The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, May 05, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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4 mJg
1 1 -
The People of Astoria have been aware of the savings they have made by
purchasing their
Clothing, Gents's Furnishings, Shoes, Etc.,
At our previous 3 weeks of the BANKRUPT SALE. Now
we are by circumstances pushed to the wall. We must
Raise $5,000 more at any cost to us or lose all.
Read This Price List Over
Mu' Suit, worth 11 1 to f 10, Imnkrupt tle price I4 85
Men's NuiU, worth up to $1.1. bankrupt l price $6.85
Friend lti',, David Abler A Ship. Co., Hurt Hcliafner & Marx. Qi.
Kaufman llr., imiitt'Cil clothe., known the world over,
for tlirlr hlph art fif workmanship, will go t Imnkrupt sale
prio of tM5
Men' Soft lint, Imnkrupt price
Men's W.ttrt Soft or Miff Hut", Imnkrupt sale price.
Men's Wc Cp, UiJikrupt sale price
MimiV 73o and ?l Caps, bankrupt sale prii-e
,f' l' fi.W AH Wool Sweaters
Mm'. :l.iH) All Wool Swentei.
Men's 5 (M All-Wool Sweater
Men's 13c ihintlkcnlii. U, Imnkrupt sal, price '5e
Men' 2.V Hnmikrrrlilrf. Imnkrupt ulc pri 09c
,Men' 1 0e Cotton Hocks, Imnkrupt jc priiv 04IC
Men'. I.le Cotton Hock, Imnkrupt ale prfee 06c
Men' li.V Cotton Sock, liliii'k unit tun, bankrupt alc price 07JC
Men'. .'1.1c Heavy Wool Sock, Imnkrupt ale price 19c
Men's (lood Strong Sueiiici, bankrupt sale price 15c
.Mm'. Mle Su-i iiiIitk, made like tlii I'ro-idi'iit make, bankrupt alc
price 19c
M'-n's Wc Heavy SuR'tidcr, bankrupt mile price 19c
MenV 12.30 Working shoes, Imnkrupt alc price $1.29
Men's tf'i.'At dreK4 (.hoe, bankrupt sale price $1.39
.Men'. ?.1.IH) lr.- nlioe, Imnkrupt sale price $1.85
(ne lot of children' inie' mid ladie' shoes, odd i,is, worth up
to $100, bankrupt nilc price 79c
Mien's 'I'w bow tie, Uuikrupt sale price 05c
Mi' 7.k: ii Ik handkerchiefs, bankrupt sale price 17c
Men' ?2.50 suit caes, bankrupt sale price... fi4S
Towels, 10c value, now .04c
Men' lre shirts, regular price 1, bankrupt sale price 19c
Men' ribbed fleeced, in five different color and frizes, 63c value,
bankrupt sale price 39C
Men' working i-hirU, in all colors, worth up to 73c, bankrupt sale
Men's .I."." blue flannel chirts, bankrupt ale price 95c
Men' fc.30 ami $3.00 blue flannel shirts, bankrupt sale price $1.69
l!oV long punt., 3-piece units, worth up to $6. bankrupt sale price. S3.00
Men' $1.75 working pant, bankrupt sale price ,95c
I1..V! comforter anil bkinkets, bankrupt sale price .89c
2.30 comforters and blankets, bankrupt sale price f 1.49
Children' 13c hose, bankrupt sale price joit
i.'S.30 Trunks, bankrupt sale price $2.25
Take advantage Get rich at our loss Strike while the Iron is hot, as you may never have this chance again.
Sales Room News-Herald Build
ing, Commercial St. between 8th
and Qth near Postofflce,
Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Your
Money Back on all goods if not Satisfactory.
A cream separator should be tliol
btik'lily wiinIhmI every tiiut nfter nslu.
A brush should bo used on every part
ml piece, iinIiik ' per cent solution of
borax or other nod wHshlnjj powder.
Itllise In hot water, or Nteain If pos
sible. They should then ho left to
dry while hot. Wiping with n ordl
nnry clenii cloth coiitiunlimtcH uten
alls with Inmiiiicriilile hncterla.
