon, tl8($17.SOi clover, S.50(gO; chest, W.50(7j alfalfa. $10 Mlllstuffe-Mlddllngs, 125(326; chop, tl9; bran, 117 18; ahorti, 118(319. Flour-Hani wheat patent, $4.10; itralght, 13.45; graham, 13.60; rye, (3; whole wheat flour, 13.75; Valley flour, t3.403,53; Dakota. $fl.807.25; East era rye, 13.40; PUlsbury, t1.20; Cor rsllis, $3.70. Corn-Whole, $26; cracked. ?27 per ton. Rye $1.50 per cwt. Buckwheat $38 per ton. t Orsln bag Foreign and domestic, 6!0o. .... Produce. Butter Country creamery, 181iS20c; city creamery, 21lc; dairy, 1415c; store, 1313Jc; California creamery, 'nominal; butter fat. 181c ' Cheese Young America, 14lc; Ore gon full cream, fiats. 12 13c. Eggs Fresh ranch, 181 20e. Toultry Old roosters, ft 10c; hens, 1213cj Spring, 1820c; brolleri, 20 22c; dressed chicken, 1510cj geeie. live. 881cj dressed, llllc; turkeys, live, 1415cj dressed, ' 1817oj duoki. old lfl17c; Spring ducks, 1618c; pigeons, per doien, $11.25; squabs. $2.503. Fruits and Vegetables. Apples-Green. $3.253.50. Grape fruit Crate, $44,B0. Tropical fruits Lemon, fanoy, $5.50; choice, $5; standard, $4.60 box or ange, fancy navels, $3.60(4; Mad. tweets, $3 3.60 1 bansnas, 6filo per lb; pineapples, $4.60(56 per doten. Potatoes Per sack, 60CGa for fanoy j 6065o for ordlnsry stock in country; Jobber' prices, 70J80c per 100 lbsj new. 83Jej turnips, 7500o stack) cab bags, per'1 100 lbs., $2.262.C0 onl&ns, $1.782 seconds $1(3 1.60 In country; Jobbers' prices, $22.60 sack) beet, $1 per saokj garlic. 10c; red pappers, dry, K02flc; hothouse lettuce $1.25(1.60 box; head lettuce, 26($35o dozen; Cali fornia vegetable green pea, fi6cj radishes, 12i$15c down bunches; Chile peppers, 20o pound; head lettuce, 25o dozen; turnips, new stock, $2 sack; oar rota do,' 12 sack; artichokes, S090o doten; cauliflower, $1(125 per down; rhubarb, 331 lb. aparagus, Walla Walla, $1.25 erntej fancy local, per doa. bunches 60(70t; -is.ncy Florid, toma toes, $5.75(36; Mexican, $22.ftO; par sley, 25c down; cucumbers, '$1.25 1.75 doien; Cuban Bell peppers -17 crate; crate; strawberries, tl.601bl.A0; Oregon, ,berrie, 10c; clerriefc IU0 crate; gooseberries 10c pound. ' Groceries, ProvlaJc 1, Bte. Sugar, sack basis Colflen C," $5.05; extra C, $3.20; powdered, $5.80; patent cube, $305; cane, D. Q., $5.70; fruit sugar, $5.70; beet sugar, $4 W; bsrreU, cwt., 10c; kegs, cwt., 25c; boxes, cwt., Sue advanca over sack b,U (! I -4c lb. if paid for to 15 daya). ' .Salt-Baits of 75-4e, bale, $1.60; bales of 60-3o, bale, $160; balea of 40-4s, bale $1.00; b!a of 10-10c, bale, $1.60; big, 60s. fine, ton, $11; bags, 60 lbs., genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bags, 50 lbs., 1-2 ground, 100s, ton, $7; R, 8. V. P., 20 5 lb. carton, $2.23; R. S. V. P., 24 3 lb. carton, $175; Liverpool lump, ton, $18,50. RiceImperial Japan, No. 1, $5.05; S01tth. rn, Japan, 5 3 4c; broken, 4c; head, fancy, 6c; head, choice, 61-4c. Coffee Mocha, 24S28c; Jsva, fancy, 2032c; Java, good, 205 24c; Java, or dlnary, 17S20c; Costa Rica, fancy, 18(3 20c; Costa Rica, good. 1218c; Ar buckles, 16c per lb.; Lion, 10lo par lb.; Columbia coffee, 13 3-4c; Salvador, 111 15c I Provisions nam, to m, T9c; hams, 1 plcnle, 0c; bacon, egular, Ulc bacon, I breakfast, 131-410c; d aalt aides, ! He; backs, dry salt, lie. I Nuta-Walnuta, No. 