SUNDAY,, inofl. THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTOIUA, OitEGON ft MR FASHION LETTER New Skirts Are But a Repetition of Former Styles. MODISH THREE PIECE SUITS Attractive Accordion Plaited Matinee Whit Parasula Will Be Extremely Chic Pumpi Are Lower and Trimmed With Bowt. Circular, Knml unit phtlttni alrta- it seem nlnioM iilmurd to i-numerat tliPHit llit'ie Models Hint fur no long a time Iiiivm lice n iioinilitr. Tlii'ro are rbmiKi't to Im observed in i liii width Of pInltH. in tin' iiiiiulwr of the Korea, 111 tln nIiiih of Hut skirt mill In till' tylo of irliiiinliiu, Imt thi' Integral art an Hit mi mi'. HiiiiiIn of mIIU uixl M'lvi't, two or Mv liwhe will-, ii n to Im found at a riiAHMiNU cukskt cxtvo. the edgo "f ninny stuiinliik' wklrt mod tin, inn lilpliiif are uned down each earn, Tbe uiw 'duneres are wonderfully pretty, espiilitlly lu llht ahadi. The material I linn Mild very iillutile, and the airfare I muni'thlnK like Rood quality ptau (lc nole. Tlin llniiiTlw iaraol are lovelier than luMt year. All aorta of liund work Ii lavished iih.ii tlicin, but there ore beautiful example with embroidered dot. 1'iiriiHolM of plain linen with frliiKt'd border, tin- linen Itself frlnued to make narrow borders mid laid ou tLi fniiiii' lu ovcrliipplnu luyer, are hown In tin' iM'Mt llni'ii shop, Very attractive ar tin mrordlon plaited matinees of liberty wltk. with deep luce collar. They fall to the walat mid ii it- worn with 11 awnrt pet ticoat or ii nllk dies skirt. There lire HfinlflttluK dreimlnK Jack eta drawn In lit the waist und buck with a hiinIi that tie In front nnd hu long end i'd'd with frlne. The corset rover mi'ii In the cut la trlmuieil In uu original fiiwhlou with cluny luce. Croiipa of tiny tucks ylve Uio required fullucN. I I SUNSHADES AND FABRICS. I A decided preference will tie innnl- 4 M l.a ,1.1 ...1.1... ....aou..!. a imivu mw f, Mr..,,, ........ j.... .......... Metal ond Ivory bundle nre In evi dence on the more expensive kludH. V'heru la n sunshade In Mr. Nicholas ngworth's trouHHeiiu that will be much copied. It la n "atnr" poniMol desbjned by the bride ond carrl-xl r' LilpSofteiis ffiMy Water jfg m M Mf Saves Cleans ft0jMI1 Whitens ffflilH cithcs mi cMr 'Ask Dealer 5fHUIfi TEAM Hi liwuy ww f gainerm wnn iiiio fon, ' Many women will rejoice tit the tld liiffa Hint threii piece aulla nr to bit lu vokiio thin aeiiitoii, The wulala worn with Hume nulla nre lingerie nffalra Hint (liilntlly top Ilia eoiMclet skirts, There la o Jacket to tun xt, but In moat In etaucea It la auch a dlinlnutlve affair that It require conaiderable ImaiflDa- tlon to feel aure that It exlnta, A atuniiliiK' tlirei' piece milt W tu.'i'l" of orchid pink cloth. The circular aklrt Iihm ii flounce on the bottom, and the coat la lu I-oiii tyle, with a deep col lar and cuffa of roae velvet embroid ered with Kilt. The belt la of black main iiikI the bodice of bruxHcIa uet nnd Irlah Hlut ItiHertlon, with louche of pink cloth. intuition, munllna and luwna ar hown with half Inch xiitlu atrlpoa, on which apMar little Miiipudour bou quet lu delicate color. Tbeae gowna will be aluiply made with trluimluga of valencienmi lace and glrdlea of rib- toil, flowered or plHln. The frock pictured 1 of orchid pink Wftandle. The aklrt la trimmer! almoet to the waUt with ulternnte handa of tucka mid lace. The evening hwdice ha ltn fullncuM tui'Ke) and Mooned nver a deep ilrdl if potupiidour rib bn. I-acW trlrua (he dvcolltte nei'k. HEAD AND FOOT. I'olnted ahixa buve been ateadll.T (rntnliiK in fuor ami that they have ar rived n kIiowq lu the aiiutrt new (iiiinpa. Thine puinpa nre n little lower than they were hint year mid are apt to allp, but Oie new lmw that decorate them are very dainty. They nre funny lit Ho afTalra of lint her made In two bunched Up lodpH. In place of tbe rather higher puinpx have i-orue "ribbon Ilea," boiiHtlng four or aometluiea aix great cyclcta. through which ribbon rniiK to tie In even larger bow'a than thoxe of Inat kciinou. I'atent leiithcr mid gun metal, a dull Unladed leather, tight for anprcinncy, Itoth are popular for puinpa, mid both are equally Improved by the little leather Imhv. In 1'iirln red leather alioca with ailver heela are n novelty of the moment. Color bid fair to have a certain prominence in