WEDNESDAY, JUNE ij, igoO. THE MORNING ASTORIAX, ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 Your Bread is bound to pan out well if you use "VIM FLOUR" it is made from the choicest bluestcm wheat. $1.20 per Sack. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. ASTORIA'S LEADING GROCERS. TERSE TALES OF THE Town. 10 Ti vary but board ta U obtaln4 In the dty U at "Tb OccidtDt HottV Bttti very naeonabla. Departs For Juneau, -I. W. Hell. ik well known stenographer at the R- N. Company' ofU.-e lit thi city, hs re signed hl m1 wllli llmt roiporation. niut will leave here tomorrow morning ,n the steamer llaalo, mi route to f-nttle. wIhih he will sail on Friday 'afternoon 011 lli steamer (11 y of To- ..U, (or Juneau, where he will -tT t ! service of Mer, Ilo, lllpgin A Company, of thi city. In their branch there, a Mr. Nell leaves many warm fi lends In thi tty win will wih him uniuterruppted in his new venture In the fur north. ladies' shota called for. ihlned and delivered. Tl. Itlark 2255. Brown 4 Nalum. On Business and Pleasure.-.!. E. Hi? tin ulll leave for Portland tomorrow to attend tha meeting of the Oregon Bank, er' AMx-ilioib whhh hold H flr annual session there on Friday, lie will divide liU time la-tween thi ImiMirliint business, ami attending tha graduation rvroi.f of the Portland Hili School. where hi m Ted, I K the gradu- nix. Mr. Hiatfiti", anil Mi.s Winnifr.-d. just from her own iHT.-fnl graduation from the Annie Wright Seminary t Tarotna. will I our of th party, and the entire family will return home t Atnria together on Saturday. Hot Campaign StnB.-For the ami- ml hurl of eleHicm day or any other dav. u Atwood'a Electric Oil, the best liniment, for alt at Frank Hart's drug store, opposite Foard & Stoke. On Trial Today. -Complaint wa flb-d in Justice Goodman' Court yesterday, by T. Merray. a lumberman from tin Noith-hotP. who claimed to have been robbed of practically. fH(i. by 11 f who-" Identity hi- ""''I give but the mi'aKi intelligence that her name was "May." A warrant wa i ued for tin- arrest of May I Hie. ami nhe wa brmijjht Into court o nimwi-r rhnrffe of lan-Piiy .and gave ImiikI in Ihf kiiiii of lifty dollar, for her aopearame ami trial thU nftemoon-i Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avenue and Eleventh etreet. European pun; beat rooma and board In the dty at rea aonable prlcei; free but. SiK. L. G. Aulettl, violinbt, orchentra furnlahed for all occasion, teacher of violin and mandolin. Addree 3C1 Duane etreet, Aatorla, On. Club Cleaning and preying parlon; euiU, 50 cent. Tel. Ulack 21R4. 72 9th. HOEFLER'S PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR ICE CREAM OX SHERBET EARLY. ANY FLAVOR. It's Time For Canning Gooseberries aMBVvaM We have jut received a large ship ment of very fine stock, which we will, acll at a reasonable price. Order at Once JOHNSON BROS. COOP GOODS, U n fulfill M, Astoria, On. PERSONAL MENTION. 00000000000000000 Jl. C. Hll of Portland Is In the city, a fluent at the Hotel Occident. It. A. Illalr of Uthlamet I In the city and ilomleih-d at the Irving. M. .1. t'ariienter of Hacrainenlo m-nt lh day In Antorla yeatrday. . f. Faiworth of Clihaflo was in lh city yesterday on bulne. H. A. Severance of CWcao waa a buoinef. vi-ltor In the city yet-rday. C. .1. Mutn of Port Ann-Ie wa a hulm-M vlHor In the city yeterday. Jam- Pelerton of Clinton. arriviMl in the city on the noon train yesterday. 11. F. (Vh-hete of Montreal, arrived in the elly on the nKm train yeterday. H. E. Mulliolland of Shelby. Indiana. wj a bu.ine.. visitor in Atoria ye- terday. II .A. M'Farlane of New Voik wa doing buxiiie on the eln-eU of A'loria Xf.lclilllV, Mr. and Mr. M. E. Jontn of Philadel phia at in the city on a tour of the Noithtte.t, Mr. F. W. l'Ltercr of Fort Columbia wa In the city yesterday a jrue.t at the Hotel Irvlnif. II. S, M.:owan and wife of McOowan's Undinfl. were in the city yeterdy for a hri' f outing. H. D. Montgomery of I'enaeoIa, Flnr Ida, wa. in Attorra ye.terday on a tour of the Northwest. ('. M. Atwater, a drummer out of New Oilcan was in the city for a brief bimi jie trip veterday. Link (.'