The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 06, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 0, 1908.
Our Groceries
An latlafylng hundreds of steady ps
troni and now li good tlms for you to
become on. BEAR IN MIND that w
are headquarters for STRAWBERRIES.
00000000000 0000000
Hot Campaign Stuff. W tlx liruUc
ami hint of rli'i'l lull ilny ur any other
lay, iit' AIwimnIV Klwtile Oil, w Irt
lilliniriil, lor milt it! Flunk Hart' iliug
tor, roitrj & NUtkr.
Diet at Hospital. rharlca .mlrnn
JicJ yral.-rtlny i-vriiliig at tli St. Mnry'a
Hospital hI lliw aj(i' of 4.1. Dip ileccawd
M iik'iiiIht of till' I'Hul 01 til' t ()f Itl'll
Men. Tim 1 11 in' 1 ul will take pirn Tlmr
lav with Inl ci no-ill in lircnwood
Hearing Today. Cliarlf Jeffrie, pro
prietor of t lit Klk iiliMiii, mIio i charged
lv Chief of Pojli (iaminal, with tin-
offr-m of keeping hi aliin oH'ii ilm iiitf
the hour of iliitloii. on Monduy, will
Iimvi' a limriiii.' tmlnv define Justice
Clean Up. Tin lime allowed 1y the
city for property owner to remove oil
the iliit ami jrarhajiw ,r,,m "" 'r pr'"il
will eplr on the Seventh of thi
month ami the Mayor tated lnt nlyht
that ha intended t tlrh tlv enforce the
order, anil any one who due not olwy
tli.. oiiIit, will 1 promptly arret-d nm!
required to pay a lit".
John Anderson Found. All that I
mortal ol the Into John Amirn, tit
fisherman, who. with hit l.rother were
run down hy te teiiinhip t'ota ltira, a
fiw week aop off Tongue. I'oint, in the
early down, fniuid flouting again!
the piling of the Simmon, (nip. Utween
thi norththnro nml Siind Nlnnd. yeter-
day afternoon, Mr. Simmont Itiinwlf
tllwiiYfiini; the mrpM- himwlf. Mentl
flea t Ion wa miidi- eny by the content
of the man't purket whirh, among oilier
thing revealed hi watch which had
topped at 4: lit jut about the lunir at
whirh the accident happened; a mipt
book that showed h wa winking for
.the Tnlliuit firant Parking Company,
the lat receipt in whirh wa datetl
April 2Hth, a tint- nwr tin- day of the
cataatruphc. Word wa tent to thin city
and hia brother apprird of the find, Ar
rangement will 1 made today for the
final disposition of the body ami the
withe of the family will be made known
in due roiirP.
We find that fresh and
Preliminary Examination. ThU aft
ernoon Trunk lleiulrkka, alia Frank
Hart, the young man am-tod on Mon
day lutt for illegal voting in product
No. tl, lit thlt city, will be subjected to
prelimimiry examination before Jiutii-e
(ioodinan. llemlriik practically admit
hit guilt ami the evident agaiuxt Mm
it of a very oneIuive aort, the whole
board of judge and clerk of the pre
elnrt being olllrially aware of hit liold
at tempt to place hit t-eomJ vote there.
The men who endowd him ami wor
to hi. identity and qualification at a
voter, will have tome att rition paid t
them, al, a toon at hia cae it dis
posed of. The whole bu'ineta It pretty
rmik, from top to bottom, aud the dia-trli-t
attorney' ofllce propoaet to "open
it up" a bit.
"After the Battle." State fvnator
eM William T. Sehoflehl. of thin rlty
and county, intend to recuperate a bit
"after the Imttle," of argument and
Iwllot, thrnn;h whi'lj, he ha jut patnl
with the ImnoiV of genefoim tiiicct. He
left lat night for Corneliu, three mile
from IlilUlHiro, the home of hit aged
parent, to enjoy n well-earned ret.
