SUffDAY, ANHl ljofi. THE MORNING ASTOllIAN, ASTORIA, OREGON, ill'l " II I 111 "' - EARTHQUAKE ITEMS Astoria's Personal Interests in the Shock and Fire. LETTERS, INTERVIEWS AT HAND Trenchant Descriptions of Events, Peo ple and Incidents in the Stricken Metropolis by Astorians Descriptive Week. Under date of April 23, the following very interesting letter was received here yesterday by Dr. A. A. finch from his brother, Charles X. Finch, who is well known in this city, now with the Nor thern Pacific Steamship Company and stationed at San Francisco, where he has undergone his share of strange ex periences and ha given a succinct rec ord thereof, in the words and figures following: "Now that the firU excitement and factories hut at 7 a. m mother wa so anxious about the other boys that 1 started for town when I got to the avenue there were no cars running so I started U hike but ho J only gone a few blocks when a ear came along and .jumped it, under protect, it being a load of dynnuiite but stayed with it as far As it went, 11th and lUyant, and then commenced the sights of terror. "Went up Xinth t Market where buildings had fallen in . nil directions and could see the tire in the southern part of the city working westward and and it was coining in leaps with thous ands of people tiering Wfore. it some with bundles which they had collected and other with nothing on but their night shirts: gave a and when ever 1 could, but being anxious on account of Will and Clara kept going towards them as fa-t as 1 could; when 1 got to JUh and Market and looked down the latter street the sight was appaliug as far as eye could reach nothing but tire and ruin the seven story majestic building was laying across !Uh street, the city hall although the steel frame work stood had peeled like an orange and up l.ark in street to the Margareutr Hotel where Will was living the buildings were the same where they were of brick construc tion when I reached my destination found they had gone to Jefferson Squ are the first thing along with the rest of the guests of the hotel for the shock must have been awful for them as they asronv of our ereat calamitv is over i muai lime wtu an nil mi mem s u j and there is a breathing spell, I will j hld a suite in tlle thi,d storv, t )oou try and give you a description of the a)1 through the park, but it wa like vent from my own observations, and jookiug for a needle in a straw stack outside of the regular officials I think a thousands were already then-, so went I have seen as much as any one for to . out t0 Vie's place and all the way out reach the city I have had to go right I founJ everyone in panic on account of xnrougn tne districts which have sus- j the earthquake, but none were expect- lamed tne great damage and where the greatest loss of life oceured. "How long the quake had been going on when I woke up I cannot say. but Veing a seafaring man I can tell you it took quite a bit of rolling to disturb me, and then as I had to get our par ents being my first thought I lost track of time, but knew afterwards that the hock commenced at 5:15 a. m. as the clock on the mantle stopped at that time and have found out siace that it was correct. "Having got them down stairs, natu rally the first thought was to look out doors to see what damage had been sustained in the neighborhood, and al though no houses were down around us 11 the chimneys were but saw heavy emoke in the direction of the city and remarked to mother that I thought a fire had broken out there, but conclud ed later that it was smoke from the ing the awful scenes which were to fol low. "Even at the time I had reached Vic's. 10 a. ni. the people had made their camps in the streets, a majority were afraid to go into their houses, he and I went up Devisadero to California st, and went down that street to the Stan ford residence and could get a grand view of the contlagation, all the south side as far as Seventh and Market was in flames and from the line of East st. as far as Sansoine street. "We saw the Call, Emporium, Hearst and in fact all the big blocks on that side of Market catch, and wonderful to relate the earthquake did them practi cally no damage and from that fact 'Frisco has learned her lesson thoroughly as to the style of buildings to erect 4n the future, for let me tell you right here that there are plans out now for a grander and more beautiful city to re- Thursday, Friday 8 Saturday G peci&Jls Green Coffee, Our Regular 20 Cent Value 7 lbs $1.00 English Breakfast Tea 5 lb Boxes $1.50 Firelight Matches, 45 Cents Pkg. Carnation Wheat Flakes Each Package Contain 1 Cup and Saucer Free, 25 Cent Pkg. Hills Pickle Chips, Reg 20 Cents Value I5 Cents Reg 15 Cents Value IO Cents. Whole Alaska Cod Fish 7 1-2 Cents lb. Our Liberal Money Back Guarantee Gives Ab solute Protection to All Who Trade At Our Store E FOARD ft STOKES GO. ASTORIA'S GREATEST STORE. TH We Don't Claim a Monopoly On good fabrics and good making, other stores can give you this, but .STYLE, INDIVIDUALITY, That's another matter altogether. Clothes Craft is exem. plified in Hart, Schaffner (& Marx AND Copyright 1906 by Hart Schaffner fc? Marx Brandeg'ee, Rincaid $ Wood Clothes They're a true type of high art in men's apparel because of the destinctive style they possess, and the absolute consistency of perfection, which bear the best of actual wear, you will. vtf si You can dress yourself if vtf vtf TP a. otoe: Public Confidence is Our Greatest Asset, place the destroyed one. and 1 