The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 23, 1906, FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    MONDAY, APRIL j, 190O.
Novel Corporation Formid by th Cltl
tens of Pullman.
A novel ihi'tluxl lit enforcing Imv
linn Ix'uii (Ioild tu l'tilliiian, wiicn
u corporation with a enpltnl lork of
IIMMHIO lint licfit irnnl,.i. fnr- thl
Hirpnc Tit cot iiot'ittlcm U tli I'nll
tint it I41W r.afiircciiii'iit Aclatinn.
The nlmi'en Iniv 1111 par Viilua, Tltcy
nr tnlijwl to ''im'iit, limited
to iiiimW nml amount, lint the holder
great to pay attcMmctit A called.
The corporation U n "iiil"m't In
M tut Inn iid t I difficult to gH thr
fmt concerning It. hnfcimiir Jt. .W.
Thatcher of the Wimlilngdm stute Col-Icgi-
l pK-rlili'iil, luit tin- lili-iiMty of
I hi other olllt i'i U tmt known. Pro
Ii'Miir Thnti'licr tcfiue to tulk,
From one authority ,t wti learned
t lint I It organisation o perfected tw
icU ago mill hut held two or three
meeting, ThU inn 11 dcclitivd tlmt f.KMI
Iiiik ben miIi Into the treasury 11 ml )n
loiiliiltntty Ki'cti(t tlm nil 111 to leiiih
iKm In u .hurt. thin'.
"In addition to "Inil him Wii mile
r iiU -il lit I lie meeting H llllltltlr 11
pnivnW of t intent lutvf miit money
fi'utii tnrloti point in ilii- St .1 ! to
aid In thr work," In- wild.-Williipu
Jlutl.111 Pilot.
A Dandy for Burnt,
. Dr. IVrgln, Puna, 111. wrlti "I btv
mi-J Italian)' Snow Llnltnntj alwaya
recommended It to my ftlcndt, at I ana
confident thtra U no Mt"t mtd. It l a
dandy for burn.' Tlmt who 11 v on
farm are MpeHall liable to, many ae
rldental cut, burn, lruU, which hal
rapidly when Ballard' Snow Liniment
It applied. It thniild lwy be kept
In tlm hout for cw of emergency."
2 V. W)c and 11.00. Sold by llart'a Drug
Slot. , "' 1
At the liallguiiic vcilcrdiy. I'm 1 1u.1
laid rather cy tlm. mid Hulked ny
iMi Hip khiiic, liy it wore nl Hi to .1.
full obtained an option on 04,000 acre
of timber land lying front two tu toit
inlli' tnuth of Mniid'nino, in tlm North
river country, 11 1 0 price of W per thou
ami. feet ktuiiipngn, tlm 'tot 11 1 11 111011 nt
'Involved Imlng fntluiaU'd at about
Tlm .reason algned for tlm failure
to cliiin tlm di'ul i too great i differ
ent lit Hi" eatlmittc. The 1 en I rcanon,
probably, i tlmt' th VVeyerliamier
eoiiimny dot- not care to ell at ties
price ijtioti'd. The tract I an especially
flue one. lid young timber', there I
llltlii danger from Hie. and It i tri
butary to both 0ray' Harbor and WiU
lit pit HnrW, nml will Wore- long bring
doiil'h' the pi;eiM'iit pilce, Moiiteano
VldetU. ; A
Curea Couhi and Cold
Mr. C. Peterann, 023 Uk St, Topaka.
Kan, aya "Of all cough rmdi Bal
lurd'i llorehound Syrup ia my favorlUj
it hai dona and will do all that i claim
ed for Itto pdlly euro all eougha
and cold and It U to tweet and pleaa
ant to the tatt. Bold by Hart'a Drug
( In in- .Monliilli wait nl hi Ih'h( nml
tend ted "The I'lcecn Kingilom" to pel"
feetion. He U ll known here mid in
other it in for hi vornl nit mid lent
evening he lived up to hU itlrendy high
tfpiitiit ion. - Clmt hum l'liiiiit.
( hi ire Mimli illi' oiri' 1. full and true
and inngtillleciit in it nwer and rich
ite. Appiueutly he ing4 without th
lighlet Ifoit a qiwlity tlmt cofiil
tnlilllii him in the yiupiithy of the
llii'iii'i, liiiiiin r Vew Chatham.
Ttka HollUtvr'a Mountain 7a
thlt month. Drlvtt away prlng tired
net, give appctlt and ali-ep, makca
you well and keep yon wejl. Great
family tonle. 35 cent, Tea or Tibleta.
frank Hart, druggltt.