11 ml meet hi family and friend" and re
ceive the congratulation that are hi
due and which will Ik- rriiwt turcly ex
tended to him. Mr. Schofield' ' father,
the well known pioneer of Waahington
county, Iteii Keholield. i known all over
the it ate at one of it licit and mot
r.-pnm-titiithe citieu. and he w'ill Imve
new and grateful Miiine of pride in hi
ton who hii jut attained to the hlghctt
honor hi county can li-Uiw. The new
enntor it a native of Wahington coun
ty, though he la made hia home and
built hit life-inti-rent in Astoria and
t int-op, for the putt fifteen year, and
hat a hott of good frienda here, who
rejoice in hi rontiet at the poll and
wi-h him a happy trip to hi old lioiin
and a cordial welcome from hi boyhood
are the only kind that
give satisafction.
If you think
the same order from use
118 122 Twelfth St., Aatorla, Oro.
Should be Reif nted.It i now certain
thnt Attoria i to ! mado to pay her
hare of the immense fire insurance
lotte of San Kranciiii, a the word wa
given out yetterday by J. W. Welch
and other prominent inturance agent
here, that 011 accet in the cot of iimur
mice againtt fire in thi city, amounting
to an advance of 2.1 per cent on the
prevailing rate, would be charged upon
all biitiiie done here after the (list day
of June. Thi i a deliberate wrong to
thi city, where the highest rate now
prevail and contitute one of the mot
burdentoine charge urKin the property
and commercial intereta of the city ;
where, for year, the insurance com
panic have fattened abundantly and un
remittingly. It Ih unfair to put this
extra cott on Aitorin, and It should be
resented in unqualified fashion, by the
wholctale abandonment of the policies
that have heretofore been maintained
lure. It i no more contly to carry the
insurance by one' self, than to pay the
entire increment of one'i business to
omo outside and Inconsiderate concern,
and from the comment heard about the
street of Astoria yesterday, there will
a remarkable falling off in the big line
of premium heretofore paid in thi
place. The imposition and its cause arc
too rank for very patient consideration.
Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avenue
and Eleventh street. European plan;
best rooms and board in the city at rea
lonable prices; free bus.
The very best board to be obtained in
the city ii at "The Occident Hotel."
Rates very reasonable.
Congress is not ready to decide the
isthmian cnmil level, and this is one of
the questions in which a request for
more time is sprudent. Dig dirt, but dig
it right.
More than 600 marines will confront
the Liberal leaders on the Isthmus of
Panama in can of nn attempt to pro
mote riot and revolutions at the elec
tion June 20. Although t ho ennui zone
is under the secretary of wan there i
mi indication that the war dnpurtment
will have any troop near the isthmus
at ma lime 01 me eiecuou, ami M'cre
liir.v Taft must rely on the marine corps
to protect the canal (one,
The Telephone Muddle -J, II. Thatcher
of the Pacific Htutia Telephone 4 Tele
graph Company came down from Port
lam! yesterday, on the noon expre, to
lis present at the meeting of th common
council lnt night, when the question of
' the parage of the ordinance granting ac
cess to the second and competing tele
phone company was to come up. The
ordinance referred to passed with every
vole of the corporate body, with tlm
tinglo exception of Councilman Itobinson,
and thl in spile of a protest against the
granting of the new franchlte, signed
by practically every businest man in the
city. In conversation with Mr. Thatch
er, after the action taken by the council,
he declared that the work of installing
the new Pacillr Stale' plulit In thi city,
will not be interrupted in any way by
the admltsion of the Stowc people and
their system, but will be carried to full
aud final conclusion a fast as men and
material can be assembled to do it, and
that the lint of November, t farthest,
will see the promise kept to it last
detail. This being the ca;. it is certain
that Astoriu will have one of the best
and mM thorough system in the State,
but j 11-1 what it will do with two
plant, remain to be seen. The fact
thnt nearly one hundred and fifty busi
ness firms and men protevd against the
imposition of the extra service here,
wa. apparently, of no sort of value to
the couiieilincn who had made up their
mind tn'grant the Stwe franchise,
ami wa practical evidence that popular
expreion Is of but little avail in the
Astoria council chamber; though there
is alw'ay an explanation ready for such
arbitrary deal. Mr, Thatcher returns
to the metropolis thi morning.