venture to say in less than five years we will have a city which will le a model for the rest of the world, for Arthur I do not know hut what I will give up plans of going north and remain here and give what little help I can in the rebuild ing. "For the three days the fire raged I was in the city during the day but a it would have been cruel to have left the old folks alone after dark, I would get home about 7 p. m. for although I could not do much for anyone still when ever I could give a hand I did so a did everyone ele and will say that after what has been gone through I think we have the most cheerful and hopeful people in Frisco, I think in the univer-e and although it is a case nf receiving charity from the rest of our grand coun try ju-t at present, still it would do you good to observe the good heartedne-s and kindness displayed one to another for just now rich and poor are all alike for it is practically impossible to buy goods as all the busine-s district is wiped out. "Of course you will get details iu the daily papers. I can not give you. but one thing I want to say right here is that although I have not here to fore bad much use for Mayor Sehmitz I think he was the man for the time along with General Funston, and the city is a great deal more orderly than one would ex pect. "Yesterday I went up on Xob Hill, again, what a change from Wednesday as far as the eye could reach, from bay line to Channel street and as far west as Franklyn street all gone, no more trouble on account of moving China .town or the barbary coast as the great element has done that in a thorough manner. "Now the problem is to get the peo ple under shelter, as last night it rain ed and it must have been very hard on the women, children and nick who are exposed." Astoria is gathering in her own, day by day, from the late perils ot tne doubly devastated city of Kan Fran cisco: Hardly a train or boat arrives now, but brings one or more of the ab sentees who are mixed up in the tur moil and risks of, that awful week, and she is glad to welcome them, and glad repeat the cheering stories they bring, of the quick salvation of the dispossess ed host that fell under the dual ban of earthquake and fire. Among the. latest to arrive arc Judge Frank J. Tavlor and bis wife arid two daughters, after whom he went. He left here on the 12th of the present month; little thinking of the dreadful things in store for them all before they should be homeward bound. He arrived in San Francisco on the night of the 13th and went directly to the boarding house where his family was domiciled, at the corner of I'ine and Taylor streets, high up on what is known as "Nob Hill," and in the very beart of the hill residence district. He found them all well and overjoyed to see him, and they prepared for and passed the Easter season most happily. work of early Wednesday given an As torian reporter yesterday, by .lodge Tay lor, the vital shock of the series, which wrecked the city at 5:1.) on the fatal morning, was preceded, during the night by a very perceptible temblor which awakened him and his wife but was not serious enough to keep from sleep ing. The awful force and duration of the one that followed in the dawn, however was ample to put the whole San Fran cisco world on it mettle and the de fensive, if any defense lies against such an invasion of human peace and safety. The judge says it lasted the better part of an hour, at least, be had it llguivd out that way, but long lief ore the llr-t moment had missed after it ceased it- action, he was doiiiL' all that laid in the contrary, a general, equable power of man to assuage the fright and '"' I"'!1'1'1 "I1'1'1 ' - dtvad of his own dear ones, and calm the perturbation of the balance of Jhe household. He in-i-tcd on all re maining in the house, which was a low. frame one. and much safer than the stiet lined with towering brick edifices all about them and lie had hi- way. Then the word came that the tin was sweeping the lower level-, and lie and his party climbed the 'alifornian street hills and took a long view of the tremendous holocaust raging far below them: The effect, flour their lofty point of view, was sublime, while it was tinctured with deep sadne-s for the home that were being devoured Is-fore their eves, and for those who were fleeing bct'orv the great wall of lire that had made them paupers on the instant. The wind was blowing from the northeast, directly again-t the advancing llanie, and so kept the sight untrammelled from smoke, and the ight was one to 1m remembered to one's dying day. Step by step, the long red wall of (lame en croacheil shlwly but, simily iij now territory until it had crossed the two hundred foot barrier of Market street, and then in the night, the warning was brought them, by the police that the fire lighters of the city were exhausted and the flames were beyond control. The family got together their hand chattels, packed their trunks, dressed carefully ami warmly, and with the whole house-hold, began their migration to the westward iu the early morning light of Thursday. They went nut to Webster street, and as Judge Taylor had had the forethought to provide an abundance of food-stuffs for just such an emergency, all hands were fortified against, undue want in that premise. After putting the party in a safe place at the new location, the judge went back with an express wagon and got the trunks of his family and of the whole party at the house which was now seri ously thu-atened by the