The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 01, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JUNE i, toofl.
Our Groceries
Are satisfying hundreds of iteady pa
trons ami now li good time (or yon to
become on. BEAR IN MIND that we '
art headquarter for STRAWBERRIES.
Kitti'' school--f iN M. V, Kecne,
teacher j Kllicd Mtnlgf',' Kdward Nture.
Hvi'HMtii mhmil Mi Hhtr Ander
win, teacher 'Jlliini Coif,
Initial Entry.-CliiUtliin Willi-ner.
nutivc uf (ii-niiaiiy, llli-il hU ilciliinition
of iiitiliim iu tlx- mailer of American
-l'lllli)l, wltll tlit ClMlllty lflk
Big Wire Broke Tin- A-lmii Kl.cliir
Ciiiiiimiv' liljj trolley viie iiu Pi'1! '''
tfiiluy iniiiniii;', mill for about tin re
hour delayed ttii full (HiNtiiui of (lie
in, ut cat on out. mTtiort of it, to
( nt wnl.
There will be a Iiihm'1 ntl? rally at
the Star theatre, Friday night, June 1.
at 0 o'clock, Speakers Jam" Harvey
ttraham, candidate for pongre. T. 0.
Hailry, for uirciti judge and John
Maning. pra.eeuting atteorney of Port
land. All are invited to attend by order
of liiio,iatiii Committee.
Elect Officers. - I. at niht Ik-aver
hxjc So. 3.1. I. O. (I, F met and elected
nlliiTi. a fulliiu: Noble Ciand, V. A.
fiiwKlin; v Ire (fi and, ('apt. ut Allder
uti; erretnry. Olof Andemtin; treas
urer, f. M Vrl((lit. II tliceu i'l !
Installed at tli" tltxt meeting in July.
Hold Meeting. 1 In- Woi ' ftelief
forpn, nmiliiiiy to the tirand Army,
will hold a mx'ial and mile on Moiuluy
.lime 4th, afternoon ami evening. lie.
fre-hnieiiU ttill lie irved. Tin ocinI
will he hi hi next door to Itobilismi's
furtiittire tre. The jirweedt of thi
M'iu will he devoted for general re
lief. 5 314.
Opn Bide.-The itrcet eoniinitlee of
the rily council yeterday ojtened hid
for improving Kleventh lreel from lliir
rinm to Kennlngton aviinie, and for
the improvement of Ihmd treet frui
Ninth t Sixth trert. Only one hid
who Milmiitted for the Kleventh "trcet
impi'iivenienl, that of W. A. (iiMidin for
SiTHri.tiii, which wax Urn name in the sur
Vi Voi'h ftimate. The Howl street im
provement leeeived two liidn, one from
E. A (Jerdinjf for l2(t', mid one by Dill
4 Young for fl!MI!. The surveyor's c
tiniule wan fVI'.Ml. The committee will
reeon ml that the lovvct bids be ac-
Ci'pted hy the council.
We find that fresh and
are the only kind that
give satisafction.
If you think
the same order from us.
h il ii ii n
118-122 Twelfth St., Astoria, Ore.
Will Make it Serviceable The old
HtoieriMim jiml went of the Fin I MeUio.
dUt chinch, on Kxebang stivel, the
IIOMTty of llelljlllllill Young, will short
ly he thoroughly overhauled and made a
liiiiiilonii a iid com fort aide atoro for the
oet-iipancy of u hoimwu-ver Khali elect to
lake it. He inteniU to remodel it and
put in a hiimUoiue front, mid make It
ijiiite in nice an any phi' of biilw of
lt ixi In A'toria. A good many land
lordn could do likcwie to the embellish
meiit of the city and the expansion of
their In'-oniei.
