THE MORNING ASTORIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1900. Purely Personal By ETHLL FRAY Copyright, IWB. by Homer !prai:u 5 Stetaon rend tho advertisement for a second time. It was seldom thnt li read the personal column, usually plunging fttralglit Into the financial news, but this morning Podds had chatted with him until he was almost at bis destination, and his eye fell Idly upon the column. "Will the gentleman who saved th life of a youug woman ut Central aqua re yesterday afternoon please nend hla address to Grateful, box 512?" lie closed his eyes and with mental Tldlon he could see it all agnln-the automobile, the trolley car which pre ented escape and. above all, th piquaut little face lying limp against his shoulder. For 0 moment be wtt tempted to answer the advertisement. Twice during the day he (venned a note to "Grateful." but each time he tore it up in disgust. It seemed a pretty poor trick to be seuding his ad dress that he might be thanked. lie would like to look into those blue eye again wheu they were not dilated wltb terror, but he must w ait for some othei opportunity. The next morning the advertisement was repeated. He knew, because he turned to the columu the first thing. He smiled grimly as he thought of tin temptation of the day before. They could advertise until doomsday, but they would get no answer from him. It was almost with apprehension that he looked the third day, but his mild curiosity was changed to indignation. This time the persoual read: "Will the gentleman who saved the life of a young woman at Central square Monday afternoon kindly re turn her watch, and no questions will be asked? Grateful, x ."12." This, then, was why she had adver tised for his address. She believed that during the excitement he had rob bed her of her watch. And all the dreams he had dreamed in the past two days of those blue eyes brimming with gratitude looking Into his were but idle visions! He was sorry he had Men the advertisement He probably never would tee the girl, but it had been pleasant to believe that he had saved her. He hoped now that tie would never see her again. Several times in the course of the past year he had en countered her upon the street, and from the very first he had been inter ested. He was not exactly In love, be told himself, but very near It Now be would have to dodge if be saw her; be would have to slip Into some store or across the street. It would be in tolerable. He cut out the advertise ment and placed it in his pocketbook. As soon as the morning mail was disposed of he drew toward him a let ter head and wrote rapidly. Several sheets were destroyed before he finally decided that the letter would do, and before he slipped It into the envelope be regarded It for a third time. "Mr. Robert Hardy Stetson." it ran, "begs to assure 'Grateful' that she Is in error concerning the disappearance of her watch. Mr. Stetson would sug gest that 'Grateful' make application TRADE MARX (Bath Powder) BORAXO is the Hygienic, An tiseptic Cleansing and Whitening "20-Mule-Team" Borax combined with a Pure White Soap, and the delicate and lasting odor of fresh Violets; all ground to powder, which upon contact with hot water foams deliciously, makes the skin soft and white, and all at the cost of ordinary Toilet Soap. "An Individual Soap for Individual list" Large 12 i, sifting top tin costs only tie ttbc price oionc cake of good Toilet Soap). ALL DEALERS. Send tor free booklet, "Borax in the Home It Pacific Coast Borax Co., San Francisco, Cat Present address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Bacon Bldg., Oakland, Calif. fo the police. He Is ready to giro them aniplo proof as to his honesty and standing." The tiny business card lu the corner would give the address, and he flatter ed himself that the note would sen' Its purpose. It was given a boy to take to the newspaper ofllce, and the rest of the day Stetson divided his time mourning his dead and won dering what the girl would say when she read the letter. He fluttered him self that It was dignified and eminent ly calculated to reiulud her of her transgression. Possibly could be have seen the re cipient wheu she glanced over the formal Unas he would have boau sur prised, for, with ber face wreathed In miles, she nodded at the clerk. "You needn't put It lu again," aha aid. "Thank you, very much." Stetson scowled at the pale tinted note on his desk the following mom log. The girl could have no JustJflca don for ber suspicions, certainly none "I THOUGHT TOC MIGHT CALL THIS AKTER NOON," SHE SAID. that he would accept It was Imperti nent of ber to make answer to him. For ten minutes he turned