1, aoft shell, 15I-4; No. 1, hard shall, 15c; Chile, i 13c; almond, 16c; filberts, 1415c; Brszlls, 14c; pcrana, 13(15ei aiakarf. , 8c; Virginia pesnuts, 77ej Jumbo I Virginia peanuts, 6c; Japanese pesnuts, C 1 r, Cc ; chetnuts, Italian, 14c; cocoa nut, doten, 75 rt? 80c ; nerr almonda, 15 16c. Dates Golden, 60-lb. boxes, 661e; l ib. packages, Be; Fard., 151b. boxes, $1.40 box. Besns Smsll whit, ; large white, 31c; pink, 2 7-8c; bayou, 4 3-4c; Llmas, 5 7-8e; Mexican rrds, 61c Fig MiIte, lb., 6i(a,8o; black, 67c. 1-4 barrels, $2.75; 15-lb. kite, $1.25; Tickled goods Pickled pigs' feet, 1 barrels, $5; 1-4 barrels, $2.75; 15-lb. kit, $1.25; pickled tripe, 1-barrels, $5; pickled pigs' tongue, I barrels, $6.00: 1-4 barrel, 13; 131b. kits, $1.60; pick led lambs' tongues, 1-barrels, $9; 1-4 barrels, $5.60; 15-lb. kits. $2.75. Urd Kettle-rendered, tierces, 10Jc; tubs, 10 5-8c; 60s, 105-8c; 20s, 103-4c; io, lie; 5s, 9 5-8c Standard pure, tierces, 81-4c; tubs, 0 7-8cV 60s, 07-8c; 20s, 9 5-8c; 10s, 101-4c; 5s, 101-8c. Compounds, tierces, 61c; tubs, 6 3-4o; Compounds, tierces, 61o; tubs, 6 3 4c; 60s, 03 4c; 6s. 73-8c Sausage Portland bam, 141e par lb.; minced ham, lOo; Summer, choice dry, 171c; bologna, long, 61o; wienerwurat, 80; liver, 6c; pork, 9c; blood, 5c; bead cheese, 121o; bologna sausage, link, 41& TIDE TABLE, JUNE JUNE, JighJryVterT J " Date." " I Friday 1 Saturday 2 SUNDAY Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday . SUNDAY 10 Monday H Tuesday 12 Wednesday .13 Thursday 14 Friday 18 Saturday 18 SUNDAY 17 Monday 18 Tuosdav 1" Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 SUNDAY 24 loiiduy , ...... .so Jiiesdiiy , Wsdussday , .,..27 Krldsy , 2" Katuidsy 1 , .,.y 1906. A. M. h.m.lftT 7:28 8:45 9:55 11:00 11:60 JUNE, 3506. 0:25 1 12 2:001 2:40 3:43 4:40 6:44 6:66 8:07 9:15 10:17 11:10! 0. 11:67! P. II h.rh" I ftT 0:00! 0:34 IlOU 1 1 4ft 2:2ft S;07 8ifin 8 1 66 4i6Uj Bi64 Til" 8:15 9:08 10:04 10:52 11:38 12:40 1:40 2:31 3:22 4:14 5:00 6:67 6:50 7:441 8:36 9:23 II 10:10 4 10:60 .5 11:22 .;i2i3H iiie 1 16:1 2:30 8:07 8 1 43 4 123 Si07 Si07 6i64 6 1 63 1 1 87 7.8 8.2 8.8 0.2 9.5 7.3 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.8 8.4 6.6 6.7 6.9 6.9 7.1 7.3 74 7.7 7.7 7.8 T 1,1 Low Water! A- M. Data. Friday . .. Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . , Tuesday . , Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday . SUNDAY . Monday . . Tuesday . , Wednesday Thursday . Friday Saturday , SUNDAY . Monday . , Tuesday , , Wednesday Thursday . Friday . ., Kaiiurday , SUNDAY , Monday , . Tuady , Wedtily Thursday , Friday , . Saturday , 101 11 12 13 14 15 161 17 18 lit 20 h.m. I "ft. 1:30 2:45 3:60 4:40 5:43 6:331 7:23 8:11 9:00 9:481 10:38 11:301 0:13 liia 2:22 8:24 4:20 6:07 6:48 6:2ft ...2l 7i00 ..... 2i 24 26 20 2H MM' ,,,,,M 7:32 8:05 8:38 9:131 9:61 II 1 16 0 : on-iil.; 3.6 2.3 1.6 0.8 0.2 0.8 1.3 1.4 1.3 0.9 0.4 0.21 3.1 2.81 24 2.1 1.6 1.0 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.4 04 0.3 0.0 0.4 01) 2.8 P. M. h.m. I ft 1:37 2:44 3:47 4:43 5:38 6:30 7:20 8:13 9:17 10:04 M1O6 12:21 1:15 2:10 3:12 4:08 4:67 5:41 6:22 6:68 7:34 8 1 10 0i4!l 9 1 33 10:40 s a t on ii!on 1 1 OS 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.9 3.0 3.1 8.2 3.2 0.9 1.5 2.0 2.3 .8 3.1 8.3 8.5 3.6 