TI1E MORNING ASTOIUAN, ASTORIA OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY i, igofl. 4 1 A A NEW We Have. Ilcrenlly Added to r Mock u full Unit of Chase and Sanborn' Famous Teas Which Ilk. their w..rl.l r t kKA. MASD ll I. tlr bct that can h produced. Year, of experience, careful and willful blcding )ui tumle IIhmii superior to nil other. WK Alt K SOI.K AGF.NT8. ROSS, HIGGINS Co. RELIABLE "--.1. - .!,- vim . i' c. IMrlnner1 yesterday .1. U ' Deimrinlie n Iimtlon t..r the ..hot j l .ill.e of the ' for At"ii.i Me- Ami. Diichiried at Cured. Yer.ter.hiy the! . ulh..rltle- ..f Cliit-oi. county were for- inally nolitl. it hy the Superintendent of j !,.. nriuoii State A-yliim for lnane. ..( (he ill-ehwrtie from that Institution, j ii. eureil, one Fdwln .lohnoon. who win , r rniiimlttfd ft tni here. From Coot Bay. Mr Howard M letownell, ii A'torla. an j lairlMin A iH-owiiell, of (ii Ihiy l"l wo "I ' and Iww have hl ofllee with Allen, .. .. Uncle Sam i Pay Day -1 eier.iy wu ; I .'I pav dilV aillollU llie olllHT aim eniii",ir. - ,f"the'Uover..ment herealamt and the " l..,.t.l..nl u. . wel.-ome there a. every ..i.. -ii...... ,iv. i..i.,i come Wllt'ir rir, n-- i,i" ( i. ii... ...i.i.ini hoiiw. the . annery , the mill the dock. or. in I fact, any old phi.e. Tke very bet board to be obtained la the city Ii at "The Occident Hotel." Ratti very rmonabl. In Probate Court. .Indue Tr.-nehard yesterday, made the following order ,' probate! Approving the final a.voiint of the guardian. ". A. tlearhart in the matter of the estate, of the tiearhurt Mr, and dichargvd said guardian from all further liability In the pi-eini- Hotel Irvinj Europeas tiwn. The only trtMm-heated botel la Aitorla; Urge and airy roomi; prlcei from so centi to tt.jo; well prepared and daintily aerved meala at 3 eenta. Special ratea per week or month for room and board to permanent gueiti. Our bua meeti all tralne and iteamboata. Bought the Whole Piece. -The recent purchase of the property at the south east corned of Ator and Seventh street in thi i it. v. by AIU H Keafeldt. wa not cneluslvp with the purchase of the undivided one half intere-t of the Hack- dnian heir and for which the d I i on in escrow, nor wa the pl'i'e i?4 ..") the aum of the figure paid in thi- trans action. Mr. Scafeldt hi closed a deal for the entire propel ty including the interest of the Moiifcith heirs, and thi phu.M of thW l.uiues will bn duly probated in the proper courts at once guaranty money having been put up by the buyer. The entire pri.-o paid for the two eipiitic was tl,:iMl. and n .n n the legal provision have been fully a the legal provii. complied with, the Hint the new om r wi transfer will pa vill take full and fin al posH.-fwi.ni. Tin nrgoti'.tion wie conduetexl through the office of II. Van Du-en A Company, of thi city. If You Like Ripe Olives, We Have Something in This Line That Will Please You Ask Us About Them JOHNSON BROS. GOOD GOODS. 118122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore. !xxooCrOOOoaK)oooooooooooo LINE GROCERS. ..At Grace Church.-He.vi.-! at lime il-;rhl T. y ; , ., ..I .1... II,.., Mr Afll'IM III I III Mil VIII lve a vt-.. in PortlandOn Mnv I"' noil ()(, ot,.un mtate Medical A-'i ,;,, ,,.,.( Portland. Dr. Kinney ((f M tily .,! I( nor ut that ,.,,ui Im-iiil:. tT I nlr ui- irl.lftn. H' wdulimi in it' eiirly jjnit',,,, nnl treatment itt ho hy the home phyieliin." Alamc4a Avenue Improvement, It U hoped that the work of frl- coii.t ruction of a drain on Alameda av- iinr for lli.- Ininrovement of that lieet ..i!..t. i I. :.... i.. I. .en purihiilcriihlv I io' u tli liv tie aeeuiifie ol Wal- - er from tin hill above, n I- proe- . ... . ,.. ...... 1. 1.. I in wnnoiii anj iwiu... . h i in Tk. ti.ii. ,.,,,rict,,r ... ..... ii... t... i, I,..- ni Ill IM'" l if"i-- " I i ,alf wv mea.n.e. when it eome ... whi-tle w.U .v.