The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 03, 1906, Image 5

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    SUNDAY, JUNE 3, igfl.
Our Groceries
Art satisfying hundreds of steady pi
troni and now ii a good tint for you to
become one. BEAR IN MIND that we .
are headquarters for STRAWBERRIES.
Out of Danger, liny Mutton of ( ( h
lauiel in now reported tn li nut of tin it
ycr. Ill Iuik been III for some t i 1 1 1 nil It
H IMlTl' ill (if llllMHlMliOllill,
Glory Papers Out. County Clerk J.
C, ( linlciii f( ri!u issued n itmrrlage
li'Mi In favor of Mi. (IihiI'H A.
IVdge and Mb Annie Wright and Die
young people eie joined ill wedloek by
ltev. I.. .1. Trumbull o( th I'lul lliipli.t
For the Childran.-A very enjoyable
outing wa indulged in yesterday ifler-
noon by tb? young people if roomt 2, 3
and ft. of tin Mii'lun school, the pupil
of the lttr two rooms being the giients
of room No. 2, lth tin teacher of each
in attendance. V party nt to the
granny glades ut th Young's Jtiver
bildge, and a genuine picnic, was tin
urd r the day, -mi 1 happy day It
Coming Events Catt Their Shadows
Before.- a1 evening fiovernor Cham
berlain on Ma rturn from Seaside,
hre he had prnt lh afternoon, wai
met at the truin and escorted to I he
Occident Hotel l.y Coroner William I'olil.
Ilr in the evening Coroner I'olil when
Interviewed on the subject, ald that he
had completed natiftfiietory arrangement
for the funeral which will Ink place at
tha poll on Monday. The obsequiea will
be generally olerved throughout the
Deedi Filed Yesterday.-- Among the
instrument filed (or record at the
county clerk's oflW yesterday, were the
following deed; The t'nited State to
Hermann Kuhnt, hy patent, 156 acres
in e. to 2S. T, H. 1" W. A. M.
Smith and wife to I.. M. Dow, warranty,
125, lota 5. . 7 and H. in block 12.
Hill's Second Addition to f.k-ean Orove.
lna II. (iilinor- to tins. Mlebrodt. war
ranty, ftMK), acreage property in Clatop
Smoke 1 good cigar and good tobacco,
you can find them at Howe 4 Cowan's,
420 Commercial street, opposite Slier
manV 0 1 2t.
Vanilla, Strawberry,
Pineapple and Chocolate
Orange and Strawberry
We find that fresh and
are the only kind that
give satisafction.
If you think
the same order from us.
118 122 Twelfth St., Astoria, Ore.
Tour of the World. Next Tuesday
evening In tliif t'ppertown hall tha ltev.
Pram-ia Alleyne will lecture on 11 tour
of h world, The admission la twenty
live rent a. --3t.
Results Not Received. -W. II. Mae-Im-Hi
received telegram last night saying
tlmt In the (iregfinian subscription con
teat, reoprta from Jiaker City, Pocatello,
HuttB and Hpokane are delayed, and tha
result l tlM iefoie not yet known. 41-3-11
Gts Gold Fish. A number of the
flaherinen of Tniontown lut night at
the nn-eting in Suomi Hall, preaented
Covemor Chamberlain with a gold aut
umn watch charm a a token of their
eateem. The meeting at Huoml ball had
a K'whI att-ii'liince.
Orders in Probate Judge Tremhard,
it ting for probate of mutters yesterday,
made the following order. Approving
the Dual account of Hulvor Jedne, aa
administrator of the .tate of Andrew
Klickaoli, deceaaed, exonerating hia
houdaincn, and dix barging the dminia
tratr from further duty and reaponai
Rapublians at Knappa.-All the re
publican county candidate went to
Knappa laet night where they held a
moat enthiiMnatic meeting. Speeches
were made by all tlie candidate, and the
hall wa crowded with loyal republican.
Indientiona point to large republican ma
jority in this part of the county.
New Engine House. The city council
committee 011 public property have made
arrangement whereby they have secured
the uae of a lot 41 by 75 feet between
Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets on
Commercial xtreet fur the location of a
new engine hou. The next meeting of
the city council will probably s-e an ordi
nance paaaed empowering the committee
to lca the property, and then the en
gine houe will le immediately erected.
Baseball goods at Svenson'a.
