SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 190 8. THE MORNING ASTORIA ASTORIA, OREGON. 2 . ., , - THE MORNING ASTORIAN KiUbUibed 1873. Published Dally by Tit J. S. BELLINGER COMPANY. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. By mail, per year f7-M By mail, per month M By carrier, per month M WEEKLY ASTORIAN. B, mail, per year, in adanea..1.00 ntmi a eMond-clssi matter Jane 23, 1906, it the poetoffloe at Aitorla.ure coa, under the act of Cougre ol March 8, or. nrOderi for the doUTennf? of Thb Mom iMiaroaiAKtoeithw restdeiooe or place ot buafaees of b made by postal card or bhrouxfa telethon. Any Irregularity in de Brery ahould be Immedjately reported to tb offioe of publication. TELEPHONE MAIN Mi. Official paper of Clatsop county and tteClty of Astoria. WEATHER. Western Oregon and Washing Western Oregon and Washing tonShowers. Eastern Oregon and Washing ton Showers and thunder storms WELL SUSTAINED METHODS. It is well for the people of Astoria to know, and remember, that among its public boards of control, there is one that pursues and sustains, at all times, the safest and most conservative me thods of business and to give it the proper and timely measure of credit for its care, and success, in the handling of its big public trust. Reference is had to the school board of district No. 1, Astoria, than which no group of public servants is doing better work for the citizens and taxpayers. We are too prone to neglect the expression of ap preciation that is due to these agencies, and altogether too eager to spring the voice of complaint at some passing and trivial fault; a human failing, of course, but one that does not debar the opera tion of the kindlier spirit of commenda tion, when once wre think to indulge it. The recent decision of the board to aban don the costly work of moving the McQure building, and the close scrutiny and clever understanding of the condi tions that wrought the determination to save the expense of $10,000, is an ex hibition of business acumen and intelli gent discrimination, that is, on the whole, rather unusual, and entirely meri torious, and no taxpayer in the district but will fully realize the value of such service once he recognizes it. And apropos of all this, it is well to think of the necessity of retaining the services of Judge Frank J. Taylor on the board, if they can be secured once more, as he has been conspicuous in the splendid work achieved and cannot be readily spared from a position to which he has lent the best of his judgment at all times. 0 ASTORIA'S HOLIDAYS. One of the happiest features of As torian life is the wide-spread attention paid to the passing of the holidays. No city in the country is more responsive to the gala spirit than the City-by-the-Sea. It is a winning idea always, and lends a complacent tinge to the opinion that strangers are likely to form of us, be sides being helpful in a hundred other ways. It opens up the sunny side of home life and acts as a merging influ ence upon the people, and brings them closer together in the bonds of friendli ness. The pending arrangements for the two-day celebration of the Fourth of July, and the annual Regatta, are well underway, and promises an abundance of unique and wholesale entertainment; things that are pleasant to think of, and which will contribute to the amusement, and ultimate good will of thousands of intending visitors, and keep alive in the city the cohesive ardor of popular as semblage and demonstration. It is a good thing. 0 THE STEAMSHIP TIE-UP. The San Francisco sailors' strike for an advance of five dollars per month has extended to th bippr linos of the ooat and tratis-Paeiflo Companies, its Initial movement beinjr anions the team schooner lines, the larger development being a sympathetic addendum. The general feeling over the coast is that the strikers will be successful, in view of the extraordinary demand for transport Hon facilities and the scarcity of men to take the place of the contending sailors. The oiiinir.e!4 of the strike chose an op portune moment for enforcing their de mand, and kept the demand within rea sonable bounds two' elements that arc likely to aid them in the contention. Astoria will feel the tie-up sharply, at least twenty vessels being involved that constitute a regular fleet in and out of here, with business. The Costa Rica and the Barracouta are in the mix-up and the Breakwater and Roanoke will catch it next, unless the strike is broken before they reach the Ray City. 0 THE DAY OF OBSTACLES. With all the splendid pluck that she possesses San Francisco is facing her day of obstacles. The interminable scheme of unravelling the confusion of her enor mous business detail; supplying the endless losses of public and commercial record; summoning of absentee testi mony on tens of thousands of vital questions demanding immediate settle ment; gradually unfolding the new and baffling conditions wrought by the quake and fire; facing undreamed-of con tingencies and unescapable duties never contemplated in the business career; and above all, doing these things with patience and a willingness to wait, when every commercial instinct, and surround ing circumtanee, is urging the utmost expedition. This is the task to which the great city and its great people have set themselves, and the country at large, with an apt knowledge of the measure