-n jn. -. . I I 11. ...rile: wh...f i. left. The steamer will then the "I.ii." ha. la-en newly flxcl as tM el-e along w.e re ,,,.,i,i. .ear ami ni.V einladlisUI wiih a full m'"" r"m n,'w ions throUL'hoiit. And the house itself ' I taking on a very radlcl and comfor table change in the coiitse of an expen diture of three or four thousand dd lur by the veUrn owner. It will le fint.hed in the course of ten days or two week. Impeding the Sumyi-.'hlef F.ngin eee II. IHiv Hanford, of th Astoria Coast Interurban Hallway Company, arrived here from Heat tie, yesterday. no the noon express, end will. In com pany with W. I. D.mley. go over mei .urvey-l.ne of Ike route t.slay " I orrow. for the purpose ol curing such minor matter. a may need a.lju-t met. When thi shall have .h-cu ' i... i:.... :.. ii. viirimis ilcvatioii. and mappings will be duly submitted t head ipmrter .Hid om-e approved there, the in- , ... - "dirt will liv" ill good fashion. Ladlea We are now prepared to fur niah vou with our lateat atylea or up to-date drraa and itrret hata for aldlea and alao for the little miaaea. Our prices are rizht. At the Fair Eaatern Millin er In the Star Theatre Building. 4-8 lust a Few Days. -The line of tel.- phone ciuipinent 1 IV put in on .1, Columbla river, and embracing Frank- fort Deep Kiver. (iray's Uiver and ' , , it. ..,.1 ,.11 Kunppton. has been completed and all 1 that I lacking to open up the service. are the telephone themselves, the de- livery f which nr.- delayed by the late unpleasantness" at Han Francisco, l,,,t a few day. more and they will l.i in position and roneeteioim duly made, to the great convenience of hundred of people on both side of the great river. t...n...i Prnnjirtv Rule. Alter the u i iuv. n,W the law the sheriff of the Oregon counties, tax ,ll.,.tr. are emnowed to sell at pub- lie sale, the personal property on the ' .1 ..;n nn:.l nuA rl.-li.i- IHHIh IUI IHAV-s n. asi s - U .,.v , wnll fnr IWo 11111-II t, HUM IV iimi; " .with such property, to nettle pretty "pronto" and save themselves the trou- 1. 1 ... , r.slcnn,t!on. Notices to thl efTect are being ant out from the. office of sheriff Linvillo now. cnm.ft,lnff nnirnr. There is always wv...-. . ......... i 4i. ,.. ..r ..,.iiv soniciniiig ......IK ... nm (.. Clton eoiintv. Ves enhiv llttliniriB in .-.s.-r s. j - , there were four deeds- filed for .word at the oir.ee of County Clerk Clinton, namely .lohn IX Bush, et. al.. to F. iwiai, u-nrraniv. $(100. eonvev nc lot 1 2 block 3. Warrent's Addition i .to,n llahn and wife to 4.. r..0f,n Tnvpstment. Comnnnv l.im- 1.11 rsiiv ' ' . ited, wupmnty. $1,500, conveying lot k .1 ,i v f K,sstion 1 T. 4 N.. R. 7 II, 1l( Hit. a . W: The Kanleni InveHtment i'oiiimn,v, i i.ui. n .Mm Rtmo. warrantv. $1028 conveying the lat above named proper- 1 4 II" l II' - I ty. Frank Tatton and wife and wife "t v v Sorensen nnd wife, to W. T. Hchofleld. warranty. $05, conveying lot 32 and fractional lot 33, in block 3, Hill's ' . wi,-f AcMition to Ocean Grove. Will Leave For Time. Jr. Tutlle will leMve, today for nil abwiiee of two weeks, mill during that time h II patient to the Mm Int JIo'I'HhI should apply to Dr. 1. A, Full on, who will have elmin of Dr. Tllttle'" ill I ft fnt iloilliK hi HbclC Yellow Peril. The IrrWimV march of the jellow peril, hut lit hist forced If way Into the Held of white hihor. The entering wcltfe was nnide when the while enrrier for I he F.k-iiIiik Telegram Were foiled to i'ek ii living cN'-whcrc, ieciuie I ho almond eyed youth nvfi-tol lo work on it cheaper bi.l" tlmtl the white newnlioyr. thmi(ht they eonld nf ford to do. H l fluted that not only do (he oiieiitiiU work for lc- but their ci vlee U belter Mini they eon he ile'tcnd ed on to obey their order to the letter. Patrolman Resign. I'atriilmun Albert Thmnpoim. of the polio- force ha sent, ill hi- ie.ii.Miul ion to the police eonimi .!.... i,. I. iminciliiiti Iv eHi.