. Iturton. deputy flh warden of the State of Washington, was In the city on oflitial lmine yestenlay. S. I). Ollender of Hutte wa in tlie illy on a buins trip yesterday ami left out on th- fl:in train in the evening. O, I, Peterson went to Portland last evenlmr to I present at the annual e ion of the Masonic firand Ixlg of thi State. (I. H, AiMdegate of Klamath Fall, ai med here yesterday on lmninet and re turned to th'- metropolis on the evening express. N. K. Fairbanks of Springfield. 111., ar rived here yeterday on a business tour and wint eastward again on the I.nrline last evening. tMto lb illxirn wa on board the even intf cxpresa for Portland last evening going thither to attend the On-gon firnnd ldge of Mason. A. Ilunhar went to the metropolis on the l.urline htft evening, to attend the annual meeting of the Oregon Orand Udge, A. F. & A. M. W. I.. Itobb was a passenger for Port land on the evening express yesterday. He will take in the sessions of the Ma sonic firand Lodge of Oregon which con venes there today. Captain Peter Jordan of the st-amer Melville, accompanied by Mr. Jordan and hi daughters, the Misses Fedora and Nine, have gone to Winlock for an out ing, the ladies intending to sUy there the be tter part of the summer. Mis Ada will bethe guest of Mrs. Charlie Jordan at her Cathlamet home for sev eral weeks to come. CONFEREES WILL MEET. WASHINGTON. June 12 Tho con ferees on the rate bill have agroed to meet, at 10:30 tomorrow. It is expect ed an agreement on all difference will be reached speedily. Change of Data The special children' day exercises will be held on next Sab bath morning at the First Presbyterian Church, at 11 o'clock, instead of the Sunday following as heretofore an nbiu?ced. ODD FEILOWS' ATTENTION. All members of Beaver Lodge are re quested to meet at the I. 0. 0. F. hall at 1 o'clock p, m.. to attend the funeral of our late brother, If. F. Hruhn. Hy order of ABORGB NOONAV. N. fl. OI.OF ANDERSON. Secretary, The delicate art of frescoing is only learned by years of hard tutelage under eipert masters, Each of the pioprletor the Fasten) Painting k Denoratliig Co,, 75 Ninth sdaet, ha spent years In th lt shops of thf east and is pruflii tit In the art vi dsuo'stlng and frescoing. DECK AND DOCK NEWS Heavy Foreign Shipment From the Simpson Mills. COLLIER SATURN OUTSIDE Benson Logging Company and Ita New Sea Raft Moore'a Promenade Pier at Seaside Volgaa Papers In complete Oil Notea, The Italian ship Caterlna Accarnme, now at Portland, taking on a partial load of general merchandise, will aoon be down the river mid will berth at Knapp- ton, whence aho will have for Europe with nearly a million and a half feet of lumber loaded at the mill of the Simp son Lumlicr Company. And, plus this advantageous nhjpment, the same com pany I looking daily for advices from Japan naming the steamship that la de stined there, for those 1100 sixty-foot timber that are destined for the Im xriat dryd'X'k at Nagasaki. These are the items that mean something for thi "neck of the woods", and they are al ways welcome. The promenade dock leing built at Seaside as a pleasure annex to the Hotel Moores, l. according to Contrac tor I. Ileck. w ho wa In the city yes terday, aliout 300 feet to seaward and lot of Hople am fishing from it with abundant suco-Mt. He hopes to have the structure out the additional 200 feet at the end of this week.' The decking fol low the pile-driving closely, and once at the end, the whole thing will be com ph te. Mr. LeWk Jib made good use of hi hydraulic apparatus in the doing of this work, and he reports