8.7 8.7 8.6 86 84 8.1 ' 1 11 21 Raisins Loose Muscatels, 3-crown, 71o; 2-crown, 7c; bleached seedless Sul tsnss, 7I2c; unbleached seedless Sul tanas, 7c; Ixindon laytri, 3-crown, whole boxes of 20 pounds, $2.10; 2 crown, $2. Dried fruit Apples, evaporated, 12k per pound; sundrled, sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 11$ 121c; peaches, 10 Ho; peara, oonei prunes, Italian, t$ Olci French, 31c; figs, California blacks, 68-4o; do whits, none; Smyrna, 20c; plums, pitted, 6c. Ceresl foode Rolled oats, cream, 90 lb. sacks, $6.76; lower grade, $5.25 $6.25; oatmeal, steel cut, 60-lb. sacks, $8 bsla; 10-lb. sacks, $4.25 per crste; ostnieal (ground), 60-lb. sacks, $7.60 per bale; 10 lb. sacks, $4 per bale split peas, $4.50 per 100-lb. sack; 25-lb. boxes, $1.15; pear bsr'ev, $4.75 per 100 lbs.; 25-lb. boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10 lb. sack, $2JA r bale. Canned salmon Columbia River, I -lb. tslU, $1.85; 21b. tails, $2.60; fancy, 1 lb. flats. $2.00; l ib. fancy flats, $1.25; fancy Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaska tails, ping, uOc; red, $1.45; nominal, 2s, tall, $2.00. Livestock Market Cattle Beat steer, $3.754; cows $3.00iiS3.2$; calves, $3.004.75. Sheep $5.75(3 tfl.OOj, lambs, $5 (g 5.50. Hogs-$3.758-00; light hogs, $5 6.25. Fresh Meats and Fish. Freh meaU Veal, small, 718c; large, 4l51c; pork, 71$8c; beef, bulls, 213c; cows, 3i(34le; steers, 4136c; mutton, 8(?8ic; lambs 99)c. Gims Hardshell, per box. $2.00; rat or clama, $2.00 per box. Oysti-r Shoalwster Bay, per gallon, $2.25; Olympls, per sack, $555; Eastern trsnsplantad, $1.60 per 100. Fish Crab, par doien, $1-50; Shoal water Bay oysters, per ssck, 4J)0; oysters, gallon, $225; halibut, 7c; black cod. 7c; baai, per lb., 18c; beTrlng, 5c; flounders, 5c; catfish, 8c; lobsters, per lb., 121c; silver smelt, 6c; shrimp, 10c; r rch, 6c; sturgeon, 8c; sea trout, 12ic; black bas, 25c; Columbia River ateeb heads, 9c; Columbia River smalt, Sc; Chinook salmon, 9c Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc, flops Choice, 11c; prime. lOgllc Wool Valley, 22528c; Eastern Ore gon, 18(?20c Tallow Prime, per lb., 33 3-4c; No. 2 and grease. 221c. Mohair Choice, 28(30o, Fei there Geese, white, 35 (g 40c; geese, grsy or mixed, 2330c; duck white. 1520c; duck, mixed, 1215c. Cascar aagrada (Chlttim bark)-2 21c Oregon grape root-Per 100 lbs., $3 $1- Beeswax Good, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Pelts Bear skins, ss to size, No. 1. $2.50( 10 each; cubs, $12; badger, 25 5;50c; wildcat, with head perfect, 25 50c; house cat. 510c; fox, common gray, 5075c; red, $35t cross. $515; silver and black, $100300; fishers, $5 6; lynx, $4.501h8; mink, strictly No. 1. according to size. $1$2.50; marten, dark Northern, according to size and color, $10 15; marten, pale, pine, ac cording to size and colon $2.50 4; muKkrat. large, 1015c; skunk, 401b50c; civet, or polecat. 6 10c; otter, large, prime skin, $610; panther, with head and claws perfect. $25; raccoon, prime, 3050c; mountain wolf, with head per fect, $3.501b5; coyote, 60c$l; wolver ine, $68; beaver, per akin, large, $5 6; medium. $34; small, $1U0; kite, 5075c. On and Lead. