FRIDAY, MAY 4 1900. THE MORNING -ASTORIA. ASTOMA. OREGON, NEW INDUSTRY, faklasr Milk rowa-er-fleeeat ranter la Dairy llalaM. Important ihnnris In tlio dairy bust net may be brniiKht about by the ex tension of the now (inh-ps of inn king milk powder. In brief, the method Is to pass the tn I lit over hot rollers, from whli-h It la Kim pis J an a tltlu dry sheet, then sifted Into powder nd put up la etna, Im if or boxes. Tbe method li adapted to skim milk or whole milk, ami alio, It I claimed, to eggs. Bev rat hundred of tlio machines for thl purpose have Im'I'ii act In operation In various purls of Kurope and Ammlca. I'roliably llior la no reason to expect that tlio growth of thin IndtiHtry will Interfere nint h with the shipment of fresh milk. Moro likely II will bo au entirely new source of Income In tho ilalry buslnc, 1 The, manufacture of aktm milk Into po der would furnish a good market for the k Im milk byproduct of law cream eries, mid the use of whole milk would lie practical In wtluii where milk can ln produced cheaply mid nhiiodantly and where there I no other mark ft at prevent. H"i h milk mid aklin milk would Iihvp to he noli) nt low price to make the Industry r.r) t alilf. aa the rout of machine and their operation would miike Uie prodiiet quite expen alve. The powder hit about aeven time the Rireiiuih of milk and ha to ,be diluted with Hint proportion of wa ter to eipuil ordinary milk of average Milk powder inlulil he imiiiiifaetured fur r UI011 on shipboard, In tropical countries nml wherever a compact. long keeping prmlllrt I liceeary, III pinna of Kurope It I used quite cxten alvely by baker and confection a a cheap form of milk. lu aoino cltlea of Kurope the milk powder la used for feeding Infanta.-Amerlcan Cultivator. THE MILKING SHORTHORN. ram Tlma Oal el Mind the Kara, ar'a Cat of Thl. (onflaaaf." Approval of the action of the Ameri can Hhnrilioiu mnhih ImiIiiii In making a , determined effort to enmiiriige the dual purpotte type of Hie breed follow swift, Hume In tm'h with rullii sentiment were certain of the fjitlxfartlim with 1 which the decision would be greeted. The Khorthorn ha from time out of j tnlnd been the fanner' cow of thla ; eonflnmit. The bn of ' cattle Im-1 MEN AND WOMEN. I'm Rlf CI fnr unnatural dli. hariat.lntammalloM, Irtiuoani ur (ilr.nikxit of mvoV oimhtBM, 'lultt, n4 ool Minn. fm or aoiu.nuui. 14 r ttrarolata. sr wnl la plm vrnviM, r ttpr. rptd. I' ll 00 or a Ix.tllr ti li. ClftlllM ! U IMtlM. r I I ( I afcjf MM M UtMM. a" r, ma f wiftn f7l'N( iCt ami Cs. WeitniTi,t 1 11 5 provament waa (aid In Bhortnorn Diooa. Special condltlona have mada room for specialised breeda, aouia beef, some dairy, and In obedience to the develop ment of theae condltlona tho Hhortborn baa either beeli modified to the dlatlnct beef form or turned toward dairy ape clallaatlon or In aome caaea abandoued for the specialised dairy breeda. Hie men who pin their faith to tlio "red, white and roaua" aa the farm cattle of America have no quarrel with tba spa clal dairy breeda under apaclal dairy condltlona, but they yet maintain that certain Individual of tba breed that bare been apeclallxed for yeara toward dairy production art quit aa profitable In tba cow barn aa the average of tba dairy breeda,-Hreeder'a Oaaette, A Laser Rrerr Dar, Scarcely a farm In the country but baa aomo old or "below the average" cow that la a loaer every day, but In tba herd alio la not noticed and la kept fever. If the yield were weighed each day, the figures would ahow that tho owuer would Im better off If ho gave her away, Ohio Farmer, Feedin the Milk Maker One aometlmea hear ttie remark that auch and audi cowa were "knocked In tba bead with the milk pull," which may bo taken to mean (but they were not fed liberally and properly when young. Nalara (alia for Bait. Cowa mtiNt have rouuhugo aa tbeaab couatltueiil. Thl 1 a I no aupplled