-.-tive. .Mr, 'rhoiml.im intend to leave for Ah.ka In til ' ni'iil fill ore to (jo Into btiiue. He ha. lieen a im.'MiIhT of the police fon- of (hi city for a hnift time and ha al- wav performed hl diitie in h iiipubl and elliclenl ninmier. HI many friend h.-re will wih him the let of iin-ceHii ill hi- liew Held Protect Gillnetteri. In order that the illiii.liit ihifliiiL alaive the eity may t...,., u,i ihiinnel the Meamer Haalo .. :n ii.. ..In. Iciivc. the dock iu ... - l,r,. rr Poll anil. Nt-relary W'rni-n ,lf . fM.r , IM)ion Im arrantied ... , . , . 4 ...I......... ... u ii rn Ol.' ,, v ttllam - - heimen ,y KivltiK the followin ftig , haU: If the steamer i to taKe m eut - olf channel, one long .mm o ..ml m.uii, o. meKa- ..-,. .-. is to Han thorn's cannery, one long blast iind one short will be given, and the 'boat will K along the inside channel to T m nolnt. Il is likely that the l.uiliue will follow the name set of eig Mill For Seawall A eoiniuunleation ha been received by J. T. Ito. of the eiti- wii' seawall committee, from A. C. R e business manager of the firm of Young 4 K.-Uey, civil engineer, having their headquarter In !alt Uke and Portland, statins that the firm would lie glad lo submit a plan for the building of the ltnny ...... , ,u,l .ml .Nr. In LW I h ' report showing the e.liinatcd cost of il... t ruction of the wall. The com mittee h... !-. working on preliminary . . ilai.s lea.liiiL' up to the work, relativ. to the eo-t. and kind of material to la- used, and the other iiece.-ary detail nit have not vet accomplished much ow ing ti. the lack of funds to proseeute the project. Confided in His Friends. -.lauict Fin- uvoa of tin- city yesieruay receive.. another letter from hi -on .lam., in San Francisco, in which the latter gen- tt.-t.mi. MU the foiiow.ng amuaiut; -uuiM e: An hnuM, gent eman ar- med . San Nancco on ne ..av ue.o c w .. ea.l,..aK.-. , , received bv a in-oup of friend and com- itivi.i v w e . a 1 1.. 1 : .!!... ll.ii P.iln.oA lintel ,""'. " " Aftr he had parta en o lunch and rn j.vo.l .. automobile nde to the CI.IT ' ""'' relaxation a .m generally a.vorded the "s.rangerv,th.n the gate" of the hospitable city, he wa dining with a bevy of friends at the Palace, and in the course of con versation the subject of earthquake wa mooted. The man from F.ngland mani fested a deep interest in the matter, and wa somewhat more than interested. in farl; but he wa given the nssurnnce that such shocks as vit.tea the city were mil i.gn. ..... . .... 1 . If i iT ..t- l.ntr .111,1 nni woitliv tl.o Hume ot genuine cart nqmiKcs . . , .. I IH .11 f I.... AAll.llllUliin fllA WIUI WIIIHI wmiiui unp vu.u. .... s TL visitor was satisfied. In due time he ret.re.i to in room on ...,c ... ..... ....... Hours of the great hostelry ami bct.mk himself to a well earned rest. In the early .lawn lie was piuueu ....... hi, bed, and he realized lit once uuu ne was in the grip of one of those incense . ....... oneiitiiil eartoimkes that Ins Irien.ts -. .; . were so tumiiiiir wiui, ami 1 . . 1 1. plicitly on their statement of too night before that 'such shocks as fell to the lot of the eily were but light affairs." ho cliiul.eU imcK into oeu. ...... ..s .... mediately thrown out again, and as he persiste.l in clinging to nis i. I .... mate and tried to get back to his conch, . ....... . 4.. ..::.. he got tlie run oene... i u. .s........ and went over on his hack witn tne resi I . ii I p j i ., I...!.. kt...4i ii.il wlimi hu 1V1IU1 mit iu ihut-u-i-.i.i, ... uct to inn ton mano nw pmi tu u- Ul reels with the lly.ng host of guests ami quite its aesnamue ..s ... w vt ; end they say now that he will not I . .. ... 