SUNDAY MAY 13, 1006. THE MOItNING ASTOWAN. ASTORIA, OREGON. 8 notches to Burn We an telling tha famous rmm ' "Birds Eye Matches" The perfect eafety match which prevents Are from tide friction. BRING IN YOUR COUPON CARDS-WE REDEEM THEII THIS WEEK. ROSS, HIGGINS & Co. RELIABLE GROCERS. Mil TALES OF I First and Last.-A. V, Nlcl.en, a na tive of Norway, took mil hit fir.t pr yesterday 1 mii.1 T. ear Win ter. of England, completed hi natural ization at tli Miinit tliin', by taking hi firm I paper. Ooe Lone Deed.-lint on' deed went to the Clatsop record yetcrday, towiti Edward JoltiiMiti to Alberta Johnson, warranty, !HK, conveying the easterly forty feet of lot 4, In block 2, of Mulk-y'. Flr-t Addition to Kvan tirove. Hotel Irving Enropaes ft. The only eteaaheattd hotel la Astoria; Urge and airy roome; pricee from 50 cente to I1.50; well prepared and daintily served meala at ) etnte. 8ptdat ratei per week or month for room and board to permanent gueita. Our hue meeti all trains and steamboats. Accounting in Pull. Mayor WUc yes terday informed a reporter uf the A torlan that in the coure of a few days, the commitU lii rharge of the icxnrml subscription to the Kan Prencico suf ferers, a rendered liy the good people of Astoria, would submit a detailed statement of thi whole transaction. From TWa Day On. Th Fair Eat am Mllllonary store will plaoo ita entire elegant stock of dress and ttreet bate and all dainty accessories, before id customers, today, upon a baU of lib eral discount from recent prevailing prloea. concession will continue indefinitely, and lad Ire ihould avail themialvee of the pronounced eut. If. Laat Day of MayOn Tliurluy, May nut, A-torla will U honor.-d with a viait from tlie nett (iovernor of Oregon, with tnot of hU official atafT and-col-leaguea-to-he. Jamea Withyeombe, and a number of the tate ortlcera who are to he elected on the Mima day he it, will bn in thi city and meet the public of Atoriu end Clatmip in grand a eitibly at that time, and arrangement of ample and comfortable ori will lie provided by the central committee. It will be a day of plcuaure and promie that will le happily rounded out four day a later. REMEMBER THE PLACE. Fine hate at the Ronton Millinery tore. 483 Bond atreet Mri. Jaloff. milliner. tf. Baaeball gooda at Svenaon'a. The very beit board to be obtained la the dty ia at "The Occident HoteL" Ratea very reaaonable. Birds Eye Matches Cards for these; the best on earth are be ing distributed through the city. We will redeem them Bring them to us. Oregon Strawberries Direct From Grower Now Daily. JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118-122 Twelfth St. Aitoria, Ore. After Information. A deputation of city eoundlinen. headed by Mayor JIrr iniiri Wlc, ami accompanied by City Surveyor Tee, will leave this morning fur Portland, where a day or so will Im' mt in gathering information perti nent to street work, double-telephone system, flrtf department work ami th- r applicable subject, on which a. little enlightenment will not be mnk. Regiatering Some. The record for registering wa broken at the county clerk's olUi'f lat night, when la-twcen the hour of seven o'clock ami nine o'clock a total of H7 prron were reg istered for tin wining election. Of this number K4 tr from the city and three fr tin country. Monday night will l the lat ni(lit In which the clerk' oftlce will remain open for registering, ami on Tuesday evening at five o'clock the lMMik will be closed finally. Behind Closed Doors. The nrralK'i ment of John Taylor Coffey, upon a I'luilve of incest, wa conducted yes terday afternoon, by Justice Goodman, behind closed doors, at hl court room in thi city. HI daughter, Mri. Knud sen. the alleged victim, was preent and tettjfWI t aiich fact ai warranted the court In holding Coffey to the circuit eour in the mini of 12000, which he j promptly furnished. Committee Meeting. The CInUop county Republican central committee met yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clixk in the circuit, court room, at the court lioiie, and conferred lengthily upon certain matter of interent to the party j and among other thinga took the pre liminary tep to make a genuine auc cpm of be big rally here on the laat day of thU month, when a numlx-r of the ttate nominee, including Jama itbycomlic. the candidate for gover nor, will 1 hcrej Including the program, hull, advertising and entertainment. There were eleven member of the com mittee In Mion. with President Hnrri on Allen and Secretary Anderaon. and after providing for thi important event, hey dicued the projected meeting to I held at Senile on Tuesday. May 22nd, when it 1 hoped, ex-Oovernur fleer, and other notable will lie in evi dence. Detail of thi. and other, in cluding those at New Astoria and War- renton, will lie made public aa coon n the committee can determine upon them. The prospect i bright for a lively neason and a siiccesnful Itcpubli- can iue from the campaign. What the Gossipe Did A atory comes up from I nioniown 01 a anaucreu dream of connubial hli; the and con- acijnence of an over-indulgence in idle goip, It Hix-ma that a wedding was to have come off in that neighborhood on Friday afternoon, between a handsome widow, with but nine children, and a good-looking widower with live, and the aixtoen heart were oon to have beat aa one. (But eixteen to one always )n Wen beaten). The wedding feaat wn prepared, the. gueHt had assembled, congratulation and felicitationa were rife all over the house and ground, and the bell were, relatively, pealing