Basic Work Done Mi r. Tergu-on Jl
Houston, the contractor, have complet
ed the driving of the n"() pile for the
foundations of the Aatotia Saving Hank,
at the coiner of Eleventh and Exchange
street, and the sturdy little engine and
driver has been diuiautled and hauled
away. Early next week the m-xt step
in the construction of the bi wrk for
the building will be undertaken, and
there is nothing to hinder nor delay the
full work of construction.
From Eastern Oregon. State Fish
Warden II. 0. Van Pusen returned last
night from a trip through Eastern Ore
gon. He states that Pendleton and the
entire section is in a terrible condition
on account of the recent floods, and
trnfllt! is completely suspended on the
railroads. To get out of I Grande, Mr.
Van Pnsen was compelled to drive to
Pendleton and thence to Wallula Junc
tion, where he caught the Spokane Flyer.
In speaking of the political outlook In
Eastern Oregon, Mr. Van Duon said that
the sentiment was overwhelmingly in
favor of Withyeombe for governor and a
conservative estimate placcB his major
ity over Chamberlain at from three to
four thousand in Eastern Oregon alone.
Placed Under Arrest. On a warrant
from the federal authorities in Indian
territory, charging him with illegally
.bringing liquor into the territory, the
local police yesterday arrested Claude
.Watt at hi home in Aldcrbrook. A
federal officer is now on bis way here,
and will take Watts back to stand trial.
WatU was arrested while living in Salli
Jaw, Indian Territory, on the above nam
ed charge, and released on $200 bonds.
.Upon hi release he fled, coming with his
wife and two children to this city, where
.he hits been employed as engineer in
the Tongue Point Lumber Company. In
speaking of the affair Watts stated that
lie lived near the boundary lino between
the territory and Arkansas, and one
time when he had occasion to be in
Arkansas, on hi return he brought with
him two bottles of whisky, intending to
use. it at home. In someway however
lie was detected by the fwleral author!-j
ties and placed under arrest and charged
witli bringing liquor into the territory
contrary to the statutes.
Concert. Mr. Ferguson's Sunday
whool ('IllM Wl f I v. a concert at tllfi
First .Methodist Cbiirib on next Friday
itvenlug in which the best talent in tint
city will n"l".
I Hnl rrnnlon Stuff. -1'l.r tli lirill-f
mid hurt of leetlon day or any other
diiy, ue At wood's .F.lcctifc Oil, the lieit
liniment, for sale at Frank Hurt'i drug
More, onMl Foard 4 Moke.
Baseball Came. This afternoon the
Shamrocks will meet the ball toaaitrs
rom Port Columbia on the A. P. -'
grounad iind a hard and interesting eon
est Is 2,i cents and ticket me on sale
at the I 'a luce cigar store.
From Frisco -tieorge Hume of thi
city ivloriied yesterday from San Fran
cisco where he re-established bU office,
and Is now ready for business there.
He state that things are yet in a some
what diorganied state.
Farewell Sermon.Today Itev. W. 8.
fiiliu preaches in Astoria for the last
lime as pastor, having aewpted a call
ti the pastorate of the church at Delta,
Colo. Iiev. (irim's departure from this
city will bo viewed with regret by hi
many friends here, who wish him the
beat of silcceaa ill hia new field.
Has Been Appointed. The Fourth of
duly Committee has duly appointed I
E. Selig, of this city, it general secre
tary, and no la-tter selection could possi
bly have been made, lie will give Intel
ligent and unremitting attention to the
affairs of the committee, and his reports
will be models of correct and timely in
formation tint ii the final day and hour
of work in behalf of the jolly two-day
Fire at Warrenton.-Fi:day evening
the large barn at Warrentm, the prop
erty of the D. K. Varrn estate, caught
on fire through an unknown agency and
wa completely destroyed, unfailing a
property loss of $1500. There being no
fire protection other than the Im
promptu Are brigade formed from work
men in the mill nearby, the barn could
not be saved, though the residence of
,Mr. I). K. Warren and the cattle stable
adjacent were protected from the flames.
The delicate art of frescoing Is only
learned by years of hard tutelage un
der expert masters. Mr. I.indquist of
the Eastern Painting & Decorating Co.,
75 Ninth street, has spent years in the
best shop of the east and is proficient
in the art of decorating and frescoing.
