The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 04, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Sermons of
Rev. Gustaf V, Rydquist preached '
last night at the First Lutheran
Church. His theme was, "The .Spirit of
Joy and Teaee." He said in part:
"Christ speaks in the words of our
text of b peace which the world can
not give nor receive. A peculiar peace
therefor which it is well for us to try
to understand. It is not a peace due
to an indifference to everything that
prtains to life's higher ideals and
makes the heart seemingly calm. We
can speak of the joy and peace of our
theme in the first place a a condition
of the soul. The man whose past i-
not covered with regrets who is con
tented, and can look with patience and
hope to the future, is indeed in a state
of joy and peace. The world nuin seek
this equilibrium and harmony of the
kouI. but he mistakes the means for
. I
arriving to such a condition. Thi joy
and' peace is not won on the path of
worldly ambition, though this may be
an Ambition for honor and renown. The
honor of men is frail and in their praise j
do often mingle wort, of jealousy, 1
hatred and revenge Others gather
riches in order to find in them tins ,oy ,
and peace. Others seek it in carnal j
pleasures. But alas peace is not there.
J! iL. l :.,U,J ;n nor., lll-a
r ., 0 , 1 prospects. It is called Centralia, doubt
butterflies, now thev were here, now J .
1 . . lss because it is situated midwav lie
there, now over vonder, now no wliere. , .
. ' , I tween Heaven and Hell on the Northern
Alas they are gone; gone aiso is peace.
Storms and tempests are raging and
remorse is the awful storm-king reign
ing supreme. Natural man is- depend
ent upon conditions without for his joy
and peace and as changing as thee con
ditions are also his joy and peace. The
Christian is not dependent upon condi
tions for he has the spirit of joy and
peace incarnated in his own heart. He
is not indifferent to honor, for then he
would not be a man striving for higher
ideals. Words of encouragement are re
ceived with gratitude. But he is not
dependent upon these, for he hears a
roice in his own heart, a voice that ap
proves a good deed done, though no hu
man eye saw it. and no human voice
.was raised in its praises. This voice i
sufficient for him always. He is not
indifferent to good fortune, for he sees
in it the good will of Providence. He is
pot indifferent to innocent pleasure, the
pure joys offered by friendship and so
ciety. These are blossoms from a lost j
Eden. Each individual is an entity in
the great horao-eosmos. Each one has i
his place to fill, and if rightly placed he
will be in harmony and not in discord with
the whole. His influence is also there.
What this is we cannot judge. The sum
.total of your influence and mine will
be weighed out to us on the scale of
eternal justice. One thing is certain as
. ,. J ... , ,
vnnsuans we snouia not, De possesseu j
with the fighting spirit, but with the J
winning spirit of Jesus Christ which is I
Sl ' 1 1 1 , 1 1 1
joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.
LONDON, June 3. As the outcome of
the investigation ordered by the gor
ernment, a statement was issued today
on behalf of the Scotland yards that no
person known to be an anarchist has
left the British shores while the two
men concerned in the attack on Ring
Alfonso at Paris a year ago have been
for weeks under government observa
tion in London.
For a gooi share go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chain No long
is made in Oregon from
Oregon grown Bluestem
wheat. The best that
money and machinery can
make. That's all
.Willapa Harbor Pilot Seems to Know
Him Pretty Well.
Pr. Seth 0. Maker, a former popular
resident and practitioner of this city,
has again broke into the world of let
Ms, this time as editor of the Pessimist
at Seattle. If any one doubts that Dr.
Seth is 'a genius they may read a speoi-
nicii of his characteristic writing which
follows. This is reproduced not for the
purpose of assisting the snappy din-tor
in smothering one of the best towns in
the Mate, but to show his absolute
command of invective and the I'nited
States language in general:
Did you ever hear of Milpeta, IV
Ell. or Muckilteo? or IV11 Van. Ips
wich, or EskinoM
Perhaps you have not.
Milpeta is in California, and is noted
for Wing the birthphuv'of Mose Gunst.
P Ell and Muckilteo arc both in the
State of Washington, and the inhabi
tants are. tightwads who raie garlic
and live on spinach made from tops.
Pen Van is a Pennsylvania hamlet
where it is a crime to chew gum on the
Sabbath. Ipswich is in Michigan and
none of the inhabitants speak English;
and Eskinob is a village on the south
.w-.., jif u'tiAfM tllrt 0I11SA has
u u
the only town on the American continent
which has neither industry pride, nor
ravine railroad. The inhabitants are
white in colt but their characteristics
are mottled, piebald and pink. All
trains stop at Centralia so that the con
stable may go through and collect poll
tax. The, city revenues are kept up by
dog tax. bicycle tax, crap games, and
the ladies' aid society.
The town was discovered by Edgar
Willis Xye and was taken as a home
stead by a big nigger named George
Washington, in 1852. The town pros
pered until his death, when it became
the prey of politicians and preachers.
In the heart of Centralia there are
several hundred acres of fair grazing
and a large loosely-kept cemetery. Sev
eral persons now buried there are still
holding public office in tlie city. The
main street is. fcwol miles long, and
no structure over one story high. Therv
are a number of vacant store rooms to
let, adjoining the post office. The lead-
j ing citizens of Centralia are the Justice
of the Peace and the Town Bull.
