The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 26, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Spanish War Veterans to Havej
Monument Erected. !
Monument Will be Unveiled on May
30 With Appropriate Ceremonies
Mayor Lane, Harvey Scott,
and Others Will Speak.
The unveiling of the monument erected
Te unveiling of the monument erected
in the Plaza Block in honor of the sol
diers of the Spanish-American War will
be an event of extraordinary import
ance. The principal speaker of the day will
be General Thomas M. Anderson. There
will also be addressed by Hon, Harvey
W. Scott, Hon. Harry Lane. Mayor, and
others. In discussing this monument
General Anderson says that he consid
ers it one of the finest in the United
States, and creditable to the Oregon
The Chairman of the Invitation Com
mittee. Chaplain Gordon A. Peel of the
Spanish War Veterans, says that the
Veterans of Portland are more than
anxious to have their comrade from
all portions of Oregon in attendance,
and they can rest assured of a most cor
dial welcome.
The Fourteenth Regiment Band from
Vancouver Barracks will be in attend
ance, and other features of the musical
program will be of .extraordinary inter
ests. The railroads have made specially
low rates from all points and it is
suggested that the details can be se
cured from local agents at all stations.
The parade will begin at 1:45 and will
culminate in the unveiling of the monu
ment at 3:00 on the afternoon of May
"Vacation Estimates" on the coast of
a summer' outing in Colorado and
Utah, is the theme of the newest book
let issued by the Passenger Department
of the Denver & Bio Grand Railroad.
One is told what can be done or seen 00
an expedition of $10.00 per week and
NEW YORK. May 25. A cable dis
patch to the Herald from Buenos Ayres,
Argentina, says:
Paraguay telegrams from Asuncion
say that the revolutionists in the State
of Matto Grosso, headed by Dr. Generoso
Ponce, captured the towns of Corumba,
Santa Ana de Parahibo and Pacom, and
are now near Cuyaba, the capital of the
state. The governor, Senor Paez, ar
rested the chiefs of the revolutionaries
on the 10th instant, but afterward set
them at liberty, the revolutionists
promising to remain calm. Three days
later new arre&ts were made and Senor
Ponce then began his advance toward
Cuyaba. Several fights took place and
numbers were killed or wounded. The
revolutionists were mostly victorious.
The federal troops protect the neutrals.
Growing Aches and Pains.
Mrs. Josie Sumner, Bremondd, Tex.,
writes, April 15, 1902. 1 have used
Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family
for three years. I would not be with
out it in the house. I have used it on
my little girl for growing pains and
aches in her knees. It cured her right
away. I have also used it for frost
bitten feet, witk good, success. It is
the bedt liniment I eve? used." 25c, 50c
and $1.00.
Five Reasons Why You Should Use
To MaKe a New Roof or Repair Your Old One
1. Same cost of Insurance as Iron.
2. Most Durable Roofing Made.
3. Easy to put on
4. Is Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
0. Has Stood All Tests of Heat and Cold; wet
and dry weather.
Special Order Issued by Cushing Post
For Its Observance.
The following special order has leen
ised by cushing Post x. u a. r.,
,lf th d,-v-f,,r ,,,,, w ;,f
Memorial luy in this city, anil will lc
of definite interest, in a civic sense, tt
well a in Grand Army circle. Make
j a note of it and join in the demonstra-
Head Quarter dishing Post.. Grand
Army of the Republic.
Astoria, Ore.. May 24. IfKW.
Special Order Xo. 3.
First All Comrades of Cushing Post,
Xo. 14. G. A. R.. are expected to meet
at their hall oil Wednesday, May 30,
1SH)6, on Ninth street, and all visiting
comrades, Indian War veterans, are
respectfully invited to participate in
the services of the day and evening.
The column will form as follows:
First Color-bearer.
Second G. A. R.
Third I-adies of the G. A. R.
Fourth Women's Relief Corp.
Fifth Indian War Veterans.
Sixth Spanish War Veterans.
The parade will start at 10 o'clock
and fifteen minutes, promptly, march
north on Ninth street to Commercial,
east on Commercial to Eleventh street
thence north to the I.urline dock, where
the water services in memory of the
I marines will be conducted by the ladies
of the Women's Relief Corps; after the
services at the water front the parade
will reform and proceed to the A. A C.
depot and take the 11:35 train for the
Warrenton siding, at whfch point it will
be jointly by the escort and firing squad
from Fort Stevens and then proceed to
the Ocean View Cemetery and decorate
the graves of our departed comrades who
have answered the last call.
The services in the evening will be
held in the I. O. O. F. hall and will com
mence promptly at 7:30 p. m.