1 Union Meeting There will be a Union
TemMTance meeting of the Young
People's Societies of the different
churches thi evening at the M. E. Church
at :30 o'clock. Pcv. W. S. Gilbert will
lead the meeting. Special music is pro
vided. A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
Painting the Depot. The A. & C. peo
ple have stained a force of men to paint
ing the handsome depot structure, and
it, i- a timely and appreciable move.
There will be three coat of good lead
nd oil put on, leaving it of a grayish
ellow, a soft and pleasing tone to the
hole prospect down there. There were
number of traveler who took pains
vesterdav to carrv away certain irradi-
cable mementoes of the enterpri- of
the company, on their dresses, coats and
hats, and such other protruberant por
tions of their clothing and anatomy as
were convenient for the purpose.
F. F. Hall of Portland is in the city
on a business trip.
Mis Julia Hatch arrived from Port
land yesterday morning.
A. Levy of San Francisco was a busi
ness sojourner in the city yesterday.
C. A. Stone of Portland was !n the
city yesterday and domiciled at the Irv
ing. Lucicn Reiss of San Francisco is in
the city on business, a guest at the
Hotel Occident.
Mis L. Cotter arrived from Portland
yesterday noon and is a guest of her
uncle, Ex-Police Chief E. Hallock.
Miss Grace Lowry, who has been visit
ing relatives in this city for the past
few weeks left last night for her home
in Portland.
Stuart Smith, bookkeeper for C. H.
Cooper of this city, arrived home from
San Francisco on the steamship Co9ta
Rica yesterday. He reached the Bay
City the day after the dreadful quake.
George W. Hume is in the city from
Oakland, Oil., and quartered at the
Hotel Occident. Mr. Hume reports that
business maters are slowly, yet surely,
taking definite shape in and about San
Francisco, his own big interests there
included, and that in a few months, the
merchants and others at the head of big
and little concerns will know pretty well
where they stand and prepare, with as
surance, for a new. start and new deal
all along the line.
Costa Rica Arrives Up From the
Bay City.
Handsome Motor Launch "Helen" Here
From Portland on Maiden Trip
Telegraph! Swift Run Today
Sounding on the Bar.
The motor yacht, Helen, of Portland
arrived In thi port at 1:20 o'clock yes
terday morning after an eight-hour night
run from the metropolis. Thi was her
maiden voyage and she had on board her
ow ner, T. X. Stopnbach. a well known
busines man of Portland ,and nine of
his guesta, to-wit! Messrs. Frank W,
Arris. W. H. Chapin, C J. Crook, W. B.
Glafky, Chart Glafky, K. L. Durham,
If. K. Uwis 0. F. Graves and Charles L.
Ma stick, who constituted a crew of one
admiral and ten captains. The cargo
j left to the imagination of all inter
ested, the only voucher necessary In
the premise being that it wa ample
a to quality and quantity. The trip
wa made without a hitch of any tort
and the beautiful little craft behaved
splendidly. She U built as to hull of
Port Orford cedar with oak framing
and polished mahogany interior finish,
with plenty of brass to et her off. She
is forty feet long and seven feet beam,
and is equipped with a fine Eastern
Standard motor engine, of 18 indicated
horse-power and an actual power of
twenty-five. She was built at the yards
of O. F. Grave, at Portland, and is
purely a pleasure boat, and will afford
plenty of genuine amusement and re
creation for her owner and tho who
have the good fortune to be his guests.
One very pleasant incident that preceded
her departure from Portland was the
investiture of the boat with a beautiful
dual set of chafing dishes suitably in
scribed with the name of her genial
owner and of the craft, and signifying
that the costlv apparatus came from the
"Gang," as hi- special group of friends is
styled about the city greeting old
friends and making new ones, and will
leave back at some convenient hour this
The handsome lighthouse tender Co
liimbine returned to this port at 2:15
o'clock ye-terday afternoon, from her
trip to Ala'kan waters with Major
Roessler. She luisjieen away one month
snd two days; and made a complete run
to all the stations and towns on the
great peiiin-ula as far as Skagway in
speeting condition-, dealing out supplies
and fuel everywhere they were needed
Superb weather followed the ship the
entire voyage, not evn fogs interfering
with her progress. All hands are well
on lioard and no serious sickness was
encountered at any of the station.
Captain Richardson reports the delivery
of 12.000 gallons of water and twenty
five tons of coal, to the Umatilla light
ship, or Xo. 76, as she is known on the
official records, and that all hands on
board were well and hearty when he left
them. Major Roessler left the Colum
bine at Seattle.
