The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 23, 1906, FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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MONDAY, APRIL tj, ijofl.
aTT ATHITC Bought at Herman Wise's Fine Store Pressed
LLUlflLO Free of Charge Whenever You Say So.
"True By All Tests."
, , ; ' .' 1 1
Fine Harrinun Steamer Destroyed
in San Frtncksco.
Every Boat Operated by the Corpora
tion in Cost Traffic Has, Been
IIMVd During the List
Three Yeara,
The A'fiiiiu Si Columbia Itlvcr Port
In ml Miillumd Company' Sunday ex
rut oitui to Si-iinIiIi), from Porllaml. are
pclillg lll ill HlIC m1IH II- fill' IH
number (tit I'liiici'iiii'il. Th ccoiiil of
the iteile iiiilved here yesterday
promptly 11I I MID uYliM'k, with MO pen
iIm tillli'il for the count, and nil looking
happy In mi aiillclpiitoiy Mill of way.
They look, fur the iimihI part, like lived
'! k lllhl salcuwomcn, eager fm no
outing mill enjoying tlx liimr of relaxa
tion to tli full. There ire tun earn 011
tin. string yiterdny, till full. '
Hotel Irving European ptan. Thi
only steam-heated hotel in AitorU; Urge
and lry roomi; prices from 30 centi to
11.30; well prepared and daintily aerved
meals at 13 centa. Special ratea per
week or month for room and board to
permanent fueiti. Our bua meets all
tralni and ateamboati.
TIll'IC Hill l)( (I 'ell ('(IIIIIIIMIlilrt-
tlo iif Tcniplo Ixlge. No. 7, A. F. A A.
M. In-Ill tit M11 imli' Hull, 011 Tuesday,
tomorrow evening lit "-M o'clock, llj'
inl-r of the V. M. Allct: K. C. Ilol
dun. nerr.-tary.
Tlif iv i more troulilo aliriil for II.
H. Harri. the .Worlaii who ,l nerving
n live month' ciitence in the Marion
county jail. The Stt U chief of police
recently wit here for a photograph of
llarri to iiiHi'itiilii whether he I the
limn thiil in wanted in that city 011 tin'
charge t forgery. The local prUoncr
Wll iill'lltilll'll tl, IH' till' 1111111 fm- WllOUl
thp (lolifw have ln.eii looking. Not only
are the Seattle authorise after Harrl.
lull those of Portland alo wish to have
It I in examined on the 'charge of obtain
lti(j money under fale pretence,-Salem
I In mini Wie will give ! per cut of
all ciili sales during I In balance of thin
inoiitll t 'lie 4cllcf of the earthquake
iilTi'ii't in California.
An Mr. Vic carries the Inrge-t stock
of men' and boy' good and Inm nil
of hid kikmI market in plain figure,
you will do well to buy your goods
from Mr. Wise und iudiivetly help
thone. who are in wimt in California.
All For San FranclscoTho Woman's
Club of this city bus determined to turn
over to the relief committee of thi city,
for the benefit of the suffering .San
Franciscans, all the excess fund aris
ing from their grand concert to be
given in the Elks' lodge-room on the
night of April 24th, next Tuesday. And
the "Iks havo gcnenjusly given them
the rent of the big rom free of cot,
Everyliody ahould turn out and make
it a grand auecesi.
If yon do not Uka
Hill Bros High
Grade Vacuum
PacKed Mocha
than any other you have ever
vied. Try it; the taate will tell
118-122 Twelfth St. Aitorla, Ore.
Gray'a Harbor Tug Owneri Pool In
tereitt One Tug Dropped.
Tlif Xorthwetcrn Luinber Coinpiitiy
of till city I111 wild Hh two t iiboat
Printer und Tniveler, to the iny'
Ifurlmr 'luyli'iiil ('oiiijiiifiy of Alicrde-n,
but ill iloinu no I111- ili'ipiliei) Hie eoii
llolllllg intere.t III tint, eoipnrntioll,
heh ineaim -tluit th" Niiiihweteru
l.uiMbei' t'ompuny will UI do tin tow
liijf on (inly' llnrbor.
