a THE MORNING ASTOMAN, ASTORIA, OREGON. WBDNESWAY, MAY 3, 1900. Wmm Still another new stock Pattern just arrived. Apple Green, its a beauty. Haviland shape sold any way you want to buy it We are selling white and decorated dinnerware at wonderfully low pri ces. We have received a very large stock of glassware which we ar selling at lower prices than ever before. Wt art selling 250 good carpet tacks for 50 and giving you free a beauti ful large picture. Crockery Store Sole Agents For Baker's Barringtoa Ball Steel Cut Coffee. HOT CONTEST ON. ALBANY, N. Y., May 3.The senate was still in session parly today, pritcti- ally dca'Jhxked in the tvujjlo over the effort to reach or to prevent tin1 reaching of the mortgage tax bill. Dur ing tlm night every dilatory resource had Won exhausted by the opponent of the bill; no i oiiipromise wn in slht ami the indication pointed to nn indefi nitely prolonged blocking of legislation. S' "ml conferences hud been held, but without rcHtilt, Kvery motion to ndjorn had b en defeated. J WILL MEET AGAIN. A Mountain of Gold. could not bring as much happiness to Mrs. Lucia Wilke, of Caroline, Wis., and did not one 2.V liox of Itucklen's Ar nioA Salve," when it completely cured a running sore on her leg, w hieh had tor tured her twenty-three years. (5reate-t antiseptic healer of Piles, Wounds, and Sores, 2."c at Charles Rogers' drug store. ' I CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tta Kind Yco Hare Always Ecught I50C1IKSTKR. X. Y., May 2 It is understood thn tlm STHIKF IS Pill PR f thP l,mt("'tant t,,,ur,n before which UllllilL ' lU UlLLLU Crasp,r was tided foe heresy will meet onoe inon for the purpose of consulting with .lodge North, at Rata via where the findings will so lie prepa ed for presentation to Bishop Walker, It is thought that the court will meet about May 13, as- it goes out of txis ten. May 13, It will take about ten days to transcrilie the notes of the trial" which includes atiotit 1KMXH) words. ELECTRIC DISPLAY Gas Ignited in Conduit Causes Excitement. No home is Complete without FIRE DEPARTMENT IS CALLED Gas Main Explodes Sending Fountain of Fire Into the Air People Are Injtred by the Explosion. The model finish for Floors, Furniture, Etc. Easily applied, quickly driedjwears like iron. Watch Our vShow Window Chicago Iron Workers StriKe Tie Up Building. ARBITRATION IS REJECTED . Bears the Signature of Ironworkers Want $5.00 a Day for Eight I Hours Offered S4.60 for Four j Months and $4-80 Rest of t Time. ( BAMBOO I FURNITURE I PAPER RACKS. TABLES, STANDS. CHAIRS. ETC, j HAND MADE, ELEGANTLY FINISHED. I Yohohama Bazaar I 626 Commercial gtreet, Astoria B n nt I IF VI III I A nnm Mi Hi: h Your attention ic M n fi : CHICAGO, May 2.-r-Just as the wreckers started the der""lsn of old structures yesterday to make room for J-Ui.000,000 of new buildings in the loop district a strike was called which prom iscs to tie tip the building industry of Chicago. One thousand structural iron workers following orders, will drop work today and then idleness will precipitate the first important labor disturbance in the building trades since the 1900 lockout. TV -strike promises to stop nearly all construction work of a lane ehsraet er. Skyscrapers and other large buil dings under way in the down town di tricts especially will suffer a set back. CHARGED WITH MURDER. SAX FRANCISCO. May 2.. warrant was issued this morning for the arrest of John Mrcnimnt a memlier of tlip national guard, charged with murder. lie is accused of killing Joseph Meyer, the keeper of the children's pliiyground Meyer's brother swore to the warrant. Four witnesses testified that the killing was without provocation. ANARCHISTS ARRESTED. XEW.ARK, X. J.. May 2.rolicemci broke up n 'u-iulUt pinole here lnt night and arrested two of the leaders ltecituse a red Hug ivh planted in the vnn Chief of Police Adam had received word that the socialiots intended to nse the Hug and directed them not to do so. They denied they intended to exploit anarchy and maintain that the anarchist fag was black and white. NEW YOKK.May 1 Kvcrybody with in two blocks of 23rd stive t and First avenue lust muni. hul au experience that suggested an eurthipiitkn and inci dentally saw one of the finest electri cal fountain' seeu in this city in many a day. A manhole cover wits blown up. A poliivmnn was neir the manhole) when a gre.it volume of gas ignited, exploding and threw him ten feet away into the gutter. Two other polii-emen were shaken nearly on their feet and three young women were jimmied against a building, one suffering a severe cut in the head. Several thousand people gath.