THE MORNING ASTORIA ASTORIA, OREGON. 7, If SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1900. I! Latest Quotations in the Portland Markets. Comitate Market Report Comctid Eaoft Day QlvlDg ttii WholtuU Prices of Commodities, Farm Froduea and vge- UblM. PORTLAND, June A somewhat what Armor niarkot U noticeable for good sktr biiltr. In the loading hoiiaea the claim U mad that 121- li top, con lderlii thn largo aWka 011 hnnd and bulky arrive!, while in other- no less prominent placr th" quotation U up to 14c with the advene Justified on nutalda tloinand for repacked good. On grout nMaeln in tin- way of band ing country shipments to the bet ad ventaK I the lark of rare In boxing 2d pi( all rixliii t. Nome lota come in parked aorta of shape end einaed In Inferior bono. Thl butter In order to niM't rwiuliviiieiita of outiil mnrkoU mut bo rrpaeked In as near uniform elite aa poaalblo, and boxed In new, clean can. Aa a cotiaeiiueni country dealer do not jr"t the benefit of top quotation, a the coat of repacking end camr must l covered. KftK continue Arm at 184 cent ae a fair average price for beat grade. There aio moi end mors email aalee at 2k' mentioned, but aa a gei.rral ruin the ic in knocked IT on medium to Inrge or der. Oat-White. $.11 i gtay. $30. HutUr-Country creamery, 1 Hft 20 ; city creamery, 21 ; dairy, UftjlSc; store n lric; butler ft, '.'(V. (VeM) Young America. Ucj tjicgon full croam, flat, 12(3 13c. I'gge Freah Oregon rench, 19(glt)le. Poultry --Old roonteie, OfalOcs hen, Y2,(a,lci Spring, 1 H f 2(k 1 broiler., M'dj lftcj drcaacd cldckena, 13lHc; g'-ee old. 10il'2c; Spring dink, I5rtllci tl.7S2. Eegi. Kgga are ateady at quotation'. lO 20c, with moat sales reported at 10c Grain, Produce, Feed. Wheat-Walla Walla, 71cj Valley 1 "2r, bluoteiii, 73c; red. 7c. OaU - While, 3I ; gray, ?3(l. Itarloy Brewing. $24; feed. $23.78; rolled, $25fe2fl. Hy Valley timothy, $11(312.80; Eaatern Oregon, $15 17JS0; clover, 18.50(3,0; cheat. $fl0(S,7j alfalfa, $10 $11. MilUtufTa-Middlinga, $252o( chop, 119: bren, $1718; eborte, $!819. Flour Han! wheat patent, $4.10; atralght, $3 4.1; graham, $3.50; rye. $8; whole wheat flour, $3.78; Valley flour, $3.403.55; Dakota, $0.607.25; F-aet-ern rye. $3.40; Plllabury, $020; Cor vallla, $3.70. CornWhole, iji'JO; cracked. $27 per ton. ' Rye $1JW per ewt. Buckwheat $30 per ton. t Grain bag Foreign and domeatlc, 'HJgOe. .... Produce, Butter Country creamery. 1720cj city creamery. 20c; dairy, 14(?18ej etore 1212jc; California creamery, nominal butter fat. 181c. CheeseYoung America, 14o; Ore gon full cream, flati, 12 13a Eggs Freah Oregon ranch, 10(f52Oc. Toultry Old rosters, 010c.j hen. 1213c; Spring, 1820c; brollere, 20 J22c; dressed chickens, 1510c; geese, live, 88Jc; dressed, lllllc; turkey, on INKER TIDE TABLE, JUNE JUNE, 1906. A." Mr High JVater. Date. P. M. h.m. ft. Friday Saturday SUNDAY Monday Tueaday Wednesday . Thursday 7:28 0.5 7.8 8.2 8.8 0.2 0.5 7.3 7.5 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.6 7.0 7.7 7.8 7.0 8.0 8.1 8.3 8.