All places of business are respectfully
requested to close during the parade
By order of the Post Commander.
Theodore J. Broemster.
Adjutant, C. W. Shaw.
XEW YORK, May 25 The White
Star liner Republic having on board tha
victorious American athletes, who com
peter in the Olympic games at Athens,
Greece, arrived in quarantine at 5:15
o'clock this morning.
Hundreds of friends were on hand
prepared to give the world's champions
a rousing reception when the steamer
docked about 8 o'clock.
CHICAGO, May 25 A dispatch to
the Record-Herald from St. Louis says:
The will of Mrs Julia Lemp. the
widow of William J. Lemp, millionaire
brewer was filed for probate yesterday.
The value of her estate is estimated at
$10,000,000. Miss Elsa Lemp is left one
seventh of the estate, which is to be
held in trust until' she is thirty years
old, by her brothers, William -1. Lemp
Jr., and Charles A. Lemp. She is to get
1 $1,000,000 on the day of her marriage
and if she goes without issue before she
is thirty years old her share will revert
to the other heirs. Each of the oter six
children get equal shares of the estate,
but some of the bequests are condi
tional. Exposure
To cold draughts of air, to keen and
cutting winds, sudden changes of the
temperature, scanty clothing, undue ex
pisure of the throat and neck after
public speaking and singing, bring on
cougs and colds.
Ballard's Horehound Syrun is the
best cure. Mrs. A. Barr, Houston, Tex.,
writes, Jan. 31, 1902: "One bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup cured me of
a very bad cough. It ia very pleasant
to take. Sold by Hart's drug store.
Costa Rica Has Slight Mix Up With
Steamers Roanoke and Costa Rica Leave
Out For Southern Porta With
Freight and Passengers
Other. Items.
"The steamship Co-ta Rica arrived
down from Portland yesterday morning
early with a good list of passengers on
board, San Francisco hound, and a
heavy load of merchandise. She started
away from the O. 11. & X. pier ulxnit
t : :t( o'clock, but Captain Curtis made
a bad calculation in heading out of the
berth and failed to make enough channel-way,
with the result that in a jiffy
she was foul of the steamship Roanoke
which was berthed at the Callender
dock, to the westward; the ships came
together very gently, however, and no
damage was done to either, but the
! Cota Rica was rendered helplc-s and
had to send for Captain Reed and the
bar tug Wallula. with whose help she
was soon in mid-stream and headed for
the bar. The strong inset from the
ship channel for the upper river, bol
stered by a spanking northeast wind,
wind, weiv responsible for the mishap,
which was. happily, without any ser
ious consequences, other than the delay
of half an hour in getting to sea.
When the steamer I.urline passed the
steamship George W. Klder yesterday
there was smoke and steam coming
from the Elder's funnel and pipes, indi
cating that she was under her own
steam. The pumps were working hard,
and great volumes of water were pour
ing from her scuppers. The steamers
Harvest Queen and Oklahaina were
alongside, and it was evident she was
alout ready to start for Portland and
the drydoek. (iood luck to her and her
new owner. The I.urline went up on
time la-t night with the following people
on her: D. H. Welch, H. Moore and J.
A. Bailey. By the way, Agent Fowler
of the Kainm Line, in this city, has had
the otlice and waiting room of the Flay
ed waiting room newly painted from one
end to the other and it liHiks ;is clean
and comfortable a such embellishment
can make it.
The steamship Roanoke came down
from the metropolis about !t o'clock
yesterday morning and made fast at the
Callender pier, w here she laid for about
half an hour. She had thirty-one peo
ple on board, liound, variously, for Eu
reka. San Francisco, and Los Angeles.
She went to sea lit the same instant as
the Co-ta Rica. K. K. Johnson anil
J. Kunti, weie passengers on tiie Roan
oke out of Astoria.
The steamer Tiverton arrived in from
San Francisco yesterday afternoon and
after a short stay at the Callender
wharf, went on to Portland.
The sum of $1,000 was paid out yes
terday by the customs authorities at
this port, to the crew of the schooner
Alumna, just in from Valparaiso, Chili.
The steamer Asuncion is due from
San Francisco this morning, with her
usual quota, of oil. She is too fine a
looking traft to be an oil-hooker.
The steamer Telegraph came down on
time yesterday with thirty-three people
from Portland and way landings, among
whom were about twenty I, 0. O. F.
delegates from this section who have
been in attendance upon the Grand
Lodge of Odd Fellows at Portland dur
ing the past week.
The word is going around that the
salmon are running in greater numbers
than at any time this season, and the
predicate is considered good for a con
tinuanc. It is cordially hoped that this
is the, case, as matters have been pretty
dubious with the fishing worlds alwut
here since the fifteenth of last month.
