The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 29, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    TUESDAY, MAY 19, 1906.
The groceries wc deliver arc satisfying hundreds of
steady patrons!
Wc wish to call special attention to our line of cream
ry butter and guaranteed strictly fresh eggs.
They arc sure to please you.
Piobate Order. Fiank C'uiiicv, In
n ouuell and .mu Hm, were up
pointed liy Indue Trcnehard. Htlug f..r j
pt.d.utc, ye.ier.lnv, n of the
c-tatc of II. s. Hi i, h miiior.
Gored by Bull. - A young f.u mhi
11.1.... i. ..1. U il.i. .....u.iiv. u,.
".M .'
budly noted ly 1111 ill t.'iiiM'r.-. l.nV
yr.lcnl.iy morning uml 1.1. Uidy l.ii.lly
I .. I til. II.. it a m i it L at 11 l
111. II ... "r.VIBI IMllt-l", " " ........
Seaie for, mid it wa
'ti.. I.I l tU.I lu.t l.i iilu. u.i lion...
!-, hut the iitin.l .kill mnl eitrc w
(,'iveit him, mnl it I now thought h" will
.olv. hut .uivlv rc-over. Hi. uaiiie
' .
eouhl not l Iwucl f,m i.v one mm-i '. "r "" "",,r """
ln u,. from the .h..,e ellv. i ' l'1"'""1' "' "'r 173 V'"
, utt.-n.leil I he iifTiiir. It an otic of
IU.i Kick Comim. tcnj.)n,iu VnK ,Im I'1' '"""'"-1 '"' "U "f lh' ""'
. ..lou. he.l ir.trr.ldy hy ( . 1 ' '! -n-on here.
K.iurth f .lulv I'.iuiniitle.. for hi. cm-! ...l... n,.ti.,n to the Kenrrnl fun.l ! Thoroujh Job ( ol. II. I!. Irkcr i-
for the rel.l.rlion. uu,l white he 1. will- "UX UifUi )' "" i'
i.,K to .1., .11 th-t nmv I in hi. In,, for '" l''" "M"""
th.t kiml of . thi.l.e ref,.,l. on the li- "'!" ''' ' '"'
roun.1 that he cuhl not eon., ien. I"" "'" '" ' l w"rk "'
eon.rihute until the , it v o il ,,..., -M. r. .a, rinK un.l cnlM ll.-hinK the
nn onlitmnee to keep the row. fro... interior. h... nlnrnt elo.e.J eon
,unni.. t lare i rppr.t.,u. where! w it I. pHinti..R firm for the paint
he to,, line pl' ...hjert to j ' ' rn'1 ,0
Ju.t what the ,H,un. il will .lo un-ler the "'- """ f- I""'"" "'n .11 f hi. no!'-''"". "'' "" " ,,,,
,., can .av, hut the i.-ue i. ,,.rely '" l'l' " ' .. U-tween row. an.l eoin , fur;,l",k r,"m ",U"
. . nil." .. 'I. I
Baaeball Game Wedneay.-On Me....!"'
orialday thHI,amr.Mkiofthieity will
mwt thr atrona Multnomah nine on the
A, F. C. ground.. The loeaU have Wen
dolnir ome hard p.aetier of late and a
ood game i a.iiiwl. Multnomah ha
dfffate.1 many of the trong nlnen
throughout the atate and to win the
local nine will have to do .orne hard
work. With the new uniforms which
thr Khamrnck have ordered the tram
will preaent a fine appearanr on the
field. The colors air red and green.
Thr club ha. leacl thr A. F. ('. (rrotinds
for the sen and have a number of
good gMtlM Kchrdilled
Pineapple Sherbet
Vanilla Ice Cream
Chocolate Ice
Strawberry Ice
Tiitti Fruit tl Ice
Cherry Sherbet
Wafer Sliced
Fine for Sandwiches
or lunch. Try it.
118-122 Twelfth St, Anuria, Ore.
