The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1906.
The groceries we deliver are satisfying hundreds of
steady patrons. v
We wish to call special attention to our line of cream
ry butter and guaranteed strictly fresh eggs.
They are sure to please you.
For M.motial Day. '1 iter a '''''
crowd ol .Wmlitn Ml mit m the iimn
train lur ll -iin'i.iii' ut iiii-iiii View
mnl Uii'iMirtoml, yolrnliiy. l-uli'n will'
llllttl'l III II II .'Otl. il'Vltllll' flH IIIIllilill"
and of vvny lmiMfiil vmMy, to Ih
upon tin KiiHfn 11I tin' 'I'muI, tin I'"''
Ut.- Unit until llir i'li-'t"ii'' l'1'
Memorial Dity.
'Blew Out Cylinder Head.-Tlie inrii
iii); tritln from hi-aiil was ! !
hi-r cliiluli- ,vrt'rijiiy owing to the fm-t
tlml her liutlil)( little fliKiiiw. "N.
blew out oil" of I'ff cylinder lii-it'U j"t
a Iik Ml lor Atotiu, mill another en
gine had to he out ttftiT the I lain ; 1'iit
tltrra wan n't very iniirh tint" lt in
the inlx ti) the xpr- left i'' at
Fourth Commitment. I'pon t ! r'
rMttatiun f hi brother, with whom
he n)iiat'l in the uiiinitKMiniit of
Joiljiii hnime in Tnlimtown. ml who
declares he In 11 tiui-un.e to their patrons
nil a menace to the buiii Andrew
Haiitiula. 11 native of Finland, was
tunlitv. committed f'r the fourth time,
U) the (tf((on A'yltim for Insane, lit
Mvm, by .Judge Treiichaid. (!mtrU
will rrlve h"r on the noon train to
day to Uke lilin back to that intitu
tion. Baseball Game Wednesday.-On Mem
orial day the Shamrocks of thla city will
meet the strong Multnomah nlno on the
A. F. C ground. The local have U-n
doing some hard practice of lte and
good gme W awured. Multnomah ha
defeated my of the trong nine
throughout the state and to win the
local nine will have to do ome hard
work. With the new uniform! which
the Shamrocks have ordered the team
will present a fine appearance on the
field. The colore an- red and gTeen.
The club haa leaned the A. F. C. ground
for the season and have a number of
good game ncheduled. 8-27-4t.
The steamer Shamrock will make n
trip to fireenwod Cemetery at 1 o'clock
p. m.. Decoration Day Secure your
ticket at Pohl'a Undertaking Parlor.
AdulU, BO cent; children, 25 centa.
5 28-3t.
Our store will close
at J 1:30 a. m.
Pat k Commiaiion Meeting.. Tonight
tin- member of the I 'ark Commiioii
will 1 t lit. tin) city hull to coupler
mill receive hid fr the clearing of the
pink property.
Round Trip Forty Cents. -The 1011ml
trip to Skipiinon' fr'n-im; for tho-i- go
ing to (ireetitto'Ml ( Vmi tery will hi: frty
emit mi betiiilf of the firand Army mid
utlii'U who wlh o go,
Two Mote on the Way.-lngvnl Nolie,
a .Soiwcgian, ami Bernard Heitionen, 11
l inn, yenterduy formally declared their
intention to heroine citioena of Aiueri
111 11 in (lite uml ciiieiit time under Un
law nniile and provided therefor.
Saloon Leaaed. The b'tiMing on the
corner of Comim riu! oal llth liceli
formerly uel by the lai Willium
CiimplM'll fur a almm. ban been leaed
for a iM-ri'-d of live year by ( hurley
i-e, and will b" entirely refitted.
Taken to Hoapital.-Suffering severe
ly fnnu ttonmch trouble, a sailor from
the BtMl'li ahip Hrablock, namel Wil
klitnon, wa removed yesterday after
noon from the hip and taken to St
Mary' honitul for treatment. The tmiri
will Ik- attended by the Dituine hopitul
Seriouily Injurtd.A man by the
iiitmr of .1o!intoii. a brother of Jack
.lohnoton, of thin citr. wm aerlounly in
jured nt Kelly'a lodging camp at Illind
Slough yeterdy afternoon by a log
fulling on him. The extent of hia in-
juriet iHiuld not be aertained lat
night, though they were known to be
rini. Ir. Ktea wa called to at
tend the injured man.
Dispatchinf the Blank County ( letk
.1. ('. Clinton, and hU Utt, at the court
I10U1.C, are buy preparing, and sending
out, to the further precinct of the
county, the vutiout and nuniermi
blniik that atv to erve in the forth
iiming geneial election, and it i a big
job, requiring careful attention. o to
nmke the hipmenti full and complete
in nil cne.
Got Left Behind.-After the republi
can rally at Hammond Monday night
.1. ('. Clinton nnd W. .1. Barry took n
trtl mound the town, thinking to be
nt the binding in time to catch the
launch rel inning to this city. The time
however paetl more rapidly than tney
realized, and when they put in appear
ance at the dock, the launch wa gone.
The gentlemen mndc the bent of their
all nation however, and epent the night
walking the treet. trying to keep
wal-ai, and managed to catch the boat
returning in the mottling.
May Chang the Plan. The board of
director of the Astoria high achool dis
trict have not taken innp judgment on
teh authority given it recently, to ex
pend an extra $10,000 on the removal
ii ml renovation of Uie MuClure school
building, and it mny be that they will
not put the money out at all. It seems,
that in order to make a bad matter
worie, he board ordered a nerien of holes
drilled along the, west and south line
of the M'hol lot, to note the condition of
tho ground to which it was proposed
that the building be moved to avoid the
sliding earth it was so essential to "-
ape, and it was found that the new ter
ritory was practically as bad ns that
they wished to abandon. Water was
was found within three feet of tho uv
face and a sub-soil of soap stone was
la so discovered underlying the spot to
which they desired to move the build
ing. The board now has the whole ipies.
t ion under contemplation, nnd it may be
they will order the whole lot carefully
tiled, nnd that complete and rigid drain
ing, amplified by the erection of a new
stone, foundation under the northeast
corner of the bttlding, well extended
out It nnd west, the foundation curried
down to a depth of fifteen or twenty
feet to the bed rock known to be there,
will obviate the co-tlier process of re
moving the entire structure. The board
has not yet determined just what step
it will take, but if the last named iv
poiuce will answer all purposes in view,
it will be followed to a conclusion and
the ten (hou'und dollura allowed to re
nin in hi the siiioo treusury fur ulher
Slum Contract. - W, A. fioodin yester
day signed the contract for the clear
ing of the right of way on Irving ave
nue betewwen Kigbteeiilh and tho Adiiir
line. Work lll probably be commenced
At Noon Today.-CoMimeivlal Astoria
will clou- Its door 4 nit over the city at
high noon today. In honor of the anniver
sary of the mil ion's (lend, and the ob
servance of lli- holidity, and induge III
paying llio-x- honor on all sides,
A Baby Citizen. At fliM o'clock lat
evening, a son ws bom to .Mr. and Mr.
ItichuiM leathers, at the family home,
,o, II li l'Achime t.iect. Tim new
clli'-n weighed niiiH und one-half
pounds upon arrivul.
Examination, Customs Inspec
tor C T, Cro-I.y, In clia'Ve of the Civil
Service woik in thl city, had a clas of
three iu his ollice yesterday, taking the
exiimlniition piexei iU-.l for various and
iimlry poitioiis they de-ired to fill in
the federal ervice. They were: Mis
Birdie Mi rokey uml Me-sr. John K.
K ni wila und William A. Johnson.
Reservoir, or Not. ( m next Friday
night, nt it regular1 monthly meeting,
the Astoria Water r'iiimision will de
termine w het her .01 not it will proceed
with the building of it. new 20,000,000
gallon reservoir, nt a cost of $100,000,
authority for the iuing lionds for
which the commiion already poee.
