WEDNESDAY, JUNE 13, 1900. THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 COURT BAH DOCKET Complete List of Cases to Be Considered. GRAND JURY TO BE CALLED Summer Term of the Circuit Court Will Convene in thli City on ( Monday, June ilth Buiy Time, Al(fnmi!Mt of . John Chliholra . k V4h A-JnmM1 of Anna IVakei Alj(nmf lit o(, K. H. Ilawei Atoi lu Packing Co. VI. Mlk Pflwivli-h It. Plpr vt. KUIal Hro. ft Co, George Hill " -vi. J... V, Here, Hhei Iff of ClaUop County. Alignment of tftheeN Stimuli Anilmmn-nt of the Columbia Iron Work John McQuinn vi, Win, H. Adair H 1 Aolorln Saving Hank v. John ITfnilrlckon Th Noow tlnv Iron ft Brai Worki v, Tlii C0I11111I.I11 KMrleal A lie. pair Co. n. K. Cnrruthct v. fifow H. (erut et al Matt Kangi v. M. Swwwin J. K. TIKon and W. F. TlHon partm-r a TIHnn ft 0-rpaeh VI. I,. A. Conn C. A. Hot torn v, C.rond Ranl.U Lumber Co. Antan Stimet v. William IVaalev The Columbia River A Keha1n Hallway Co.. a corporation v. The Whitney Land Co. Ltd.. corporation In the matter of the applica tion of Nora FiUpatrick U have the title to certain iande and prcml registered B, J. Calkiahnn VI. FranHa Callahan Stoffer Peter Rakl VI. Marru Wle Ignore Newman VI. Samuel Newman Andrew Hnnen VI. Mary Hansen Snrah F.llwMh Leiir VI. John Thoniaa LeaiT ClirU Hcrjr va, fleorge W. Sanborn William Martin va. John Rcld The Allen Stock Co. and I- E. 8"lir, parnlnlu c Va. W. .R Wlutlllng md wife BenJ. Young, et il VI. The Columbia Lend ft Inveit- ment Co. (corporation) John B. F.nrlffhfc VI. The Wlldermnn Free Gold Ex traction Co. State of Oregon VI. M. Sumnn, appeal from juitlce court Columbia River Packer1! Aio elation vi. "' Han Peterson et al Mary A. Kimcy vi.. , . Q. J. Cur,tl Fluhcr U101. vi. Mike F.rlckson Ixittlo V .Wolf vi. Clin. Jacob Wolf A.V.Allen VI, H. Chrexenei Ron. Hlggin ft Co. (a corpor ation) VI. IT. Chrt'iene A. A.' Cook. VI. Ouipar Drilling ft Marie Drill ing ft W. R. Ilayden , J. P. Scothan vi. ' C. C. Clarke . William V. O'Connor VI. John Slrey and Mn. John Slrey Fluhcr Broi. Co. (a corporation) . VI, John 0, Lauon John Stephemen VI. Thomua I.lnville, Sheriff of Clatanp County, Oregon C. F. Wi. VI, Thomae I.lnvllli, Sheriff of Clatoop County Nathaniel P, Bain vi. 0. 0. Clarke Margaret Johruon ft A- B. flee burg w John Haggl'liKiin, August Ifagg bloom, dm. Lnron and John Mattmm Moflulre A Stickler VI. Janiei V. Unlit- Jtiiiie W. Welch ft Thoinni Hindi Ikrry L, ItlcliartUon VI. Anna lUuliaftlion Charlri RobltMch VI. The Nehalem Coal Company Frednrlck W, RoblUih A Kliza beth ItoblU-h. hU wife VI. The Nehalem Coal Company Columbia River Packer's Alio j elation (a corporation) " ' vi. , Sbanley Bell Toll A fllbbe (a corporation) VI. K. N. Zeller, A. 11. ellcr and Mn. E. N. Zelbtr Ceir-eli Kreibohm VI. W. 0. Lyman, et al A. R. Robertl va. C. C. UUlnger Salvetra Mardcalch, VI. Andivw Mardenlch Ib'njamln Bohnart VI. 11. Oliveraon, Cuata and Kmi'l Jorirenaon M. D, SUplei, VI. L. OUer, ferah Ohler. M. J. Foard, F. R. Stokea. Reba IIobon, lulwln Hobion and Bertha Hohnon. John C. Dement VI. Marv Jane Ritdollet ft Ilorice Bourne Iander I-ebeck VI. A. 8. Reed In the matter of the application of A. F,. Clark to register the title to certain real prop erty John Stphenon VI. P. A. Pcterion City Lumber ft Box Co. VI. Conatanee Johnon W. C. Liwa v. Olof And'Txin, 11 auditor and police jud"e of the City of Astoria F. I). Winton VI. II. A. Wilker Hop Chong Lung Kee Co. VI. Kung Wing Co. Chin Yuen Mow VI. Kung Wine ft Co. Tung Shlng ' VI. Kung Wing A Co. Jena II. Ilanacn TB. Olof Anderon. a auditor and police judge of the City of Astoria Astoria Box Company TO. ITastie ft Dougan L IlnU vs. James P. Rain et al and Astoria LumlM'i- Comnany