Titles That Change-The following In
truni'iit were tiled at the county
(deik' ollicc yeterduy, In addition to
the vnrloiia other of p'culiar and trail
itoiy nature, mich a mortgage-, chat
tel., hill of nale, etc., twit: A, Welch
and C. H. Khodes to the Willamette Val
ley Company, coiiMderation, II, convey
ing th franehl-e and rifc'htu of the Sea
side Meet r lc (ompmy. Anna Scaborjr
t,i Thoma Witlw-r., warranty, !Hl, llf
teen ilile. ill section 12. T. 7 K., It. I"
V. The t'llited State to K. Ton
iii), patent, for H, K, quarter of wclion
I. T. 5 N.. H. W.
The Delayed Train, It in ao umiMinl
a thiiur for the n-hedule of the A'toria 1
Columhiu I'.iver Hailroad Company to be
iliturhed, id" from a few momenta ar
rearage tin time, that when the train
of vc.terdav, due from Portland at 11:35
a. in. we reported two and one-half
hour late, public curiosity waa sadly ex
cited, ami in order to ascertain the
exact cause, a reporter went direct to
Superintendent Manure, of the road, the
moment he reached the city. Mr. fc-
(iuire promptly informed the scrilie that
for weeks the company had had in con
templation the repairing of the bridge
over the Itynearson Slough, six miles
thlr side of Kainier, and a it waa one
of the thr' important bridges on the
avstem and n-uuired a given amount of
good work, the company had made a..
arrangements for th. doing of th' v.orK
on the longest stretch of time between
trains that the schedule offered; and to
that end had nil the mnterinl ami men on
the ground lat Wednesday night and the
instant that the Poitl.ind-bound express
had passed, the gang swung into the
big task of inserting an immense cord,
nixteen inches by twenty-four inches by
sixty-four feet in length, in the stiuc
tiliv, and the doing of this big job was
what held up the main train on its way
to thin city yc-terduy. Ho had hoped
to get the bridge clear before its ar
rival, but even with all the workmen
that could Mand on the bridge, and with
swift and expi-rt work he was unable to
do any better, and do a thorough piece
of work.
Hotel Irvine European plan. The
only steam-heated hotel in Astoria; large
and airy rooms; prices from 50 cents to
I1.50; well prepared and daintily served
meals at as cents. Special rates per
week or month for room and board to
permanent guests. Our bus meets all
trains and steamboats.
That School Was Inadvertantly Over
looked On Yesterday.
By aome inadvertence the following
number contributed by Shively school
to the 0. A. R. program at Odd Fellows'
Hull were omitted in the Astorian'a re
port: "Rest, Xoblu Heroes,", a song
words composed by Prof. J. W, McCoi
mac, was sung by the following pupils
from rooms V. end IV. Chryatnl Bussing.
Helen Pain, Virginia Peterson, Hazel
Monroe, Viola Crang, I.cola Ball, Celia
Ackernmn Sophia Onstnfson and Jennie
Anderson j "Just as the Sun Went Down"
sung by Hurold Mastcn, Mamie Folleit
and Lennore Nelson, rooms 2 and 3, and
a class from room 1, who sang and recit
ed a memorial exorcise. Those who
recited were Jack Welch, Fred Keating,
Ora , McCormack, and Douglas Fcrrall,
all children or grandchildren of G. A. R.
comrades who were present.
A complexion fair men like to see,
So girls take this advice,
Don't hesitate to think it o'er,
Drink Rocky Mountain Tea.
Frank Hart, Druggist.
Alliance Leaves for Eurekd With
Good Patronage.
Princeton Leaves for Metropolis to Join
Flagship Britiah Steamship Dul
wkh Due Saturday Docks
and Dockmen.
The steamer Alliance arrived down
from Port land yesterdiiy morning at an
caHy hour, well laden with a general
cargo for Coos Hay and F.urcka, and
after taking on llfteeu ton. more at the
Cullender pier hr. hihI the following
mimed passengers, left nut for sea;
Henry Hocck, Kmilo Kintla, Andrew
Johnson. I. Selioniv mid J. Imderbach,
for Marsbfleldi and M. Stain and W, C.
Kink, for F.urcka.