Two Instruments,-The following in
tiuu.oit. went t" tli" public record, of
thl county ye.t.rda.v. 'Jh I'nited
Stute. to I'cn.l F. It.nggcr, patent, forty
,iere. in .iTiioii ',), T. 7 N., it- 7 W. The
I'liilcd State, to .1, .1. lirugger, ltd nine
In I In -an Hon.
Small Blaie. -A spail- loin a donkey
engine fulling on the roof of tin house of
I'lul lluddan nt Fourteenth and .Jerome
hvi'iiiii'. ve.lcrdiv iilti'iimn. cuued
. Hie. Th' department wa on the
..en., in a .holt (i md easily extin-
ui.i - l.i'.l the blaze, The duimtirc wa
Hammond Note..
Ilivf No 39. M'f
at llunuiioml. Kvr
of the Mil.villiCf'
'"' "'" "" nl
e . 1 ! . : t ... ...1. .. ......
Terra Cotta Invasion. Thire earhmil
'- f"","" ,,rm w,lu ,or, U'e "
. . . ... a 1 1....... a. I !....
'""'.v " n-r ....
1. . ... I ! 1.. fVI f.rni.i (rnfn tlia (lie-
" 'V ' ,
a . ., I t ! l.,.ni.i.,l in III dlinilrf
tory. Mid 1 being hotifl in the hrd
upon thr court ho.iw ground, and In tin
Imwrnent of that un.i.mplited t rue
tore; while three niorr are due to ar
iin i.i.v di.v. with nine or ten etuloo.1.
i.l t.. I.. ...r (roin. It will he M term
inltu terror iM-fore the la-1 load of tlx
co.tly "tuff i Ktore.l here and a fanciful
'white elephant" before it h ever u.l
Here'a a Start. A prominent mid
wealthy citizen of A-toru wim hemd to
reiiuirk yi.terduy. upon hi. rending the
new hotel proiMi.ition in ye.tcr.lnyV
Mi.rning A-torinn. that "he believed he
had ii lot he would offer, free, to the
in. 'II who piopo.ed t put up il $1H).(KH
lmt.. I in tlii. iitv": and he in a man who
ran. and will, make good, if the time
conic. Hi inline will be publit
when he permit, it, but for the moment
it 1 but jut that other, manifest ns
much interc.t a. he, in no prime nil en
Line-up Announced. The RhamrockH
have now .elected their line-up for the
comim imme. which i na follow:
,litck.on. third bac: II. (Jraluim. hoit
Mop; McCnnn. left field; Wrote.., center
Held; CorNon. hccoikI buKc; cat her-
ford, catcher; Anet. right field; Painter,
ilrnt ba-c; Brakke, piU-hcr; Crowe,
pitcher; Yearning, catcher; Morri-oii.
flr.t Imihc. Thr game with the utrong
Multnomnh nine, tomorrow, will be hot
lv contc.tcd and well worth .ecing
Ticket, for the gamp are on nle at the
Palace ciuar .tons AdmiHgion, .rtl wnts.
The following i. the linc-up of the
Multnomah team: Stott, catcher; Cod
dell, pitcher; Trowbridge, first, base;
Campbell, second base; Grey, shortstop;
HotiHton, third bn.e; Holman, lott field;
Ilenklc, center Held; Stockton, right
In Police Court. An "Amazon" of the
Astor street district, drunk a too liberal
quantity of intoxicating beverages yes
terday. became too noisy for even the
patrolman's enrs to escape noticing, and
naturally found herself before Judge
Anderson to explain. After an investi
gation into the facts, the girl was given
the choice of leaving town or paying a
$30 line. She preferred to do the lat
ter. Howard Browncll appeared for the
defendant. Six other cases of drunken
ness were awarded fines of five nnd ten
dollars, according to the degree of in
toxication, nnd the extent of their
financial .resources. Thirteen gambling
complaints were rend, and bail in the
sum of $25 each declared forfeited, after
the usual custom. The city now reaps
on income of nearly $1500 per month
from gambling licenses.