The barometer went down yesterday
to a point that, in the language of one
of the best posted mariners of this port,
was "the lowest he had seen it this seas
on." Later, the weather observer here,
Mr. Powell, of the W. U. sent up storim
signals, on receipt of the intelligence
that a heavy southeast storm was due,
H. C. Binder boarded the steamship
Roanoke yesterday morning, as first as-
sM.'Kt c:!:iicr, Liking t tar plice of the
icgular "Firt," who is acting chief in
(he absence of Chid' Knyiiuci Dunham,
lii has laid oil' to lnpect the enginery
of the strainer George W, Filler just
limited from the scene of her wreck, it ml
now at I'dillniul,
Notice to Marinera.
Following are the latest changes in
hi lid in ilk s, buoys and lights issued by
the government:
Washington Willupa Hay Neinu
Sands Buoy established. April IB.
I'.Mii, a red second-class 111111 buoy, 1111111
lieivd 0. was established In 35 feet of
water off Sandy Point. Willapii Hay, oil
the follow ing bearings:
Sandy Point, right tangent. X 1 deg.
45 uiin. K. true tK. 1 X. mag.)
la-adbetter point, tangent, X. 42 deg.
30 mill. W. true (NV. by W, 3 4 W.
t loose jKiint. tangent, X. 4 deg. E.
true (X. by W. 5-8 mag.)
California - Point Arena lighthouse -Tower
damaged- Provisional light. On
April 28, l'.HH), the 1st order fixed white
light shown 011 Point Arena, California,
was discontinued owing to damage to
the tower by earthquake.
On May 2, 1IMMI. a temporary fixed
white lens-lantern light was exhibited
on th outer gable of the fog signal struc
ture. li2 feet X. 50 deg. W. true
(WXW. mag.), from the center of the
tower and almut 73 feet above mean
high water.
Approx. positions: luit . 38 deg. 57 min.
12 sec. X., Long. 123 deg. 44 min. 27
sec. W.
Xoticc is hereby given. Unit up to
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on Thurs
day, the :tlst day of May. PNNI, the
Co littee on Streets and Public Ways
of the Common Council of the City of
Astoria, will receive sealed bids for the
improvement of Eleventh street from
the north line of Harrison avenue to the
north line of Kensington avenue, as or
dered improved by ordinance Xo, 3240,
approved on the 22nd day of May. 11HX1.
The right is reserved to reject any and
all bids
P. A. ST.X(iLND,
Committee on Streets and Public Ways
0 20 4t.
Vancouver Barracks, Wash.. May 23.
l'.HH!. Sealed proposals, in triplicate,
will lie received at this office until 11
o'clock a. 111., June 10, l'XH). and then
publicly opened, for the construction of
post exchange and laiwling alley at
Fort Columbia, Wash, Full information
will be furnished on application at this
olliee, and at the oilier of the Quarter
master, Fort Columbia, Wash. The
I". S. reserves the right to accept or
reject any or all bids or any part there
of. Envelopes containing proposal
should be indorsed: "Proposals for
gymnasium ami bowling alley at Fort
Columbia, Wash.," and addressed to the
Chief Quartermaster, Vancouver Bar
neks Washington.
Will overcome indigestion and dya-
pepsia; regulate the bowels and cure
liver and kidney complaints.
It is the be-t blood enricher and In
vigorator in the world. It is purely
vegetable, perfect harmless, and should
you be a sufferer from disease, you will
use it if you are wise.
R. N. Andrews, . editor and manager
Cocoa and Rockledge News, Cocoa, Fla.,
writes: "I have used your Herbine In
my family, and find it a most excellent
medicine. Its effects upon, myself have
been a marked benefit. Sold by Frank
Hart's drug store.
. Xotice is hereby given, That up to
the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., on Thursday,
the 31st day of May, 1900. the Commit
tee on Streets and Public Ways of the
Common Council of the City of Astoria,
will receive sealed bids for improving
Bond street from the west line of Ninth
street to the east line of Sixth street
as ordered improved by ordinance No.
3250, approved on the 22nd day of May,
1900. The right is reserved to reject any
and all bids.
Committee on Streets and Public Ways.
For County Judge
Regular Nominee Democratic Party.
Continuation of Good Road Work;
Completion of Court House; and
Upbuilding of Clatsop County.
NF.W YORK. May 25. -Mis Robert
Kdcson, wile of the actor, ami herself,
known on the stage as Ellen Berg, went
iiiulcr a double operation in (he French
hiKpilal yesterday, I.t night her
condition was satisfactory,
Mrs. Edeson hud to abandon her pro
fession two years ago when leading
woman with her huand, on account of
ill s. Hccently her condition becanm
critical, making an operation for kidney
trouble and appendicitis imperative,
XKW YORK. May 25. , .pedal to
the Tribune from Boston say!