The teanien Telegraph got down on
her time yesterday and left up at 2:.'W
with a fair list of ieople and a bunch of
freight. While she wa at her berth
liere unloading, one of her crew had the
misfortune to have a truck laden with
beer kegs get away from him and jam
him heavily a gainst the lip.wall. hurt
ing him so severely, that Dr, Fulton,
who w summoned, ordered him to St.
Mary's Hospital, where, though no honea
wi re broken, his injuries could lie prop
erly cared for.
Tha Harvest Queen came down the
river vesterdav afternoon with the
schooner Virginia on her hawsers and
went to the lower bay for an anchorage,
wlo-nce the Virginia will get the quickest
xiible despatch today on her voyage
to the California coast.
Contractor I-heck at sundown yester
day had eight bents in the ocean on
the famous deep-water pier being erected
at Seaside bv Mr. Moore of the Moore
house. This is the first ocean pier ever
constructed on the raw toast of Ore
gon, and it is the hope of everyone that
it may "live long and pro-per."
The British steamship Dulwich left
F.squiiiialt. B. C, on Wednesday after
noon for this port and Portland, and will
probably arrive in on Saturday or Sunday.
Baseball goods at Svenson's.
Successful Program Rendered by Chil
dren of Spikanon School.
Notwithstanding the grey sky and
Oregon mist, on May 2!th, a large aud
ience of patrons and friend- gathered at
the Skipiilion school lioii-e, to listen to
the graduating exercises of the eighth
grade class.
The teacher. Miss K. V. Hess and her
pupils had tastefully decorated the
school room, with Mowers of the season.
The noon train brought Rev. W, S.
Cilbcrt and Miss Kmma C. Warren,
county school superintendent from As
toria who assisted in the exercises.
After they had partaken of a toothe
some luncheon and xvalked about the
school grounds which are beautiful, be
ing almost surrounded by the "forest
primeval." giving the children an ideal
playground, both in storm and sunshine,
the bell called the school to order.
A carefully prepared program was
given which showed that teacher and
pupils had not Ix-cn idle during the
past month.
Mr. Gilbert in his address proved to
the entire satisfaction of" hi audience,
that pupils who attend school regularly
earn ten dollars per day. A problem
worthy the consideration of every one.
The next iu order was the presenta
tion of diplomas by Miss Warren. The
graduating class consisted of the fol
lowing members. "
Fred Chndwick, Carl W. Drilling, Faye
, Hill. Miner A. Juhr. Penile W. Kd-
I ley, Kstelle B. Olsen.
The speakers were tendered a vote ot
thanks after which all joined in singing
America" and were dismissed with
nedictton by Rev. Mr. Gilbert.
Miss Hess, is oiie of the best teachers
Oivgon and has taught the Spikanon
school for six years.
Children Who Passed.
At the examination held in Clatsop
county, May 17-18, 190, the following
pupils passed the eighth grade
Spikanton school Miss E. V. Hess,
teacher; Pearlc W. Kelley, Miner A.
Juhis, Curl W. Drilling, Kstelle B. Olsen,
Fred Chndwick, Faye A. Hill.
Hammond school 0. B. MeCluskey,
teacher; Alberta Chinille.
Seaside school J. W. Allen, teacher;
May Wood, Winnie Gardner, Eatnn Mad
den, Ethel Hull.
0000 0000000000000
0 0 000000000000000
, K, Mayo of Portland Is In -the city a
guest at the Hotel Irving.
J. (J, Myers of pleasant Hill, ariived
in the city yesterday and will be here
several days on business,
' Charles Dubois, the venerable Seasid
es is In the city in attendance upon the
big rally luaded by Governor-to-be
Hon, .Tame Witbycoinb of Corvalli
is iu the city and domiciled Ht the Oc
cident, Hon. Willis H. Diinniway of Portland
the next state printer of Oregon, was a
guest at the Hotel Occident yesterduy.
C. H. Poole of Boston arrived in the
city yesterday mi a biisines trip,
C. H. Watson, Slade Taylor and Ferris
Taylor, the lively singers for the cam
paign orators if the , republican hosts,
were registered at the Ovhlent yester
day. ..