Thetv wa tin etitertniiioient lnt
Siitntdiiy night tiitder tin aiipln of
tliiMi who an- trying to ttIi1t- a
Si-uint'ii' IIoiih'. A Hue iiogtnm wn
ri'iidi'ied and to ltev. Klli-Non who hud
ehargn of the BfTiiir U due Ti?ilit fur
i(. Mr. t'hnu AloTrroiutile wa tin
I'illlii"! iind ili 11 Mr ii' li'llilrivd liy Mi-
MiUklt'oii, I Alx'tcroiiiliie arid rit li
ft. Tlti- Norwegian Singing Society
(.'live wM'inl plciiilid M'lciiioiiii nml the
ini'i'i inj; i-oiii'liidi'il ttilh n ltort addro
liy Mayor Win,
Th Awtoria lodge of Ragle huve
eontrllmted the mini of to the Cali
fornia relief fund. .
tM KimiI Arllatla KlrvaaM
Joined With Comfort.
,'4'opyrfht im. by I.oul It. aibon, In
duiiapoll. Ind.)
Till delgtt I along tlio line of mod
eru bouao planning a largo living room
13 by 24, a veatibulo before one enter
die living room In which may be placed
b.ot. pmbrell nod wrap, thus keep
lug W'ln out of tbo room, and then
from a doorway of the veatlbule
beautiful (rouct aa one took Into
the room. , One ece ft largo fireplace
of brick at tlio other cud, wttb a aeat
on one klo And a French window on
lug 011 to a Hvch at the rear. At ono'a
left I a llttlo group of three window,
t tolerably high from tho floor, with
t broad Mhelf on the IiihIiIo, where may
ba placed wbt'it one plcaae a few flow
er and o(b?r docoratlre objocta. At
tlio right of the living room I the din
ing room, and U-youd that la a stair
way running three atop up to a land
ing, a little railing running aero,
forming a ort of balcony looking down
Into the IIvIiik room. From the land
ing ono may go down Into the kitchen
by opening a door. In the kitchen I a
alnk, with a taldo 011 cither aide. Hie
'lite big thillg'11 off! The Vldelte i
infm nii'il. by m'oii whom -it iniiider
good iiitthority, tlmt the iI-hI lietwwu
the Niiiinttnl l.iiinlier ttov Coinpainy
of lliMiiiitiu nnd the Weyerluieiitpr
Tiiilher Ciiiiipiiiv Iiiih fallen thrniigli.
The N'ntioinil l.tiinlH-r Coiiijuiny lnt
Slik headache ret 11 It front a derange
ment of tlm Ktiiliiuch it lid 1 cured by
Chamberlain' tSomitch and Liver Tablet'-.
Sold by hunk Hurt ainl lending
Now It the time to take 1'oilitter'
Hocky Mountain Ten. It clan your
ysteni of all Impiiritlc. A wonderful
tprlng tonle. A family benefactor. 33
rent, Tea or Ttblett. Frank Hart,
This Statement Mas Been Unjustly Made, Because
Modest Women Evade Questions Asked By
Male Physicians.
livfri. JJiFarmerJ Airs. Ella Lee Q J
kitchen la not o large tlmt there will
be many wnittc atcp lit moving from
the Nlnk to the range. There la a large
china room Ix-twecu the kitchen nud
the dinning room, and In this china
room I a cupboard with glass doors
above and panel door below, and thcu
thero Is a table with drawers .and trays
and other conveniences.
On the second floor are four bed
rooms, 11 study, n bathroom and any
number of large closets.
Tills house will cost from f3.200 to
$3.roo. It should lie finished In cypress
or yellow pine. Tbo floors should be-
narrow edge sawed yellow pine, and
nil the wood should be stained and fin
Ished a good deal like the craftsman'
furniture, and the finish and fittings on
An eminent physician nays that
"Women are not truthful; they will lie
to their physician." This statement
ehould be qualified; women do tell the
truth, but not the whole truth, to a
male physician, but this is pnly In re
gard to those painful and troublesome
disorder peculiar to their sex.
It Is a terrible ordeal to a delicate,
ensltlve, refined woman to be obliged
to answer certain questions when those
questions are asked even by her family
physician. This Is especially the case
with unmarried women.
Is It any wonder, then, that women
continue to Buffer and that doctors
full to cure female diseases when they
cannot get the proper information to
work on ?
This Is the reason why thousands and
thousands of women are now corre
sponding with Mra. Pinkhnm. To her
they can and do give every symptom,
ao that she really knows more about
the true condition of her patients,
through her correspondence with them,
than the physician who personally
questions them.
If you suffer from any form of trouble
peculiar to women, write at once to
Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass., and she
will advise you free of charge.
The fact that this great boon, which
is extended freely to women by Mra.
Pinkham, is appreciated, the thou
sands of letters received by her prove.
Many such grateful letters as the fol
lowing are constantly pouring in
Mrs. EllaLee,Frankford,Ind.,wrltea!
Dear Mn, Plnkham :
" I want to thank you for what your medi
cine ha done for me.
" Ture year ago I bad a serious female
trouble. I wo niider the doctor' care for
about three mouths, and the only time I wa
not In nain wm when under the Influence of
morphine, The doctor finally said I never
would lie better, and would bean invalid the
rent of my llfn. I had given up In despair, but
one evening I came acrog one of your adver
tisement and decided to write you for advice.