Morning Astorian, 65c per month.
Return From Seattle Mi. (,'. I).
Htewart nt I city, returned yesterday
li 1011 from Seattle where dlii' was culled
last week hv tli)' death of her father, ,
Memorial Day Exercises. -Tl.i after-
IKMIII I lit- cllilll.C.I (if till Sllivdy SI'llOOl
Villi give memorial exercise. U which i- invited. In addition to the
llll'll'i. I ' ' K " IIMMflltfT "I the
(!. A. It. will -tM-rt k .
Committee at Work. The Fourth of
Inly ( iinittcc it already hard at work
soliciting fund, fur- tin celebration, and
II.C MlCcting Willi KmI SUCCC. I'VOIM
will propect tlii' font t ti will be celc-
bulled ill .WMlil II. IM-Vcl lclo.c.
Have Little Hope. - -The democratic
(unity (HiiilMliiiet went to uiiii-y iui
night, where they spoke to ft small
iiiiili'i I In emnlilntc. w liii'' " '"y
realize there i nt much hope "f "in
ning out. mi- waking tin l-t of a bud
Report Completed. The monthly re-
jiort of ( ity N-liool , Miperinu'iiucni
link, fur the month ending on May 'iitli
ha. been completed, According to the
rcm.l the lialincr room for the month
uh. ro 2 of the Taylor whool, with
!HUI pi-n entage of at tendance, ami I'M)
.cr cent punctuality. The banner whool
for the month wh. AlilerlmK.k aeiiimi
with UH." per cent of attendance, and
IIMI jier i-ei.t punctuality. The total
i ., . . l.irui .....I 41. a
nioittli.y cnroiiineiii a ami
... ..... lit'.A A
average uaiiy aiiemmncr i...-.-
Not Here. -The flttingK for the hyd-
IMtit. to be placed ut tin corner OI MX-
i-ciith and Kxchange .trect.. and Fif
teenth and Kxchange at reel, have noi
v. l arrived, but a. oon a they do. the
v. atcr department will have them in
1..II...1 It i. the expectation of the
water commiion to once more auvcr
ti.,. for bid. lor enuring tne grounu lor
.... . M
the high .ervi.e re.ervoir. 'I'wo bid.
were received at the previous time, but
il. tfer.- con.iderd far I.hi much and
were rejected.
Republican Rally. The republic.!..
coiimv cnnui'iaie. inr in.- r' ..---
tion went to Hammond last night on
the launch Queen returning after holding
one of the most successful rallies of the
campaign. Over 2'KI voters were present
to listen and applaud the seaker.
Fred W, Mulkcy. republican candidate
for C S. Senator for the short term.
,wa. present and addressed the audience.
Among thor who spoke were v v 1.
Nr in l e d. .Vim., liux. .1. V iMikin. .i.
It. Pomeroy. .1. C. Clinton, W. A. Slier
man. C. K. Clinton, .T. C., and
Fied W. Mnlkev.
Seldom i the opportunity afforded in
thi- city to enjoy such hiic as will ne
heard at the Motiteith conceit in the
Mcthodi.t church this veiling. The
choicest production, of some of the
world', greatest composers will lie in
terpreted In nUists wno nave tew
e.intls. If you appieciiite the entrancing
melody of a superior voice in classic
themes, the soulful strains of the violin
in its perfection and the marvelous pos
sibilities, of the piano do not fail to
tend. Admission, 50 cent., a tut n.ony
back if you do not get more than it's
value. Sec program in another column.
A Mountain of Gold.
mold not brinir as much happiness to
Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., and
did not one 25c box of Bucklens Ar
ilea. Salve, when it complete!" cured i
running sore on her leir, which had tor
tured her twenty-three years. Greatest
antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and
Sores. 25c at Charles Rogers dtug
Finest candies, best teas, canned
goods, fresh fruits nnd eggs at Howe &
Cowan's, 420 Commercial street, oppo
site Sherman's. 5-2!-3t.