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil, oasts, 201o per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 15o; wood barrels, 171c extra star cases, 25c; headlight oil, 175 de grees, cases, 231o; iron barrels, 171c. (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, io per gallon higher.) Benzine Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; iron barrala, 17e. Turpentine In caaes, 89e; In wood barrels, 86c; in iron barrels, 83c 1 in 10- case lota, 880. iLnseed oil Raw, 5-barrel lots, 56c; 1-barrel lota, 57o; in cues, 62c; boiled, banrel lota, 680; 1-barrel Iota, 59c; lfl caaes, 64c. Gasoline Store gasoline, cases, S4c; iron barrala, 18c; 86 degrees gasoline, caaes, 22c; iron barrela or drums, 28c. Rope Pure Manila, 14jc; standard, 13!oj Sisal, lie; Isle brand Sisal, 91c Wire Naila Present bas at $2.70. Lead Strictly pur white lead and red lead, la tone, 7Io; 500-lb. lota, 81c; lest than 500 lbs., Bo. OHE OF AJIKRICA'M FA8TEHT 8TKAM2R9 Corninenclnic Monday, May II ' STEAMER TELEGRAPH Win Koiind Trljm Oally Except Hnnitny, Betwen. Portland, Astoria and Way Porta- jrr'jL-l 1. ' inniiiw.ii.Mnii. ihiiiiiiiiiii mini 1 11 "ii it 1""" , nil 1 m uin 1.1 1 mi ,11 rff. TIM 15 CAIIO Hteamcr Telegraph from Portland to Aalorla. I-ave t'ortldnd 7-00 a- rn- Arrive AnUria ,. p. in. Hl-uiiii-r Teli-frrnpli from Alorl to Portland Antorla 2:30 p- in Arrive Portland MUD p. m Ms A IX BAIIVKI) A LA CARTB' Htfnmff Tl.(mpli will atop at way land. Iok ooin nowii and up river wimi nnving )if Di( r to land or by being ilynalled- Portland Landing - Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing Callen ler Dock E. S. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Callender Navigation Co., agent Aatoria. PHONE 2211 MAIN I SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S- CO. Far including berth and meala, $16; Reund-trlp, $28. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at SanFrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, ern Cal ornia. G. W. KOHEKTS, Agent. Afttorla, Oregon. A. Q. D. KERBELL. Gen. Pea. Agen San Franolsoo C MEN AND WOMEN. ll 9 . iiibfti fntMH !)( l'illlWli (Hit Kl MIHM 4ttylNtUnMlCtlig, nl or iiiiuiHimi. CWtiXKIM.I V Bif lf(iruiiBmrl I4ia diw ItBiMMa.liiflaaiiiiKilun. tw4 J irii(iiia or ul.i(iou Mlttl. tf NIHDUUS lllltllirIIM, KUM .IMII, (DA Kill MUIM. IIMlCSlOa. I nl ur iiiiuiHimi. ,0F"1 ml4 bt UrM til ' lm vt will In ill wrpr, Jr.. 1 .r iim. ii.i4. rjm iiimi ,.rl.'.nl.7. "a a i:iiriiu, woi m (wow "The faabltiDUItnilUoar7 is the Star Theater building, is tba best place te buy yeur lummer hat. THE MILWAUKEE " The Pioneer Limited " St Paul to Chi cago. " Short Line " Omaha to Chicago. " South-Wart Limited "Kanaaa City to Chicago. Ko trains in the aerrice of any rail road in the world equals in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining cara and gire their patrons an excellence of ear vice not obtainable elsewhere. Berths on their sleepers sre longer, higher and wider than in similar cara on any other line. They protect their trains by the Block system. Connections made wila all trans-continental lines in Union Depots. H. S. Bo we, General Agent, Portland or 134 Third Street corner Alder. A Ticket Means more than your mere transportation if it is over It tneane that you will have every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employ es a safe trip and cie that will be a pleaaure and delight. It is the Short Line to Chi ca$o AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. S. V. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 153 Third St Portland, Ore. ktCEXUfO AST0BLU la oa Bale in Astoria at J. If. GBirriN'S BOOKSTO&E. 4 rjTZINGEH'S WEWS DEPOT, e OCCIDENT HOTEL 01TICI, - FEED DPOWN Both Store JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. e e 4) 4 4 f Morning Astoria it. 05 out per month, Astoria & Columbia River R. R. Co EFFECTIVE JUNE io, icod. 28j a.m 1:10 p.m.js 5:50 jJ24 Di. D. m. 7:00j 8:10 9:03 9:24 8:35 6:10; 8:30 6:11 8:46:6:25! 8:4616:26 8:658:39 8:68:6:40 9:1217:03! 9:18;7:11 9:2517:201 11:401 12:05 12:10 12:30- 22 ilia ve. 10:26, 10:35111:351 a. m. 8:001 PORTLAND 9:101 leave. Ooble. arrive 10:051 Clatskine Junct Weatport. arrive ASTORIA 'eave 11:35 leave ASTORIA arrive 11:55, arrive WARRENTON leave leave wakk. ivx imn arrive Ft. dtevena save leave Ft. Stevena arrive arrive WARRENTON leave 11:55 leace WARRENTON arrive p. m. 12:141 Arrive.) 21 23 25 ( 2t la. m.lp. m.lp.rn (Union DepoL)!Ui55i 0:50' 10:4.'jj 8:40: 9:45i 7:40! 9:23 7:19l 8:20 6:10 8:15; 8:20 2:45 5:03 2:20 12:13 2:00 7:55 7:54 7:42j 7:41 7:23 7:27 5:05 7:04! 4:45! 8:571 4:38 6:50 4:30 a. m. 10:45 10:25 10:25 10:15 10:14 10:05 10:051 9:451 9:381 9:30 Clatsop. 12:211 Gearhart 12:301 arrive SEASIDE leave Sundar onlr. Through ticket and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland and Gobte, and O. R. It. via. Portland. . T. C. MAYO. G. F. and Agent. YtSr E am w Rock Island Frisco Terminals Rock Uani-Frisco Termlnala ia Kansas City, St Louis, Memphis and Chicago arc conveniently located aa regards connections and transfers. q Kansas Qry Union Station Used by all the important lines entering that city. J St bwfa Union Station Used by attunes entering St Lods. 4 Chicago La Salle Street Stations only one on the derated - railroad loop, and nearest the business center of the dry. ; You do well to consider your landing place" when plan 1 dag that Eastern trip. A postal will bring any desired information promptly. : Cenersl Agent. ' Rock Itlind-Frfeco Lines, , . 140 Third St., PORTLAND, ORE. ' J BEGINNING FEB. .,, .i f (iM'V ' i rough) )zz 80- 11 TOURIST I i r-f f t ,5 LEEPERSlJii-r-j, I EVERY DAY IN THE YEAS I 1 BETWEEN II SEATTLE and CHICAGO 1 ria the I ) Great Northern Railway ' J II "The Comfortable Way" I I Route of the famous Oriental Limited J 1 I For detailed information, rates, etc., call on or address 1 X.Xy H. DIOKSON, C. T. A, ' Thira str p0ra'0re t.. -.,31 ii m mm Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privilege! Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Points. For Illustrated Pbamphleta Pic turing Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C McBRIDE, Gen. Agt 114 Third Street PORTLAND, OR. ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will tell you the - ' " "1 Electric Lighted." s'the Crack Trjln.'of them tali: for COMFORT lid ELEGANCE. The ticket office at Portland ' ) 2$ 5 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. , . A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Psssenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON. The MORNING ASTORIAN 65 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper