The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, June 01, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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    FRIDAY, JUNE i, tool
Are You Satisfied With Our
Present Excellent Local
Option Liquor Law?
1 It Iwi proven a upcc and a IiNnIiik whwvcr it ha lwn applied and tried.
Do you know that tliU wlw and Jual law U in (lunger of Mug so anmudrd
at TiirvUy'a i-Im tlmi tlmt It IwnnflU will I di'troyil I
Thti Ilqnur ilitttrri have proposed an aiimniliiiciit wliliJi claim to give "fair
play" and " aqtiura ilral" und want you to vot "yen" to favor thfir plan.
If tlilx nciiiiidtiii'iit lutili'i on Tuesday It will destroy tbe local option law and
maU ll jmiIiIi. for alooiii to tipo la evi-ry piulnct almot without regula
ttou. It will fllvc IIik aliH)ii every advance and l W Wooded attempt to
fant..n upon tint ut a foul and unjust law nolt-ly In tliu interest of the liquor
Kiauilu Loth Kid- carefully Iefora Mivinj( any ntatmenU In iU favor.
Wbo make paupers, rrlmlnaU, wlfe-beatcrs and nuWdeif Not the temper-
me iwopln who framed out prewtut excellent law.
If you wUh to Imii- fair pluy and to h-t mmigh alone, then help to
kill Dili amendment.
Mr. fihuUtont. oiu railed dt ink "lh tragedy of rlvitixalion," declaring
that war and penllleiire ii.miIhih-iI i iinyn ,ut f, live In comparison with
It. A mrciit maasine article. compiled from world statistic, shown that the
pin line w not ctitKK''iiit''il. In the Tnili'd Slute above ono billion and a half
of dollars--fifteen hundred million dollar, to trtng It down to the unal American
unit of values-1 spent every year on ahuholic mid malt liquor. This would
pivlil half a million Amcilcan families with incomes of twenty-three hundred
a year, giving them comfortable liomo, food, and clothing. The tragedy of
poverty In the lend could bo practically wiped out, If the tragedy of drink could
! (topped.
Sixty three per rent of all conviction- for crime arc cac where drink hat
played a part. Of the eighty-three thounml men and women lying In our juiU
today, fifty thousand have Ik-cii made criminal hy drink. The tragedy of crlm
could le largely averted if the tragedy of drink wer riot forever making new
criminal for our court and prison to receive.
me fifth of all the Intuitu in our uylum toby have an "alcoholic hi"
ton." Not only the hard drinker end in pan, but the children of the
modeiatc drinker hecome mentally weak, epileptic or inan The owful tragedy
of hereditary insanity would hadow fur fewer live if the tragedy of drink
reaed to wreck nerve and brain.
Suicide, vagabondage, crime, insanity, poverty, all look to drink for their
recruit. Kvery hour of the day and the night, seven person t-ink into a
drunkard' grave, in the I'niled .Slate. What tragedy can le more horrible
than the fact of ueh a ghatly profession! Yet miiiic young people smile at
the energy of temperance worker. Tin y forget that drink i no laughing mat
ter. These figure may help them to realize it.
Proceuo That Hive Contributed
to Despoil the Columbia.
Nam in Which Columbia Valley Com
mere Km Been Diverted to the
Sound How Portland Stood by
nd Tacitly Aided Looteri.
After the passing of the land grant
allowed in aid of the building of the
Northern Pacific railroad to Pugct Sound
certain partiea labored for, und obtain'
ed, a change in the bill, so at to make
line via the Cowlitz.
The road- wa then built between
Portland ami the Sound and instantly
began tapping the business of the CV
luinbla river valley, and decreasing it
When the Klondike field were firt
discovered, Portland realized that her
"hipping Alaka-ward wa entirely par
alyzed, and Seattle, by reason of the
railroad development attained an in-
Mant and tihenomlnal growth. Hie
building of the Northern Pacific, by way
of the Cowlitz, did not prevent it
building the original line directly aero
the mountain from Spokane and It wa
oori completed, through trains patting
from the coast, anil through to the
Sound without coming down the Colum
bia. And the line down the Columbia
lilt not yet Iwn built, and Seattle
quietly laugh at the disappointment of
thoxe who thought tha the Sound would
be cut off by the Cowlitz nmd. If there
luiil la-en no railroad Ix-tween Portland
and Pugct Sound when gold was found
in Alaska, the Columbia river would,
loihiy. have Ihcii doing a fine ocean
buinea with the northern territory.
This wnt the first nail driven into the
collin of the Columbia river commerce.
The Cowlitz road ha recently reduced
the freight rate upon merchandise
Ixuind from Portland to Alaska, by one
half, thu effectually thwarting the
ree.-nt effort of Portland to put on a
steamship line to Alaska. A consum
mation ably enhanced by T. B, Wilcox
,8ml others, who personally declared
that ail shipments from Portland, might,
and would be, easily made from Hound
points, and that the necessity of a
steamship line theme was unnecessary
and immaterial. .
Seattle was startled, at first, by the
announcements of the reduction In
Alaskan freights, but she now realizes
its wonderful advantage to her shipping
to the far north, Thee things, together
with the great system of trolley linen
thrown into tlio Willamette valley, and
other projected, and the Columbia open
ed thforjgli, and above, the Cascades, af
ford the interior merchant and buyer
an easy opportunity to ship directly In
to laka, via the Sound ports, at special
and incomwtitive rates. This was the
second nail driven by the conflicting in
terests, Into what should have been.
splendid and growing commercial factor
in the lower Columbia river country.