-red and meantime firemen turned two stream into the conduit, uliiih hus run veiled into a spurting electric fountain. the water soaked the pavement block it made them conduct the liberated el ectricity and for live minutes men jump cl into the itic whenever a strut ll.isli came toward them. The police finally drove the crowd back, a block each w.iv. The manhole i-over had smashed up again-t the elevated railroad structure and was shattered into fro'in-iits. Kx perts ;iid an electrical pary had limit ed sewer gas in a I'onduit. B. F. Allen & Son, "c?; 2i" ' and Eleventh St. Agency Standard Gas Engines .STATIONARY TYPE AN HONEST ENGINE AN HONEST PRICE "Standard" "Standard" "Standard" WILL NOT USE TURBINES. REFUGEES AT CORVALLIS. CORVALLIS, Or. May 2Mrs Eugene Shelby, and daughters Leila and Emma. Delay is also in store for the new county I arrived in Corvallis Saturady en route hnn, C.. I- .... a ... ivm ,7uu riiinciv'o jo ineir nome 111 rortlmid. They experienced the horno . - 1 Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting a Decorating Co. No, 75 9th St. Do You Wear oes? We sell the kinds that wear longest and look the best. We handle a special line of Loggers' Shoes Give us a Trial. court house, where the iron workers were preparing to begin work next week. The $6,000,000 figure on proposed new building: accounts only for improve ments to follow wrecked operations ait- tually begun yesterday. In the city's I loop district the summer promised an actual investment of J..Ono,000 in new blocks. T1. 11. 1 , , me waiKoui or tn.- iron workers wa voted la-t night. Arbitration offers, made lit the last moment, failed to avert it. The iron workers in-i-t in a wave of 5 a day for eight month- work. The contractors offer of S-l.tiO for four months and 4.80 for the if-t of the coming year was rejected. Aside from affecting directly fouy fifths of the mechaiiieas engaged in steel and iron structural work, the strike will throw out of employment several thousand other building workmen such A carpenters bricklayers hod carriers and stone cutters. MONTH KA I, May 2-The Alien's steamship for the Montreal Liverpool Mrviee is is announced will not have turbine engines tlm same as tho-e of the J'ti tntriiin which was wrecked lat fall mi the Wye ricks, below QiicIk-c. The itcision of th. company to go back to ths reciprocating tyc of engines i fuken to mean that the turbine has imt tlTCtl Inllll I ;l fcllif,h U'h.ti iirnil..,.! I., . . , . ... . I " " ' "I ' c.tmjiuiNe aiei nrc ami eii)e(l with I J, r,. (,,; but with little save wearim? iinoarel. s J. M. ARTHUR & flfl, Wac"c Mc"i.3nts PORTLAND. OREGON. am-hip' '- rvline, .Itide Virgil Watters and Po lice Judge F. .). Vfttes have returned from San Francisco where thev have been searching fur relatives. Mr. Klin.. I NOT A GOOD FISHER. IHMIXJEWATKII. X. S, May Prince Aitiiur of 'onmiiiilit left found his residence property unbiirned !ft night for St. .lolm N. It., tl here inn con-ni-iaOly ilamagcd. Mr. Vate- found his relatives -ate arid their prop eilV miact. .1111 L'e Hiilteri . n, .,...!,..! 1,1 I. wot .... ..11 I . . I . ... n aim-: an ills ifiitlifs site one sister, but has every iea-on t, believe !. Ll... I t . , 1 , . . r,M- s leu.iieii outer relatives in California. ic prince has been at 'he Med way S i!rjmn t'.-hiii' grounds for two days but failed to atc.'i a singl- salmon. STOP, WOMAN! S. A. GIMRE, GOOD SHOES 43 Bond Street 0pp. Ross HiKgina &Co. WANT PAY RAISED. NEW YORK, May 2.-A strike of carpenters in Brooklyn yesterday is said to include 2000 of the 4000 carpenters employed in that borough. The strikers want their pay raised from 50c to 56Jc an hour. This would increase their weekly wage from 822 to $24.75. At the strike headquarters it was said that !50 or 410 employes had already acced ed to the terms proposed. . JJaiuel leatberstone- eecretarv of tne Xcw York district council of the Ameri can Brotherhood of Carpenters, said that 4000 carpenters had struck in the Bronx for an advance from .4 to 4.50 a day. tho carpenters in Queens, he said, struck last month for an increase In wages from $3.50 to $4. The 800 carpenters on Staten Island made Hie same demands, to go into effect Monday. The strike in the Bronx did not last long, Feathci-son said as before the afternoon the majority of the employers granted the demands. Many carpenters in Queens hid returned to work but as soon 8S they heard the Brooklyn car penters were out they struck again. Xo strikes took place in Manhattan. We care not how you suffered, nor what flailed tio cure you, Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea makes the puniest, weakest specimen of man or womanhood strong and healthy, 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. Sold by Frank Hart. Moraiag Astorian, 65c. per month. SWARM OF BLACK ANTS. Cloud of Flying Insects, Settling, Black en Houses. FAIRVJKW, Or., May . strilll; ...