4 THE MOHfcING ASTOHIAN, ASTORIA, OUEGON. THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1904. com ORATION Dead of the Nation and of Famil ies All Remembered. VETERANS ARE HONORED Commander Theodore Hroeiuser of the local post, officiated. The patriotic address of the evening was delivered by ,1. C Mi"Cne. nnd his glowing tribute Jmiil to the heroes who have upheld the nut ion's ling iu its time of stress, wu Mich ns is .seldom heard, in Astoria. t The school children a No contributed to I the success of the occiiniou. in songs and ' recitations, A male octette rendered the following selections "Sleep Sacivd Dust"; "Tenting on the tld Camp ; Mound"; Must J'.efore the lUttle I Mother", and "The Star Spangled ban ner . Hie Octette was composed of the following jH'isons: dames .lohnsou. Thomas Wooten, Otto MikkeNon, Al fred Schroeder. tiustavp iegler. (Jeorge U.inei. Dr. T. 1.. Bull, Charles' II. Aber croinbie; Mr. Charles II. AIercronibie, uirompanNt, Memorial exercises by children from ,! room ti. MeClure school, received hearty j applause. As a community Atoiia has a deep 'Tnion and "Liberty." a recitation by and reverent memory of its dead, and 'three little girls. was well rendered, and its faith and ardor in this particular j a song by five girls from rwm S, Me was abundantly apparent all of yester-1 t'lure school, came in for its share of day, from the early hour of the morn- gcuerou appreciation. Mis Faye Hall inir until late last tiicht. Memorial Day , recited "Vbr Grandpa's Sake." in a 1 means something in the City-by.the- charming manner. Trains and Steamers Carry Devoted Hundreds to Every Graveside in the Country About Astoria Last Night's Services. the children trom Adair school, room 4. gave a flag drill, and the girls from sea. By 7 and 8 o'clock there were to be seen citizens and children everywhere 1 room 7 sang "Soldiers ChoruO Both on the street laden with flower in all numbers were heartily applauded. stasre of formative clusters, but all Miss l.ulo Pantaia recited "Our gathered with the one generous purpose Standard Army." in a charming way inseparable from the day and is signifi-j The song "fie Answered the Roll Call cance. And by 10 o'clock, the odd Above," by Miss Anne Matlin, was croups had assembled in composite fash-! lteautifullv ivndered and the audience ion at Ninth and Commercial streets j was so well pleased that and em-ore was where it was known that Curbing Post, ! demanded Grand Armv of the Republic, was to ' Waino Stonelake recited "A Zealous form for the formal parade of the day, Patriot," and was generously applauded, with its affiliated companions, the! "A Cavalry Song" by the girl from Ladies of the Grand Armv, and the i room 7, Alderbrook school was next Woman's Relief Corp, together with ! rendered. Harold Masten. Mamie Fol 1 ma mwK 1 :PrtV-V r;,7 wA aa r it a. a mit m 1 111 When You liop to lliin!;l when Why is it that particular buyers come to us tl,ey want a Suit or an Overcoat that is full of 'V iudividualit' "P-to-datcucss, and is, in a word, a swag ger suit, you ask yourself snap, Ml ? Copyright 190; by Hart ScliarVner 6 Marx such of the Indian War veterans and the veterans of the Spanish Wart as should elect to join them. Promptly at 10:30 this notable bevy of old soldiers and their kindly col leagues, with their beautiful colors in trenchant lead and display, moved from the point of assembly, eastward on Commercial, to Tenth, and north on Tenth, to the Flavel pier, where the me morial service for the dead, interspersed with some delightful singing by a choir of little girls, was carried out, and flowers strewn "upon toe face of the waters" in memory of the sailor dead, after which benediction was given by Re,v. W. Seymour Short and the company j dispersed to meet again in half an hour at the depot of the Astoria & Columbia River railroad, where they took the trains for Greenwod and for Ocean View, and such other sacred spots as held the cherished dead of the nation lette, and Leanora Nelson sang a very pretty song. The evening closed with the song "America," by the audience. The members of the G. A. R. desire! to thank Court Astoria Xo. 8, Foresters of America, and Beaver" Lodge, Xo. I. 0. 0. F., for the u of the hall. h Mil Tell You It is because we have spared no pains in getting together the finest tailored clothes in America. Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Brandegee, Kincade & Wood, Kirschbaum All three are winners. Wejhave not a single line of clothes in onr store that we cannot guarantee in every particular. We want your business Mr. Good-Dresse 1 s jggX; :WWi it J 1 and we deserve it for we sell the best. GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN WHO KNOW P. O STOKES Copyright 1906 by Hirt SthifVner U Man G00O CLOTHES FOR MEN WHO KNOW FOR DEMOCRATIC COIN. .. Jf ther happens to be WOO in demo- .cratic monev, in or around the city of Astoria, that is available on the haiard that Dr. Jaiue Withvcombe will not be elected governor of the State of Oregon, on Monday next, it can find $500, of equal "weight and fines" awaiting it at the Morning A-torian. Democratic money, on this and kindred chances, is .known' to bet pretty shy jnt now, and BAND OF BRIGANDS LED BY JAPANESE DESERTER with quite justifiable cause, but it is !nrut at lpact ttiia amti mav not tiave I ..." " r ' ' . I tended formin the "strings" drawn too tightly, for tne . . , . and the families of thoe who went 1 purposes of this challenge. forth in hundreds upon the mission of loyalty and commemoration. Aded to this particular exodus, the ateamers Shamrock, Miler and May flower departed an hour later for the bayside cemeteries, loaded down with those who were not in time fop the trains, and the steamers, to accentuate j the purpose of their errand. lahed VICTORIA, May 30.