There is no sewerage system in Cen
tral The fact also that many of the
leading citizen go barefooted, conveys
the impressions to strangers that the
place b dead. This, however, is not the
case. Any ordinary man who can stay
there three days and get away with his
linderelntlis. !a pntitled to have his nor-
. . , c. . .
trait in the Seattle Argus.
Among the inhabitants there is har
mony and co-operation. The .ever-welcome
stranger is the bone of contention;
and when the unwary stripling ventures
into their midst to traffic, he i pester
ed, pilfered and plucked until his gar
ments are threat-bare and his eye
teeth are six inches long.
. I have remarked that Centralia
found subsistence on the bodies of
those timorous persons who ventured
there to trade, because none go there
lor pleasure. To really enjoy life in
.that burg of cockroaches, fleas and bad
reputations, one should first live six
months beyond the Styx and go to Cen
tralia in armor. Personally, if it ever
comes to choosing between that louse
jnfested gravel bed and the home of
Satan, I say, give me Hell. Willapa
Harbor Pilot.
Local Option as Now Existing is
R. E. Moody, Leading Attorney of Port
land, Says That Present Local
Option Law it Unwise, Unfair,
and Dishonorable.
The following opinion relative to the
status of the breweiy here has been ren
dered by Attorney R. K. Moody of
Portland :
June 2, ISHHi.
W. E. Schimpff, Esq.. Astoria. Ore.
Dear Sir: I beg leave to Mibmit the
receipt of your recent favor in which
you uak my opinion as to what effect
it would have upon your brewery should
local option be adopted in the county or
the precinct in which your buewery is
Under Section 10 of the present local
.option law it is provided that if a ma
jority of the votes cast upon the ques
tion of prohibition in the county as a
whole, or in any subdivision in the
.county as u. whole, or in any precinct
in the county, are for prohibition, the
county court shall immediately make an
.order declaring the result of said vote
.and prohibiting the sale of intoxicating
.liquors within the prescribed limits.
And said section further provides::
."Thereafter it shall be unlawful to sell
or exchange or give away any intoxi
cating liquor within the territory in
cluded in said prohibition order, except
.as in this law provided."
The only exception provided in the
.law is that contained in Section 2 of
.the said law, which permits the sale of
pure alcohol for scientific or manufac
turing purposes, or wines for church
officials for sacramental purposes, and
the use of alcoholic stimulants as medi
cine in case of actual sickness, provided
.the same be upon a written prescrip- j
.tion of a regular practicing physician. 1
dated and signed .by him and certified '
on his, honor that he, the physician, has
personally examined the applicant, nam
ing him. and finds him actually sick ,
and in need of the stimulant prescribed
as medicine. And this section further
provides that when a druggist (ills this
prescription he shall at once cancel and
file the same and shall not be permitted
to sell more than once upon the said
. The sale or the giving away of intoxi-
Lcating liquors is absolutely prohibited in
a dry precinct except for these things
just enumerated.
I am, therefore, of the opinion that if
,the county or the precinct in which your
brewery is located should go dry t the
.coming election you would be prevented
from further transacting busincs. at
.that location.
It has been suggested by those that
are opposed to the adoption of the pro
posed amendments to the local option
law which amendments correct this
hardship now inflicted upon brewer
and wholesale liquor dealers, that under
.the present law the brewers and whole
salers could evade the provisions of Sec
tion 10 by establishing depots in some
,wet precinct outside of a prohibited
county and make their" sales from this
depot and not from the breweiy located
in the dry precinct, and that, therefore,
the law in this respect requires no am
endment. Thi might be true but it is
a subterfuge and any subterfuge that is
resorted to in order to defeat a plain
If You're
aud have never worn a suit of Hart, Schaffncr and Marx Clothes, you
have missed oue of the good things of life, namely:
In Your Dress Ideas It is just as cheap to be known as "A Good
Dresser" if you buy of us.
"Good Clothes for Men Who Know."
provision of law is both unwise and
dishonorable. The presumption would
always, be that a person would carry on
his transact ions at his usual place of
business, and should a proceeding be
.instituted which made the question ma
terial as to where the sle of your goods
.was made, the burden of proof would
V upon you to show that you ilid not
mtike the sale at the place the law and
business custom would presume you
to have it.
Yours very respectfully,
Johnson. Henry & Company are meet
ing with most encouraging success with
their meat cannery in N'ahcotta. It
would seem strange that a small con
cern with a limited output would com
plete with the big packiug plants of
the east, but it inn be done becausii of
the immeasurably superior quality of
the product of such eunneiic as that
of .Johnson, Henry Si Company. The
emlwlmed beef investigation of the
Spanish war opened people' eyes to the
fact that they might just as well cat
sawdust as to eat the ordinary canned
bee, because the meat packers had
taken all of the nutritive juices out of
the- meat before canning it to make beef
extract and canned wmp. The N'ahcotta
firm cans meat with all of its juices
after trimming off the superfluous fat
so that you get practically clear lean
meat and deliciously flavored. They can
it either spiced or plain. The linn con
sists of J. C. .Johnson, of Oysterville,
hix son tieorge and t lie N'ahcotta butch
er, William Henry.
