The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 17, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1900.
We arc
The pctfect safety match which prevent Are from tide friction.
TERSE IiS if I Mil
Baball Team. The .mi lei, ( the
F.venlng 1Vprrmii have formed u l,c.
ball tram, hKIi Arthur Curium 11
(Vptuin, Mini l!iiliati WiUoii, maiiugcr,
Hotel Irving, corner Franklin avenue
and Eleventh itrett. European plan;
beat roomi and board in the city at res-
eonable pricti; free but.
On the Way. Frd. Harm, a native
of Finland, jitrday took tin Hrt
on th road to American citieti
ship, by tiling hi declaration u( inten
tion in behalf, with th county
Reception Today.- The Isdl.s of the
Kirt iVsbytniau church, of thi city,
tender 11 reception to Mra. W. S.
(Jllbrrt, tin wife of th punlor of tlmt
congregation, nt tin residence of Mr.
1). M, Ktturt nt (lip corner of Franklin
venue and Fourteenth treet, thi
afternoon) to which, a cordial and gen
eral invlUtiou is ext'iiil'd.
Snug and Handsome. Councilman
Oorge Kahoth in completed ll' chang
es ami general renovation of his home
at the northttent ,-oinir of Cratid Avenue
and F.levpnth sli'rt. nml the hahiut i
Mtug and hiuuUoiiie a comfort and
excellent tale could demand, and 'tip
ply. It i very llhtly spot mid every
jhae of improvement and emlclih-m-
lit it appreaciuhlc.
Preparing For The Day, -The Crand
Army veteran of Cithiug Pof N'o. H
of this city ate taking all neciury
tepi lowaid the uoer obervanee of
Memorial Day, which full on Thttr-day.
two week from today. They haw, mid
will !way have, the hitnd of welcome
out for all. tlmt seek to mink this, their
own particiihir day. in any way tlmt
contribute to it hotloialile llage and
.liitim-tioii, The M'hool of the rlty will
have their part in the nolemn pageant
and every element that nut In invoked
to tender it lmprenlve will be nirefitlly
programmed nd due announcement
made of the miiiii' In innple scaon. One
plume of the latter1 May memorial
miiHt never he overlooked, and that i",
the fewer number of the old veteran
that are left to mink it pawing. And
with thin alway in view the ordinary
citlen will take a more reverent heed of
the day and it significance.
S Fine bata at the, Bonton Millinery
atore, 483 Bond atreet. Mn. Jaloff,
milliner. tf.
Baaeball gooda at Svtoaon'e,
Tae very beat board to be obtained to
the dty la at "The Occident HoteL"
Rate very reaaonable.
118122 Twelfth BU Astoria, Ore.
to Burn
telling the famous ' """
Funeral Yeiterday. The funeral of
the late Harriet Olsen of Hvcnscii took
place yesterday with the intermi'iit in
Kiniini cemetery,
Permission to Wed.8talutory per
iiii.."i(Ui win granted yesterduy to Mr.
Henry I'felffer, one of t'mle hum' !'
! fender at Fort Stevens und Miss F.I-
nor YYiUoii, a young ludy of Hitniuiond
to wed, vetcrdav. by (Jointly Clerk
Spectre on the Dock. Yesterday, in
broad day-light, a ghost (not of hide
on mien, however,) walked from one
end of the 0. It, A N. pier, to the
other, and scattered, not terror, but coin
of the realm, to the waiting, not gap
ing, employe of thi company. The
only ugly feature of these perambula
tion it that thev do occur oftn enough.
From ThJ Day On-Tbe Fair East
ern Mllllonary store will plaoa it entire
elegant stock of drew and atreet bata
and all dainty accessories, before ita
customers, today, upon a bssls of lib
era! discount from reoent prevailing
prioei. T1.ia conceaaion will continue
IndeDniUly, and lad in ahouU avail
thvmtelvet of the pronouaced cut.
Vanilla Ice Cream
Cruthed Banana Ice Cream.
New Cruabed Strawberry
Lemon Water
Ic and Pineapple Sherbet
Main 13a! 543 Commercial St.
