The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 30, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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WEDNESDAY, MAY jo, i9o0.
Under Auspices of Cushing Post
G. A. R. of City.
Parade Will Form lit Ten O'clock This
Morning There Will be Services
in the Evening at the
I 0. 0. F. Hall.
NEW YORK. Mav 20.-More than 50,
Ott people will be in line in the Memor
il ilny parade- tomrrow. The observ
mue of the day will begin practically
daybreak and continue until nearly
midnight. Many churches w ill haV
special service, but the chief feature
of the dav will be the paiade, follower
by the decoration of grove in the ceinc
tenes ot Munhatan. and liroukivn, ami
statues of Wellington, LaFayette, Sher
man. Farrugut, Seward and Lincoln.
The grand marshal of the parade will
le Colonel George Andrew.
The National tiuard with General Cut
ting in command, will Ik the especial es
eort of the Lieutenant-General ChatTee
the reviewing officer.
Beside members of the Grand Army
of the Republic there will Ik in line
I under Colonel 1- C. Allen, a force o
i United State regualr. consisting of
two companies of the 12th infantry, one
of the fourth infantry and five of coast
artillery; a force of marine, six com
panics of bluejacket, and regiment of
the National Ouanl. The line of march
The following special order ha been
issued by Gushing Post No. 14. G. A. R..
of this city, for the ptvper observance of
this, Memorial Day, in this city, and
will be of definite interest, in a civic
it... j uaII aa !n f?ran) Armv eiivle '
, ' , , .... I, . will be along Broadway to Stith street
Make a note of it and join in the deru-i . .... .
. .. I to Riverside dnve ami to rend t:
onstration: i , A. , ... . .. . ,
, A , . A , . j where the parade will be dismissed.
Head Quarters dishing Po-t, Grand j '
Army of the Republic. 1
Special Order No. 3. j AND M MERRY.
First All Comrades of Cushinz TostJ
No. 14. G. A. Rn are expected to meet I A good meal inspires merriment, and
at their hall on this Wednesday. May ff1 chew 1J digestion, two
30, 1906, on Ninth street, and all visiting I facta that are amply proven every hour
comrades, Indian War veterans, and i in he day. by the comfortable and con
Spanish War veteran, are respectfully teated face of the hundreds who patro-
invited to participate in the services of 1 nue the Palace Restaurant, on Commer-
the dav and evening. cial streets, directly opposite the Page
The column will form a follows: Block. YOU don't hare to look at
. First Color-bearer.
Second G. A. R.
; Third Ladies of the G. A. R.
Fourth Women's Relief Corps.
Fifth Indian War Veterans.
Sixth Spanish War Veterans. j
The parode will start at 10 o'clock! XEW y0RR 9.-The commit
and 15 minutes later, promptly march j t(,e oIwJ bv the ChemW,. club to
north on Ninth street to Commercial, j frame plans to commemorate the semi
east on Commercial to Eleventh street , nnUmM inniverarv of the discovery
thence north to the Lurline dock, where ; by w n perkin o the uhemieal
the water services in memory of the j of wt, Ur n?orM la,t nipnt in
marines will be conducted by the ladies favof of m establishment of a libra
of the Women's Relief Corps; after the I of works in chemiBtrv. probably to be
services at the water front the parade jknown M the perki Iibrarv and t0
will reform and proceed to the A. & C. eyvnnrt n,
J wV WfWr t,s- buv
i others, however, for conviction on this
score. Go in and try it yourself, and
j KNOW that it is as here reported.
depot and take the 11:35 train for the
Warrenton siding, at which point it will
be jointly by the escort and firing squad
from Fort Stevens, and then proceed to
tie Ocean View Cemetery and decorate
the graves of our departed comrades
who have answered the last call.
appropriation of $5000
for a Perkin medal and a token to Dr.
Perkin and a dinner on October 6th at
which the distinguished chemist is ex
pected to be present. The plans were
It was announced that the chemists
club is to be made a national institu
jmmmmmmwmwmmmmm uim i
When You
Why is it that particular buyers come to us when
they want a Suit or an Overcoat that is full of snap,
individuality, up-to-dateness, and is, in a word, a swag
ger suit, you ask yourself
OT1 ?
Tell You
Copyright 1905 by
Hsrt Schan'ner & Marj
It is because we have spared no pains in getting
together the finest tailored clothes in America.
Hart, Schaffner & Marx, Brandegee,
Kincade & Wood, Kirschbaum
All three are winners. We have not a single line of clothes in onr store that we
cannot guarantee in every particular. We want your business Mr. Good-Dressc
and we deserve it ior we sell the best.