of the work, watches her hopefully, and with the kindliest trust in her entire ability to achieve ell she has undertaken, and to shane her pride when the day of smooth sailing shall have been reached again. DECIDE YOURSELF. The Opportunity is Here, Backed by Astoria Testimony. Don's take our word for it. Don't depend on a stranger's statement. Read Astoria endorsement. Read the statements of Astoria citizens And decide for yourself. Here is one case of it: E. C. Ruland, printer, living on Astor street, Astoria, Ore., says: "I have tried several guaranteed kidney cures but con sider Doan's Kidney Pills the best and highly recommend the remedy to my friends. My trouble had bothered me .off and on for many years. I had pain in the small of my back, sharp twinges when stooping or lifting and the aching bothered me a great deal at night I was tired, languid and very nervous, but since using Doan's Kidney Pills I have not had these nervous spells nor the headaches I used to suffer from. The results have been a great improvement in the condition of the kidney secretions. Doan's Kidney Pills have been so great a help that I am continuing with them, and fell sure of relief whenever suffering from these troubles." Remember the name Doan's and take no other. For sale by all dealers. Price 50c. oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United StateB. BRITISH BRIEFS. England's first repreisenrative parlla meut assembled In 12C5. Caesar conquered Britain In the yea: 65 B. C. The Rouiau occupation con tinued nearly 500 years, or until 410 A. D. In 1079 was passed the habeas cor pus act, which, along with the right ol trial by Jury, is the great bulwark of Anglo-Saxon liberty. The great plugue was Introduced intc London In 1004 by bales of cotton Im ported from Holland; 100,000 persons succumbed to the disease In one year. Cromwell's loug parliament assem bled In 1640; Charles I. was beheaded Jan. 30, 1046, and Cromwell became lord protector In 1653. In 1600 the Stuarts were restored to tfoe throne. Westminster abbey, where the king! and (Ulceus of Great Britain ari crowned, was originally a Benedlctinf monastery. It was founded by Se bert, king of the East Saxons, about 616. Brie oa Bille. Among the humorous memories con nected with English Judges Is one of Justice Byles and bis horse. This em inent Jurist was well known In his profession for his work on "Bills," and as this gave a fine opportunity for al literation his associates were accus tomed to bestow the name on th horse, which was but a sorry steed. "There goes Byles on Bills," thej took pleasure in saying, and aa fa? Judge rode out every afternoon they Indulged dally in their little Joke. But the truth was that the horse had another name, known only to the master and his man, and when a too curious client inquired as to the judge's whereabouts he was told by the servant, with a clear con science, that "master was out on Business." 000000000000000000 0 EDITORAL SALAD. 0 000000000000000000 The average cost of a Pullman cur is fro m$I.V0O0 to $18,000. 0 A Chicago genius has invented a baby buggy that shuts up. But he can't invent a baby that will do it. o In London 400.000 people live lit single rooms; 40.000 live live in a room; and SOOO seven in a room. Probably with a view of checking the simp in marriage in Chicago the authori ties are putting thouwinds of extra "lovers" benche-i. in the parks. An dnow with joy and likewise pride And confidence immense, The graduates lxth far and wide Uet ready to "commence." The editor of an exchange says: "If you want to be swindled, come here. Don't write to catalog houses. You can be swindled just a thoroughly by home talent at less expense." 0 "There are over 100 species of mos quitoes in the I'nited States," is the declaration made in the "Mosquito Brief" adopted today by the American Mosquito Extermination Society. 0 The camel was the last of the animals to enter the ark. "Hey, there, you." called Noah, "get a hump 011 yourself." Then the camel promptly got his back up aud that's how it happened. An exchange grows inquisitive and asks "Is faith necessary 7" It surely is. There isn't much that man can ac complish unless he ha faith. When fait departs, results are usually a very doubtful proposition. o Deadly Serpent Bites are as common in India as are stomach and liver disorders with us. For the lat ter however there is a sure remedy: Electric Bitters; the great restorative medicine, of which S. A. Brown, of Ben nettsville, S. C says: "They restored my wife to perfect health, after years of suffering with dyspepsia and a chroni cally torpid liver." Electric Bitters cure chills anod fever, malaries, bilious- jiess, lame back, kidney troubles and bladder disorders. Sold on guarantee by Charles Rogers, druggist. Price 60c. Sucking Is a natural stimulant foi babies. A very young baby tries to t the whole hand In Its mouth, but, flmt tb thts fraught with danger, he grows more cautJous and finally falls on Uia thumb as the most enticing member of the hand. Bucking the thumb acts aa safe pick me up to laggard organs. The beneficial effect arising from the act of deglutition Is one of nature's happiest stimulants. It is generally melancholy and fretful children rather than those who are strong and full of life who develop decided tendencies In this direction. Ilia reason of this Is ev ident In states