low hIioch, but white nnd black are fur and away moat worn. It la early, though, lu the hciimoii to pre dict, for there may be Home atartllng new thlngM lu the way of footgear later on. Following In tbe trull of gowu in a terlala there are puinpa In delicate ahadea of piiatel colorx. TIichc pumpa are fiiHclnntlngly pretty, but they're ou extravagance, for there In no way of i.nir. uujif uetorllv ut home. a vrlety woman hn nan ti reii urn able pair of slippers made of allver In the form of mrd. TIu t'xi forms the beak, nnd the vnmpa nre otitstri'tched wlnifH. Much footirear la for the fnddr r!a!i, .r"'.':.t. in "weiilrlcltr of an expensive variety. The hat nki'Mied Ima an ecru at raw brim and crown of the same shado of aatln. A hiiKi paradlw feather aluid tug to brown U the only trimming. THE PERENNIAL WAIST. There In little clinutfo In tin imiterlnla for lingerie Hlilrl wiiImim. Mueii batlale, nnlimoiik, I'nrU ioiimIIii, French mull, hundki'ti hlcf linen ami fine lawn are tlm favorltin, There l ii new heavy linen, without gluze, which la very amort for tailored A COHHKLKT WA1HT. effect In Mhlrl waiala. Many of the aummer wiiImih will be trlmined with dotted and plain footing, llut'ti torchon and handNoitie hiiea, Including Irish crochet ami Flemish. Hand embroidery la ut the top notch of faahlou. All the uew ahlrt wolata are broad arroa the Hhouldera and cheat, and then I no droop lu tin mIcvvc at uny point. Whenever poatilble they ore cut off at the elbow. When a yoke or chemiaette appears on a ahlrt walat It rcm-he barely below tbe neckband. Featbmtltchlnf It uaed a great dual In Imlivtdoal dealgni r outlining hu e luairtlon and nottfi. Plain foldeil atocka or turnover em broidered linen collar are woru with four-lit hand tie of soft or corded alllc All oX the dreaay ahlrt walats faaten down ttie back. With the exception i)f tho French model they have rathr good alwd pearl button put far apart. The tiny button Hcnrcely at, Incb apart down the buck of a walat are trying to tho temper. The bloiiHc Illustrated i designed for wear with a corxelet aklrt. It la of oil over lace mid rullle, the latter banded with wide beading. The sleeves, with Uir cnacmli of luce, are chnrniing. Jl'MC CHOLI.ET. Church Notices! Baptist Church. All the usual Sunday services will bo observed at the Baptist church to day. The sermon hour being oc cupied both morning and evening with echo from the Baptist Pacific Coast Conference held in Portland last week. Everybody invited to that which will he interesting to everybody. First Lutheran Church. Morning service nt 10:43 in Swecd Mi. Evening service at 8 o'clock in English. At this service the pastor will speak on the theme "The Good I Current Events In Society Here M Miss Carrie Short entertained a few ot her Mends with a dinner on lhurs- .lay. Miss Mabel Douglas of Flavel spent vesterdav afternoon in this city. Mis Margaret Higgins gave a shower in houoi' of Miss May Morgan on Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Frnnk Sanborn gave a stocking shower in honor of Miss Bertha Hob son. (lames were played. Mis Mable Tioloi' winning the prize. Ou Monday night, about thirty friends Mr. nnd Mrs. Austin Osborn assem bled at the home of Judge Osborn to tender them a surprise party. Refresh ments and six handed euchre helped the guests to pass a very pleasant evening. The prize winners were Mrs. Earl Fish- mid Mr. C, R. Morse. Miss Ruth Garner and Mrs. C. W. Holmes assist ed iu entertaining. Hlieplierd," All are cordially invited to attend. Congregational Church. Nervier will take place both morn ing and evening, He v. Strange pleach ing, Sunday aehool immediately fol lowing the morning aervlee. Crace Episcopal. There will he divine aervice at. firace cliiiii'li tlii moiniiii' ut ll:'K o'clock uli'l Nimduy Hehool at 2:00 o'eik intear i,f J2:,'H. The evening Hcrviee ill he omitted. Presbyterian Church, Morning woraliip at 1I:W) o'clwk. Sermon: Third of the eric on "Mom'" Sunday School at 12:15; V. V. S, C. .., 0:30; Evening womliip, ".'V) Theme of aermon, "Mo Firt." The Voting Men'a Iw-ague will have a May day tramp bonfiie and potato hake on Voting' river beach next Tuesday. AH young people are invited. One crowd will leave the chtireh at v'vn o'clock. Thoe who can not, come to early will leave