advancing lire. And he says the man who moved bis trunks absolutely refused any compen sation for his services, saying that the company he worked for had forbidden him c charge any i. e a cent, but to do all the good he conl i for those in need of hauling; the judge was compelled to force some money n the man, in the guise of a contribution to those whom the driver might find elsewhere, worse off than he, and the man took it. gratefully aird said he would do as he was bid. The Taylors and their friends rest ed in safety at this new (mint, although all were out of doors, and the whole street as far as the eye could ivnclt, one long veritable camp. They campe.i too, and out of their abundance, gave what of comfort they could, t the passing thousands who .ni:i within the radius of their particular camp. Judge Taylor says that one of the happiest features of the whole terriM,' season he spent there, was the const nil evidence of fellow kiudcriess I hut mark the the association of these tens o! juUlsaild of st j a s, all beggared by the one divadful disaster; then was no bikering, no wailing, nor reproaches, nor unseemly squabbling, but, on the fiiendly ninrkab le as it was gral living. And there was evrv cause conceivable presented for the cerei-c of the giiisscr and more hit ter feeling and contentions, but as far a he could -ee, the universal id-'ii seem ed to he that the hour wa- o'-p of tic kind when I In' human -mil cannot stoop to the pitiful things; nil hud to be biave and generous and thoughtful, each of the other, and he is glad he left the great concourse of siiirerers with just such a memory of their splendid and chivalrie conduct. n Friday morning, he managed to scenic the service of an expressman and had his family ami a ic-tilutc lady friend, and all their luggage, removed to the feiry dock, by a long ami cir cuitous route, to Fort Mason on the north shore of the waterfront, whence; all were transported around to the great feny house, and from there they crossed to the Oakland side and went on to l!erkeey from whence they took passage to his home. The family is well anil are quietly resting from the tempestuous week they put iu, and will soon be happily normal, but each with a living memory of their e.(cricnces that will never leave them iu this world In conversation with a gentleman by name of (!. T. Fllis, who arrived here on the F. A. Kilhuni yesterday morn ing, it was learned that the recent earth quake shock was felt as far north as Foil ISragg, in Mendocino county, and an even hundred miles north of the doomed metropolis, Mr. Kllis was in lied there' at the time, and was thrown to the floor; the drawers of bis bureau slid on), and across the floor, and bowl and pifchcr landed mi his bed. The brick hotel iu which he was domi ciled did not. fall down, but it leaned over iu a fashion that, made it seem only a matter of pushing it down, and was burned to the ground an hour later from fire caught from its own range. Mr. Gilbert, left there for San Francisco on the first steamer out, and the. first thing that presented itself to his view when he went, up through the Hlricken cily was the caling of the dead by the starv ing dogs of the city, Jtrit he noticed that the dogs were being shot to death on all sides, and it is said there arc no dogs of uny sort to be found in the city now. Mr. Ellis was for some years in charge Fancy Oregon Rhubarb Direct from the grower, nice and fresh. Its Fancy Naval Oranges Sweet and Juicy, from to 'i(c per dozen. ASTORIA GROCERY Fbon Main 881 623 Commercttl St of the saws at the north shoi-e logging camp on Deep llivcr. and left that em ployment to enter the set vice of the Si mon Saw Company, as a drummer, and now lives in Fuicka and travels out of San I' lancisi o. He has been ordered to the Cortland branch for temporary du ty. He ays there is not a county bridge left of any of the county bridges in Humboldt and Mendiciuo counties, Cali fornia. Alexander Gilbert of this city, who made a (lying trip to the center of Ca citlc coast interest for the past ten das, San Francisco, returned on the noon train yesterday, and brings an alto gether cheerful report of his journey, which was made to ascertain the condi tions confronting his daughter, Mrs. Mar I ha Finch, ami bin grand (laughter, Miss Watson, He had no trouble in enter ing the city, secured his passes all right, and found his people almost in lantly, and though they were practi cally homeless, they were in the hands of friends and a in ply provided for. Satis lied most happily on this score, he took a hasty review of -general conditions I here, and is unstinted in his praise, of the mayor, the military and the committees in charge, but he is parti cularly frank and cordial iu his com mendation of the splendid work of the army ollicei and men detailed for duty there under martial law: nothing, he says, could surpass the perfect order and (licipline that prevails everywhere. and he is certain that without this formidable and rigid conl nil, the nuthori tics despite Mayor" Selimitz's firm and orecful conl rot of things, would have been over-ridden by the criminal ele ment, and the record of I he disaster made infinitely worse, lie left the city satisfied that all would be well with his people and the rest of mankind that came within the purview of the regime down there. Along with there la-ing less danger in being a heretic in these days, there Is also considerably less advertising. From the account of the dreadful i i