I did u and commenced to take Lyilia E.
riukham't Vegetable Compound. I began to
Improve at once, and to-day I am a wed
woman, and I know it is all due to your advice
and medicine."
Mrs. J. II. Farmer, of 3809 Elliott
Avenue, St. Louis, Mo., writes :
Dear Mrs, Pinkham:
" I cannot thank you enough for what your
advice and medicine have done for ma.
They have done, me more good than all th
doctors I ever had.
"For the lost ehrht year I have suffered
with female troubles; wa very weak; had
nervous prostration, and could not do my
work; but I am happy to ay Lydia E. Piuk
lmm't, Vegetable Compound hat made a
different woman of me. I am in perfect
health and have gained in weight from 98
to pounds."
No other medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unquali
fied endorsement,
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women
to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health. Address,
Lynn, Mass. She is the daughter-in-law
of Lydia E. Pinkham, her assistant
for many years before her decease, and
for twenty-five years since her advice
has been freely given to sick women,
Ask Mrs. Plnkham's Advlce-A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Kit.
i '
. 1
xvmt' y
li ;?
the iusldc should be mndo and arrang
ed In the Bltnplo, artistic, honest way
that belongs to tuo work of the craft
man. .
In the cellar are n heating npparatu
nud it laundry. The outside Is of ce
meut and slUugles, mid both nre stand
ard. The Ingenuity and luterest of
the owner in the Mulshing and flttlnjt
nud the little garden that goes with
the house, nil expressive of a delight
ful personality, will make this a beau
tiful home. I.OfiS H. GiriSONV
Indlitnnpolls, Ind.
' The Importune-!- of Ventilation.
The science of architecture. If under
this bend we Include the principles of
building construction mid the hcarli j;
nnd ventilation of bv.iUlnss. bus done
and Is doing much of Interest nnd hi
portiince to the student of public health
science. The air' supply, especially for
the modern civilized and too often sed
entary form of niaiikind, Is In the loi'g
run quite as Important an tln wntev
supply, the mill; supply or any other
supply, Surely we cannot be too ("ire
ful of the purity of a substance wliutl
we take Into our bodies of toner and l
larger volume than any. ot'jor und
which hns come, rlalitlv, m doubt. tu:d
a the resmt 01 iou and painful ex
perience, to bo known a the very
breath of life. Human being may sur
vive and seemingly thrive even for
Jong period on bad nlr. but for the
best work, the highest efficiency, the
greatest happiness and the largest life,
a well us for perfect health, the very
best atmosphere Is hone too good
fJclenOflc African.' '
Our special correspondent are cat;
fered all over the work), You will run
aero a Kicker man In every town
from Maine to California and from
London to Stanley fall and arvund to
the Himalaya mountains of India, Hey
re told to spare bo expense. No politi
cian can turn bl coat, no wife eiope,
no bustmnd stay out after nildnlghf;
but what the fact is telegraphed to u
In one tnloute. There are days when
we receive a thousand cablegrams
alone and when the expense foots up
ae. -urn ' -mm
!MjMmj i
The Koran forbid true believer to'
Jetroy the rlne. palm trees, fruit,
tree, corn and cattle even of their j
wort enemies. '
Ute Fatal Cent lta Ratr ew ',
Fel f Setcae.
It la the rart thing in th wond for
a man to be necessarily bald. No man ,
wboe hair 1 not dead at the roots, need '
be bald If he will iim Newbro' Herpl- .
clde, th new acalp antUeptlc. Herpl- j
eld destroy th germ that cuts the hair ;
off at th root; and dean the scalp of '
dandruff and leave It In a perfectly 1
bealtby condition. Mr. Msnnett, In tb '
Maryland Block, Butte, Mont, wa en- ,
tirely bald. In lee than a month Herpl- '
eld had removed the enemle of balr ;
growth, and nature did It work by cov
ering hi head with thick hair an Inch
lens, and in lx week he had a normal j
ault of hatr. Sold by leading druggist.
Bend 10c. In tamp for sample to Th.
Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St.,
Owl Drug 8tore, 649 Com. St, T. F. j
lanrin. Prop. "8pecial Agent." '
sitting 11a rood flndRrtula
tlr'g ttSloiwhipnflhowcb
fscss and BettLotiWtu ndKKr
Opmm,Morpuin0 WTtfiz&aL
Not Narcotic
Aw tfOU H-SffllZLniuaJt
AMxfect Remedy for Conslipa-
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Wonna jConvuls 10 ns Jeveri sn
aess and Loss or SLEEP.
Tac Simile Signahireof
-'.w h nr,w
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo
Always Bough!
pAarfl iha '"'"Jr.
. ft
For Over
Thirty Years
Chas. Rogers, Druggist
The gsnutae Is
En a Yellow
Refuse substitute
5 & &
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in All the Latest and
Best Styles of the Art.
Wc take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old worn- out books with
the covers torn off 7 rebind them and return
to you good as any new book
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
dt g
The J. S. Dellinger Co.
Makers of All Kinds or Books
Astor 1 an Building , Corner CommercialIand 10th Street '