the clmreli at eight. It it rains the oclul will be held in the church. Wring your own apud. First M. E. Church. Morning cla 10:15; Prearhing by the pantor, Rev. W. S. (Jrim it 11 a. m. and 7: 30 p. m Sunday chool 12; Epworth league, 6:30 p. m. Subject for league nieating will be "Peril of Prosperity and Civie Unrighteounesi.M Meeting led by Mr. W. S. Grim. We wa glad to welcome you to all our aer vice. Regular prayer meeting every Wcdne-day at 7:30 p. m.. On May 15th Ir. F. Burgett Short pastor of Taylor Stn-et M. E. church, Portland will lec ture iu the church. His subject will be: "The Oopel of Good Cheer." Norwegian Danish M. E. Church. Rev. C. Aug I'cternon, pa-tor will preach at 11:00 a. m. and 8:00 p. m. Sunday school at 10:00 a. m., Albert (ark-on, superintendent. Young Peo ples' meeting at 7:00 p. m., Rev. E. I. Nanthrup, leader. Carl and !. Baster. aster KiiQday eennot happen earlier than March X or later than April tS, but between the two dates It haa a rang ef thirty-lire days. At the time of tbe council of Nice, 325 A. D., It waa agreed by the representative pres ent that from that time forward Eaater should fall on tbe flrM Sunday after the full moon occurring on or next after March 21, or. In other word, "on the first Sunday after the flrat full moon after the sun crosses the line." Since the above nrraugement waa adopted by the great ecclesiastical couucil referred to Easter has fallen on March 22 ntid on every date be tween that nnd April 25, but It is only after long Intervals of Hme that It oc curs on Its extreme dates. In 1886 Easter fell on April 2T, its latest pos sible date, nn event which will not ngnln occur until the spring of 1043. The hist time Easter fell ou Its earliest date wa In ISIS. This will not happen again until uftcr this century. Failure. "Very frequently," says New York lawyer, "there I nn elemeut of uncou selous humor In tbe findings of a Jury. To my mind, the best I ever heard In this connection was the verdict brought In by n coroner's Jury In Michigan, who were railed upon to pas upon the case of the sudden death of a merchant In I.rtnsbg. "The finding was aa follows: 'W'i the jury, rind from the physician's statement tint the deceased came to his death from heart failur?, superin duced by business failure, which was caused by speculation failure, which was the result of failure to see far nouga ahead.' "Harper's Weekly. Miss Harriet Belland entertained the Thursday afternoon Club last week. The game of live hundred was played. Mrs. Richard Carrulhct's winning the prize Mr. Harry George is expected homo in a few days, The Sunday Club gave a pleasant lit tle dance last evening at Logan's hall. It was well'attended. Mrs. Martha Finch and niece arrived here last week to visit with Mrs. Alex ander Gilbert. Miss Helen Dawson was entertained by Mrs. Robert Carruther at her home on Exchange street. The principal am musements of the evening were danc ing and singing ond afterwards the game of hearts was played, the prize winners being Miss Allic.e Wright and Mr. James Robb. Scotch Broom was used as the decorations. CASTOR I A )7or Infanta tad Children, Tha M You Hava Always Bough) Bears th Signature of I REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION OK THE at Astoria, In the State of Oregon, at the elte of biifsineiis, April 6, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discount $267,366.01 j Overdrafts, secured and unse. cured 7,023.51 U. 8. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Premium on TJ. S. Btndi .. 800.00 Bond Securities, etc 34,640.16 Banking house, furniture and fixture 4,000.00 Other real estate owned 4,375.00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 9,713.63 Due from State Banks and Bankers 4,168.92 Due from approved reserve agenta 241,071.681 Checks ami other cash items . I AMIS Notes of other National Bank 1,685.00 Fractional paper currency, nickles, and cents 290.49 Lawful money reserve in baak vil: Sped. $48,102.00 Legal tender notes . 2.277.0A 50,379.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of cir- culatioi) 625.00 Total $640,671.61 LIABILITIES. Capital atock paid in $ 50,000.00 Surplua fund, 10,000100 Undivided profit, leas e pemea and taxes paid 31,009.35 National Bank Notes Out staadhg 11,900.00 Irdi vidua! deposits subject to cheek $290,184.95 Demand certificate of de posit 34,592.34 Time certificates of deposit 203,943.97 53t.T62.26 Totad ...