1 ... -U..4 believe a word tney ieu ...... ..oo... Snn Francisco ; his confidence has been I betrayed too soreiy. Club Met The Weet Kud Improve men! elnb met lat nlht and trnnaet- i-d liimine relating to tint letterment of the eily. In Police Courts Iic(;ttii) he had look- id t lon upon the v,a a it flown amber in the cup, John Itice, a wok to Nee the sun eliinliiif through pii""n bar upon the eenu nt floor of the Hotel I). (riiiiiiiii.l. .lohii could not recall the exiiel i-lreiiiiitiin-e of hi. entrance, hut )'4'eriMy afttfl-niam whi'n iiestoncd by J.idj(e Ander.'in admitted that he "ttiiKht Imve la-.-ri drunk" mid wii b coidingly fined ff'i.ltO, which h" paid. A Fierce Freak. Charles H. lleillwrn of thl eily I just, in receipt of a letter from Mr. Itola-rt We.td.thl. hi brother-in-law, foiiii.-i-ly of this city and now ill Han Francisco, which verille the ex traordinary .tory telegraphed Ix-re dor Inif the early hour of the holocaii-t, in relation to tin- sinking of the Valencia Hotel, out of sijjht fiom the levels. He went out to s o the phenomenon and sav the hotel ha "link down until the level of the roof i six feet la-low the sidr-alks around it. The house i. Raid to have lie -n carried down from seventy- five to one hundred people with it It i one of the tremendous freak of the visitation, and cannot be accounted for on the "made -ground" theory, for this wa solid "terra," and no fill. SUCCEEDS TO THE CONTROL. Kew Executive of the Astoria k Colum bia River Railroad Company Ai tumes Charje. (ieneral Manaaer Guy. W. Talbot, of the Atoria A (lumbia River TUilroa1 Company, arrived in this city on the noon expre. from Portland, yesterday in company with Kuerintendent John Maguire and General Passenger Agent .1. C. Mayo, and the party at once pro ceeded to the general office of the com pany on Bond Stmt. Mr Talbot come. a the successor ot T. II. Curtis, for years the vice-president and treasurer and si ting general manag er of the corporation, and at once took over tin offi. and it responsibility. He i a comparatively young ran, but is said to be an adept in the great sys tematic business of railroading. For fivo year last past he ha held the pot of vice-president and general manager of the lkin-IVona Terminal Railway, with lumdouarter st IWia. and for some years prior to that connection, was with the Iowa Central, (ieneral Manager Talbot wa indi posed to interviewing yesterday on the score that a yet he had nothing to com municate of general interest to the pub lie, further than that he had taken over ll,.. .tulle mill responsibilities Of His position, and was billed for a detaile' inspection of the line and pmpertie- under hi direction, after which he may Is- amenable to the persuasion of th press for a more eteiided exposition o thing in gviierad. lie i a gentleman who bear the alert biisine-s like appearance of one thor- ,.i,....U- ..iillillllelt in hi line, is affable. .--I. pleasant spoken and direct in manner and wholly absorled in his assignment yet qualified to make and retain friend than which eonsumation the Astonan luis nothing better to wish him at the present juncture. Mr. Curtis the retiring comptroller ot A. & C." affairs in this eity will, it is understood, remain ih the city for some time to come, engaged in private pursuits, and this will be good news for all who have known him hetv all thee years and have appreciated the big work ho has done, and the faithful mainte nance he ha secured for it. 00000000000000000 r vvDcnwir. MTNTION. 0 00000000000000000 L, Goodl'ield. of San Francisco, arrived in thi. citv vesterdav on the noon ex press. H. M. Martin of the Hay City is in the citv u irncst at the Hotel Occident. E. Tobin of Portland, is a business visi tor in Astoria, having arrived here on the 11:35 train yesterday morning. A. Gleason, of Portland, is a visitor in the citv and is domiciled at the Hotel eying. 