Stomach Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly
respected resident of Faisonia, Miss.,
was sick with stomach trouble for more
than six months. Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets cured her. She
savs: "I can now eat anything I want
and am the proudest woman in the
world to find such a good medicine."
For sale by Frank Hart, druggist, and
leading druggists.
U. S. Supreme Court Colleagues Tender
Him Good Will.
WASHINGTON. May 28,-Ollicial an
nouncement of the retirement of Justice
Brown from the Supremo Court of the
United States was made today by Chief
Justice Fuller before the adjournment
for the term. Iu making the statement
he gave out the correspondence between
the retiring Justice and the court, in
which the eight colleagues of Justice
Brown expressed their high appreciation
of him a a Justice. Justice Brown -re
plied iu fitting terms to the members of
the court thanking them for their ex
pres.ions of good will.
Mr. ami Mr. ( hurle. Ilumprey have
returned from I'o.thiiid.
(. Hmedberg, of (iieyn Hiver, i. in the
fit V on a Intuitu'., trip.
A. W. Clark, of Ibepiiam, Vh., was
a bu.ii.e. vi.itor in the city ye.terday.
H. M. liam.liy, of Oregon City, wn. in
the city for ii .hurt while
ilcorge A, Hole arrived down from
I'm tin lid on the 1 1 : .'." trail, ye.terdiiy.
T. C. Coleman, iif Portland, arrived in
the city ye.teiday on a brief biiiine..
(I, A. Mcliitytv, of Spokane, kiin in
the city for a "hort while; on'.s
,1. It. P.alli'iitirie, of Portland, wn a
Iiimiic. tou.i-t on the Astoria streets
K., of I'o.thiiid, came down on
the noon train ye.teiday, for business
I!. W, Niimlgra., of Chicstgo, spent the
day in this city ye.terday, on a (Irum
miug tour.
Mr. and Mm. J. A. Tucker from Min
neapoli, are in the city and domiciled at
the Occident,
Win. Wardell, of Ilwaco, came over to
the (, 'hit sop uietrodi on a business
trip yesterday.
II. K. Mem-fee, of Pultith. wes here on
liiisines. yesterday, returning to the lne
tropofti last evening.
Kmil Iljoik, of Deep Kiver, was an
over Sunday visitor in the eity and a
gt.e.t at the Inning hotel.
F. .1. Catterlin, of Portland, was a
business visitor in Astoria yesterday,
returning to the metropolis last evening.
Dr. A. A. Finch was a homing passen
ger from Portland on the noon express
yesterday, the ladies of his family arriv
ing on the 10:35 train last night.
AM Meres-e, of the editorial staff of
the Forest Grove Times, was in the city
yesterday on a flying trip and circulat
ing among friend, for a few hours.
The steamer Shamrock will make a
trip to Crecnwod Cemetery at 1 o'clock
n. n... Decoration Dav Secure your
tickets at Fold's Undertaking Parlors
Adults, 50 cents; children, 25 cents.
A regular communication of Temple
Mire. No. 7, A. F. &. A. M.. will be held
at Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening,
May 20, 1000, at 7:30 o'clock. By order
of the W. M. Atte-t: E. C. Holden. fee
retarv. Work in the F C. degree
The steamer It. Miler will make two
trips to Greenwood cemetery, leaving
at 0 a. m. and 1 p. n.., on Decoration day
secure vour ticket, at Pohl's undertak
inir nnrlor. or at steamer It. Milcr,
Adults, 50c.; children. 25c.; leaves I.ur
line dock. A. S. Babbidj-e. master. 20-2t
Death from Appendicitis
decrease in the same ratio that the use
of Dr. Kinir's New Life Pills increases.
They save you from danger and bring
quick and painless release from consti
pation and the His growing out ot ii.
Strength and vigor always follow their
use. Guaranteed by Charles Kogers
druggist, 25c. Try them.
Fine hats at the Bonton Millinery
store, 483 Bond street Mrs. Jaloff.
milliner. tf.