by aalt Alwaya have anlt In'fore an ani mal, epecllly a young animal. In tne formation of bono It require a great deal of null. Ho eeiitlal la tba aah compound that lu China tbey uae It for executing Uielr crlmlnnla. Tbey give the criminal all be wunta to eat but deprive him of the mineral aalt. Frequently you aee calve gnawing ut poataorboardaor gnawing the ground. Tbey are after aalt They are after mineral mutter. Nature glvea them that peculiar lntluct to get aalt ttarruls and Paraalpa, In aomo of the continental countrle of liuryyt) carrot aro much fed, es pecially to calve, mid pumnlpa aro uel In the Inland of Cuernaey. The latter irra cmmldered eapeclally valua ble for cowa becaue they do not toil nt the milk, aa do anum of the roota. Kar to Vm4a tioo4 Wark. It I eunlly undcrMood that pe riod of Ntnrvatlon or Inauftlclent feed ing In the early life of the future cow may arret the development of the mammary function, It may be at a critical time, and all the Una trend transmitted by heredity and 'careful breediu" be era Iter i-d and reveralon to Morimiini Astoriaim Bay in The Astorian Wants 500 New Subscribers And in Order to Do This the Price Has Been Reduced From 75c to 65c Be Loyal to Your Town and Begin the New Year by Taking Astoria's Greatest Paper, The Astorian DBLIVERBH BY CARRIER TO AINY PARTOFTHE CITY FOR 66 CENTS type" aaao yeara ( :an, 0. 1. Heal Make flra Bailer. It la conaldered worthy of note at tho louth Carolina experiment atatlon tbat bnttor waa appreciably firmer during a period when cottouaeed meal waa heavily fad than when bran waa fed with leaa cottonseed meal. If Ike Caw CeaM Tilk. An exchange thlnka If the cowa could talk they would give the reaaon wby aome dairymen are forced to buy cottonaeed meal freely. "Tbat aor gbum hay taate good and la mighty tilling, but It don't aeem quit the thing to keep tbt mucclea atrong or to All the milk pall every day. It lack aem Uilnf,M faa va Teopla'a Nam. A llttlo while ago a popular form of aoclal umuaemeut wua found In pun nlng on people' uamca "Why did 80- andao?" "Heci.uwj Kuchimdaucb. Tbe gamo run dot for a time, and ecboc of It are Mill hennl In tho outer auburb. Before, those eclioe die away a correHpondi'iil UL'get tbat we abould put It 011 record that tbe orig inator of the fiiHhlon was no lew nota ble a person than tho Quaker po-t, John (J recti leaf Whlttter. On an uutl alavery lecturer uuiiiH Mary (ref. rlaltlug Boston In 1871, U'hlttler wrofe poem, "How Mary Orew," each tan- ca ending on a vurlatlou of tbe pun- The world wer af If but a fw Could trow In rrara a Mary Urew, -London Cbroulcla. Mat la Any t aunt f. The city of Ht, I.ouls I not In any county. It Is 1111 indeiendeut munici pality equlpHd with oil tbe machinery of county uud city government. It baa It own circuit and criminal court, Ita own grand Jury, Jull, etc, Tbe cir cuit attorney I tho prosecuting officer of Kt. I-oul. I'ntll 1HT0 Kt. Ixul waa tbe county aeat of St. Loul county, but lu tlmt year tho city wu complete ly separated from tbe county, o tbat It I now n Independent subdivision of the state. Chtytou, a fow mllu west of tho city, la now the courthouse town of Kt. IxjuU couuty.-Ht. Ioula Repub lic. ONE OF NATURE'S TOOLS. Haw TeasrU Are t'sed In Plalsblaa; Dlflrrrnl Cloth. Orowlng by the wayside you will of ten ee tlmt stately, spiny looking plant, the teazel, hut I wonder bow many know that It lint helped to finish many n piece of cloth they wear. We are apt to think of a tool aa aomethlng of man's make, yet here I ouo of uuturo'a owu. aud nothing baa avar Isjen !iuinufaeMired to aucceaaful- HERE YOU ARE tlhe MomUlhi For ly take Ita place, for agei tne tear.ei baa Iwen used for fulling cloth that la, ralalng tbe "ucp"-and tho manu facturer refer to "nnp gioda" thus treated a "gigged." Whim rlie, the dried aplke bead are gathered, pinked carefully, In bundle and