the echoc of happiness on nil sides. Then tha gossips got in their deadly work and the groom was the subject j they jtoKl everything they knew, mirmisod, guessed, had heard, and thought, ought to be so, and the ear of the prospective bride was the one in which they poured the deluge of their accumulated and immoral horrors until the sheer force of numbers and the constant reiteration of the groom's impossibly bad record, ns then and there rehearsed, overcame the abundance of her love for him and she gathered her children and fled, re fusing to hear a word of protest or exculpation. And the gossips ate the dinner, and gossipped the more. Main 13a! 543 Commercial St. TODAY ICE CREAMS and SHERBETS Vanilla Ice Cream Pineapple Fruit Ioe Cream New Crushed Strawberry Orange Sherbet New Crushed Strawberry Sherbet Offlcsre Have Arrived,-Th new cap tain and liciitcriiiiit of the local Salw tlim Army, arrived yesterday n the noon train from Portland, and will take over the command today. A very suc cessful meeting wnt held at the. new barrack last night. Funeral Today,-Tbe funeral of the lute John Kumppiiicn will take place to day under the niispiccH of the Finnish Jlnutlicrhood, of uhicli organl.ation the deceased , wa " member. The burial will be In tiieeiiwood cemetery. ' No Word. Nu word ha yet lieen re ceived here of when the remain of the late Oniric Campbell who died a few days ago at Hot Lake, will arrive in this city, and consequently arrange ment for the funeral have not leen completed. Circulate Petition. Property owner on Irving avenue are circulating a peti tion which will be presented to the city council asking that the street be tween Eighteenth and Fourteenth street be improved by macadamizing and laying cement sidewalk, Dedication Ceremonies. The Catholic church at MHiowan, Wash., will le dedicated on Suuduy, May 20 at 10 o'clock a. m. by liishop 0'I-a from Seattle. The steamer It. Mller will leave the I.urline duck at 0 o'clock a. m. re turning after the services, A general Invitation i extended to all who desire to attend. , To New England. In a short time Mr. and Mr. W. J. Ingall expect to leave for Vcw England tor a visit with old .friends, and will probably remain for two or three months. While there Mr, TngalL state he Intend using hi in fluence to persuade a number of fami lies who are contemplating moving West to come to Oregon and locate in Clatsop county. Free Baseball Game. This afternoon at 2:30 o'clock two teams picked from the best material in the city, will con test at the A. F. C. flrounds for su premacy, and from the best players in the two team, will b selected the nine which will represent Astoria under the name of the "Shamrocks." Both teams have been doing some hard work dur ing the past few days, ami a close con test Is assured. The game will be ab solutely free. 0. T. Allen, of the Palace Cigar store, who is manager of the Shamrock returned from Portland Fri day, where he purchased new uniforms for the team. The colors are red and green. On May 30th the Shamrocks will meet the strong Multnomah bunch of ball toer in thi city. OXOOOOOOCOXXXXXXXXCX AXW YOHKi THE BEST Is HAT IN THE WORLD. It is the fashion nowadays for every mother'a son of a clothing dealer to claim that "HE" is the only favored one who carries the "BEST" clothes. Do you, Mr. Customer, believe that ONE factory, makea all the good clothes in America. Indeed, some factories who were the ones, but a few years ago, have de generated and new men, young men, men of nerve, of ambition and of pride have grasped the reins and the M and S or the X and Y Brands of former years, are passed NOW! Today, new people are to the fore, tomorrow too will be brushed aside, by younger, more vigorous men with newer ideas and so the world has, does and ever will, move on. The question thererore Is: which one of your local clothiers is the most aggressive, the most up-to-date one; who is it that will take up new ideas, new makes FIRST? When you have answered that question, then you can safely decide as to who "DOES" come nearest to that ideal. "Don't judge a firm by its pretensions." "Judge a clothier as you would a preacher." "A doctor, a. lawyer, a mechanic, etc." "Judge every man or firm by the "MAN BEHIND THE GOODS." H ASiorm s neuaDie womier No More Danger. According to City I'hysiclim Mohn the small-pox patient are now almost recovered and the dan ger of further spread of the disease seems to I past. Put ' in Hydrante Tomorrow the water department will put in a lire hydrant at tha corner of Fifteenth and Exchange street and one at the corner of Sixteenth and Exchange, This 1 done in order that the city hall and new ho pital may lie better-protected from fire. SQUARE DEAL CERTAIN. .Superintendent Thatcher of the Tele phone Service in City. . Superintendent J, II. Thatcher, of the Pacific State Telephone 4 Telegraph Company .arrived in the city yesterday, from Port la ml, to confer with the city oflieials and other, in relation to the re-organization of the company's plant and service in this, city; and while here, he closed a negotiation with the officials of the Astoria Saving Hank, for a ten-year lease of the rear, ground, floor room and cement cellar space be neath, in their new bank building at Eleventh and lhiane street. Mr. Thatcher Is peculiarly pleased with the consummation of thi lease, as it will give hi company very choice and con venient business quarters in the heart of tlie city. Tliis step is to be followed within the next sixty days, by