0. B. Hendricks, of Taeoma. wns in the city yesterday on a business trip. W. D. Schofleld arrived in the city from Portland, yesterday noon. 11. A. Sumpter, of Grass Valley. Cali fornia, is irt the. city the- guest ot fAid. S. G. Senter of Ashland, arrived in in Astoria yesterday on business, and will remain here for several days. R. J. MeCracken of Denver, is in the city on business in the saddlery line. V. A. McMasters, of Saeramento, came CLOTHES BOUGHT AT WISES' PRESED FREE, WHENEVER YOff SAY ONE PIANO NUMBER FREE WITH Beautiful M As beautiful as the month of May are our new There is quality and tone and full measured satisfac tion in every stitch. Astoria's Reliable Clothier N Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day, Yard Men, $2.00 per day. Ten Boys, Over 16 In Box TONGUE POINT LUMBER CO ASTORIA, ORE. in from Portland on the noon train yes terday. R. P. Overmier, a traveling man out of Cincinnati, is doing business in As toria. G. B. Canniehael. of New Orleans, miched this city yesterday, and went direct to Seaside for a breath of salt air, uncharged with ashes. He comes from San Francisco, and has had all he wants of earthquake. NOTICE! NOTICE! Ml persons of firms in need of help, either men or women; or those having men's women's or children's garments to. spare, will please inform Mrs. MeKean, of the Ladies' Relief Committee, Eleven th street, uear Commercial. 5-l-7t A. F. & A. M. MEETING NOTICE. A regular communication of Temple , Lodge No. 7. A. F. &A. M.. will be, held in Masonic nail this evening. May ' . nn. -i "Oil T.. rtrrlar IT" AT ! 1, iltUO 111 i .on ueiui-iv l wuvi ... .-- Attest: E. C. Holden. Secretary. Finest Candies, best brands of cigar and tobaccos at Howe & Gowans, 420 Commercial street. Opposite Shermans... Fruits and canned goods. 4-29-3t. For a good shave go to the Occident Barber Shop. Five chaira No long wait. . , Here You Are. Hautala & Baitanen tailors, cleaning, pressing, ladies' and men's clothing. 491 Bond St., Phone Red 2305. WANTED. Man to work on ranch, must be good milker. Enquire Milk Depot Cot. 10th and Duane. EVERY t'.oo BOUGHT AT WISES Spring Suits Look where you may, try is you will nothing will com pare with the master piece of ' High Art" Tailoring, shown tn the Suits, Wi-e has to offer. S15 TO 835 J T Years Old Factory. Work When you are in need of anything in the photographic line in the amateur way, kodaks, films, plates, cards, mounts, and all the technical detsila of the business, and want the best and last in the way of artistic development, just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and tell him so. That is all Try Some of Our fine China aeta. They coma in packages and parcel ready measured for use. 5c to 60c per package. Howe 4 Gowan, 420 Commer- cal street 5--2t A Broken Wheel, a loose tire or wag on a bumjv repairs of any kind all ; kinds can be attended at once and done ' properly, if taken to Andrew Asp & Company. Repairing and general black ' smithing. Buggies and Wagons for ale. N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does all manner of texidermr, furniture uphol- Btering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat- ... a 1- jtreea making a apeciaity ana a.i wor ' guaranteed. Baseball goods at Svenaonl THE NIMBLE COIN. The nimble coin of the country neTe doe so good a thing as when It eupplle) , a man with a well-cooked ana neaiw- ful meal of the sort he it hungry for. In ( this instance is becomes a blessing, and , no pocketbook is the poorer for the eex- penditure; this is why everyone yoa see coming out of the Palace Restaurant carries such a grateful and satisfied ex pression of countenace. Just watch for a day or ao, and the first thing you know you'll be a steady customer there. It is one of the certainties of Astoria life.