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 7.1 7.3 7.4 8:45 0.0j 0.7 0.0! 0:55 11:00 11:50 7.1 0:25 0.7 Friday 8 1:12 0.5 0.5 (Saturday 2:00 SUNDAY 10 2:40 8:43 0.1 Monday 11 8.5 7.8 Tuesday 12 4:40 5:44 Wednesday 13 7.1 Thursday 14 Friday 15 0:55 0.0 8:07 Saturday 10 SUNDAY 17 Monday 18 0:15 10:17 0.3110 (1.4,10 ...i'12 11:10 Tuesday 19 11:57 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 0:00 8.6 0:34 1:09 1:45 2:25 3:07 8.6 8.0 8.0 8.4 8.1 UNDAY 24 Monday 25 Tuesday 20 Wednesday 27 3:55 7.6 7.7 Wednesday 27 3:56 7.6 :07 7.7 Thursday 28 Friday ....29 4:60 5:54 7.1 6.6 7.8 7.0 8.1 Saturday 30 7:10 0,3 live, 14if 18of dressed, 1617c duoke, old 1017c Spring ducki, lOlSo; pigeon, per dozen, ll1.25j aqua be, $2.60(33. Frulti and yegeUblei, Apple Green, $3.28(3,80, Orape fruit-Crate, $44.60. Tropical fruit Lemons, fancy, $5.00; choice, $8) standard, $4.60 boti or anges, fancy navel, $3.B0C?4 j Med, iweete, $33.80; banana, of-Ple per lb) pineapples, $4.605 per dozen. Potatoes Per aek, 00r0So for fanoyj 80(5 85o for ordinary stock In country; Jobber' price, 7080c per 100 lbsj new, 831c; turnips, 78 (5 00c stack; cab bage, per 100 lb., $2.262.50; onions, $1.782; second $11.80 In country; Jobbers' prices, $2 2.50 eackj beet, $1 per tack; garlic lOe; red pappere, dry, MAT, 25c j hothouse lettuce $1.2501X0 box 1 head lettuce, 2fi(ff35o dozen; Cali fornia vegetable green pea, flflcj radlahea, 12lfic dozen bunches; Chile pepper, 20a pound; head lettuce, 25c dozen; turnips, new stoelr, $2 ack; car rot do, $2 sack; artichoke, flOCV,0Oc dozen; cauliflower, tl1.25 per dozen; rhubarb, 3(31c lb.; asparagus, Walla Walla, $1.28 crate; fancy local, per dot. bunches 0Ot$7Oc; fancy Florida toma toes, $8.75(Jfl; Mexican. $22.S0; par sley, 25c dozen; cucumber. $1.23($L75 dozen; Cuban Bel! pepper $7 crate; orate; strawberries, $1.80 It, 1,60; Oregon, berries, 10c; cherries. $1(91.60 crate; gooseberries 10c pound. Groceries, Provide 1, Etc Sugar, aack basis Golden C, $8.03; extra C, $8.20; powdered, $3.80; patent cube, $5.05; cane, D. O., $8.70; fruit ugar, $3.70; beet sugar, $4.00; barrels, cwt., 10c; kg, cwt., 28c; boxee, ewt., BOe advance over ack bai (' 1-4c lb. if paid for In 13 daye). Salt-Bales of 7S-4c, bale, $1.00; bale of CO 3c, bale, $1.00; bale of 40-4, bale, $1.00; bale of 10- 10c, bale, $1.00; baga, 80a. fine, ton, $11; baga, 50 lb., genuine Liverpool, ton, $17; bag, 60 lbe., 1-2 ground, 100, ton, $7; R. 8. V. P., 20 6 lb. carton, $2.23; R. S. V. P., 24 3 1b. carton, $1.73; Liverpool lump, ton, $18.30. Rice Imperial Japan, No. 1, $5.06; Southern, Japan, 8 3 4c; broken, 4)c; head, fancy, 0c; head, choice, 01 -4c ColTee-Mocha, 2428c; Java, fancy, 20f?32c; Java, good, 20(24o; Java, or dinary, 17(J20c; Coata Rica, fancy, 18 20e; Costa Rica, good, 1218c; Ar buckles, lfi)c per lb.; Lion, 160 per lb.; Columbia coffee, 13 3 4c; Salvador, 111 1 5. Provisions Flam, to inw, T9c; hams, picnic, 9c; bacon, regular, llc; bacon, breakfast, 13 1-4 19c; dry aalt side, lie; backs, dry salt, lie, Nuta-Walnuta, No. 1. aoft ahell, 151-4ei No. 1, hard shell, 18c; Chile, 13c; almond, lc; filberts, 1418c; Brnzile, 14c; peeana, l31($lk; kVrkmrf. 