The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 14, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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    MONDAY, MAY m, 1906.
Matches to Burn
We art telling the famous -
"Birds Eye Matches'
Tin perfect safety match which prevents fire from tide friction.
Tin- lltitlxli steamship Klllmrn went
up the river yesterday morning and
will KmiiI lumber out fin (leinm, Italy, nt
the X. I', Yards ami mill.
The steamer llcdomlo arrival In ye, j
terday from Sun Francisco, unl went on
to tlx nii'tinNil nt oiiiv
The steamship ( 'ml a Itim U lu ilown I
fmm I'm tin ml nt 4:'MI o'clock this
morning, en mule In Sun Francisco,
( ('uptaln Orillith. of the hark
Oalgata, report that ha voyage of 132
day from Hamburg wax uneventful,
except for a smashing gale In the Kng
lih channel, when hi cargo shifted a
Ml ami he was delayed for a short while !
putting it hack hi place.
The steamer IVtaplch arrived in from
Hn Fran.liti yesterday afternoon and ;
w. nt directly on to the j
"" " I
The Italian .hip Cati rltm, and the !
British bip Procyon, came In on the
hawser of the dandy Walluhi yeter
day, at separate haul, however,
The following prmHive officer and
representative of ( .la t sop eoiinly will
leave the city thi morning for a cam
paign tour through the county, and will
I gone for aeveral day, doing good
ervlc for the Republican party and
themselves: Amu Brlx and John Me
Cue, for representative) W, T, Hchoflcld
for tUte senator, and Mcrrltt R. Pome
roy, for herlff. May they bring back
unequivocal aurm of the nirrMi of
their mission and of the party In June.
Hotel Irving European id. The
only steam-heated hotel in Astoria; large
and airy rooms; prket from 50 centt to; well prepared and daintily terved
meala at as centa. Special ratet per
week or month for room and board to
permanent fuettt. Our but meet all
trains and tteamboata.
From This Day On. The Fair Eat
m Milllonary store will place Itt entire
elegant atock of drese and street hate
and all dainty accessories, before it
customers, today, upon a basis of lib
eral dUcount from recent prevailing
prices. conception will continue
indefinitely, and ladirt should avail
thomtelves of the pronounced cut.
Fine hate at the Donton Millinery
store, 483 Bond street, Mrs. Jaloff,
milliner. tf.
Baseball goods at Sventon's.
Tke very best board to be obtained In
the dty it at "The Occident Hotel"
Rates very reasonable.
Birds Eye
Cards for these; the
best on earth are be
ing distributed
through the city.
We will redeem
them Bring them
to us.
Oregon Strawberries
Direct From Grower
Now Daily.
118-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
Story of Hit Career In the "Evergreen"
A lit tin ripple of excitement was
created here Tuesday nlitht when
Nnri(T McDonald received won! from
Nalicottn to tin- effect that N. T. Mini
nril, who po'i a the J. Plcriepont
Miiryiiii of Naheotta about a year ago.
mikI Inter iiiikIc hurried exit from t It
rotmly uud slutc, hu been ein on the
(rain going from Portland to Taeoma
in company with hi wife ami child,
Hlii-rilf McDonald went to Taeoma and
Seattle next day and thoroughly inves
tigated the matter only to find that
Mwnnrd had stopped at neither place
hut had (one straight through to Brit
lh Colombia. A warrant for hi arret
was .Ued Immediately after hi flight
ll iiintiicr hut, o far, he ho eluded
ervh-e and kept c-r't hi hiding place.
.Mauord will be remembered an the
defaulting station ajjent for the I. It.