It I. a large question nnd an important
element in the splendid water servlco
this city enjoys at present.
Doing Good Work. - The Fourth of
.July Committer were out in full force
yesterday, seeking all there was in the
way of contributions for the coming
celebration. They report a splendid re
sponse to the demands of the occasion
and are well pleased with the prospects
for a tine entertainment on that great
day.' and the day prei-eeding it. They
have enough money insight according to
one of their number, to nearly perfect a
fine celebration on both day, the third
and the fourth.
Inspect Jetty. Manager Talbot of the
A. A C. It. It- Superintendent McOuire,
Collector of Customs Kobb, and the
Chamber of Commerce Committee on
Navigation, coasi-ting of Messrs. Bowl-
by, Van Dusen. and I.ounberry, made a
trio to Fort Stevens yesterday on the
government launch Patrol, and inspected
tin- work being done on the jetty. They
returned about noon, and say that the
work is progressing as well as can be
expected, though the engineers state
that much more money will be needed
to complete the work a outlined. The
re-ult of the trip will probably be given
at the next meeting of the Chamber of
Crushed to Death. 4n her way to
I'oitland oil Monday night last the
Btcumcr l.urline wa- hailed into the'
landing at Midway, where she took on,
board, destined for the hospital at!
Portland, n poor fellow by the name of,
die i ileum, a logger in the Benson I
camp back from tli- liver nt that point, j
who was sulTering untold agony from
the fearful ciu-hing dealt him by a
polling fog that overtook him while nt
work a few hour- previmi". He bore
his agony as manfully nnd as long as he
could, but in three hours from the time
he was placed iu a berth, lie succumbed
to the strain and gave up the ghost. He
was taken on the metropolis and turned
over to the proper authorities.
Mystery of the Sea Early on Mon
day morning last a fishing boat of the
ordinary type and size was noted from
the jetty at the mouth of the Columbia
river floating keel tip on the Iwistrous
tides that roared back and forth on the.
bar. As soon as possible word was sent J
to the Cape Adams life saving Btation at
Hammond, and yesterday morning about
10 o'clock the boat and crew from there
started out to pick up the derelict and
look for such evidences as might indicate
the ownership, or home-locality of thej
boat, or furnish some sign of its last;
occupancy. After diligent search the '
bout was found at a point midway be
tween the jetty and the bar, but not a
thing remained to lend a clue of any
sort to the men and things that had
gone before. It was without trace or
mark of any description to tell where it
came from, the only testimony it yield- j
ed, being that it was a regular fishing,
bontt such as is in common use here j
and all along the Pacific Coast, beyond j
which nothing was determinable. The
boat was hauled alongside the jetty and
lifted up to the deck thereof, where it
i.i,, tu laoltiiwif In fnlllt-M nliiim Al the
unravelling of its mystery. It is a com-!
parntively new boat and minus all gear
of every sort, even it rudder having
disappeared. Inquiry at authoritative
Hources in the ll-liing circles about here,
adds 110 definite information to the
problem of its abandonment or the fate
of tha people last on board of it.
Inlrumental and Vocol Concert at
Methodist Church.
Number of Well Known Artists Give An
Excellent Musical Concert to
a Very Appreciative
A large crowd attended the, concert
last night at the McthHlit church to
listen to the musicale given by Mcssr.
Claire Monteitli, Waldcmar I.ind and
Morilaiuit fJoodnough The selection
both instrumental and vocal were ap
preciated by the audience who applaud
ed frequently, necessitating a number
of encore-. The program rendered wa
as follows:
Mr. John Claire Montelth, baritone.
Mr. Waldemar I.ind. violinist.
Mr. Mordaunt A. Goodnough, pianist.
Piano I'olacca Brillante. . . .von Weber
Mr. Goodnough.