the in auguration of the by work of install ing the new central-energy plant in thi city, which, when completed, will put Astoria on a par with Salem, now the bet equipped telephonic center In the state, All wires are to be cabled under ground that can possibly be put there, and such as must lie strung overhead will be cabled there, thus reducing to a minimum, the open wires of the city. The new and handsome switch board ha been ordered at the Chicago factory for the Astoria office, and as soon aa finished will lie shipped to San Fran cisco to be assembled and brought on Phroso, Mechanical Doll Mystery of the Age Will Reveal Himself At the Star. Today! Phroso, the mechanical doll, undoubt edly the most wonderful and mystifying exhibit on the vaudeville stage today, which has been puzzling thousand of Astorian for the past week, will reveal himself today at the afternoon matinee and the evening performances. This at traction has caused more comment and sjieculation by those who have been for tunate enough to see it. than anything which has been in Astoria before. It is the talk of everyone, and today is the Clothes Bought at Herman Wises Store pressed Free WHAT IS THE BEST CLOTHING Wi here. A he says, alt these thing take time, but he hopes that November 1st will see t1x new equipment established here, and w ill do all in his power to ex pedite it. Jf the company keeps its promise Astoria aa faithfully as it did fn the people of Salem, Astoria's, will be glad of the patience they have exer cised. It is a huge bit of work to alter and enlarge a detailed service such as this, and time Is required? time requires jiatience, and atience i generally re warded. It wa, in the Capital City; mud it will be here, without doubt. Ask ed in relation to the entry of a compet ing company In this field, Mr. Thatcher said he had beard such a project was on foot, but that it would have no effect on the plan and purposes of the Pacific States people, and that they would be carried out, despite all and every element of competition; it was for the people of Astoria to decide, through its organic body, whether or not they desired to have two companies here; and if only one company, it still remained with them to say which it should tie. Mr. Thatcher will spend to diiy with friend at Seaside returning to the metropolis tomorrow. Ia Totally False The statement which appeared in a certain weekly newspaper published i this city, wherein W. T. Scholficld is asserted to have purchased property in Tillamook and would short ly move there with hi family is denied by Mr. Scholfleld. Said he: "I have no intention of moving to Tillamook, and any reports to the contrary are absolutely untrue." HIGH SEA COLLISION. NEW YORK, May 12. The schooner Lizzie B. Willey which arrived here in a damaged condition from a collision at sea, reported yesterday the vessel with which she had collided was the steamer Elmonte, bound from New York for fialreston. The collision occurred May 6th. last time that the people of this dty will have to witness the marvelous act For something new and novel, Phroso, the mechanical doll, beats them all. It can do more things than a human being ever thinks of doing on the boards. The entire performance is one long series of profoundly interesting, automatic, but well regulated movements that defy all accounting. Today the great mystery will be explained. Come and learn the truth. $15. OO ' TWO MORE DAYS. . The insistent duty of the hour for Republicans, 1 to reg- . ister. ' ' . , ( There is nothing just so irn- 0 peratlve as this, and further neglect of this assential must be deemed a tacit breach of good . faith and purpose. Go on record as a Republican and stay on rec- ord to the last moment of tha campaign. It is just as much duty as voting and the full reg- Istration of the patty la one of the requirements of tha elective processes provided by law. Ful- fil the law and take your victory 0) as becomes the best of citizens! Register now! N0W1! NOW!!! For a good shirs go to tha Occident Barber Shop. Five chalra No long waits. " WHO SAYS SO? The whole eating world of Astoria says o! Saya whatt Why, that tha only place in the city for a genuine, square, well-cooked, comfortable, meal, at a modest cost, is tha Palace Restaur ant, on Commercial atreet opposite the Page Block. The statement ia so gen eral and generous that to doubt it ia folly and to believe it and profit by it, the best of good judgment in the eat ing line. The proof o the pudding ia in the eating 0' it." THE PICTURE WOZLD. When you are in need of anything in the photographic line ia the amateur way, kodaks, films, plates, card, mounts, and all the technical detaila of the business, and want the beat and last in the way of artistic development, just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, aai tell him so. That fa all A Broken Wheel, a loose tire or wag on a buggy repairs of any kind aQ kinds can be attended at once and done properly, if taken to Andrew Asp k Company. Repairing and general black smithing. Buggies and wagons for sale. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, doee aQ manner of texidenny, furniture uphol stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat tress makini- a specialty and al work guaranteed. DRESSMAKING AT NO. 458 COM : merdal street lw. What's the good of keeping from him Any good things you may see, That will lift his load of labor Like Rocky Mountain Tea. Frank Hart, druggist Whenever you Say So. to $35, HOEFLER'S. OOOCXXXXXOOCKX