of depression, whether casual or chroulc, less blood goes to the bralu; if. then, the thumb be put Into the mouth and a sucking promts Indulged hi the heart will be stimulat ed, new blood will be sent to the bra'n and contentment will take the place of paeriahnaa. The Morning Astorian prints all the local and telegraph news. Art iYltle . Some one was to be married, for they were buying a wedding gift In a cer tain oast side store, bearing that man fear of baring money to speud, which will Inevitably assure the attention of the shopwoman. A certain painting, rainbow haed and Inclosed In a Urge gilt frame, bad attracted their atten tion. It was $1.60. "Wbat Is ltr asked one, peering closely. "It la an oil painting." answered the saleswoman. "It has no name on It," announced the first woman, with an air of having found out what was wrong with the work of art "The beet artists never sign their work, ma'am." "Are you sure It Is hand painted T "Certainly, ma'am." It will hang ou the wall of one bride's home. Brooklyn Ea gle. HI Moral Ir-ll'tla. Many years ago Bill Smith was a well known character In n Missouri town whose name need not be mention ed here. Bill was 11 colored boy who roamed the streets at will. One day he found a pocketbook containing 40, and the owner's name was stamped on the book. But Bill burned the pocketbook and spent the ?40 In riotous living. Of course It was found out, and Bill was arrested, tried, found guilty and sent to the penitentiary for two years. He served "his time, and when he emerged ho knew something n bout making shoos. The day he returned to his home an old uciiualntiince met him and asked: "Well, whut did they put you at In the prison. Bill?" "IVy started In to make an honest boy otit'n me, snh." "That's good. Bill, and I hope they succeeded." "Hey did, sub." "And bov did they teach you to be honmt. liill?" "IVy done put me in de shoe shop, snh, niillln" pasteboard onter sUooai la' iH, snh." OOCX)OOOCKX)00030000000000OOOCC)0000000 WANTED Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day. Yard Men, $2.00 per day. Ten Boys, Over 16 Years Old to Work In Box Factory. TONGUE POINT LUMBER CO ASTORIA. ORE. ooooocooooooo First National Bank of Astoria, Ore. i:sTAnusiii;i ihwi. Capital $100,000 SCOW BAY IRON & BRASS WORKS ASTOHIA, oiti:t;oN IRON AND BRASS FOUNDERS LAND AND MARINE ENGINEERS """ I'p-lo l;te Haw Mill Machinery." i'rtfit nttrtitlunlyivHi to nil repair work lKth and Franklin Ave. Tel. Mnln MM I Sherman Transfer Co. lUENKY HHEKMAN, Manager ilsck, Csrringes Bsffgsge Checked and Trsnnferred Trucks and Furnlturs Wagons Pianos Moved, Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone Main 121 Enormous Dividends to Shareholders Limited allotment of stock now offered12 per cent guaranteed. Will pay over 30 per cent when stores are established. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. COL. J. B. FULLER, President (Ex-California Commissioner). CAPTAIN E. E. CAINE, Director (Capitalist and Ship Owner, Seattle, Wab.) HON. TRUMAN REEVES, Sec. and Treas. (Treasurer of the Stat, of Cali- T. K. STATELER, Director (Gen.ral Agent Northern Pacific R. R. forna). WILLIAM CROCKER, Director (San Francisco). 5, 10 mi 15 Cent Stores 56 Stores Now Being' Established on the Pacific Coast Managers Wanted Who Can Influence Capital. Share of Profits and Salary to Right Party PACIFIC SYNDICATE STORES COMPANY, incorporated HEAD OFFICE: UNION SAVINGS BANK BUILDING, OAKLAND, CAL. PROSPECTUS AND INFORMATION FREE. WRITE TODAY. ,. 1.. A 1 CAUSE ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL DEATHS. When the Kidneys fail to perform their functions properly by not straining out the poison ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are carried by the circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart trouble, stomach trouble, sluggish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys. corrects irregularities and cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the r.mrn or bright disease. whole system, and the diseases that have Mr. Robert o. Burk., Einor., srto. Co., n. v.. writ.i:-i m ,i.d toh.v. as oepof. resulted from disordered Kidneys disappear, tunity of telling whtt munificent re.ulu I hve had from ueinf FOLEY'S KIDNEY rr I CUREfterhvTnjttrie(lotherdvertl.elmedicineindieverlphy.lcln.. Before I beean hfiCaUSe the fjaflSfl haS been feiTlOVed COfTl- 1. 1 u.a . ... ... f?nn. t.m.. ..h niffht to re lev mv b adder. I wll all bloated UO UCtttUSC IUC tdUSC UttO MCbll vUUI' i ret ua fr with dropiy and my eyeeiiht wi aeroia the room. In feet. I wet o ve until bv a friend to try FOLEY deri, and before I had taken the third bottle the &r&jC&ffi2l mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE CVS KIDNEY CURB. One so-cent bottls worked won- t i e A r a. ' uperfluout fleeh had sons, aa well a all af fhf first RlCtl Of danger. DO HOt flftk ether tymptoma of Kidney trouble. My frienda wera eurpriied that I wii cured, as they .... .. all thought I waa coins to die. Every few daya tome one comes from mllet away to learn Vinvinfr KrifrhT 1 Ijltra5r Or Diahpfr!. the name of the wonderful mediclni that cured ma of Brltht'i Di.eaie, and not ons that HAVing DrXglU O jVISCc&C U UldUClCS. has tried it hai failed to be benefitted, Two Sizes, 60 Cents and $1.00. Z SOLD km BECOHIIEHDED BY Z Sold and Recommended by CHAS. ROGERS,..Druggist.