Benefit Entertainment. The benefit
entertainment to be given In the Star
Theater Friday afternoon by the mem
ber of the local munician' union will
undoubtedly I one of the bet thing
In the line of mimical treat that the
Aitorinn public haa heard in a long
time, In addition to the. regular Star
program, the munician will render the
following (.election: March, "Rival
King," T. I.. Toey; overture. "Prince of
riln. n," !. Tudcrj trombone nolo, "Love
Thought," by .lumen Miller fluto aolo,
Mini Marie Wandrath; duet, trombone
and nosophone; ong, "Staccato Polka,"
Mina F.lnne Forest.
Unfortunate Occurrence. Last even
ing while Kigita farlnnn, aged four mid
n half yearn, and hi companion of the
-nine age named Howard, were xwiuging
on the high gate which atnnds at the
entrance to the alleyway, running be
tween the warehouse of F F.lniorc Si
Company, on water street, the big gate
became loosened from ita hinges, and
fell on top of the two tota, o that the
left leg of the Carlson child win frac
tured lwlow the knee, both hone being
broken, and the Howard boy'n head was
merely cut. Mr. Blaochard, who re
niden clone by, nnw the aeeident and
lifted the heavy gate from off the two
children, who were at once removed to
t&ilt komea. Dr. lite waa called and
attended the injured children.
In Police Court. Gus Monaeman an
netted that he wa not drunk when
arrented yenterday morning by Ofllcer
Wilson and denied that he had used any
language reflecting on the general in
efficiency of the Astoria police force,
nnd Officer Wilson in particular. The
officer however asserted junt n positive
ly that Mooemnn bad used insulting
language, toward him and after hearing
both sides to the matter, Judge' Ander
son dismissed the case, with n warning
to Mooseman that in the future his
language should be such aa to keep him
out of jail. Mooseman admitted he had
been drinking, but was not drunk. The
court in the course of his remarks em
phasized the fact that tho average per
son did not treat officers of the law
with due respect, nnd said that he
would give all persona guilty of insult
ing remarks to an officer, the limit. Be
cause there seemed to be doubt as to
the extent of Moosemnn'a offense, the
mutter was passed over. Mat Matson,
Hannah Dickson, and Belle Falsnig all
accused with drunkenness, forfeited
their bail to the city, by their non-ap
pearance in court.
Had Hemorrhage Vent erduy morning
about "1 o'clock William Nelligitit, a gurd
Itei' of thl city, while walking along the
street was suddenly taken with a severe
hcmoi'iliiige, A doctor wan called and
the man vm Inter removed to the hos
pital, He i in u erioit condition and
f ciii's are fell for hi recovery.
Securea Signatures. A number of
liltllie have been nceureil by Secretary
li'nteii of I he Columbia River Fisher
men's t '11 ion to 11 petition which will be
nent. to the Secretary of War pretexting
iigiiin-t the locution of flxh trnpn be
tween the North Slioie, Cannery and
Point KHi.
Sextette of Transfm. The six fol
lowing (leedx went to the public records
of Chttxop county yesterday, towitt
The Cortland Timber Company to J. K.
DulMxe, warranty, 3, W. of the K.
i of "cctloii t",. T. 4 X, It. W. C. S.
Brown and wife to .lonepb Schambcrger,
warranty, 10, lot '1, block fl.'l, MiClure's
Ast.rij. Ilcrmowi Park Inveetmetit
Coinpuny to Lilly Cerry, warranty, I.V,
lot .1, block 2D. Hermona Park. A. It.
Cyril and wife to Mrs. (letia fiear
hart, trustee, warranty, I0. loU .11, 32,
XI, in block .1 O'lliira1 Addition to
Warrenton. John Klotermsn and wife
to Th Warren Packing Company war
ranty, :W), 3o fwt water-frontage in
the Kloxterman tract, in Antoria. The
I'nited State, by patent, to John K.