The bnclcrinl oiitiiiiiluutlou In milk
la Increased from three to five times
by running It through a separator
bowl which has been used and only
flushed anil lert standing several !;.rr,
If oulv Hushed w hile using fur spriTa1
For Kidney and Bladder Troubles
24 Hours
Kadi Cup-
Uulu bciirnIMIDY
tllr llilllicie"
llticnn nfivuttltrftlh
YtiT Wllfl
tiynll lni!'Kl"tn.
i in I i4dy..j
Dot to irlfllitf.
0 0INCINNTI.0l""f
f.s... 7 f
I'm His U fir utitmttiral
Irrltiilliilin ur nl.cinllulu
iif iinii iii'i IncinbrniiM.
Plllllll'Mli. HOll lint lift 1 1 ii -
IrHtEViNSCHtMldAlCO. fi-nt or rolomnns.
Mwlil by ItruaalotSi
or unit in plnin wrntipnr,
Ity nrt'itn, inpniii, I'
ll. no, .rSInHli'n2.7.
ClriMilur iiiul uu riiiiuui
t 60 YEARS'
day the iiiii:iniin:itiiiit iiicreawn m-
enil time niore, iiud mucIi tullk would
be likely to be detrimental If fed to
The uho of washing iowder In flush
wnter reduce) the number of bacteria
In tin following biitiii of milk that la
run through and demises the wnrator
niorw than hot water alone, but pot
HUfllclcntly to warrant that method of
The tine of a cream separator that N
thoroughly washed redinen the num
ber of bacteria lit milk our -fifth to one
fourth, Improper cleaning la detrimental to
acparntor on account of the mat that
necnmulatea on dirty or damp plneea.
Thla may aborton the llfo of the ma
rhino many months, depending on the
degree of cleanllnesn employed.
It turn lug milk through a dirty aep
nrator la almllar to running It through
dirty strainer with all of tlie filth of
the previous milking left In It from
twelve to twenty four hours. The mil
lions of utiilexlrable bacteria from the
dirt, manure ami allme lodged lu the
separator bowl spoil all the milk, to
a greater or lesser degree, that passes '
through the miichlne.
When properly used, a cream sep-1
nrator Is u duriller and to a certain'
extent a purlller of milk, but when1
cardessly used It Is n source of filth '
and ront:tmlii:iti:i. Kansas Expert-1
meiit Station. i
rorty iiunuics, iireag die i-um - ai ;
sptMin or three cornered utii k until tbej
particles are the size of the enil of thej
small linger, heat slowly to about 10";
degrees, stirring almost constantly In
the meanwhile, and allow to stand at ,
100 degrees until the curd becomes;
very firm. Hungrily It may be stated i
that It will reiiuire about two and a i
half hours from the time the eurd is!
Praln off the whey ami stir the curd !
fifteen or twenty minutes, rllowlng to1
cool slowly. Salt at the rate of two
and a half pounds of salt per 1.000
pounds of sulk; put In a mold, square
or round, nud apply considerable pres
sure. This should not be less than 100
pounds to each cheese. A thermome
ter, a tin vessel for heating and a
measure for measuring the rennet ex
tract, and tlu rennet extract Itself, ran
be purchased from any supply house.
Churn Wlicn Ih ( rmiu la Ready.
After cream is obtuJued tliere ar "oin irc:i Ci:iiiHiug loo sooa tno
-.oo tf. Coionei ('.:)'.! used :o say :n
6:3 ir.t;:tfe :."! : "Wueu the cream is
ruy to churn, churn. Let your sup
per go; let jour wife's wish to do the
churning pass unheeded; grab the dash
and churn, and, if the minister calls,
don't stop; keep at It and Invite him
to help. But don't put off the churn
lug" I suppose he wished to empha
size in his graphic way the importance
of avoiding wast;. If not properly
ripened, cream will not gather well; if
too ripe it is "eaten up" by acids In
stead of by your customers, says C. E.
Chapman, in Ohio Farmer.
Bft Time to l-'eeil Mlfcge.
In u well kept barn that is properly
ventilate! tliere is but little danger Of
tainting the milk by fiv liir; the silage
before mllk'ug. It is better, however,
to make it a practice to feed silage im
mediately after milking, says a dairy
Cbeeae Trade of 11M1K.