A x. comply at Naheotta. Karly ft
xiiiiiiiit he leaed the Naheotta Houite
ni refurnished It a a first clu houej
he organised the Pacific Auto Company
to run a line of automobile to the
beach and, in fact, show) to much en
terprise that the railroad company in
vestigated hie account and found him
W'lO liort. Reside the above named
fll.r,,ri,e. he built a hall at Long
Iteach and engaged an orchestra and
theater company orv at least, promoted
a company for the purpose. All of these
eompanie and enterprises were swindle
and all the stockholder money went
into Miinurd' pocket. It wa esti
mated at the time that hi clean-up
amounted to about 12000. It was
thought that be wa playing for a much
larger stake but the company's Investi
gation frightened him away.
Reside the company which furnUhed
hi. tmiid to the railroad company, his
victim were, A. V. Reeve, Joe Higgin,
('. J, Pet.-Mon, Chnrie. ftrtimMrom and
Roliert White. Warrant for hi arret
were Uued on complaint of the bond
ing company and A. V. Reeve, but from
that time he wa never heard of until
he wa iK-en and recngtiiml on the
Portland and Seattle train by M. V.
PilMitiry, a traveling alcman for a
Portluiiil firm. He i douhtlcMt now
again Mife in llritih Cohimhia.
('(insiilcnilili" Mirpiiic j exprexscd
tlmt the homling compniiy gave up the
cha- no eu.ilv unit it i- Hiirinl-cd that
he may have ttlcd muttora with that
company. Wilhipa Ilaihor Pilot.
There will be plenty of wit and
humor in Dr. Short' lecture the 15th,
County Treasurer C. H. Hcitborn made
a turn over of cancelled warranta to
County Clerk J. C. Clinton, on account
of ClaUop county, on Saturday last that
exceed, anything of the (tort in the
record of the county. In all funds
the rodeemcd paper stood for ju-vt $l.r7,
220.48; and cleaned up the treasury to
date on the score of bills paid.
Hear "The fio'pcl of Good Cheer," a
most entertaining lecture.
There were but nine coaches on the
Portlnnd-Astoriu-Scuside excursion yes
terday morning, but they were full to
the limit of people out for a good time,
niul a number of young people joined
tint outtlt here, making the alTair com
pletely what i should be. These ex
curiong are becoming very populup and
are one of the live features of the Sun
day program nt the City-by-the-Sea.
Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of
For more than twenty years Mr. J.
B. Masaey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minne
apolis, Minn,, was tortured by sciatica.
The pain and suffering which ho endur
ed during this time is beyond compre
hension. Nothing gave him any perma
nent relief until he used Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. One application of that
liniment relieved the pain and made
sleep and rest possible, and less than
one bottle has effected a permanent
euro. If troubled with sciatica or rheu
matism why not try a 5-cent bottle of
Pain Balm and see for yourself how
quiakly it relieves the pain. For sale
by Frank Hart, and leading druggists.
Morning Astoiian 65 cents per month.
. Down in Oregon jut now the doino
rat nre pleading with the voler of
lU piililiciilloii full It that t he only way to
curry Into effect the Republican policies
advocated bv President Roosevelt I to
elect democrat to ollice. "It I claim
ed." say, tic Oregon la n, "that the only
genuine, true blue representatives of
Republican doctrine nt present are
those pf ciiiiiiently patriotic; citizens
whose name adorn the democratic
ticket.'' The Republican of Oregon are
bigger fool, than we believe them to Ik.'
If they fail to understand that President
Itooevelt will receive no snport from
democrat in sillier houe of congress
save where public opinion coinjie! such
support from democrul and Republicans
alike, The attempt of the democrat to
claim him and bis policies as democratic
is the strongest admission of
his strength with the coplc, and unless
we are greatly mistaken the next con
ere will contain a larger numW of
llcpiihllcim than the present one does.