8c; Virginia peanuts, 771c; Jumlo Virginia peanuts, Co; Japancae poanuta, 5(S(lc; cheKtmite, Italian, 14c; cocoa nuts, dozen, 73(i80c; ne almonda, 15 f?10c. Dotea Gohlen, flO-lb. boxea, 00ic; l ib. packages, 8c; Fard., 151b. boxes, $1.40 box. Beans Small white, 4c; larg white, He; pink, 2 7-8c; bayou, 4 3-4c; Lima, 6 7-8cj Mexican reds, file. Flga-White, lb., Bl0c; black, 07o. 1-4 barrels, $2.73; 15 lb. kite, $1.28; Pickled goods-Pickled pigs' feet, 1 barrel, $8; 1-4 barrel, $2.75; 15-lb. kit, $1.28; pickled tripe, 1-bnrrels, $5; pickled pigs' tongues, 1 barrel, $0.00: 1-4 barrels, $3; 15-lb. kit, $1.60; pick led lambs' tongue, 1-barrcli, $9; 1-4 barrels, $8.80; 15-lb. kit. $2.75. Lard Kettle-rendered, tierces, 101c; tub, 10 5-8o; 60s, 10 5-8c; 20s, 10 3-4c; 10a, He; 6s, 9 5-8c. Standard pure, tierce, 01-4c; tubs, 9 7-8c; 50a, 0 7-8o; 20a, 9 6-8c; 10, 101-4o; 6. 10 1-80. Compounds, tierces, CJc; tuba, 03-4c; Compounds, tierce, 61c; tubs, $3-4c; 60s, 0 3-4c; 61. 7 3-8. JUNE, 1906. Low Water. A. M. IM. Xm7ft7h.m."ft7 1:36 3.0 1:37 1.7 2:45 2.3 2:44 2.0 3:50 1.5 3:47 2.8 4:49 0.0 4:43 2.5 5:43-0.2 5:38 2.0 0:33-0.8 0:30 2.7 I 7:23-1.3 7:20 2.0 8:11 -1.4 8:13 3.0 0:00-1.3 0:17 3.1 ' 0:48-0.910:04 3.2 10:38-0.4U:00 3.2 .11:30 02 I 0:13 3.112:21 0.0 1:18 2.8 1:15 1.5 2:22 2:4 2:10 2.0 3:24 2.1 3:12 2.3 I 4:20 1.6 4:08 2.8 5:07 1.0 4:67 3.1 5:48 0.5 6:41 3.3 6:25 0.1 6:22 3.5 I 7:00-0.2 6:58 3.6 I 7:32-0.4 7:34 3.7 8:05-0.4 8:10 3.7 I 8:38-0.4 0:49 3.5 ' 0:13-0.3 0:33 3.5 0:51 0.010:40 3.4 10:32 0.411:00 3.1 11:15 0.0 0:00 2.812:05 1.5 1:12 2.4 1:05 2.1 Date. Friday Saturday . . . SUNDAY . . Monday . ... Tuesday 5 Wednesday 0 Thursday . .. Friday 8 Saturday 0 SUNDAY 10 Monday 11 Tuesday 12 Wednesday 13 Thursdoy 14 Friday .15 Saturday 16 SUNDAY 17 Monday ,.18 Tuesday . 10 Wednesday 20 Thursday 21 Friday 22 Saturday 23 SUNDAY 24 Monday 25 Tuosday 20) Wednesday 28 Thursday . ......28 Friday 29 Saturday 30 Sausage Portland ham, 141a per lb.; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 17io; bologna, long, Bio; wlenerwunt, 8o; liver, Bo j pork, 9c ; blood, 5c; bead cheese, 121o; bologna ta usage, link, 41& Raisins Loot Muacatel, 3-crowo, 71o; 2-crown, 7c; bleached seedless Sul tana, 712c; unbleached codle Sul tana, 7c ; London layer, 3-crown, whole box of 20 pound, '$2.10; 2 crown, $2. Dried fruit Apple, evaporated, 12c per pound; tundrled, sack or boxes, none; apricot, U121c; peaches, 10 Ho; pear, none; prune, Italian, 610 file; French, 31c; fig, California black, 6 3-4c; do white, none; &myrna, 20c; plum, pitted, 6c. Crel food Rolled oat, cream, 00 lb. sack, $6.75; lower