that the admixture of sand and graved into which he ha driven the hundreds of pile, form on.; of the Iwst building grounds for piles he tvtt saw, and he looks for the work to stand for year and year. He intimated that the succe.s of this pier (which in all probability will be extended 2'0 feet further seaward next year) Will I responsible for the construction of two more coast-pier next year, as the owner of the Seaside House will throw one out of equal dimension while Mr, Moore's and the Kruse Catering Com pany, which control the Gearhart Te ort. will do likewj-e. The popularity if the unfinished pier at the Moore'a House i a predicate that cannot well be ignored, The big collier .Saturn of the U, S. naval service, was oft the Columbia bar all day yesterday waiting for an op portunity to cross in. She is on her way to Portland, to join the flagship Chicago, and supply her with coal. The Saturn, on of the handiest of 1it claw, ia of (S22d tons tiisplacemeiit (normal coal supply), and of 1617 tons burden; she is 281 feet long on her load line; forty feet beam, cud draws twenty-two and 810 feet draft. She was built by Har lan & Hollingsworth, at Wilmington, Deb-ware, in 18'JO, and is an iron ship, of 1500 borse-jower. The steamer Telegraph arrived down on time yesterday, and handled sixty people on the (rip. for this eity and way point, filie left tip at 2:30 with R. B. Dyer, and fourteen others ia her cabins. The steamer R. Miler having taken up the run of the steamer Jordan, is now docking at the Callender pier, whence the Jordan used to depart. The steamer Lurline was on time yes terday afternoon, from Portland. She made an initial run into the Benaon tag ging Company's new rafting plant at Wallace Island yesterday with a lot of freight. The Benson people have their great cradle up and arc ready to begin stowing the logs for their immense Los Angeles raft, and expect to get it out about tho middle of July. They have plenty of logs in sight and will lose no time with the enterprise. She left up on time, with A. Dunbar, Walter L. Robb, Captain J. W. Babbidge. Nels Futrupp, Miss Vel Irving. Captain Burns. J. J. Brumbach and Walter Sea bdrg, on her register Captain J. W. Babbidge, owner of the steamer Volga, which hat been duly equipped and entered on the Chinook run out of this' city, has.hadjto make a flying trip to Portland,,' toihava hr gov ernment papers amended, as, when they arrived here, they did not permit her to inn beyond Astoria out of Portland! and as it Is au error, he will have to secure an amendment in order to do the lmi in s he ha assigned Iter to, The Y"Miole, hum' at Portland, Is a lieu tassel and Is ou her second voyage, hating Ihcii uomplctad at (he yard at Eimia lat tpilng. Nht U stimst'd as Indnjf V-npal.le of carrying 1.000,000 feet of Oregon llr to California ports, and she will oomtiiercj loading there in a few diiys. The Vosmit( I rated . a the finest member of the steam schooner Meet now in operation -out of this port, and she is slated as a regular caller at Astoria and Portland. I The increased number of steam vessels being operated in the district known In government circles a the Willamette has cau-ed the appointment of t wo assistant to Inspector of Hulls and Boiler Ed ward and Fuller, who have found it practically Impossible to look after the entire district unassisted. The large number of new vessel being built and operated on the, Willamette and Colum bia river made It imperative that some thing sbould be done to relieve the strain on the two inspectors and the Depart ment of Commerce and Labor, which has been increasing the inspection force in various "other part of the country, de cided to delegate assistant to Captain Edwards and Fuller. In accordance with order issued from the bead of the de partment, Donald 8. Ames, who will act a assistant inspt-tor of hulls, and Geo. Pugh Welden, who is assistant inspector of boiler, lave reported to the office, at Portland, and are engaged in the pursuit Of their duties, having commenced on Monday. AFTER TOBACCO TRUST. Government Endeavoring to Compel Com panies to Produce Their Books. NEW YORK. June 12.