0 Unit
":v4v'i 111
L4 ! 1' lr if
r , . . . . ,
IT a
Copyright 1906 by
Hart Sdiafncr U Marl
Memorial Exercises Yesterday at
Shively School Well Attended.
The services in the evening will be tion with president members who
held in the I. O. 0. F. hall and will
commence promptly at 7:30 p. m.
: All places of business are respectfully
requested to close during the parade.
By order of the Tost Commander,
Theodore J. Broemser.
Adjutant, C. W. Shaw.
When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line is the amateur 1
way, kodaks, films, plates, cards, i
mounts, and all the technical details
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic development
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That is all.
will have the use of the books in the
library for $5 a year. There are to be
two sets of books, one for local refer
ence, and the other for circulation
throughout the country. Ten thousand
dollars already has been promised to
ward the establishment of this library.
The Perkin medal is to be awarded an
nually to an American chemist for dis
tinguished work in technical chemistry.
LOS ANGELES, May 20. Foreman
Williams of the Salt Lake Railroad
section gang, was assaulted by three
half drunken Mexicans today. He shot
and killed one man, fatally wounded an
other, and perhaps fatally wounded a
third. The affair took jlace in San
Bernardino county. Particulars are
lacking. Williams was stabbed and
bruised with stones by the Mexicans.
CHICAGO. May 0 A dispatch to the
Tribune from Jacksonville, 111., says:
Judge W. P. Thompson of the seventh
Illinois circuit in a letter to President
Parker, of the Illinois Woman's College
yesterday resigned as a member of the
board of trustees, giving a his reason
the acceptance of the Carnegie eJTer of
$25,000, conditional on the college rais
ing $7500 aditional. His letter discusses
at length the policy of accepting gifts
from "Tainted" sources and takes posi
tive grounds against accepting money
from such men as Carnegie and Rocke
feller. Judge Thompson's resignation was accepted.
The Morning Aatortan, 03c a month
if ...
is made in Oregon from
Oaegon grown Bluestem
wheat. The best that
money and machinery can
make. That's all.
There was a large crowd at the
Shivelv school yesterday to join the
young people in their tribute of rever
ence and honor to the aoldier dead f
the nation, indeed, the crowd quite ex
ceeded the capacity of the assembly
hall at that building, but all the same,
the program of the day wan thoroughly
enjoyed by old and young, and uot the
least, by the many veterans who were
in the assemblage. The following pro
grame was finely midered by tliime en
trusted with it iinfoldment, under the
direction supervision of the principal,
Professor MeCormao:
Salutation of Hug; '"Memorial Day."
bnys; remarks, Mr. Broemser; "The
Littlest Boy," room I; "Harbara
Frietchie," rooms II ami III; remarks,
Mr. Thos. Pea ley; "That pear Old
Flag." girls; "The Red, White, and
Blue"; remarks, Mr. F. J. Taylor;
"Long, Long Ago"; remarks, ladies of.
for the G. A. R., Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs.
Halting for W. R. C; ""Rest. Noble
Heroes"; "America."
We, the undersigned, desire to ex
tend our heartfelt thank to those who
so kindly asihted us during the sick
ness and death of our beloved son, Ar
thur King Joephson.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Josephson.
5-30 2t.
The steamer R. Miler will make two
trips to Greenwood cemetery, leaving
at 9 a. m. and 1 p. m., on Decoration day
secure your1 tickets at Pohl's undertak
ing parlors or at Hteamer It Miler.
Adults, 50c; children, 25c.; leaves Lur
line dock. A. S. Babbidge, master. 29-2t.
Ocean Circle No. 145, Women of Wood
craft, will unveil the monument erected
over the grave of our late neighbor, Irene
C. McMulIen, on Wednesday. May 30th,
at Greenwood cemetery. The boat will
leave at 1 o'clock. Members are re
quested to atend. Annie Wooten, Guar
dian Neighbor. M. McCann, Clerk. 29-2t.
The biggest millinary sale ever of
fered. All the hat at the Elite Milli
nery Store in the Dr. Ball's building oa
Commercial St., across the street from
Budget office. Must be told before the
first of June, and will be told at cost
Don't miss this opportunity of getting
good bat cheap.
The very best board to be obtaiotft in
tbe city li at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
Large Number Present Enjoy Evening
in Cards and Dancing.