The delicate art of frescoing is only
learned by year of hard tutelage under
cxiert mater. Kach of the proprietors
the Katerii Painting & Decorating Co.,
75 Ninth street, haa spent years in the
beat shop of the east and is proficient!
in the art of decorating and frescoing. I
W. (i. Klliott Jr. of Portland arrived
in the city yeolerday for a day of bui
ne. M. H. Colby of Portland, came down
on the noon expres yesterday
James M. Hohh of Chicago was in the
city yesterday on busine.
W. O. Klliott wa among the Astorian
patsenger on the noon train, yester- j
J. John arrived here from Portland
on the II : rt.l train yesterday morning.
Joeph Meller of Portland spent the
iUy in thi city yesterday on buMnei
and was registered at the Occident.
The big steamship Kumanlla got away
for China yesterday morning.
The teamhip Dreak water, one of the
finest of the ves entering thi port,
is dun today from San Francisco,
. The barkeiiiiiie Porl-Und ha cleared
from this port for San Diego, with 500,
(MX) feet of luuilier loaded at the Clatsop
The steamer Jordan of the Callender
line, resumed her run up the river yes
terday morning, having been equipped
with a new wheel.
The steamer Telegraph came down on
her- regular time yesterday with a fair
amount of busine and returned to
.Portland at 2:30 p. m.
The fine oil-tanker Fullerton from San
Francisco on the hawsers of the tug
Sea lUiver, i expected to enter this
port this morning.
The ateamer Lurlinc came down yes
terday afternoon in good season, and left
upon her usual hour, with Mrs. B- S
Urook, a pas-enger for Portland.
The schooner John A. I ready for
sea and San Francisco, with a full cargo
of lumber taken on at the Clatiop
The schooner W. F. Jewett with 600,.
000 feet of good lumber loaded at
Ooble ha cleared here for Redondo, and
it now awaiting despatch.
The schooner Andy Mahoney cleared
or San Francisco with 750,000 feet of
lumber taken on at the Tongue Point
Mill, for San Francisco.
. The steamship Roanoke is due down
from the metropolis at 10 o'clock next
Friday morning, en route to San Fran
cisco. Eureka and Los Angeles.
Oregon inundations bat passed out of
the Columbia which will be in about
ten days, after which he expects to see
a good run all along the fisheries here.
The Callender Navigation Company
! has aold the tug Cruder to the Portland
Railway Company, and she will be em
ployed on the upper river by her new
owners. I lie price at wnicn sue oia
has not bceu made public.
Senator and Mrs. J. 0. Megler arrived
t .1 .... ... tJ I n t Via ctAa ms.r
Tl.,..- fVVill ,.f C., IV.I ... I
1 tii'iiits- , m ui t 7n 4 icaii.i.v w o 7
in the ci.v v-stertlav and registered at!'10"11"1 y-rdaj ""nS- The senator
t he intr lintel
,. 1 , ft- t - ning iu the river, and will not be until
1.. If. Kauri of San l rancisco was in 1 ' .
, , , . . i the present flood waters from the eastern
the citv vettrilHV on n. lupines tnn. 1
A. C Itiiholou' of Cliiejli'i) iu in the ritv
... ' i The steamship Costa Rica came down
I. II II litll!itl. Imir I r
t- t ii ii tn .1 i .i from Pirtlaml vestcrdav morning and
1. J. Halt of Portland was in the citv ,
vest-rdav. ' ! after a bricf sta-v at the - K k y'
' ... ' ... , , , t., , ! pier, left out for San Francisco with a
Miss C. It. Kingsted of Skamokawa ar-, 1 ' ....