-A Japanese de erter, Matsu Mori Tasaburo, ha raised a force of Hunghutze brigands, and is causing considerable trouble, having fomented a rising to the east of Muk den. This man while on the eve o being sent back to Japan. viMte a Utter to Field Marshal Oyama, saying he took the liberty of burrowing his ritle and in a bodv of briijand' in NOTICE. Xotice is heneby given that all saloons and other places where intoxicating liiniors are sold are required bv law to be closed lwth main and private en trances from 8 o'clock A. M- until 7 o'clock P. M. on Mondav, June 4, 1900. FOUND GUILTY. CHAS. GAMMAL Chief of Police. FUNERAL FRIDAY. themselves side and side with hawsers, Said day being a general election day and made the journey thus down the Any violations hereof will be prosi ty typifying the kindly unity that I ed to the full extent of the law. inspired every soul on board and the order of sanctity of the voyage. I By early evening the great crowd be-! gan to come on the afternon trains and j Astoria, Oregon. boats, and after a brief hour devoted to 5-31 -5t. refreshment, the same devoted crowd, j augmented by hundreds of others, swarmed into the Odd Fellows' temple, to witness the closing exercises of the day; and at this feature of the day's program, it was almost impossible to accommodate the pressing hosts that sought entrance there, and hundreds were compelled to stand all through the fine program that was rendered. LONDON". May 30. At Old Bailey todav Harry S. Simons and Franklin Kverhart, Americans, charged with con spiracy to iietraild 01 large sums, were found guilty. Simons was -entenced to two vears. and Kveiliart to eighteen months. The men were charged with forging "hares and certificates- of th Alaskan-Oklahoma-Cripple Creek and Manitoba mining companies The funeral of the late Joe Johnston, who was killed Tuesday at Kelly's log ging camp at Blind Slough, by being struck by a heavy logging chain, which broke, will take place Friday afternoon from the Pohl funeral parlors at 1 o'clock, The interment will be in Green wood cemetery. If now is made in Oregon from Oregon grown Bluestem wheat. The best that money and machinery can make. Triads all. THE fA!D& STOKES C. ASTORIA AGENTS. GIRL IS DEAD IF SINGLE. , If the young lady who dropped the following poetic effusion near the ut office will call at this office sho can obtain the original copy and other pa pers of interest. Here's the way it reads: "Tell me not in idle jingle, marriage is an empty dream, for a girl is dead that's single, and things me not what they seem. Life is real, life is earnest, single blessedness a fib; man thou are to man returneth, has not been spoken of the rib. Xot enjoyment and not sorrow is our destined end or way, but act that each tomorrow finds us nearer marriage day. Life is short and youth is fleet ing, an dour hearts though light and' gay, pleasant drums are beating wed ding inarches all the way. In the world's broad field of battle, in the bivouac of life, be not like dumb driven cattle, be a heroine a wife. Tnnt no future how ever, pleasant let the dead past bury its dead. Act, act, in the living pres ent, heart within and hope o'evrhcad! I Lives of married folks reminds us we can live our lives as well; and depart ing leave behind us lots of kids to shout and yell; such examples that an other, wasting time in idle sport, a forlorn unmarried bi-toher, seeing shall take heart and court. Ix-t us then be up and doing, still contriving, still pur suing, and each one a husband get." CRIMINAL BEES. Very Holier (iatherera That liar t.ooa Moral Idea. Alnuwt every form and variety of tm man crime Is to bu found ntuoiig tin! tn a Is. Cases of theft are noticed ninou;: bttn. BuchinT In bis "Psychic I.lfe of Animals" speak of thievish !n which. In order to save themselves tb trouble of working, attack well stocked hives In masses, kill the sentinels an ! the Inhabitants, rob the hives and cur VARIETIES OF CRAMPS. Carloaa affllrtloa of Mea la Vartoai Walk of l.lfa. One of the curious coiisciniciiii o; the modern division of luimr Is tin cramp Unit nttucks those who constant ly use their hands lu one par'.lculei manner. Writing cramp was the first to np (year, being ipille unknown until the In trodiictlon of hiitI pens. It iirTect inci far oftencr Hum the fair sex. and, kIii ry off the provisions. After rcpento. I Klarly. those who suffer uru not liter enterprises or tins description tney no quire a taste for robbory and violence. They recruit whole companies, which get more ami more numerous, an-1 finally they