Although this is u great dairy coun
try, Its Imports of cheese, coming prin
cipally from Italy and Switzerland, ex
ceed Its exports. The exports of cheese
decreased more than one-half in llKCi,
but the Increased exports of butter
made up a part of the loss.
The world is always ready to receive
talent with open arms. Very often It
does not know what to do with genius.
Talent is n docile creature. It bows Its
head meekly while the world slips the
collar over It. It backs Into the shafts
like a lamb. Holmes.
Xot l:eiroe?! Industry.
"I suppose yon represent the great
American Industries';" said the tourist
'I used t ." answered Mr. Cumrox.
"but circumstances persuaded me to
retire and enjoy my prosperity. I now
represent one of the great American
Indolences." Washington Star.
Iimnlt to Injury.
"Why are you angry at him?"
"He started to kU.s me the last time
he called, and I indignantly ordered
him to stop."
"And didn't he?"
"Yes, he did! Stopped &ui apolo-gIzed.'-IIotiston
The Paradox.
llamand Siuce Walker TIghs Inher
ited $1,000,000 he is a paradox. Ecg
bert What's the answer? llamand
He Is both the richest and poorest
actor on the stage. Chicago News.
All excess of levity is as impertinent
9j an excess of gravity. Hazl'tt.
Gunner I saw the Kentucky colonel
out In the rear of the hotel looking at
the spiral fire escape. It appeared to
tickle him.
Guyer Yes; be thought It was some
newfangled corkscrew. Columbus Dispatch.
A frl'e Jersey row,
V" Trade Marks
ii. m4 Designs .
Anynnoiini1liiir aakolnh und deiflriptlon mm
fliiloklr itnmtrimii our opinion free wlmlhnr M
Invention In pnilinbly piitw.tmilfl. Cuninmiilm.
(ImuxincMyroiiildfliithi!. HANDBOOK o" I'nteuli
tnt lii'ii. olilimt iv3iicjr for imiurliiK putmitii.
Vnluiiin rut": tliniiiuli Mumi A Co. recelv,
ipri liil iw"r', nil limit churns, latha
A nnii(l()ninl lllnntratexl wilr. T.rjrnt elf
.. ll l.uirliul IllirillM I u
?" t iniir niontln, U Sola by all newsrtmilerj.
your: fnur ninnllii
iBKtUII) II. 0,
hoom'm nkiiietta.
First prlzo .Jersey cow at Minnesota
stale fair, owned by Mrs. S. K
Thomas, Missouri. - Hoard's Dairyman.
Simple Home ( liccni'iiiiiUlnu..
For "just n good cheese recipe that
can be used at a country homo with-!
out; much wt" Orange .ludd Farmer,
submits the following by ('. F. Donne: i
Use milk three or four hours old
that has been held at about 70 degrees '
and that has imt as yet commenced
to sour. Ileal to about St I degrees, add
commercial rennet at the rale of three
ounces, or e!g! .Iy-:lve c. c, (cubit: ceutl- j
meters), to l.o'iu pounds of milk. Al-1
low to coagulate for about thirty to ;
Uill positively cure any case of ECidney
oi Bladder disease not beyond the reach
of medicine. No medicine can do more.
strengthens the urinary organs,
builds up the kidneys and invig
orates the whole system.
TWO SIZES 50o and $1.00
Passed Stoni and Gravel With Excruciating Pains
A. H. Thurnes, Mgr. Wills Creek Coal Co., Buffalo, O., writes:
"I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, pass
ing gravel or stones with excruciating pains. Other medicines only
gave relief. After taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE the result was
surprising. A few doses started the brick dust, like fine stones, etc.,
and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man.
FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has done me $1,000 worth of good."
No Other Remedy Can Compare With It
Thos. W. Carter, of Ashboro, N. C, had Kidney Trouble and
one bottle of FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE effected a perfect cure, and
he says there is no remedy that will compare with it.
Sold and Recommended by CHAS. ROGERS.J)ruggist.
Uffioe, 024 F Bt, WMhlBKtuu,