Mrs, I, yd in Titus of Rockland. Maine,
is in Boston to raise funds to prosecute
it nenrvh for the body of her son, Edgar
M. Titus, who with his brother-in law,
disiipH'iircd in Death Valley, Cat, June
2(1, HKkY Tit lis left Telliuide. Colo.,
with thirty burros to sell to miners, but
wandered in search of water ami (lis-
sapcared in Ifc-ntli Valley.
A coarse, leathers complexion made
unlieautiful by erupt Ions, calls for a gen
eral reform In living. The diet should
be plenty of Holllster's Rock Mountain
Tea. 35 cants, Tea or Tablets. Sold by
Frank Hart
Camion of New York, president of (he
Pacific Coast Company which owns the
Pacific Cout Steamship line, is arrang
ing to have tluve modem steamers for
the latter company, and (hey are to lie
used on its San Francisco and Seattle
line. In the aggregate they are to cot
ulNiut $:l,lHMUKMl, and enh vessel will be
41X1 feet ill length. They ale to la- con
structed of ateel. with A! horse power
engines, and have a sjiecl of fifteen
knots an hour. They are to have ac
commodations for 300 flrt class pas
senger. Sort Nipples.
A cure ma b effected by applying
Chamberlsln'a Salve as toon aa tha child
Is done nursing. Wipe it off with a
oft cloth before allowing the child to
nurse. Many trained nurses use this
salve with tha best result. Prict 23
cents per box. Sold by Frank Hart and
leading druggists.
A Natural
Inward cleansing is a necessary as outward bathing. To keep the
bowels (ree and regular is til even greater importance than to keep
the skin-porcs from becoming clogged. The neglect ol cither in
vites disease. Everyone needs a natural laxative occasionally, to
free the bowels of accumulated impurities. For this purpose take
the greatest boon cvar offered to those who suffer from the ills
that follow constipation. For over fifty years Rcccham's Pills have
been famous as a Stomach corrective, a Liver regulator and Bowel
laxative. They never gripe nor cause pain. Powerful purgatives
arc dangerous. Avoid them. Use iicccnam's Pills. They give re
lief without doing violence to any organ. Their action is in har
mony with physical laws. Take them regularly and the necessity
for their use becomes less frequent. They arc a natural laxative
and a positive cure for Constipation, biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache and Dyspepsia.
Sold Evarjrwfcera la Box, l and IS.
V Y Wll II 1C1I
Up to-Eate Haw Mill Machinery. Prompt attention given to all repair work
18th and Franklin Ave. Tel. Main 245 1
Limited Allotment of stock now offered 12 per cent guaranteed. Will pay
over M per cent when stores are established.
COL. J. Jt. FULLER, President, (Ex-California. Bank Commissioner.)
, HON. TRUMAN REEVES, Secretary and Tiertuifr (Treasurer of the State
of California.)
CAPTAIN E. E. CAINE, Director, (Capitalist and Ship Owner, Seattle, Wash.)
T. K. STATELER, Director, (Oeneral Agent Northern Pacific R. It.)
WILLIAM CROCKER. Director, (San Francisco.)
5, 10 and 15 Gent Stores
MANAGERS WANTED who can influence capital. Shniv of profits and salary
to right party.
Head Olliee: Union Savings Bank Building, Oakland, Cal.
Prospectus and, information free. Write today,
A place where good groieiii" am
kept, U a good place to buy, liny of us
and you will buy good goods.
arriving daily.
A shipment of freh vegetable dtltf
Poom Main Ml
023 Commercial St,
NEw'yoRK, May 23, -The sale of
pictures and curios contributed mostly
by art dealers for the San Francisco
ivlirf fund realised fci-'MH at the Fifth
Avenus Art Galleries lust night. Mi
lloniue French, who conducted a IxHith
received an autograph from President
Roosevelt yesterday. The President's
well known signatures brought .V
The Democratic county coiiu-utiu of
Missouri are declaring for Bryan with
wonderful unanimity. Have the Mis
souri Democrat no mich thing as Uto
Stomach Trouble,
j Mrs. Sua Martin, an old and highly
respected resident of Falaonla. Mli-,
was sick with stomach trouble for mora
than six months. Chamberlain's Stom-
!ach and l iver Tablets cured her. Sha
says: " I can now eat anything I want
and am the proudest woman In tha
world to find such a good medicine."
For sale by Frank Hart, druggist, and
leading druggists.
U Beer.