$64,6T1.61 State ef Orefoa., Couaty ef OWset, at: L J. - Higgias. cashier of the above ma med baak, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of y knowledge and belief. J. K. H1UU1JNS Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of April, 1908. GEORGE C. FULTON, Notary Public. Correct--Attest: GEO. H. GEORGE. GEO. W. WARREN, A. SCHERNECKAU. Directors. REi ORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First Moil Bank At Astoria, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, April 6th, 1906. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $358,101.86 Overdrafts, secured anu un secured 4,537.71 U. S. Bonds to secure chcula. tiou 12,800 00 Bonds, securities, etc 74,580.00 Other real estate owned 3,000.00 Due from National banks (not reserve agents) .... 16,064.76 Due from State Banks and Bankers 70,832.63 Due from approved reserve agents 170,012.94 Checks and other cash items 740.41 Notes of other National Banks 20.00 Nickles and cents 392.56 Lawful money reserve in bank viz: Specie $111,000.00 Legal tender notes 20.00 111,020.00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent circu lation 1,250.00 Total $823,052.87 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ... Surplus fund ' Undivided profits, less expen 50,000 00 60,000.00 ses and taxes paid 19,300.33 National Bank notes out Standing 12,500 00 Individual deposits subject to check $542,916.35 Demand certificates of de posit 138,261.19 Certified checks . . 75.00 681,252.54 Total . .$823,052.87 State oi Oregon, County of Clatsop.sss I, S. S. Gordon cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. S. GORDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of April, 1906. . V. BOELLINO. Notary Public. Correct Attests i. C. FLAVEL, w. f. McGregor, J. WESLEY LADD, ; Directors. Astoua National Bank "PaleBohemlan IageriBeer,,a THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottle Brewed inder sanitary condition and property gd right nere in Attorla. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON. SaT'SSEaiSlasi ear? NOW FOR A BICE DAHTTY LITTLE PIECE 07 CHINA A CHINA TEA POT, CHOCO LATE POT, CUP AND SAUCES OS EVEN A NICE LITTLE TEA SET, MAY BE JUST THE THING YOU ASE WANTING If SO THE PLACE TO GO IS THE Yokohama Bazaar' 638 Commercial Street, Astoria HUNTING TRIP Buw to I prwfCT!y equips I ohjain the STfcV. JtNSan-1 you CANNOT GO WHOM.. Uetiuie RirtES . , PISTOLS . SHOTGUNS , from $2.25 to $130.00 from 2.60 to 60.00 from 700 to 35.00 Aik your dealer ant insist 'Swid for 140-fwe I! In. 00 our pofiuUr make. If tratei tatai v- If Inter yucann'toltiIi), eshtpietnl in SHiK'TtNtj, yoo hrx r, tarriasf (kjr?ri (Mjho have It. Mailed frtf.uJ, up a recet of, fi f-jj cents hi staruia to catalog ijtkc. 1 caver pottage. Our attractive three-color Aluminum Hanger mill b tent anywhere fur 10 cents in stamps, J. STEVENS EM3 ADD TOOL CO, P. O. Dot 4.194 Chlcope ran. Haa., U.S. A. k THE Dr. C. GEE W0 Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly located 253 Alder Street; for the past five ycars,HAVE MOVED into the lflrcrA liri'fc- fmiMiney n-U!fc" at the south-east cor ner of First and Morrison Streets. En trance No. 162 Front St. Successful Home Treatment Dr. C. GEE WO Is known throughout tbe United States, and Is called the Great Rhtmwn Doctor on account of his wonderful eorei without the aid ot a knife, without using poison or drugs of any kind. He treats any and all diseases with powerful oriental root uerus, nam, ana vegetaoies that are un known to medical science in thin ponntrv. and through the use nf these harmless reme dies he guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung Trouble, Rheumttiim, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Female Weakness and all Chronic D'lusu. Call or write, enclosing 4 2-cent stamp for mailing book and circular. Address, The C- Ge Woo Chinese Medicine Co., No. 161 1.2 First St.. IE. Cor. Morrlio Mention this Portland OrMon n. COFFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, FLaWGHif IS EXTRACTS Absolute Purify, Flncsr Flavor, Greatest $frenh.taMMefrkl CLOSSET&DEYESS r PORTLAND, OREGON. ' ON 1.1 UiKS.''-E'V' C