-iMMiiKiiwn iiHi witnesses i,.rP veter- day. A cloud of flying black ants set fled r.n mum- ti.i,... , 1 .. . "".T -- suilie llillKlllg lllflr way inside. When they settled on the side of the houses they were -o thick as i 1.11 , .... 10 inaxe me house look bliick. r. it un ine houses the insects resembled ordinary black ants but there were mil lions of them, and there is much specu lation as to the can, of h. t nil a Mii - AND CONSIDER THE ALL- IMPORTANT FACT That in address ing Mrs. Pink- ham yon are con fiding your private ilia to a woman a woman whose ez ence with women's eases covers a great many years. Mrs. Finknam is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham. and for many years under berdirectlon, Ration. When . disinfectant spray and E her de- ..yv.x w Uie ouimings where they cease.she has been had alighted, the insects took flight, and have not been se.-n in this locality since. s7 1 am That AH Important Bath Room Vou hive often heard people remark "If I were ever to bui!J, 1 would ptN my bath room first and would not put all my money into the parlor with all its finery. " That if good common scnie sentiment, for the bath room ii the most Important of all the household. Q We would lite to help you plan your hetn room and will gladly quote you Tt or 'Stawdmif Wire, the heat anr not sanitary fixtures nude. J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. I Sherman Transfer Co. HEXHY SHERMAN. Manager lacks, Carriages Baggage Checked and Transferred Trucks and . Furniture vVogons Pianos Moved Boxed and Shipped. 433 Commercial Street Phone'Main 121 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President. 0. I. PETERSON. Vice-President. r'RANK PATTON, Cashier. J. W. OARN'ER, AsalsUnt Cubler. DRINK WOOD ALCOHOL. ANCOL'VER, B. C, May 2. Two are dead, another will die, and half a dozen others are very sick at North Bend. H r jc... i . . v,., irom urniKing wood alcohol. Those who drank the liijuid were inomnt of ts' effects. EIGHT MEN INJURED, LL lUfllv, May 2.-KiBht uncon scious men were taken from the McAdoo tfmnel, tinder -the Hudson J!iv;r, today alter an explosion in the tunnel. tv... ie j-ne 01 uie men were removed to hospitals. Four hi not expected to ecover. The explosion was suppo-ed to have been caused by gas. advising sick wo- menfreeofeb ar jre. Many women ffer in silence and drift alouf? bad to worse, knowing1 full well that iney ought to nave immediate assist ance, but a natural mrxlesfv IdimIi them to shrink from exposing them selves to the questions and probable tiaminauoiis oi even their family physician. It Is unnecessary. Without money or price you can consult a wo man whose knowledge from actual ex perience is great. Mrs. Plnkham'a Standing Invitation. Women suffering from anv form of iemaie weakness are fnvited to Dromntl v communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Liynn, Mass. All letters are received. opened, read and answered by women only, A woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman j thus has been established the eternal confidence between Mrs. Pinkham and the women of America which has never been broken. Out of the vast volume of experience which she has toiraw from. it is more man possible that she has gained the very knowledge that will help your case. She asks nothimr in MULTNOMAH TAXES PAID. SALEM, May 2.-Tlie Stale Treasur er has received Ijs 140,1 87."0 from the County Clerk of Multnomah County yes terday which is thrrtefoiirths of tho amount due the state from taxes that county. return except your good-will, and her advice has relieved thousands, Surelv any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish if she does not take advantage of this generous offer of assistance. it you are ill, don't hesitate to sret a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVejretabla Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink nam, ijynn. Mass., Tor special advice. When a medicine has been successful in restoring to health so many women, in yon cannot well sav. without trvinar it. ii t a a- -if 1 - . " x uo not ceiieve n tviu aejp me." Astoria Savings Bank TaplUtl Paid tn 100,000, Surplus and Cnfilvlded Profit IM.OUO. TraDMcu a General Banking Business. Interest Paid on Tims Deposit iIm) Tanth 8tret, ASTORIA, OREGON, r Music Polios A NEW LINE OF VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL FOLIOS (BOTH SACRED AND POPULAR) THE VERY BEST MUSIC DESIGNED TO SELL AT 25c Each WERE SOLD TO US BY THE PUBLISHERS SO THAT WE ARE ENABLED IN ORDER TO INTRODUCE THEM TO SELL THIS LOT AT 15c Bach J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, AND SPORTING GOODS. Weirihard's Lager Beer.