Cratke, the X. of the S. of section
4, T. 4 X.. R. 9 W,
To Make Good. The Aslorian was
credibly informed ye-terday by a friend
and at the bcliet, of Hendrick Homas-
sti, the bn.tlier mid boat-puller of the
Ittti', unfortunate captain of the fishing
boat run down by the steamnhip Cota
Iticu, Matt llomaxxti on Tuesday morn
ing Iat, that the pnx-r was in error on
one or two (Kiiiils in it account of the
accident: It went that th(f men
the boat did have light burning and
had waved it at the approaching vessel,
but dropped it nt the moment it became
necesiary to haul in the drifting net)
Thst neither of them were a-lecp when
the steamer approached the boat. The
Axtoriun's account a garnered from the
only available source on Tuesday morn
ing warranted it in making the state
ment here corrected, and the correc
tion is gladly made in justice to the dead
man and to bi living brother, a thi
paper ha no de-ire to mireprent
anyone nor any circumtunce in. its
public ptventntioitx.
Little lwd of llowers.
Little coat of pn int.
Make a plca-stit cottage
( Uit of otic that ain't.
0CXXXCXXXXXXXX30000 00000000000000000000 oooooxocxxooooo
It is the fashion nowadays for every mother's son of a clothing dealer to
claim that "HE" is the only favored one who carries the "BEST" clothes.
Do you, Mr. Customer, believe that ONE factory, makes all the good
clothes in America.
Indeed, some factories who were the ones, but a few years ago, bare de
generated and new men, young men, men of nerve, of ambition and of pride
have grasped the reins and the M and S or the X and Y Brands of former
years, are passed NOW!
Today, new people are to the fore, tomorrow too will be brushed aside, by
younger, more vigorous men with newer ideas and so the world hss," does and
ever will, move on.
The question thererore Is: which one of your local clothiers is the most
aggressive, the most up-to-date one; who is it that will take up new ideas,
new makes FIRST?
When you have answered that question, then you can safely decide as to
who "DOES" come nearest to that ideal.
"Don't judge a firm by its pretensions."
"Judge a clothier as you would a preacher."
"A doctor, a lawyer, a mechanic, etc."
"Judge every man or firm hy the
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Seventeenth of May -The Norwegians
of Astoria will celebrate Xorway's (lay
of Independence today at Logan Hall at
H p, 111., under the auxpjee of the Nor
wegian Singing Society. Admission Is
free and everybody invited. The follow
ing program will m rendered: Song by
the Society) opening remarks by I)r.
F. WMohnj song, "Norway! Noway!
piano solo, selection from "firieg," Mrs.
Aliercrolitnbiej song by the choir, "Dance
Cried the Fiddle"; poem, (Near Thomp
son; song by girls in natiomil costume;
inldrex b.v l!ev. C. Aug. PeU-riK'n,
"Liberty"; song by choir; recitation, by
Mr. Fetjc; uddrexs by ltev, Haaheiiu;
song by choir; a'ldre in Knglish,
"America," I'cv. K. L. Xanthrup; song.
"When the Fyords Are Blue"; address,
"The Norwegian Sailor'," ltev. P, M.
Flb'fxen; xong, "The Cat Song"; song,
"Norwegian National Hymn"; song,
To Move McClure School. In con
formity with the tenor of the communi
cation made to the taxpayers of the
Astoria school ditrict by the president
of the board of directors, Judge F. J.
Taylor, acting on behulf of the board,
and read in full ut the meeting of
Tuesday evening, the directors met yes
terday attention and made an order
covering the matter of the removal and
remodelling of the McClure school
building. The building committee of
the school board, Messrs. J. W. Welch
and J. A. Kakin, were instructed to
have plann and specifications drawn pro
viding for the removal of the building
fifty feet to the southward and twelve
feet to the westward and for the rais
ing of the building so as to permit the
installation of four more rooms, two of
which later will le made of the base
ment play room now existent; and so
soon a the committee and the architect
shall report the work back to the board
the work will lie commenced and dis
posed of with all the despatch possible.
The work will cost in the neighborhood
of $10,000, but will be wholly compen
satory, and i. imperatively necessary.
One peculiarly fortunate feature of the
completion of thi work is the facilitat
ing tlK abandonment of the Olney
school building, which is much too close
upon the "dead line" of the forbidden
district of the city for the moral health
of the children, and the personal com
fort of the staff that teaches there.