The whist party in St. Mary' Church
hall, last evening, was a success in every
way. through the tactful efforts of Mrs.
Cook and Mi O'Connor and a most en
joyable evening of games, song, and
dancing made up a program of rare
A dainty collation was seized by a
bevy of pretty girls and the large crowd
in attendance were made welcome to
the hospitality for which St. Mary's is
noted. An innovation of the evening
was the introduction of the following
musical numbers by Mr. l.orner:
(a), "The Bedouins Love Sing"; (l).
"I Love But You, and Only You";
tel. "The Sweetest Flower That
Blows."' Miss .Mice O'Connor was the
Prizes were given to Mis I.. Y oiler,
and V.. P. Xooium, for I he higlie-t holy
and gentleman's scoiv. Consolation
prizes fell to the lot of Mis Tcroe
Grams ami Mr. Sinnot.
SAN FRANCISCO, May 2!.- Cnitcl
States Circuit Judge Morrow di-missei
the suit of the Mammoth Copper Min
ing Company of Maine against Charles
Buters yesterday, lt hparties having so
stipulated. The terms of the settlement
were not stated. The suit was brought
to determine the rights of the parties
to certain water rights on Backbone
creek ,in Shasta county.
A Positive Necessity.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I only
found relief when I used a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend it as the best medi
cine for bruises ever sent to the af
flicted. It has now become a positive
necessity upon myself.
D. R. Byrnes, merchant, Doversville,
Texas. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by
Hart's drug store.
000 0 0 00 0 0 00 0000 0 00
The teamhip llarracouta arrived
yesteislay afternoon and docked at the
tl. It. & X. pier, where she discharged
glsjiit thirty live tons of freight nd
went on up the river to Portland.
The steamer Nome City made it in
over the bar at " o'clock jesterday morn,
ing utut went 011 to Portland after a
short stop at the Calleiulcr pier.
The steamer Czarina came in from
San Francisco yesterday morning alxnit
8 o'clock, Hii'l left for the metropolis
almost immediately.
The steamer Alliance is due down from
Portland at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning,
en route to ( ' Hay and Kureka.
The ttcuiiicr Redondo was a noon ar
rival from San Franei-co yesterday, and
after a short delay here went up to
The Telegraph was on time yesterday
like a railroad train, and brought down
a number of river travelers. She left
up at on the instant.
A place where good grocerir. are
kept, is a good place to bur. Buy of us
and you ill buy good goods.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St.. does af
manner of texidersny, furniture uphol
storing, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and a l work
LOS ANGKLKS, May SKI. The first
cargo of goods to arrive at San Pedro
from Asia is now in its way east. The
goods were brought in the steamship
Hercules. They consisted of nutmegs,
mace, sheepskins, goatskins, feathers and
capoc and were consigned to Minneapo
lis, St. Loui. Chicago, Kansas City and
New Yor.
In the spring the young man's fancy
lightly turns to thoughts of love. The
good housekeeper's to housecleaning. The
thrifty housekeepers can find the best
materials and expert workmen In the
papering, painting and artistic frescoing
line at the Eastern Painting It Decorat
ing Company, 75 Ninth street,
WILKKSBARRK, Pa., May 29.--Thc
ninth annual convention of the Greek
Catholic I'nion was opened here yester
day with a monster street parade. Near
ly 400 delegates arc in attendance,
They attended service last night at St.
Mary's Greek Church. Today they will
assemble and elect officers,
arriving daily.
A shipment of fresh vegetable due
Phone Main Ml
S2S Commercial 8t
The steamer Miler will leave at 9
a. m. and the Shamrock at 1 p. m. for
Greenwod ccmcteiy on Decoration day.
Secure your tickets at Pohl's Undertak
ing parlors. Adults, 60 cents; children,
25 cents. 5-29-3t.
XKW 1IAVKN, Conn., May 29,-The
chamber of commerce last night passed
a resolution welcoming to this city dele
gates of the Knights of Columbia eon,
vetition which will open June 4.
Laer Beer"
on draught and in bottles
Brewed snder Military conditions and
properiy ajed right here In Ailorla.
North Pacific
Brewing Co.
Fine hats at the Bonton Millinery
store, 483 Bond street. Mrs. Jaloff,
milliner. tf.
For good shave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs No long
The fashionable milliner, in the Star
Tbester building, ii the best place to
buy your summer hat.
For County Judge
Regular Nominee Democratic Party.
Continuation of Good Road Work;
Completion of Court Bouse; and
Upbuilding of Clatsop County.