Ami they will In- Republican who have
given bond to stand with Roosevelt for
bit Republican program of the square
From no part of the country dries
there come a ign that the President ha
lost his hold upon public confidence. Hi
present effort to bring the Standard
Oil, beef, sugar, powder and other
trust to compliance with the law are
siii- to make him more popular than
ever, and there i little danger that the
congressional elections thi fall will not
give him Increased support in the house,
or that th state legislature now about
to be elected will fail to strengthen him
and hi policies in the senate. We havej
no fear that Oregon will be missing from
tin- Republican column, Tscoma led
Sportsmen and tourists will be inter
ested in two psmpblets just issued by
the pavtcngcr department of the Denver
A Rio ftrtinde Railroad. One is a bulle
tin giving particulars regarding the
Colorado and Utah fishing resorts, and
the other a list of hotels and the various
kind of accommodation obtainable at
different point in the Rocky Mountain
To cold draught of air. to keen and
cutting winds, sudden chsnges of tbe
tempersture, scanty clothing, undue ex
plsure of the throat and neck after
public spesking and singing, bring on
mug and colds.
Ballsrd'a Horehound Syrun i the
best cure. Mrs. A. Parr, Ilouston, Tei.,
writes, Jan. 31. 1M2: "One bottle of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup cured me of
a very bad cough. It is very pleasant
to take. Sold by Hart's drug store.
JVXV york:
It is the fashion nowadays for every mother's son of a clothing dealer to
claim that "HE" is the only favored one who carries the "BEST" clothes.
Do you, Mr. Customer, believe that ONE factory, makes all the good
clothes in America.
Indeed, some factories who were the ones, but a few years ago, bare de
generated and new men, young men, men of nerve, of ambition and of pride
have grasped the reins and the M and S or the X and Y Brands of former
years, are passed NOW!
Today, new people are to the fore, tomorrow too will be brushed aside, by
younger, more vigorous men with newer ideas and so the world has, does and
ever will, move on.
The question therefore Is: which one of your local clothiers is the most
aggressive, the most up-to-date one; who is it that will take up new ideas,
new makes FIRST?
When you have answered that question, then you can safely decide as to
who "DOES" come nearest to that ideal.
"Don't judge a firm by its pretensions."
"Judge a clothier as you would a preacher."
"A doctor, a lawyer, a mechanic, etc."
"Juige every man or firm by the
a.4a.i.i. n.ii.ui. ruitt.M
-XV9t,V act- 9 JLXW4GAJi VlVltlllCI
One of the agents to assist the Sn
Francisco sufferers i Seaside lodge N'o.
12, A, 0, f, " at it regular meeting,
held last Saturday night, letter was
read fwm a memU-r of that lodge, liv
lug lit Sun Francisco, asking for a pair
of shoes for his diiuglit r. one pair for
his wife, one. pair for himself, and two
negligee shirt for himself. Uy a vote
of the lodge bis rcpicst wa granted and
Bro, Thomas Dealey wa appointed a
committee i,t one to make the purchssc
of the articles. The purchase wa made
on Saturday night. The goods were
sbipjied by Wells,. Fargo Kxprva Co.,
and are now 011 their way, while a let
ter wa written to the needy brother,
stating what, bad been done to relieve
hlrn, which letter was mailed on Satur
day night and started on its way on
Sunday morning. All honor to such a
lodge. This, plus tfjHJW sent last week
by the lodgic to San Francisco.
When you get tired of thinking out
the political problem of the day. and
want to relax your mind to a considera
tion of something all hands can unite
upon, just cast a thought toward the
Fourth of July celebration that Astoria
I to haw, and remember there ia cosy
little Wius of $165 to begin on, end
only fifty days remains before tbe na
tional holiday is upon tbe community,
with all It demands for pleasure and
entertainment j a butt-in- tuggetion,
a it were.
Today workmen will b-gin installing
a number of fire hydrantt for the pro
tection of the city hall and the St.
Mary's hospital. One hydrant will be
put in at the corner of Fifteenth and
Exchange streets and another at the
corner of Sixteenth and Exchange- The
work has been ordered by the water
commiosion a thing now are these two
new and valuable buildings are totally
without fire protection.
Mayor Wise, and a number of coun
cilmen and city officials left yesterday
morning for Portland where it is their
intention to inspect the automatic tele
phone franchise which the Portland city
council has ju'-t granted. Tbe manner
of the metropolis' fire system, and it's
street improvements will nho be in
spected. You cannot afford to miss Dr.