. , , , 'good bad of general merchandise and a
l-ii-w.l ill Ihn nllt- veta(er,liiv nn t Tin ctAnm. , o
. j UUIUOt'l UI JI"'IC III HVI tauuia, ii..i.c v
Joseph Burke of Cathlamet reached ;
this city yesterday moming via the Cal
lendei1 steamer Jordan.
whom were from thi city.
All the telegraphic and local news in
the Morning Astorian.
OTTAWA, Ont., June 5. Charles
Fitzpatrick, Minister of Justice, will be
sworn in today as Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court. A. R. Aylesworth, Post
moster General, will become Minister .of
Justice and Rodolphe Lcmcux, Solicitor
General, will be made Postmaster.
LOUISVILLE. Ky, June o.-The Na
tional Liquor Dealer.' Association which
opened its annual convention here today,
issued an address to the people of the
United States in which the belief of its
members iu temperance is expressed,
obedience to the law endorsed, and the
work of the various temperance socie
ties commended and the statement made
tjiat intoxication should be considered a
The partnership heretofre existing be
tween J. L. Luis and Victor Johnson is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
J. L. Luis collects all bills and will pay
all debts. He will carry on the business
of the "Cash" at 1337 Franklin avenue,
Astoria, hereafter in his own right.
May 31, 1000.
01 fit.
Morning Astorian, 65 cent per month.
The A.loi luu prints all local news.
Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers Ed
wards and Fuller, were in the city yes
tcrday, inspecting the Volga. This ves
sel will be ready to take the place of
the R. Miler as soon as her passenger
certificate arrive. The federal inspec
tors also made official examination of
the steamers Melville. Rowena, and El
Hurd, yesterday.
A nice question is about to be brought
up for judicial settlement in the local
marine world, by the formal levy upon
certain steamers of the Callender Navi
gation Co.' fleet, which were owned in
in the State of Washington,' and regis
tered as of this port at the 'custom here.
The levy was made by Sheriff Thomas
Linville yesterday morning, in formal
fashion, in order to add that phase of
legal status to the claim of the county
in the matter going up for adjudication-
A regular communication of Temple
Lodge No. 7, A. F. & A. M-, will be held
at Masonio Hall oa Tuesday evening.
June 5, 1906 at 7:30 o'clock. By order
W, M. Attest: E. C. Holdcn, secretary.
The Royal Neighbors will give an
apron and fancy articles sale on Wed
nesday afternoon and evening, June 6th,
at Redmen's Hall. Refreshments will be
served. Everybody invited. 6-5-2t.
Fine hats at the Bonton Millinery
store, 483 Bond itreet. Mrs. JalofT,
milliner. tf.
One Piano Number Free with Every $5.00 Purchase.
BJo, Misted
It am no joke; it am the truth. My
Sunday-Go-to-Meeting Clothes looks
fine and dandy all de time -'Case Mr.
Wise he press 'em just as often .as I
like. All of Mr. Wise's customers kin
have their clothes pressed FREE at
any ole time.
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
At the Star Theatre
Club Cleaning and preing parlor;
suit, 60 ceuU. Tel. Black 2184. 72 9th,
1 lIMElfl-tt
1 and Thursday Only
Will be your last chance to see 100 pictures
of actual scenes during the year.
San Francisco Fire
jH n it- 1 i mill in I i hi ji jiiimll m i .,.,
BrMbdivtJy Cleaivcfcl mm
20-T.!ul8-Team pure Borax s!so clsansss Glass
ware, Earthenware, ail Table Unen, Cutlery, Silver
ware, Pewter; In fact Everything for the Table,
end cleans them Cheaply, Thoroughly and Quickly.
All dealers, or free sample and illustrated booklet for S cent
tamp, of Pacific Coast Borax Co., San Francisco, Cal
Pie-eiit aJdrcM Pacific Coat Dorax Co., Hacon liltlg., Oakland, Calif.