grade, $5.25 $0.23; oatmeal, steel cut, 50-lb. sacks, C8 bale; 10-lb. sacks, $4.25 per crate; oatmeal (ground), 50-lb. tack, $7.60 per bale; 10 lb. aack, $4 per bale; iplit peas, $4.50 per 100-lb. aack; 251b. boxes, $1.15; pearl bar'ev, $4.75 per 100 lbs.; 25-lb. boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry I flour, 10-lb. sacks, $2In nor bale. Canned salmon Columbia River, Mb. talU, $1.85; 21b. tails, $2.50; fancy, 1 !b. flats, $2.00; l ib. fancy flat, $1.25; fancy Mb. ovals, $2.75; Alaaka tails, j ping, 90c; red, $1.45; nominal, 2i, tall, $100. Liveitock Market Cattle Beat (teem, $3.75(24; eowt $3.00(3.25; calves, $3.00 4.75. Shep-$J.75(5$0.OOj Iamb, $5 5.50, Uog-$5.75(0.OO; light hog, $5 5.2J. Freah Meat and Flab. Freh meat Veal, email, 71(?8c; large, 4J5lc; pork, 718c; beef, bull, 2l3c; cows, 31(g4c; iteer. 4138c; mutton, 8(3 81c; lamb 00ic. Cla mi Hardshell, per box, $2.00; rax or clams, $2.00 per box. Oyster Sboalwater Bay, per gallon, $2.28; Olympla, per tack, $5.25; Eastern transplanted, $1.00 per 100. Fish Crabs, par dozen, $1-00; Shoal water Bay oyeter, per sack, $4.00; oytter, gallon, $2.25; halibut, 7c; black cod, 7c; baas, per lb., 18c; herring, 6c flounders, 5c; catfish, 8c; lobsters, per lb., 121c; silver smelt, 0c; shrimp, 10c; perch, 5c; sturgeon, 8c; sea trout, 121c; black bis, 25c; Columbia River steel heads, 0c; Columbia River smelt, 8c; Chinook salmon, 0c Hops, Wool, Bides, Etc. Hops Choice, 11c; prime, lOQllc. Wool-Valley, 2228c; Eastern Ore gon, 18(g 20c. Tallow Prime, per lb., 33 3-4c; No. 2 and grease, 221c Mohair-Choice. 2830c. Feathers Gecae. white, 3540c; geese, gray or mixed, 23 (a, 30c; duck, white. 1520c; duck, mixed, 1215c Caaeara aagrada (Chittira bark) 2 21c. Oregon grape root Per 100 lbs., $3 $4. Beeswax Good, clean and pure, 20 22c per lb. Pelts Bear skins, as to size, No. 1, $2.6010 each; cubi. $12; badger, 25 50c; wildcat, with head perfect, 25 50c; house cat, 510c; fox, common gTay, 5075e; red, $35; cross, $515; silver and black, $100300; fishers, $5 0; lynx, $4.50Tb6; mink, strictly No. 1. according to size, $1$2.50; marten, dark Northern, according to size and color, $10 15; marten, pale, pine, ac cording to size and color, $2.50 4; muskrot, large, 1015c; skunk, 40Tb50c; civet, or polecat, 510o; otter, large, prime skin, $6 10; panther, with head and claw perfect, $25; raccoon, prime, 3050c; mountain wolf, with head per fect, $3.50155; coyote, 60c$l; wolver ine, $08; beaver, per skin, large, $5 0; medium, $34; small, $11.50; kits, 5075c Oil and Lead. Coal oil Pearl and astral oil, oases, 201c per gallon; water white oil, iron barrels, 15c; wood barrels, 171c; extra star cases, 25o; headlight oil, K5 de grees, cases, 231c; iron baxrels, 171c. (Washington State test burning oils, except headlight, lo per gallon higher.) Benzine Sixty-three degrees, cases, 22c; iron barrels, 17o. Turpentine In cases, 89 j in wood barrels, 86c; in iron