It over und over before he slit the cover and drew forth the luclosure. He stared for a moment dumfounded at the opening lines, which ran: I "Miss Alice Everton Woodrow beg I to thank Robert Hardy Stetson for bis somewhat tardy answer to her ad vertisement. She begs to assure Mr. Stetson that she does not believe blm ta be a thief. His unwillingness to an swer the earlier advertisement led to the suggestion on the part of the clerk In the advertisement office that the amended form of iK'rsoual would be more likely to bring forth an answer. If Mr. Stetson will be good enough to call at i.'15 Auburn avenue he will nut only receive the grateful thanks of Miss Woodrow. but of her father, whe would le glad to meet the son of his old schoolmate." Stetson looked at his watch. He could not in decency call much before 4. It was only 10 now. There would be no use in trying to work when every letter was but a picture of a pair ol blue eyes set in a pieplant face and framed In golden bair. He had been trapped, but he was glad of it. He was especially glad tc know that she was willing to take such pains to find bim. It showed that she really did care and Justified hie earlier opinion of her. He wished that he could announce P general half holiday in the office, bul since this was not possible without ex planation he could at least take out himself. He was uptown at 11 and spent the rest of the time In pacing his room and deciding upon the important item of a necktie. He could scarcely wait until it was time to start and set out afoot that he might at least kill time that way. The servant showed him into the li brary instead of the drawing room. Miss Woodrow sprang from her easy chair by the open tire as he was an nounced and came toward him. "I thought you might call this after noon," she said as lie took her hand, "so 1 told James to bring you in here. I am so glad you have come. ' 'So am I," said Stetson promptly, "though 1 did not come to be tha.iked." "To meet father," she suggested de niurely. "I am afraid lie will not be In until li." "I don't miml waiting," said Stetson obligingly "Jiat is, unless I inconven ience you.'- "I shall be glad to have you wait," she said 1 cerely, "but please may I not thank y ,n't" "Rescues are sometimes their own reward," he smiled. "It was not very much of a rescue, anyway. I prob ably should not have noticed your pre dicament only" "Only?" she questioned, seeing that he was not going to continue. "Only well, for a long time I have been wondering who you were. You see, I've seen you very often and" He paused again. "So you have noticed me, too?" she said wonderingly. "How funny!" "You mean that you have that you did" He was distressingly confused. "I have noticed you often," she ad mitted frankly. "You seemed so dif ferent from so many of the men I know that 1 often wondered who you were." "Then it was not altogether because oXJour cratltude that you advertised?" he urged. Shu colored", but would not confess, though as she wag bidding him good by a couple of hours later he held her hand a tritle longer than Is per in It ted. "Won't you say that It was not alto gether through gratitude that you put In that personal?" he urged. The blue eye fell before the glow lu the ardent brown ones. "Perhaps not altogether," she whispered, "but that Is very purely personal." Rlrana; "Taa." Tea Is not always the fragrant bever age which cheers but docs not luebrl ate, and the name has curious appllca Hon. Ginger tea was once a most pop ular beverage. Cowslip and othei flowers and herbs, luclmllug camomile, thyme, marjoram, balm and mint, hav been used. Histories have made us fn miliar with the substitutes for tei which our Revolutionary graudmothen used after the tea from the Kast India company's ships was poured Into Hos ton harbor. Tea made from the leave of ribwort, strawberry plants and cur rant bushes, sage, thorougbwort am) other herbs wa9 drunk. So called "lib erty tea" was made from the leaves ol four leaved loose strife, while Hyperlot tea, according to n valuable chronieU of the time, was made from raspberry leaves and was said by patriots to hi very delicate and most excellent. Thi beverage may have tasted so to th patriotic palates, but many a colonlai dame must have longed If she had al lowed herself for the fragrant Hysot which she bad been accustomed to en Joy. The Light of the Moon. The moon is a mirror which reflect! the sunlight to us. An examination of moonlight with the spectroscope shows, of course, the same spectrum as that of sunlight. The quality of the reflec tion Is Indicated in the announcement that It would take no fewer than CIS. 000 full moons to supply