Mr. Johnson, as has already been
stated by the Journal, had Wn can
ning meat for his own use fur thirty
years and the present plant is the na
tural outgrowth of it. Mr. Henry is an
expert meat cutter and is the active
The price, of their canned product is
a little higher than the beef trust out
put, but it in more tluin worth the dif
ference. Mr. Henry is now trying his
hand at canning corned beef. South
Ilend Journal.
Adjourns House Summarily in Order to
Avoid a Quarrel.
WASHINGTON. June 3 What might
have been a sertous parliamentary snarl
was dexterously avoided by the Speaker
of the House yesterday when Murphy
rose to present what he denominated a
privilege resolution. The conference
reports on the rate and statchod bills
had been made and ordered printed,
when Murphy presented a resolution re
scinding the action of the House in
sending the statehood bill to conference
and providing for a vote on the senate
amendment. Payne, leader of the ma
jority instantly made the point that the
resolution wa not priveligcd. The
speaker held the resolution not a privi
lege as the papers in the case were in the
senate. He said there was serious doubt
if the resolutions weite privilege even
if the papers were in the house. Confus
ion ensued, Murphy and a number of
democrats springing to their feet to
take exception to the ruling of the speak
er. Above the din Murphy wu heard
to say "Let's have a square deal, Mr.
Speaker. I appeal from the decision of
the chair," but the speaker" was obliv
ious to the motion for an appeal and ad
journal the house until noon Monday.
There is one thing that you can bank
on. The present day young women are
keener, brighter, and better looking and
mone self-reliant and less dependent.
They ake Hollister's Rocky Mountain
Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. Frank
Hart, Druggist.
Old Enough to Vote
This is the hour for the
broaching of the old, democratic
campaign artillco of approaching
lepublicaim with the story that
Tom. Dick, and Jack, republi-
, cans, are trailing, and swapping
4 certain leading republii-an noiiii-
ner for certain democrat ie
pininN in furtherance of ome
personal preference or party
4 scheme! The trick is an old one;
eisily seen, easily Iteiiten,
lie on guard, republicans, and
if a democrat approaches you
with such a tale, today, tell him
he lies; that hi party haa noth-
ing the republicans want; that
the sucker are all dead, and to
go to the Devil!
Tim republican tv,, on
the best aud cleanent ticket ever
put up in Oregon and in Clatsop,
and not a man of them it for
sale, or Ntcriucc, aud though
treachery may lie at a premium
in democratic circle there i
4 nothing to disturb, nor nullify.
the merit and personnel of the
republican ticket, today, from
governor to constable!
Be on guard, republican, until
your ballot is in the lxx, record-
ed, counted and declared,
Yesterday morning during high muss
at St. Mary's Catholic church in thi
city, the bluslertng and momentary gale
from the southwest which was iiolable
all over the city, struck that editlce
with singular force and iiddenncus.
Miss May Mugee, who was one of the
victims of the fearful disaster at San
Francisco in April last, was among the
worshipers, and was overcome by the
rigor of the wind' attack upon the
building, and fainted. It was one of
those unhappy reactionary effects that
are inscpaitible from such experience
as were Miss MageeV in that dreadful
place and time.
When chasing the butterfly of loveli
ness there is one thing to keep in inind
and that is, chase the right kind
beautifulness that come by taking Hol
lister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, Druggist
The regular express on the Astoria &
Columbia Itiver Railroad swung into the
city on time yesterday morning, with
eleven coaches comfortably filled with
excursionists for this city and Sea
side, and aggregating (100 people. They
came in the rain but found plenty of
sunshine and pure nir here and at the
ocean resort, a little later. These ex
cursions are getting to be very popular
and should be, for it is one of the most
lieautiful rides in all the northwest and
at a figure entirely nominal, and they
are thoroughly enjoyable at nil times.
TAXtilKR, June 3. Fighting lictween
the forces of the Sultan and Tretendcr
has lieen renewed. The Pretender bus
driven back the Sultan's troops inflict
ing considerable losses and also de
vastated the territory of the Loyal
Riff tribe.
HAMILTON, Rcrmuda, June 3. The
yawl Tamerlane, competing in the
Brooklyn Yacht Club's ocean race to
Bermuda for the Upton cup was. sight
ed at 11:30 this morning and crossed
the finish at 3:25 p. m. The Tamerlane
reports she has not seen the sloop
A plsee whers good groceries tr
kept, I good placs to buy. Duy of us
nd you will buy good goods,
arriving daily.
A shipment of frwh vegetables Jus
Phone Main Ml
023 Commcreis! St
Laser Beer"
on draught and in bottles
Brrwcd tndrr Military condition ad
prop! 1 7 nwl right nere In Astoria.
North Pacific
Brewing Co.
June Time
White Goods
is at its height
Our unexhaustible stock of good
things to choose from. Be one of our
Summer Shoppers
J)0 t5he
S ! 'JI M',' '&