Vocal (a) Until You Came Metcalf
(b) The Gondolier Coombs
(c) In the Glitter of Lights
Mr. Monteltb.
Violin Concerto in "D" minor
(allegro moderato, andante non
troppo, all'gro a la zingara)
Mr. Lind.
Vocal Lorraine, Irreine Loree. . .Capel
Mr. Montelth.
Piano Air de Ballet, Op. 30
Mr. Goodnough.
Violin Fantasia, Faust .' Saraaate
Mr. Und.
Vocal (s) Israfel King
(b) A Gipsy Maiden I Parker
Mr. Monteith.
Violin (a) Sorcnada Melancholique
(b) Romance in "G"... Beethoven
(c) Ziglunerweisen Saraate
Mr. Lind.
II. S. Tluuke and wife of Seattle were
in the city yesterday.
C. S. Verdin of Cincinnati is a busi
ness visitor iu the city.
P. A. Shrunk of Brownsville was a
visitor in this city yesterday.
K. Burnhardt of Portland is in the
city and domiciled at the Irving.
William Dixon of Chinook was a busi
ness vi-itor in this city yesterday.
0. W. Toww of Chicago arrived in
the city yesterday on a bu-iness trip.
Knoch Matheson of Portland arrived
in the city on the noon train yesterday.
R. C. Hubbard of noquiara spent the
day in Astoria yesterday on matters of
H. T. Fitullay of Medford arrived here
on the noon express yesterday on a
business tour.
T. G. Kelley of Knappa came in on
the noon train yesterday for a short
sojourn in the city.
A. W. Pavne of- Portland was in the
city yesterday, on business, and quar
tered at the Occident.
W. Lind of Portland came Jown on
the noon express yesterday for a busi
ness stay of a few hours.
Mrs. R. I). King, accompanied by her
daughter, Miss Mona. left up fop Port
land last evening on the Lurline.
James iFnlayson has returned from a
fortnight's visit to his two sons, in
California, one at San Francisco and the
other at San Jose. He visited every
point of interest in and around the
earthquake radius.
Miss Marie EletTsen has arrived here
from I.n Center, Wah where she has
been teaching school, and has rejoined
hep family nt their home here, and will
attempt to secure a school in Clatsop
county as soon as mav be.
Pitch First Ball. Mayor Wise will
pitch the first ball in the game today
between the Shnnirocks and tho Mult
nomah. This in itself will be a sight
well worth seeing. Come out and see
a good game.
Reduced Fare. The A. A C. R. R. will
give a one and one-third fare for the
round-trip to Morrison's and Skipanon's
Crossing today for those desiring to go
to the cemetery. Trains will stop both
going and coming at the-e points.
Finest candies, best tea, canned
goods, fresh fruits and egg at Mow t
(low an', 420 Commercial street, oppo
site Sherman', 8 29-St.
Our Honored Dead I
! Herman Wise!
S Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day.
Yard Men, $2.00 per day.
Ten Boys, Over 16 Years Old to Work
In Box Factory. ,
mmmm dividends to
Limited Allotment of stock now offered 12 per cent guaranteed. Will pay
over 39 per cent when stores are established.
COL. J. B. FULLER. President, (Ex-California Bank Commissioner.)
HON. TRUMAN REEVES, Secretary and Treasurer (Treasurer of the State
of California.)
CAPTAIN E. E. CAINE, Director, (Capitalist and Ship Owner, Seattle, Waah.)
T. K. STATELER, Director, (General Agent Northern Pacific R. R.)
WILLIAM CROCKER, Director. (San Francisco.)
5, 10 and 15 Gent Stores
MANAGERS WANTED who can influence capital. Share of profits and salary'
to right party.
Head Office: Union Savings Bank Building, Oakland, Cal.
Frospectus and information free. Write today.
JOHNl FOX, Pres. and Supt.
F L BISHOP. Secretary
Designers and Manufacturers of
Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers
Complete Cannery
A. L. FOX, Vice Pres.
Outfits Furnished
Foot of Fourth Street,