But, it is on the card that a new
turn will be taken before long, that may
redeem the situation for this end of the
great valley.
The Vary Bett Remedy for Bowel
Mr. M. F, IJorrough-, an old and well
known resident of BlutTton, 1ml, says:
"I regard Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera,
and Diurrhoea Remedy as the very let
remedy for Itowel trouble. I make this
statement aftt-r having ued the remedy
in my family for several years. I am
never without it." This remedy is al
1110H to lie needed la-fore the ummer is
over. Why not buy it now and be pre
pared for such an emergency? For sale
by Frank Hart ami leading dinggit..
That Tired Feeling
If you are languid, depressed, Incapa
ble for work, it indicates that your liver
is out of order. Heroine will assist na
ture to throw of headache rheumatism
and ailments akin to nervousness and
restore the energies and vitality of sound
and perfect health. J. J. Hubbard
Temple, Texas, writes: "I have used
Iferbine for the past two year. It has
done me more good than all the doctors.
It U the best medicine ever made for
chill and fever," 00c, Sold by Hart'i
dmg slore.
The Sultan of Turkey has conferred
upon the wife of Ambassador Tower the
grand cro of the hefakat. it sounds
to the Chicago Record-Herald as if this
order ought to t reserved excluively
for old maids.
Bow to Break Up a Cold.
It may be a urprie to many to learn
that a severe cold can be completely
broken up in one or two days' time.
The first symptoms of a cold are a dry,
loud cough, a profuse watery discharge
irom toe nose, and a thing, white coat
ing on the tongue. When Chamberlain's
cough remedy i taken every hour on
the fiiwt appearance of these symptoms,
it counteracts the effect of the cold and
retores the sytem to a healthy condi
tion within a day or two. For sale by
Frank Hart and leading druggists.
of fish made by the (team menhaden
flatter have a good deal mora to do with
it. An enormous seine stretched cloa
to the narrow entrance to a bay or
sound, scooping in everything that
iwimi, seemt pretty well calculated in
make flsb scarce in the waters of that
bay, N. Y, Exchange. '
The absence of the usual schools of
finii from some of the nearby eoat wat
er is attributed by some persons to the
power lxats, the propellers of which are
suiiiMiKed to frighten the fish awav.
Maybe. And maybe the wholesale drafts
A Word
PtcliH est Bel
Wsivt't It.... U : . ... t,TT XT
svu IUUJT DULRllkUlCa lur iVlC- 0
POWDER. "Just aa good" is
only a deceit by which a dealer
tries to make money out of the
superiority ana success ot MEN
KEN'S POWDER. There's nothing
just as good as MENKEN'S and
users of substitutes and imitations
risk skin, complexion and comfort in
doing so.
As a protection to health use Mennen's
Powder and only Mennen's.
Have you tried MENNEN'S VIO
POWDER ? Ladies partial to violet
perfume will find Mannen's Violet
Powder frazrant with the odor of
fresh plucked Parma Violets.
For sale everywhere for 25 cents, or
mailed post paid on receipt of price, by '
FKlmilc of Bex
lydla Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound
la positive cure for all those painful
uiucuut vi women. win entirely
cure the worst forma of Female Com
plaint. Inflammation and Ulceration,
Falling and Displacements and conse
quent Spinal Weakness, and is peculi
arly adapted to the Chang of Lift.
It will surely cure. '
It baa cured more cases of Female
Weakness than any other remedy the
world has ever known. It ia almost in
fallible in such cases. It dissolves and
expels Tumors in an early stage of
development. That
Bearing-down Feeling,
causing pain, weight and headache, is
instantly relieved and permanently
cured by; its nse. Under all circum
stances it acts in harmony with the
female system. It corrects
Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak
ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloat
ing, Nervous Prostration, Headache.
General Debility. Also
Blzzlness, Falniness,
Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and
" want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit
ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep
lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the
"blues," and backache. These are
sure indications of Female Weakness,
some derangement of the organs. For
Kidney Complaints
and Backache of either ttx the Vegeta
ble Compound Is unequalled.
Yon can write Mrs. Pinkham about
yourself in strictest confidence.
U9U 1. FIXUUX KM. CO., Lfaa, Ills,
dies loom, News Herald Building. Commercial Street
Between 8th and Qth.
The sixth week of the big Creditors' Sale brings larger crowds than ever. Why? Because we
bought the stock cheap and you are getting the benefit of it. The proprietors of the Bargain House,
formerly at 483 Bond St., were forced to the wall, by their creditors and as they could not make a
settlement the stock was sold in a lump and we got it. The stock consists of
Clothing', Shoes. Hats and Furnishing' Goods.
Read This Price List Over
Meu's Dress Shirts, worth up to $1. Sale price. .. 19c
Mens Working Shoes, worth $2. Sale price $1.29
Men's $2 Hats. Sale price 9oc
Men's Suits, formerly $10 and $12. Sale price....$4.85
Men's Suits, worth up to $20. Sale price $10.85
Men's $2 Working Pants. Sale price 95c
Mens Working Shirts and Underwear, worth 65c.
Sale price ...odc
Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Your Money Back if not Satisfactory.