to us an amount of light equal to that which wr get from the sun. and there Is only sky room for. say. T.Vhmi of them. The In Cllnation of the moon's orbit to the horizon accounts for the harvest and the hunter's moon, which occur when the tipping is slightest, thus permitting the moon to rise about the ve time for several successive evenings. The moon often appears inu-h enlarged wheu on the horizon, but this Is caused by the refractive feature of the air about the horizon and the natural tend ency to compare it with terrestrial ob Jeets. An Appreciative Man Was Mrs. Duzzit'i Hubbj 1 DEC LAKE," complained Mrs. Iu I tit, "I shall certainly have to pun- ish the chlldreu." "What have they lieeu tip to now?" asks Mr. Du.zit. "They have simply upset my sewing room. Nothing is where it should be. Needles, spools of thread, scissors, darning balls and everything have beeu poked away Into the most unexpected corners. I had to search ail afternoon to find a card of buttons. It is perfect ly exasperating!" "My dear, the children didn't do that 1 dld'it." "You? What possessed you?" "I thought I was doing you a kind Hess. After you straightened up the papers and books In my desk so beau tifully I thought it was no more than right that I should return the compli ment by putting your sewing room Id similar shape." Yea or So. "My good woman," said the learned Judge, "you must give an answer In the fewest possible words of which you are capable to the plain and sim ple question whether when you were crossing the street with the baby on your arm and the motor car was com ing dowu on the right side and the dog cart was trying to pass the motor car you saw the plaintiff between the car riage and the dogcart or the motor car and the dogcart or whether and wheu you saw him at all and whether or not near the carriage, dogcart and motor car or either or any two and which of them respectively or how It was." II lustrated Bits. How It Happened. "80 you are a hermit, eh? Well If you don't mind, kindly tell me how you came to adopt such an undercrowded and nonremuneratlve profession." "Well, you see, my auto broke down near here, and rather than endure the gibes and Joshes of the triumphant farmers of the neighborhood I took the machine to pieces, carried them to this cave and have remained here ever since trying to put them together again. Looks a trifle like rain off to the north east, doesn't It?" Woman's Home Companion. LAUNDRIE8. The Troy Laundry Tha only white labor laundry In th elty. Does tha boat work at reasonable prices and Is in every way worthy of your patronage. 10th and DUANE Sta., Phone 1991. cyMoooo(oooocrO(xyxxoooooooooocx)oooooooo THE UU SU i I Ul The supplying of auy want that may arise in domestic or couuuercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want lu the " Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astoriau. A necessity which may arise for buying or selling horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, real estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewrite thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help of any sort, or situation of any kind, to find lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodging or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; auy of these wants may be supplied by using the "Waut" columns of The Morning Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements OKI INSERTION ONE CENT A WORD THREE LINES THREE DAYS, 30 CENTS Count Six Words to a Line, o Cent a line a week. " SITUATION WANTED " For the benefit of persons out of em ploy meat, ads under tha bead of "Situs- q wuu itiQivu win m fiiuiwu hum uav nvw vi biw,i 000000000000000000000C)00000000CCKXXXX)000000CO WANTED. 1WAXC1I M.WACKHS WANTICD; -'' rash weekly; live nt home; , ri'-mv uuneeeury; no ranvandnj;; enrliw stump for partirular. Aluminum lliiitip'r "o rhattli'M. Minn. C : M. WANTED F1HK.MAN ; COol). un liable man; apply Central !or ami Lumber Co., Smith' Point. LOST AND FOUND. LOST-MOWN BEAD IT USE; UND cr enquire Astorian Office. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT -NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; iteam heated; new house. Apply at room 14, over the Bee Hive. NICE ROOMS AND BOARD FOR GEN tlemin and wife or single. Enquire Astorian Office, 4-M tf FOR SALE. FURNITURE, STOVES. CARPETS, etc, at lets than half price you have to pay elsewhere; we also buy and sell everything. Astoria Commision 4 Auc tion Co., 305 Commercial street FOR SALE-ONE SLIGHTLY USED Estey organ; worth $125; for ale cheap. A. Poutola, 1470 Grand avenue, Astoria. Ore. 5 31 -3t. FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS LOT of wire cable new and second hand, any length, pipe of any description and size, machinery to suit anybody writ for prices on anything; metal scrap Iron and all kind of junk and machinery bought and sold. Adress VI. Barde A Son, Portland, Oregon, lm. MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian office. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 Seventh street BROKERAGE. C. J. TRENCIIARD Real Estate, Insurance, Commission and 8hlpplng. CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER. Offloo 181 Ninth Street, Next te Justloe Offloo. ASTORIA, OREGON. NOTICE FOR PROPOSALS. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., May 23, 1906. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this offke until 11 o'clock a. m., June 10, 1906, and then publicly opened, for the construction of post exchange and bowling alley at Fort Columbia, WaBh. Full information will be furnished on application at this office, and at the office of the Quarter master, Fort Columbia, Wash. The U. S. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part there of. Envelope containing proposals should be indorsed: "Proposals for gymnasium and bowling alley at Fort Columbia, Wash.," and addressed to the Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Bar racks, Washington. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE ceived at the office of the Light House Engineer, Portland, Ore., until 2 o'clock p. m., June 29, 1000, and then opened for furnishing miscellaneous articles for the Light House Establishment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1907, com- MORNING ASTORIAN N prising: hardware; pipe, fitting, etc.; paints, oils, eU.; and lumber, In ac cordance with spi'clflcatloru copies of which with blank proposal and other information, may be hud upon applica tion to Lieut Col. S. W. RiM-lir, Corp of Engineers, U. S. A.. Engineer. 0 2 at. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OFFICE of the Supervising Architect, Wash ington, I). C, May 5, llKMJ.-Sealed pio posaln will be received at this office until 3 o'clock p. ni. on the 11th Jay of June, 11)00, and then opened, for the construction of a gangway at the Columbia River Quarantine Station, As toria. Oregon, in accordance with draw ings and specification, copiet of which may be had at this ofllce or at the office of the Custodian of the Columbia River Quarantine Station, Astoria. Ore gon, at tho discretion of the Supervis ing Architect JAMES KNOX TAYLOR, Supervising Architect BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cake, coffee, pie, or doughnuts, 5c, at U. S. Restaur ant. 434 Bond St Mon Fong' Restaurant Noodles and Chop Suey. MEALS OF ALL KINDS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 74 EIGHTH STREET BEST 15 CENT MEAL. You can always find the best 16-cent meal in the city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 612 OommercialSt. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. OSTEOPATH I STS. DR. RHODA C. HICKS OSTEOPATH Office Manse), Bid. Phone Black 2066 671 Commercial St., Astoria, Ore. DR. KATHYRN RUETER Osteopahio Physician Phone Red 2101 Hours : 0 to 12 and 1 to 6 3rd floor Bee Hive Bldg., Coml.St DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 524 Commercial Bt Astoria Oreson. Db. vaughan, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. 0000000000000000000000000000000000000009 ma niu La Dr. W. 0. LOCI AN KENTI81 78 Commercial Ht . Kbanalmu Ituildiug ATTORNEYS AT LAW. CHAS. II. ABERCROMBIE, Attorney-st-Law, (ii'tioritl Practitioner. Notary Public. Room 33 I'lmnc Main 2051. Page Hliick, Cr, t'tmiiiirreiiil A 12th St. 1 1 ! HOUSE MOVERS. KUKPHKCKSON' IH0S.We make a pvinlty of house moving, carpenters, contractors, general jobbing; prompt at tention to all orders. Corner Tenth and Dunne clrei-tn. HOTELS HOTEL PORTLAND Flneet HeUI In tha Northwest PORTLAND. QUI. WIMES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. I 4 BOND ST., I ASTORIA, OREGON 2) I Carries the Finest Line of I Wines, k Liquors 2; and Cigars I CALL AND SEE US THE SAVOY Popular Concert Hall. Good music All are welcome. Cor ner Seventh and Astor. New La Tosca a3 ASTOR STREET. I. N. VANCIL & CO, CHOICE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Furnished Rooms, Day or Night LOGGERS' HOME. ASTORIA, OREGON. Eagle Concert Hall 320 Astor St. The leading amusement house. P. A. PETERSON, Prop. Agency for Edison Phonographs and Gold Moulded Records. WOOD YARDS. WOOD! WOOD! WCOD! Cord wood, mill wood, box wood, any kind of wood (t lowest pricea. Kelly, tho transfer man. Thone aigx Main, Barn on Twelfth, opposite opera house. 1 1 CM BAR 1 m s 0 (tl