ahlpped In all direction to facto rlea. The variety mostly uaed have tbe extreme end of the aplke booked or curved backward. Thla la called "fuller tonxel." These heads form a eort of brtuli and ore attached to a wheel or cylinder which revolve against the surface of the cloth, and tbeae curved aplke catch part of the thread aud pull them up, making i fu.zy nap. Thl I trimmed down and leave tlmt soft, velvety finish to the cloth. Th spike have strength enough and elnatlclty, but when they come In contact with n rough place In the cloth they break and o avoid tearing the material. Try 11 they may. no one hn ever been able to Invent n tool posse Ing all of these qualities, o tho teazel atands unrivaled for that nse. The plant n ive see It growing wild look perhaps fit llrst fiance somewhnt like tt thistle, but It renlly ha a dignity and chnnicter all It 1 own. The bend In flower nre covced with a fluffy down, lavender or vhlte, and ns tbe blossoms drop pl!p4 niijH'nr until lat er It fnlrlc bristle Tb lenve. point ed and spiked, shoo ing out each side of the stem, meet at the base ntid fori" I a little bimln In wb'ch Is usually wa ter. 80 we have tlio name of the plant from the fjreek "dlpsacus." meaning thirsty, and ninny ether fanciful one, auch a Venus' cir.i. Venus' bath, wood or church brooms, jypsy cninba, clotb lera brush, etc.-Kt. Mcbohia. ODDITIES. Bee never store up honey where It la light. The moth bus n fur Jacket and the butterfly none. A squirrel comes down a tree bead first and n cat tail first. leaves will attract dew when InmrdH, ' stick and stones will not. I Corn on the ear Is never found with ' au uneven number of row. The dragon fly Mn devour Its own j boly and the head still lire. A horsefly will live for hours after, tbe bead ha lecn pinched off. Fish, flies and caterpillars may be frozen solid and still retain life. A borso always gets up fore parti first and a cow dl.ectly the opposite, j Borne files thrust their eggs Into tbe; bodies of caterpl'lurs, but always In j such parts of the body that when tbe larvae are feeding on tbe flesh of the foster parent tbey will not eat Into any Tka irirat La Oahlai la afaataakr. UarrodHburg, the county scat of Mer car county, Ky waa tbe ocene In tbe latter part of the eighteenth century of aome very exciting episodes In the his tory of the early settlers In tbe young state. On June 10. 1774. Captain James Ilarrod of Virginia, who bod brought a party of settlers to the new country, laid off a town site at Big fSprlng camp, where they bad erected the first cabin ever built In Kentucky. Tbey allotted to each man a balf acre lot and a ten acre out lot. The town's first name was Harrodatown, but later thla was cbanred to Jlarrodaharo. A w ArcfitaWe Preparation CsrAs slmllaling tteToodandRegula-tinglhcStoJiuiclaaiilBowciscif Prryir)rjesTjiesfion,Cheetful ness and Rest .Con tains neither Optumjlorpbiru? nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. bofttfOUIk-SAMVIlPmSLH MxJmnm JtrAi"t Wit - ffirmfM rurw. Atxafecl Remedy for Consu'pa- tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrnoea. Worms XnvulsionsJcvcnsh oessondLossoF Sleep. aaaMaaaaMHi T&c Simile Signature of NEW YORK. rr 1 3fc EXACT COPlf OF WHAPPCB. Every 65 a Month ria&nng waa made in tbe east end at toe town boundary, and Here it wit tbat John Harman planted and raised tbe drat corn that was known to have been grown In the state. Only a few week after this auspicious beginning of tbe town's promoters foar of liar rod's men were ambushed by Indian. Jared Cowan waa killed. The other men escape, only one of them being Injured. I will not be concerned at men's not knowing me: I will be concerned at my own want of ablllty.-Confiielna. For Infants and CUldren. 1 The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ymi atavaaa aaawwv. J! II I mm hi 1 -i ur j" For Over Thirty Years 111 vvaaaan. -