Short of Portland at the M. E. church
Tuesday evening.
Clothes Bought af Herman Wises Store pressed Free Whenever you Say So.
Residents of the Olney Section Will Have
Complete System of Tele- ' s
phone Communlcatioi,
If. Lcilicl who organized (he telephone
line among the residents on the North
Shore a short time ago announces that
he will -t about interviewing the resi
dent of the. Olney section, with a view
of installing a telephone service
throughout that part of tbe country.
Mr. I'ibel slates that it is his inten
tion to see all the farinm and those
residing in and about Olney this week,
and tJiow them his proposition. The
company will be fortned as I that on
the North Shore by having all those
who desire a telephone service purchase
a certain number of shares of stock,
which money will then be ucd to build j
the line. There is hardly a doubt but
Xhat the scheme will be a complete suc
cess, and that the residents of the
Plney country will be glad to enter in
to this proposition which will bring
hem into direct communication with
the outside. As yet it is too early to
state anything definite, save that the
scheme is on foot, and will be pushed
for all it ia worth.
The remains of the late William
Campbell, who died last week at Hot
Lake, Ore., arrived in Astoria yesterday
on tbe noon train and were taken to
the Pohl funeral parlors. Arrangements
for the funeral have not been made as
yet, though it is probable that the Elks
will have charge. The interment will
be in Greenwood cemetery.
The funeral of the late John Kamp
pila occurred yesterday under the aus
pices of the Finnish Brotherhood, of
which organization the deceased was a
member. Tbe interment was in the
Greenwood cemetery.
Don't be fooled and made to believe
rheumatism can be cured with local
applications. Hollister'a Rocky Moun
tain Tea is the only positive cure for
rheumatism. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets.
Frank Hart, druggist.
Stomach Troubles.
Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly!
respected resident of Faisonia, Miss.,
was sick with stomach trouble for more
than, six months. Chamberlain's Stom
ach and Liver Tablets cured her. She
says: "I can now eat anything I want
and am the proudest woman in the
world to find such a good medicine."
For sale by Frank Hart, druggist, and
leading druggist.
' ' '
The Insistent duty of the
hour for Republicans, is to reg-
Ister. , '
There is nothing just to im-
perative , as this, and further
neglect of this assential must bo
deemed a tacit breach of srood
faith and purpose. Go on record
at a Republican and stay on rec- )
ord to the last moment of tht
campaign. It is just at much a
duty as voting and the full reg-
istration of tbe party it one of
the requirements of the elective
processes provided by law. Ful-
fll tbe law and taka your victory
as becomes the best of citizens!
Register nowt NOW! I NOWIM
For good shave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chain No long
The whole eating world of Astoria
sayt sol Saya what? Why, that tht
only place la the city for a genuine,
square, well-cooked, comfortable, meal
at a modest cost, ia the Palace Restaur
ant, on Commercial street opposite the
Page Block. The statement ia so gen
eral and generous that to doubt it la
folly and to believe it and profit by it,
the best of good judgment in the eat
ing line. The proof tf the pudding la
in the eating o it."
When 70a are In need of anything in
the photographic Una la the amateur
way, kodaks, films, plates, eardt,
mounts, and all the technical detail
of the business, and want the beat and
last in tht way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Hart, tht druggist, and
tell him so. That ia alL
A Broken Wheel, a loose tire or wag
on a buggy repairs of any kind all
kinds can be attended at once and done
properly, if taken to Andrew Asp ft
Company. Repairing and general black
smithintr. Bturzies and w a zona for tale.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, dots aO
manner of texidenny, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
treat making a soedaltv and al work
p m m
mercial street lw.
What's the good of keeping from him
Any good things you may see.
That will lift bis load of labor
Like Rocky Mountain Tea.
Frank Hart, druggist
H m v