II. W. tliristensea et al VI. George. Kaboth Seaside Spruce Lumber Co. v. II. A. Stiles, ct al Fulton Bros. v. John Held The Fint Nulimial Bunk of Ae torla vi. John Ri ld and John Fox The Astoria Ahstnct Title ft Trunt Co. vs. ChrWtiiie Rh, et al Myra A. Reed VI. The City of Astoria II. L. Henderson VI. E. F. I.lbke John Wnteihoitse VI. A. W. Ogilvie Iandcr I'beck VI. Dnnicl Hannula and Andrew Hannula William Christensen vs. A. H. Stensland, Iver Steni- M In ml ft Stensland, partner doing buHinesa under firm name of Stemland Broi. John Seaboig ' VI. Violet Sealtorg J. M. I(ughe va. Sam Ness . Mury M. Surprenunt ' ' vs. ,. Mary W. Twilight, as ndmin istrator of the rtate of Ja Brown, deceased , Um F. Welch ft D. II. Welch vi. ' Astoria ft Columbia River Rail road Co. (a corpora tion) " Ruth M. Knopf vi. Emily Cashcl. Ceo. Cashel, her ' husband, Martin Foard, V. II. Coffey A K. Z. Frgmon In the matter of the applica tion of K. Z. Ferguson to reglxtop the title of Block 67 hi the, town now City of As toria, a kid out and record ed by John M. Shively and also to Block 110 in the town now City of Astoria, at laid out ana recorded by John Mii'lure and extended by Cvrus Olnev, and also to atrip of laud lyinir between aaid blacks hereinafter more particularly described. John Y, Jolllffe VI. If, 1', lluimu Mine A. Ifedrlck VI, J. W. Hedrlek W. & Klndmd VI. Alma Kindred Frank I), Hnnesy VI. Singleton Mulkey A Henry Mulkey Maud Nealley VI. Odin L. Nealley J. II. Duncan 8. J. Baseel' John Hahn VI. Astoria National Bank et al The Dougla Ind A Truit Co. (a corporation) VI. Mark M. IVe A wife A Lewit Abrahams Frank Klekar VI. Anton Philllpi and Mn. A, Iliillipi A. B. JamlMn vs. J. M. Jamiion W. P. Fuller A Co. (a cor poration) vs. A. Phlllipi Edith Phillips Zipf vs, Joaeph Zipf flussie Wachs Albert Wwhi 0. Ititun vs. Charles F. Khman, Arthur1 II. Miller and F. B. Allen C. S, Brown VI. A. J. Meek Pawn, IliffirH A Co. (a 'cor poration) vs. Frank M. Warren Cullender Navigation Co. (a corporation) vs. Clatsop County ft Thomaa I.ln ville ai Sheriff thereof Acute Rheumatism, Deep tearing or wrenching paini, oc casioned by getting wet through; worse when at rest, or on flrit moving the limbs ind in cold or damp weather, ii cured quickly by Ballard'a Snow Lini ment Oscar Oleion, Cibson City, I1L, writei, Feb. 16, 1902: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard'a Snow Liniment cured me." Sold by Hirt'a drug itore. J Wd U 1 1 1 irr U VJ JU WILL CURE any case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE that is not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more. WASCSYEN UP TO DIE, B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., Evanivillo, Ind., writes: "For over Sv yean I wai troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. 1 lost flesh and was all ma ' down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely, I had three of the best physicians who did ma do good and I was practically given up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottia I wu mi rely cured. " TWO SIZES, SDc AIS $1.09. SOLD 113 EEC ssssxisa i? f 4OO Fages j 1 Thoroughly Illustrated By 265 Actual Photographs taken at the time of the Awful Catastrophe This great book which retails at 1.50 and so much desired by every one is now offered as a premium with Morning' Astorian In order to get the Book subscribe for the MORNING ASTORIAN at the regular subscription rate, 65c a month and 50c addditional to cover cost of express age. Old subscribers can get this book by paying the additional charge'of-50o. Only a 'limited number of books will be given away come early and avoid the rush. A Wonderful Book of ' me a CHARLES 80CE83, PBU0G1ST.