D. , Carruthers of Spokane was a buai
lies visitor here, yesterday.
T, S. McCarthy of Des Moiuen came
down from the metropolis on the noon
train yesterday.
V. A. Melville of Scranton, Penn., vis
ited this city on business.
C, K. Moreland of Sacramento spent
the day here yesterday on business.
G. K. Lockwood arrived here yester
day from Pendleton on a business trip.
C- G, Oswald of Los Angeles was a
passenger on the noon express from Port
land yesterday.
R. J. Mattoon of Chicago was doing
business here yesterday.
I!aleigH O'Brien of Portland was a
business visitor in the city yesterday.
T. F. Connover of Houston, Texas, ar
rived here yesterday on a drumming
F. K. Caldwell of Aberdeen was in
the city yesterday on business bent.
Dr. Tuttle has returned and will now
ls found at his office.
C. D. Malarkey of Hillsboro came down
on the 11:35 train yesterday and tran
sacted business for a few hours, return
ing on the evening express.
Special meating of the Cooks and
Waiters' Union to be held on Friday,
June 1, 1906, in the Union Hall on Bond
street, at 2:30 p. m. Important busi
ness to be considered. All members are
requested to be present. Signed,
5-31 -2t.
The biggest mUlinary sale ever of
fered. All the hats at the Elite Milli
nery Store in the Dr. Ball's building on
1 Commercial St., across the street front
J Budget office. Must be sold before the
1 first of June, and will be told at cost.
' TAtif tntsiai ffifa Anfnr ttnff a awtftfvi
a good hat cheap.
Finest candies, best teas, canned
goods, fresh fruits and eggs at Howe &
Gowan's, 420 Commercial street, oppo
site Sherman's. 5-29-3t.
The very best board to be obtained in
the dty ia at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
In the spring the young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love. The
good housekeeper's to housecleaning. The
thrifty housekeepers can find the best
materials and expert workmen in the
papering, painting and artistic frescoing
line at the Eastern Painting & Decorat
ing Company, 75 Ninth streets
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all
manner of teridermy. furniture uphol
atering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and a-1 worl
Fine hats at the Bonton Millinery
store, 483 Bond street. Mrs. Jaloff,
milliner. tf.
The-fashionable milliner, in the Star
Theater building, is the best place to
buy your summer hat.
Tho partnership heretofre existing be
tween J. L. Luis and Victor Johnson is
this day dissolved by mutual consent.
J. L. Luis collects all bills and will pay
all debts. Ho will carry on the business
of tho "Cash" at 1337 Franklin avenue,
Astoria, hereafter in his own right.
May 31. 1906. ,
One Piano Number Free with Every $5.00 Purchase.
' 1 1 1
It am no joke; it am the truth. My
Sunday-Go-to-Meeting Clothes looks
fine and dandy all de time 'Case Mr.
Wise he press 'em just as often as I
like. All of Mr. Wise's customers kin
have their clothes pressed FREE at
any ole time.
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day
Yard Men, $2.00 per day.
Ten Boys, Over 16 Years Old
In Box Factory.
mmm dividends to
Limited Allotment of stock now offered 12 per cent guaranteed. Wtf pay
over 30 per cent when stores are established.
COL. J. B. FULLER, President. (Ex-California Bank Commissioner.)
HON. TRUMAN REEVES, Secretary and Treasurer (Treasurer of the State
of California.)
CAPTAIN E. E. CALNE, Director. (Capitalist and Ship Owner, Seattle. Wash.)
T. K. STATELER. Director, (General Agent Northern Pacific R. R.)
WILLIAM CROCKER J)ireetQr, (San Francisco.) '. v '
5, 10 and 15 Cent Stores
MANAGERS WANTED who can influence capital. Share of profits and salary
, to right party.
Head Office: Union Savings Bank Building, Oakland, Cal.
Prospectus and information free. Write today.
JOHNIFOX, Pres. and Supt.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
A. L. FOX, Vioe Pres.
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished
Foot of Fourth Streets