The biggest millinary sale ever of
fered. All the hats at the Elite Milli
nery Store in the Dr. Ball's bnOdinc oa
Commercial St, across the street from
Budget office. Must be sold before the
first of June, and will be sold at cost
Dont miss this opportunity of getting
a good hat cheap.
A Positive Necessity.
Having to lay upon my bed for 14
days from a severely bruised leg, I only
found relief when I used a bottle of
Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheer
fully recommend it as the best medi
cine for bruises ever sent to the af
flicted. It has now become a positive
necessity upon myself.
D. R. Byrnes, merchant. Doversville,
Texas. 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by
Hart's drug store.
Ocean Circle No. 145, Women of Wood
craft, will unveil the monument erected
over the grave of our late neighbor, Irene
C. McMullen, on Wednesday, May 30th,
at Greenwood cemeteiy. The boat will
leave nt 1 o'clock. Members are re
quested to ntend. Annie Wooten, Guar
dian Neighbor. M. McCann, Clerk. 29-2t.
All inemliers of Astoria Lodge, No.
180, B. P. 0. K. Elks, and visiting mem
bers, are requested to attend the meet
ing this Tuesday evening; initiation.
G. C. Fulton, E. R.j J. G Clinton, Sec.
One Piano Number Free
No, Misft&lhi
It am no joke; it am the truth. My
Sunday-Go-to-Meeting Clothes looks
fine and dandy all de time 'Case Mr.
Wise he press 'em just as often as I
like. All of Mr. Wise's customers kin
have their clothes pressed FREE at
any ole time.
Herman Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day.
Yard Men, $2.00 per day.
Ten Boys, Over 16 Years Old to Work
In Box Factory.
A good meal inspires merriment, and
good cheer always aids digestion, two
facts that are amply proven every hour
in he day, by the comfortable and con
tested faces of the hundreds who patro
nize the Palace Restaurant, on Commer
cial streets, directly opposite the Page
Block. You don't have to look at
others, however, for conviction on this
score. Go in and try it yourself, and
KNOW that it is as here reported.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, doesaD
manner of texidermy, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and al work
The steamer Miler will leave at 9
a. m. and the Shamrock at 1 p. m. for
Greeiiwod cemetery on Decoration day.
Secure your tickets at Pohl's Undertak
ing parlors. Adults, 50 cents; children,
25 cents. 5-20-3t,
Postmaster Robbed.
G. W. Fouts, postmaster at Riverton.
Ia, nearly lost his life and was robbed
of all comfort, according to his letter,
which says: "For twenty years I had
chronic liver complaint, which led to
such a severe case of jaundice that even
my finger nails turned yellow; when
my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters;
which cured me and have keDt me well
for eleven years." Sure cure for Bilious
ness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all
stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder de
rangements. A wonderful Tonic. At
Charles Rogers' drug store. 50 cents.
A complexion fair men like to sec,
So girls tako this advice,
Don't hesitate to think it o'er,
Drink Rocky Mountain Tea.
Fruuk Hart, Druggist.
with Every $5.00 Purchase. 8
' When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amateur
way, kodaks, films, plates, cards,
mounts, and all the technical details
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That is alL
The fashionable milliner, in the Star
Theater building, is the best place to
buy your summer hat.
For a good shave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs No long
waits. .
In the 'spring the young man's fancy
lightly turn3 to thoughts of love. The
good housekeeper's to housecleaning. The
thrifty housekeepers can find the best
materials and expert workmen in the
papering, painting and artistic frescoing
line at the Eastern Painting & Decorat
ing Company, 75 Ninth street.
The very best board to be obtained in
the city is at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
Growing Aches and Pains.
Mrs. Jo3ie Sumner, Bremondd, Tex.,
writes, April 15, 1902. "I have used
Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family
for three years. I would not be with
out it in the house. I have used it on
my little girl for growing pains and
aches in her knees. It cured her right
away. I have also used it for frost
bitten feet, with good success. It is
the best liniment I ever used." 25o, 50a
and $1.00.