The Good Old Way. A reporter of
the Astorian was shown a note of hand
yesterday that has a bit of a story at
tached to it. that will la-ar recital from
the fact that it demonstrates the
splendid gift of per-onal confidence that
exists between men in this age of ex
acting business ntle: Five years ago
a certain gcxsl citizen of this county had
occasion to ltorrow the sum of ?500.
and sought it of a friend and neighbor;
Clothes Bought at Herman Wises Store pressed Free
the friend had it on hand and loaned
it gladly, taking the note, of the borrow
er, for one ymr, with six per cent inter
est; and before the ink was dry, the
loancr handed the evidence of debt
bock to the borrower with the state
ment that be did not want, nor need
the note, that be trusted him implicity
and he did not care to put a bridle on
his confidence in a friend. The borrow
er took it for a year, paid the inter
est, tendered the principal, and wa
told Ut use it as long as he had any
possible rraxon for doing so Year by
year, for four more years, the promisor
paid the interest and tendered the prin
cipal, annually, only to have the full
sum thrust buck upon him for further
use; and only a short while ago, when
the vagaries of time made it expidient
for the man who owed it to leave the
section in which they had both lived so
long, was the full and final sum of
principal and interest paid in settlement
of the note that had never changed
hand. Odd, but as true of gospel.
F. C. Conklin. of St. Louis, is in the
city on business bent.
H. Clay Thomas of Tacoma is in the
City on a business trip.
0. F. Martin of Portland waa in the
city yesterday, on business.
August Nelson of Chinook wa in the
city yesterday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Gorman of Cath
lamet, were in the city yesterday on a
business trip.
Senator and Mrs. J. B. M-gler arrived
from Brookfield yeterday, on the
steamer Jordan.
Mrs. James Nelson name in from
Skamokawa on the steamer Jordan yes
terday morning.
0. W. Sanliorn was a homing passeng
er on the Portland express at 11:35 yes
terday forenoon.
M. Eagle of San Francisco arrived in
the city yesterday, and is registered at
the Hotel Occident.
Thomas Linville, sheriff of Clatsop,
was a Portland passenger on the even
ing train yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. HoeftVr were pas
sengers to Seaside yesterday, accom
panied by their little son.
It. A. Blair of Catblamet was a busi
ness visitor in the city yesterday and
was domiciled at the Hotel Irving. ,
Frank Olsen the genial proprietor of
the Hotel Irving, with his baby son,
went to Seattle on the evening express
yesterday, for a few days business trip.
Austin Beavely, the popular baritone
who was a feature at the Star here last
winter, and who is now singing for the
Vancouver public, is In the city on a
short outing.
Dr. 0. B. Estej has arrived home after
an extended vWt in the East, where he
took a post graduate course, or two, and
enoyed jbimelf with old friends. Miaa
Estes. hi daughter, wilt remain in St.
Joseph, Missouri, for labotit six week
A reward of twenty dollars will' be
given for recovery of the body of Matt
Ilummasti who was drowned; the re
ward will be given by the Finnish
Brotherhood. John Taikka, secretary.
For a good ihave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs No long
The whole eating world of Astoria
say 1 to! Sayi what? Why, that the
only place in the city for a genuine,
square, well-cooked, comfortable, meal,
at a modest cost, -is the Palace Restaur
ant, on Commercial street opposite tie
Psge Block. The statement is so gen
eral and generous that to doubt U b
folly and to believe it and profit by It,
the best of good judgment in the eat
ing line. The proof o the pudding is
in the eating o it."
When 70a are is need of anything ia
the photographic line ia the amateur'
way, kodaks, films, plates, eards,
mounts, and all the technical details
of the business, and want the beet and
last in the way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That ia aQ.
A Brekea Wheel, a loose tin or wag
on a buggy repairs of any kind all
kinds can be attended at once and dona
properly, if taken to Andrew Asp '
Company. Repairing and general black
smithing. Buggies and wagons for sale.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all
manner of texidenny, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and svl work
mercial street lw.
"Vacation Estimates" on the coast of
i a summer" outing is Colorado and
1 w
Utah, is the theme of the newest book
let issued by the Passenger Department
of the Denver & Rio Grand Railroad.
One is told what can be done or seen on
an expedition of $10.00 per week and
Whenever you Say So.
to $35.00