The steamship Xumantia is due down
today from Portland, en route to Kobe
and Xagasaki, with an immense cargo
of general merchandise.
Later. The big Xumantia arrived
down from Portland at nearly midnight
last night, and went to an anchorage off
the city. She will get despatch for
China sometime during the day.
T.i governiM"1 taraer Araga. Cap
tain Buchanan, m .vck'I he yoster
diy a'ternoon tew Lours. Captain
Uotia."'iu says : o;c: of the de
partment are making sorties to the bar,
between storms, now-a-days, and doing
the preliminary work of the formal sur
vey of that great battier.
The swift steamer Telegraph will
make a record run today from Portland,
leaving there with her excursionists, at
8 o'clock thi morning, and starting
back from here at 3 in the afternoon,
on the dot .with no landing en route,
The steamship Costa Rica was the first
bottom to cross the Columbia bar yes
terday, coming in at 4 o'clock a. m. with
a good list of people and plenty of
freight on board. She went on to the
metropolis about 9 o'clock.
The 0. R. & X. steamer Hassalo was a
couple of hours behind her schedule in
gestting away for Fortland yesterday
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One Piano Number Free
It am no joke; it am the truth. My
Sunday-Go-to-Meeting Clothes looks
fine and dandy all de time 'Case Mr.
Wise he press 'em just as often as I
like. All of Mr. Wise's customers kin
have their clothes pressed FREE at
any ole time.
Hermsim "Wis
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Portland's well-known Imperial Ho
tel, owned by the Imperial Hotel Co.,
la now under the personal manage
ment of Its president, Phil. Metschan,
Imperial Hotel
iVshlngton and Serenth Sts,, Portland, Ore.
vhose magnetism and personality has
von for this popular hostelry many
rlfnds In the past few years. Mr.
detschan has just closed a lease for
Republican Candidate For Sheriff.
Merritt R. Pomeroy, the bright and
capable young republican candidate for
the shrievalty of Clatsop county is one
of the surprises of the local political
world. He has swung to the front of
this campaign with celerity and con
spicuousness that is remarkable in men
when they are as new to political ven-
tures as he; and it is infinitely to his
credit that his personality and good
name has done for him so substantially.
He will make one of the best officers
ever trusted with responsibility by
Clatsop, and will do honor to the party
hat nominated and elected him. Stand
by him until the last gun is fired tomor
row night. He will repay you abund
antly in the near future, by a service
adequate, incorruptible and compensating.
mm I 1
with Every $5.00 Parclmsc.
a period of five years, and has made
improvements throughout the building
which make the Imperial a hotel see
end to none in the Northwest
The rooms, including
the spacious ladies' parlor
have been improved anC
re furnished, and In a num
ber of them private bathJ
have been added. The
plumbing throughout Is ol
the best. The dining room
which heretofore has been
on the parlor floor, has
made way for additional
bedrooms. The new din
ing room Is now being fit
ted up on the main floor
in the store directly ad
joining the ladies' lobby,
and will also be undei
new management. An en
trance, will lead from the
lobby direct into the din
ing room. The office and
men's lobby have also un
dergone important Im
provements, and the cafe
is strictly tip to date,
proving a men's resort
eoual to the finest in the
land. The hotel will be continued by
Mr. Metschan on the European plan,
at rates from $1 up. Advance reserva
tions may be made by letter, tele
phone or telegraph.
The popular clerks, Douglas R.
Ladd and Harry Hamilton, continue
their services with the new manager.
Whoever the citizen may be, within
the borders of Clatsop county, who de
sires to see the court house built, with
judgment and success and within the
limitations of the peoples' moneyj who
desire to see the dignity of the county,
judgeship maintained and amplified;
who desire to know and feel, that his
interests are not being frittered away
in the hap hazard fashion that has pre
vailed for the past four years; that
wants to be ably, honestly, and man-
j fully represented in the highest office
within the gift of the people, and see his
every right and fram-hise scrupulously
guarded, let him vote for the cleanest
and best equipped man on the tickets
now before the people, J. A. Eakin, re
publican nominee for that office. Xo
vote east tomorrow will yield so much
of downright value to the taxpayer of
this county, as that cast for Mi1. Eakin.
Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avenue
and Eleventh street. European plan;
best rooms and board in the city at rea
sonable prices; free bus.
For Infants and Children.
Tha Kind Yon Have Always Bought
Bears tha