barrels, 33c i In 10 case lots, 880. iLnseed oil Raw, fl-barrel lot, 680; 1-barrel lots, 67o; in cases,' 62o; boiled, barrel lots, 58o; 1-barrel lota, COo; in case, 04o. Gasoline Stove gasoline, cases, 241c; iron barrels, 18o; 80 degrees gasoline, cases, 22c; iron barrels or drums, 20o. Rope Pure Manila, 14c; standard, 13c; Sisal, Ho; Isle brand Sisal, 9jc Wire Nails Present baee at $2.70. Lead Strictly pure white lead and red lead, in tons, 7!c; 600-lb. lots, 8o; less than 500 lbs., 8ic y .mmm mtrMiiu ounn.. asrai aunurnaxcai t' jr1nini.'H U is nii U for unnatural 1 tat !?.' dlacharKi,lnHanimtlanti Irritntiona or ulcerations of muouua meinbrann. Painlnaa, and not aitrin- gent or poiaonoua. Oarnted not lo llrlalurt. ItheEvansChcmicalCo. PnwIi CoUloa. , 0IH0INNTI,0.f" Sold by Drnvalsta, or aant In plain wrappar, br axpreaa, prepaid, f-? SI .00, orSbottleattJi. Circular aeut aa ratiuott ONE OK AMKIUO'A'H KA8TEHT KfKKyif.M Commenclua: Monday, May li STEAMER TELEGRAPH Win Mak'i lliiund Trips liully Kxeopt Mundajr, Between, Portland, Astoria ana Way porta- W i4o "in in 11 irr'iii 1 1111 ill mi' TIMK CAKI) HleamerTfcleKrnph from 1'ortland to A lor la, lyav PortlaniJ 700 a- rn- Arrive A f.rln im p, rn, HteatnerTelcKrapli from Alorl to l'ortluii'l Iavo Antorla 20 p- in Arrive 1'ortlaii'l MM) p. tn ME A IX KAliVKI) A U CAtlTK' Hleamer Telegraph will stop at way land. Inif Imtii down and up river when having piasenrs to lutid or by tlng signalled' Portland Landing - - Alder St. Dock Astoria Landing CallenJer Dock E. B. SCOTT, Agent, Portland Calleoder Navigation Co., agent Astoria. PHONE 2211 MAIN. SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. CO. Far Inoluding barth and msala, $15; Round -trip, $2A. Steamer Leaves Astoria for San Francisco Every 5 Days. Connects at Santrancisco with Rail and Steamer Lines for South, ern Cal 'ornia. O. W. ItoniJKTS, Agent. AHtoria, Oregroii. A. 0. D. KEREVBLU Cen. Pas. Agen 8an Franeiaee C THE MILWAUKEE "The Pioneer Limited " St Paul to Chi cago. " Short Line " Omaha to Chicago. " Sooth- Wast Limited "Sanaa City to Chicago. No train in the service of any rail road in th world equate in equip ment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Ry. They own and operate their own sleeping and dining ears and give their patrons an excellence of ser vice not obtainable elsewhere. Berths on their sleepers are longer, higher and wider than in similar car on any other line. They protect their train by the Block system. Connection made wila all transcon tinental line in Union Depot. H. S. Bowe, General Agent, Portland or 134 Third Street corner Alder. A Ticket Mean more than your mere transportation if it is over It means that you will have every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employ es a eafe trip and cae that will be a pleasure and delight. It is th Short Liae to Chi cago AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable, traveling will be gladly told by. R. V. HOLDER, Gen. Agt, 153 Third St. Portland, Ore. MOSSING ASTOSIAH Is on Sal in A tori, at J. N. GRIFFIN'S BOOKSTORE. OTZINGER'S NEWS DEPOT, OCCIDENT HOTS'. OFFICE, FRED BP OWN Both Storei JOS. JACOBS, CIGAR STORE. Morning Astoriau, 65 cents per month, Astoria & Columbia River R, R. Co EFFECTIVE 281 2 8 j 30 24 Leave. a.m p.m.ja. m p. m t. m.j 7:00 8:10 8 :00 PORTLAND 0:102 leave, 0:03110:05! 