form regular colonic o7 brigand bees. But It la n still more curious fact that these brlguml bees can be produced ar tificially by giving working beea a mix ture of honey and brandy to drlult. The bees soon acquire a taste for tbts beverage, which has the same dlsa trous effect upon them as upon 111011. They become III disposed nnd Irritable and lose all desire to work, nnd finally, when they begin to feel hungry, they attnek and plunder the well supplbsl hive. There I one variety of bees the aphecode which live exclusively tip on plunder. Exposure The cold draughts of air, to keen and cutting winds, sudden changes of the temperature, scanty clothing, undue ex pisure of the throat and neck after public speaking and singing, brine on cougs and colds. BaJIard Horehound Svrun Is the best cure. Mrs. A. Barr, Houston, Tex., writes, Jan. 31, 1902: "One bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup cured me of a very bad cough. It is verv nleasant to take. Sold bv Hart's druir store. Finest candies, best teas, canned goods, fresh fruits and eggs at Howe & Gowan's, 420 Commercial street, oppo site Sherman's. 5-2l)-3t. ary men, but copyists. It Is almost In curable, and even when tho left hum) la used the cramp very soon crossr overtoil. Musicians of every kind arenttacked Among pianists It Is chiefly ladies am bltlous to become professionals wh arc the victims. Violent pnln, weak ness 11ml fatigue of the arm make plaji lug 1111 Impossibility. Violinists urc nf fected both In the fliiKcrs of the lefi hand and the blind that holds the bow Clarinet players Ret cramps of (hi toiiKiie, nnd Mute players get crump Ir tbw larynx. Telegraphers suffer very often, ami they cull It "Ions of the grip." Tailors get cramps In Ii-km as well as bands Smiths nnd carpenters get what It culled "hummer cramp," resulting frotr the enormous number of blows struck It Is estimated that n forger of knlvif and scissors strikes 2H.OO0 blows evcrj day. Krlvers get cramp In the bund, espe cially In the case of those who break li hard mouthed horses. Clgannnkcrs wntchmukcrs, photogrii pliers, auction eers, sawyers, billiard players, dcntlsti, turners, stumpers, weavers, painters, money counters and bullet dancers all suffer from their own peculiar cramps and of ton so severely that they have to exchange their employment for souif other. UK -WAY A place where good groceries are kept, is a good place to buy. Buy of us and you will buy good goods. Fresh Strawberries arriving daily. A shipment of fresh vegetables due today. ASTORIA GROCERY Phone Main Ml 623 Commercial 8k The rery best board to be obtained in tho dty it at "The Occident HoteL" Ratei rery reasonable. LADIES ATTENTION I Ti. t.: 1. . me uig&cst muiinary saie ever 0; fered. All the hats at the Elite Milli nery Store in the Dr. Ball'i building on Commercial St., across the street from Budget office. Must bo sold before the first of June, and will be sold at cost. Don't miss thia opportunity of getting a good bat cheap. In the spring the young man's fancy lightly turn's to thoughts of love. The good housekeeper's to housecleaning. The thrifty housekeepers can find the best materials and expert workmen in the papering, painting and artistic frescoing line at the Eastern Painting & Decorat ing Company, 75 Ninth street dys cure Herbint Will overcome indigestion and pepsla; regulate the bowels and liver and kidney complaints. It is the best blood enricher and In vigorator in the world. It is purely vegetable, perfect harmless, and should you be a sufferer from disease, you will use it if you are wise. R. N. Andrews, editor and manager Cocoa and Bockledge News, Cocoa, Fla., writes: "I have used your Herbine in my family, and find it a most excellent medicine. Its effects upon myself have been a marked benefit. Sold by Frank Hart's drug store. For a good share go to the Occident Barber Shop. Five chairs No long waits. A Positive Necessity. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised leg, I only found relief when I used a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. 1 can cheer fully recommend it as the best medi cine for bruises ever sent to the af flicted. It hag now become a positive necessity upon myself. D. R. Byrnes, merchant, Doversville, Texas. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's drug store. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St., does ai: manner of texidermy, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress making a specialty and a I work guaranteed. REMEMBER THE PLACE. Fine hats at tho Bonton Millinery store, 483 Bond street. Mrs. Jaloff, milliner. tf. "PaleBohemlan Laser BeerM THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles Brewed snder (unitary condition and propetiy sgl right herein Aitoria. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. I Morning Astorian, 65 cents per month. MRS. PETERSEN'S, The fashionable milliner, in tbo Star Theater building, is the best place to buy your summer hat. Morning Astorian, (55 cents per month. For County Judge EJ. TRENCHAED Regular Nominee Democratic Party. MOTTO: Continuation of Good Road Work; Completion of Court House; and Upbuilding of Clatsop County.