-The federal grand jury today asked Judge Lacorobe to adjudge in contempt William H. Mc Allister, secretary of the American To bacco Company; William E. Ransom, secretary of the Mac-Andrews and Forbes Company, and John 8. Young, of the John S. Young Company, for not having produced certain books and rec ords as cited in subpoenas. Special As sistant Attorney-General H. W. Taft, brother of the Secretary of War Taft, made the argument for the punishment of the recalcitrant witnesses. Taft urgd that the books contained the pre liminary arrangements for the "corner ing," not only In the United States, but practically in the whole world, of licoric paste, an article used in the manu facture of plug tobacco, and that many minor plug tobacco manufacturers bad leen forced, he said, out of business, through inability to obtain this in the pat. Counsel for the accused claim the books contain personal . letters. Judge I ji combe suggested that the books be presented to him and he would determine what portion of them are material. INVESTIGATE PACKING HOUSES. CHICAGO, June 12.-President W. Jame of the University of Illinois, yes terday accepted a position on the expert eommi'-Mon which is to aid the Illinois Manufacturers' Association and probably the Chicago Commercial Association in the investigation of the Chicago Packing houses in the light of the Neill-Reynolds report. He is the firt man to be se cured. Secretary Glenn said last night that the Manufacturers' Association hoped to lie able to announce today the make-up of its commission, though considerable difficulty was experienced in getting suitable men. ACTION DEFERRED. NEW YORK, June 12.-The Commer cial Travelers' Anti-Tnist League which organized the movement to extend a pub lic reception to W. J. Brian on his re turn to this country, August 20, at a meeting yesterday, decided to defer im mediate action as to details and to ap point a committee of ten members to arrange some plan which would meet with the co-operation of all branches of the party. SUSPECTED OF MURDER. LOS ANGELES, June 12-C. C. Jaxon. a negro tailor of Pasadena, was arrested lat night on suspicion of implication in tho murder of James Logan, a mulatto on the Raymond hotel golf links a month ago. ' Jaxon is the second suspect arrested. The first arrest was made in Brockton. Mass., when Peter Goldie, a white man. aged SO years and who formerly was employed by Jaxon was apprehended at the request of the police. Goldie disap peared from Pasadena two days after the murdjjt. Jaxon claims he can prove aa alibi. WAGON GAVE NAME. ARLINGTON, Ore., June 12.Some 30 years ago a few men settled on a flat twelve miles south of Arlington. In the crew was only one wagon an old Schutler, In some way they began call ing thi neighborhood Schutler, from the old wagon. A few years later It wa, a It l now, known s Si hutler Flat. When the Conduit branch railroad of the (I, R. A No, Company wa built, a station wa established near (hi plane, and i nam ed Mcliutler, This I one of the finest farming aectloit In Gilliam county, and thus from an old Majj"U a Mm" i found fur a flu Hhest belt. O0OOOOO0CXX0OOO0OO0O COOOCOOOOCXX)COOOOOOCXXX)COOO(X50 When You Buy CI HERMAN WISE'S Free Pressing Clothing bought at Herman Wise's store pressed FREE of charge whenever ycro wish it. That saves, you $12 a Year You benefit in every way if you buy Men's and Boyfs Gothes at Herman Wise Astoria's Reliable Clothier COCOCX3COCOCOCOOOOCOCKXX?COCOOCOCOOOOCCOOOC You want a that will bend without its edge better than any you've m t ng - nasi IMPORTED