NVolliitloiH have b-en peiidlnir for
oine time relative to thin puri'lmite and
It win lii'Uiilit nlMiiit by Incnw f the
yri-iil enperiM- cntuiled In opcnitiii(j
their tiiK. keen jivalry, coinpelliiiK the
I hiii U to niiikp lon t i'iH from the en
trance to harbor out v.x in ffuiv.i v'
11 tow. Thn law aiiioiiK them whi that
tin. Ilrt Kteaiiier to reach the vecl
and p t a lint aboard waa to have the
tow ami bMaii' of thin many iiiterct
US nue have taken plai-e latwcen the
tiviil nipliiini.
ThU iurhaie now ijiveii the company
control of four tiiKithe IXiiititf. Trav
eler, Printer and Cu.lahy, which were
all Wing iiwhI in the battle for trade.
It l understood that only three of
tln'e tiiK will be lined ami that Cap
tain ,.?ohnon. now of the Traveler,
will Mien'cd Captain Wream, of the
DuriiiK. and the other captain who
have been in the crviee of the North
WVlern I.iiiiiImt Company for many
year will ail move up a uoteh in the
line of promotion.
The headijuarti-r of the (iray'i Har
bor Tujr Hoat Company will heieafter
he at ll(Hpii:iiii and all Ininine will
! dime in thi city.AVahiii.'loiiian.
Help Swell Tbeo. The proceed of
the coiiifrt Tiieday evening will le
given to the Kan Frani'lco relief fund.
CheVH lr. of Suit 1 Heml anl
Aberdeen, the )urchacr of the tug
Imbjiendent fiinn the defunct Alaska
Finherii'' I'liioiu for $2.Vhi, inut I1
cougrat iibited iiiii their bargain. The
pinrlinM- wa clTi-cteif through SurU'e
Hope, the well-known i-hipbloker. We
midei'xtand tlie tug iriiginally cost $10,
.VKI iiml that the punha-er were
promptly oirercd .ihm), Scat tie Mu
rine lb-view.
For a good share go to the Occident
Ilarber Shop. Five chain No long
Don't under any circumstance! or
der your new clothes without looking
over Strua Bros,' display of cloths
it C XL Cooperj perfect flit guaranteed.
A Pat O'Uoolihan was walking down
Itroadwuy he wa acconted by a din
tiiiguihol looking etrangcr who wihcd
to know th" quickeal way to the City
Hall. Pat told him. and then inquired
cheerfully, "And who might ye bui"
"J," aniil the at ranger, drawing him
self up proudly,, "am the lion. John
Kenneth Kdgciton of Imdon, Knight
of the Carter, Knight of the Hath,
Knight of the Malta, .Knight of the
fioldi'ii Fleece; Knight of St. John,
Knight of the Uoyal Legion and of the
Iron ('rows. And . whom havo I the
honor of nddrcoasingV
Pat was atnggered for a moment.
Then he in turn rained his head proud
ly and replied, "Ye have the honor of
addhreMiii' Pnthriek O'lloolilmn, of
lloboken, tonight, laht, nilit. night be
fort lnt, night before thai, tomorrow
night, and ivrey other dom night" in the
wake." AVonum's Ibune ('ompiinion.
Caught Cold While Hunting a Burglar
Mr. Wm. Thos. Lonorgan, provincial
Constable at Chaplcau, Ontario, says: "I
caught a severe cold while hunting a
burglar in the forest swamp last rail,
Hearing of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy,
I tried it, and after using two small
bottleB, I was completely cured." This
remedy is intended especially for coughs
and colds. It will loosen and relieve a
severe cold in less time than by any
other treatment and is a fovorite wher
ever its superior excellence has become
known. For sale by Frank Hart and
Leading Druggsts.