9:24,10:20, 10:3511:35, lll:35i Clatakln Junct Weatport. arrir ASTORIA .'eav leave ASTORIA arrive arrive WARRE?TOK leave leave WAREENTON arrive arrive Ft. dtevena ave leave Ft. Stevena arrive arrive WARREXTON leave 8:18 8:35 6:50 11:401 12:05 6:10 11:55, 8:36 8:46 8:44 8:65 8:11 12:10; 12:30! 0:25 fl:2i 0:39 3:68 6:40 7:03 ll:55i tayj a,a F V WW i leave WARRENTON leave 0:12 0:18 0:25 12:14' 7:11 12:21 12:30 7:20 arrive Sunday only. Through ticket and close connection via. N. P. railway at Portland and Goble, and O. ft. K U. via. Portland. T. C. MAYO. G. F. and P. Afeat. I Rock Uaad-Frisco Terminal fa Kansu City, St. Louis, Memphis and Chicago arc conveniently located a Kgard connections and tranaf era. q Kansas City Union Station Used by all the important lines catering that city. 4 St. Louii Union Sutioo Used by all lines entering SuLouia. Chicago La Sail Street Station; only one 00 th elevated railroad loop, and nearest the busbuss canter of the dry. 4 You do well to consider your 'landing place" when plan ning that Eastern trip. ? A postal will bring any desired information promptly. Ceneral Asent. Rock Island-Frisco Lines. 140 Third St.. PORTLAND, ORE. BEGINNING FEB. 15, 1906 THROUGH TOURIST LEEPERS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR BETWEEN SEATTLE and CHICAGO ia the Great Northern Railway "The Comfortable Way" Route of the famons Oriental Limited For detailed information, rates, etc., call on or address B. us Third Street, Through SALT LAKE CITY, COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER Stop-Over Privileges Granted. Choice of Routes East of Colorado Points. For Illustrated Phamphleta Pic turrng Colorado's Beautiful Scenery write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt M4 Third Street PORTLAND, OR. The MORNING ASTORIAN 65 CTS. PER MONTH Astoria's Best Newspaper S1PT tf, 1005. Arrive 21 j 23 j 25 29 la. m.p. a. at., (Union Depot) 11:201 0:50 8:40 7:40 7:19 6:10 6:20 5:05 uool. amv 10:101 0:11 8:61 7:45 7:40 7:20 7:20 7:0 7:06 8:52 8:52 2:45 10:4 10:25 10.25) 10:1S( 10:14! 10:05. 10:05 9:451 9:3 ' 0:3O 2:201 2:15 2:00 6:0 Clatsop. Gearbart SEASIDE 8:291 8:22 6:151 4:45! 4:38 leave 4:301 Rock Island Frisco Terminals f ! 'lslsp, DICKSON, C. T. A., Portland, Ore. ASK ANY TRAVELER and he will tell you the II til ill fElflctrio Lighted.; $:the Crack Train .'of them laillfor COMFORT sod ELEGANCE The ticket office at Portland ' J 255 Morrison St., Cor. 3d. ; 1 A. D. CHARLTON. Aaaistant General Passenger Agent PORTLAND. OREGON. W1