SWEDISH SCYTHES and in it you get all these qualities. Try it, and if you're not more than satisfied, we'll refund your money! Made of the famous Sandvik Bessemer steel, reinforced, with wide heel, which fits the American Snath, our scythes embody the very beat of skill and material. Foard & Stokes Company In Regular Session. The State board of pilot commiwioners, consisting of A. V. Pendleton, Sylvester Farrell and George Xoland, met yesterday afternoon at the office of Commissioner Noland. with Chairman Pendleton presiding, and Secretary Beit Ross in charge of the records. There was no new business done and the trend of the session was toward a general discussion of conditions on the Columbia river bar, and this re sulted in the recorded and formal decla ration of the commission, that the dftdger Chinook should be put to work upon the bar during the coming summer and fall. Realty Ownership Changes. The fol lowing deeds went to the public records yesterday, among a lot of other docu ments: The United States to John P. Anderson, patent, for 160 acres of land in Clatsop county. G G. Palmberg and wife to Arthur E. Peterson, warranty, $10. lot 7, and the north 20 feet off lot 24, block 1, Warren's First Extension to Warrenton. Arthur E. Peterson and wife to J E. Higgins, warranty, $10, lot 7, and the north 20 feet of lot 24. .block 1, Warren's First, Extension to Warren ton. J. E. Peyton and wife o Johu C. Welch, warranty, $100. 100 acres of Wl in Clatsop county. Astoria Souvenirs at Svenson'a. IT PAYS to buy MENNEN'S BORATE D TAL.eXJ CUM because o4ta perfection aad purity, f " J But it does not pay to sell MENNEN 8 lAi " ui ucKjiy which, costing about half the cost of MEN NEN'S, yields the dealer double profit. The "just as good" with which aome dealer try to palm off a substitute is true any way. If it's only "just as good " for the dealer why push the sale, if it's only "just as good" for the buyer why risk aa unknown preparation for MENNEN'S. There's nothing lust aa good aa MCN NEN'S BORATED POWDER, and tho dealer who says there is, risks his cuatomer'a skin and aafaty to make aa extra profit on a sale. Have vou tried MENNEN'S VIOLET fETMt (1 ''Utl'O BORATE!) TALCUM TOILET POWDER r Ladlea tJ vloU-t perfume will dad Mennen'a Violet Powder migrant with the odor of frh plucked Parma Violets, p. ! awrywhsf f.r If muli, or GEfU.AKD t iiil ( St Tl at July 11th Those two fine Pianos will be given to two of Wise's custom ers at the dance July 11. One piano number with every $5 you buy at" ,. . t 't.:vsjw,.:l ' .- . Herman .Wise's Fine Store.' keen, light scythe breaking, and is tuaranteed to boU ever before used. Buy one of our More than half a million officials, busi ness, professional men, bankers, farmers and stockmen have been cured by using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 3? cents Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. The Necessary Documents. County Clerk J. C. Clinton is busy these days inventing the officers-elect of Clatsop county with the very essential certifi cates of their respective elections. Sheriff elect Merritt R. Pomery yesterday took the oath of office for that post, and will immediately proceed to arrange for tha heavy bond he is required to give as ex officio tax collector of the county. Good looks brings happiness. Friends care more for us whep we meet them with a clean, smiling face, bright eyes sparkling with health, which comes by taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Sold by Frank Hart, druggist. '" . $J5.oo, DOLLARS REWARD, j A reward of twenty-five dollar will lie paid for the recovery of the body of the late Charles isaukson .who was drowned" ori ''June 9. lflod, on feacoek Spit. Finnish Brotherhood, ;j By E. GUSTAFSOX. President 613-k 1 its wen, oa it imva v r xviXf9' Tl V rw-iiall tl las MENNEN CO., Newark, N. i. V V