ThiiMiii over on her ldi- liy the fitt
hiK'k of the Varthipiiike. flie teiinier
Columbiii caught fire while. he wa
cMcupying a berth on the I'nion Iron
work ilryilocii at Han J-'iiiiuiHco and
wit totally destroyed. The en(lnecr,
.lliemi'ii and otlier. of tiie crew who
er- mi the li-iiini'i lit the time nai1
rowly cw-aped with their live. Their
ceuc and other la-longing were lot,
A letter giving an e-ouut of the af
fair wn received in Portland Hattirdoy
afternoon by Mr. Murphy, wife of K.
(!, Murphy, third aitnnt engineer on
I he vie. Cntll then it wa ladicved
by the local oltieial of the Uuiiimiin
t-amhip line that the (Columbia wa
wife. A the drydiM'k f in a remote
part of the water front, far removed
from n district of a continuou line of
building, It wa believed that the
steamer Mould not !' damaged.
The Columbia wa one of the lnet
uleamer. on the eont. For the pat
twenty year he ha been plying regu
larly iK-tvwen Portland and Han Fran
eieo In the freight and pa-'eiigec trade.
About to week ago she was taken
out of commlion teniorarily tn be
given a general overhauling. Duriitj:
her enfori-eii (avoir the company had
secured the steamer Harraeouta to take
her firt trip, however, the diater oe
curivd and the company cancelled lier
Hailing date.
I'ntil other arrwigi-nicnt can la- made
the company will have no other vcM'l
on the' route but the Cota Rica. It I
probable that he will ! tieil up tem
porarily on account of the deeiin
reached by the California .authorities
not to permit any vessel to leave the
Hay City carrying freight.
)i-ater h.i overtaken every steamer
wheh ha been oH-rated by the Harrl
1111111 inti-re.l. in the coat wrviee dur
ing the pact two or three year. About
eighteen month ago the steamer F.ldcr
wa wrecked in the Columbia river
by running on a ledge of rock near
.Coble while she was bound from Port
land to Sun. Francisco. After spending
nearly .."i,(shi to rai-e the vessel the
company turned h r over to the under
writer., who a lo failed to remove her.
About si month ago she wa purchas
ed by .1. J!. Pet err-on of Portland for
$0,(MKl. The work of trying to raise
her from the rock on which she has
settled i still iu progress.
A few month later the company lust
the steamer St. Paul, another hand
some coaster, which cost close to a
iuarter of a million dollar. In a heavy
foir she drifted into the breakers and
on the nk olT Point Corda, California.
whilu IhhjiuI from the Hay City to
Portland. The following day her pas
seugii were picked up by other steam
ers and all were saved. The steamer's
bones are bleaching on the sands close
to the spot where the wreck occurred.
The steamer Oregon, chartered by the
company to assist in taking care of the
heavy traflie. caught fire off Crescent
Citv and was saved from total destruc
tion onlv through heroic efforts of her
oll'ucrs and crew. For two days they
fought the flames and succeeded In get
ting the vessel to Snn Francisco, nl-
lough she was badly damaged.
It is estimated that the Columbia
cost close to $2."UMHI. She wa by far
the best equipped boat running out of
Port la ud. Captain Doran had been in
command of her for year. She was
built at Chester. Pcun.. in 1SS0 and soon
afterwards was brought around the
Horn to the Pacilie Coast. The steamer
was 309 feet long. 38.5.3 feet across the
beam, 14.4 feet deep and of 2.721.8!) tons
gross register. Portland Journal.
Ladies We are now prepared to fur
nish you with our latest styles of up
to-date dress and street hats for aldles
and also for the little misses. Our prices
are right. At the Fair Eastern Millin
ery in the Star Theatre Building. 4-8.
Taciflc Orchestra will give a dance in
Suomi Hall, Uniontown, Saturday,
April 28th, to which all are invited
eOntsv 50 cents. 4-22-2t.
Stronsr Attraction Mis Anna Camp
bell. Diipil of Nash of Xortland. will be
one of the performers at the concert to
be givent Tuesday evening April 24th
at the Odd Fellow' Hail.
Herman Wise Wont Let Any Firm in
Portland Beat Him, They; Offer 5 Percent
of All Sales During the Balance of This
Month to Relieve the Distressed. Herman
WiseWillGive r
lO Per
Of All Cash Sales During the Balance
Of This Month and Help Out California
Ktermaini Wise
The I'nited States Supreme Court on
Monday handed down a decision in a
ronfcMed divorce suit which directly
affects a very large per cent of all
divorce in this country. The decision,
in bri.'f, i the effect that state courts
cannot grant divorce binding in other
tates where only the plaintiff is resi
dent in the state where the divorce is
M-cured and the ulcfeinlant is not serv
ed with personal' summon.
Thi decit-ion. if rigidly adhered to,
will nullify hundred of divorces heiv
tofore granted and brand as illegitimate
eores of children born of subsequent
marriages entered into by persons be
lieving themselve legally divorced. For
this reason it is attracting widespread
attention among legal men and the pub
lic in general.
Among lawyers and judge the gen
eral opinon is that the decision affects
only those divorce in which one party
thereto resided, at the time of the
granting of the decree, in a state whose
divorce law. conflict with those of the
state where the divorce was obtained.
If, however, it is construed to apply to
all divorces .where one party thereto
was a non resident at the time of the
decree, it will result in untold embar
rassment and complications over prop
erly rights. Seattle lawyer are quot
ed as stating that an average of fifteeu
divorce are- granted weekly in King
county alone, fully "." per cent, of
which arc "default cases," where the
defendant is non resident and summons
i served by publication alone.
It. is believed by many that, thi de
cision is -a long step toward divorce law
reform and will ine'vitably result in na
tional and perhaps international, uni
form it v of the-c laws. Seattle P.-l.
Do not miss the excellent concert
Tuesday evening April 24th under the
auspices of the Woman's Club.
The very best board to he obtained in
the city is at "The Occident Hotel-
Rates very reasonable.
Success has crowned our efforts of
untiling endeavor and we present to
the publio with a confidence never be
fore held by any other medicine, Hoi-
lister's Eocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents,
Tea or Tablets. Frank Hart, druggist.
Morning Astorian 65 cents per month.
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day.
Yard Men, $2.00 per day.
Ten Boys, Over 16 Years Old to Work
In Box Factory.
Come, come, come, to the concert,
Tuesday evening.-April 24th. See ad- manner of texidermy, furniture upnoi
vertisement. stering, carpet cleaning and hying, mat-
. ,
When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amateur :
way, kodaks, films, plates, cards,
mounts, and all the technical details
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Hart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That is all.
The Municipal League will hold its,
convention on April 23rd., in the Fish- j
ermen'a hall at 7:30 p. m. 4-10 13t
Baseball goods at Svenson's.
Giant Pansies, new varieties, of car- j
nation plants, geraniums for 6utdoor ;
planting, etc. Columbia Nursery Co.,
616 Bond street
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed upt It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other n
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As
Company. They also do all kinr
hlacksmithlng and repair work.
N. A. Ackerman, 421 Bond St, does aD
tress making a specialty and a-1 work
The nimble coin of the country neve
does so good a thing as when it supplies
a man with a well-cooked and health
ful meal of the sort he is hungry for. In
this instance is becomes a blessing, and
no pocketbook is the poorer for the ex
penditure; this is why everyone yoa
see coming out of the Palace Restaurant
carries such a grateful and satisfied ex
pression of countenace. Just watch for
a day or so, and the first thing you know
you'll be a steady customer there. K
is one of the certaintiies of Astoria life.
Astoria should have a seawall, and a
it cannot be bought in Portland or Chi
cago )t evidently must be built here.
Now, if the gentlemen of this city would
commence to have their clothes "built"
in Astoria and become reconciled to
having things made at home, they would
have no difficulty in building the sea
wall. E. Martinson, merchant tailor, 149
Eleventh street, will build your clothes
from the best that's made to the cheap
est that's good. lw-