The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 22, 1906, FIVE O'CLOCK EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    SUNDAY, APRIL si, ioo.
Buttons and Fringe Are Favor,
y ites for Trimmings.
Lace Girdles Art to U Very Popular
Thli Season Sld Corabi Have
Made Their Reappearance
' tact Sleeves Novelty.
Lce utrdloM made over the popular
fold or silver tissue lining are exceed
ingly attractive, Thay aro trimmed
with iiurrow flat gold braid. The
stock la matin to match the girdle, fat
tened In front wltb little bows of till
braM Unit liMik like pretty caricature
of prim tie.
In the cane of the "tub" princess
frock the material In shirred for sev
r , 1
Hi TTKnri.r vounn.
tral Inches above 11 ml below tint waist
Hue, a nil there are usually two or three
or eveu more flounces posed lu fanci
ful 1 1 nun upon tin' skirt.
The tailor torn out a princess gowu
that la the perfection of fit mid ntilnb.
The dressmaker la apt to bundle It ac
cord I nit to the figure of the wearer.
The draped effects, the corselet designs,
re topped for street wear by the auiart
little Ktou or bolero.
In the thinner cottou good there are
plain and dotted swlssca that make
uclt sweet dancing dresses now and
later are equally appropriate for the
"beat aumuier froek."
The most fetching dreeing gowns
re made up In empire atyle for tiny
coquette of soft china crape or allk,
wadded and trimmed with ribbon.
Val lace coullnuea to be tho favorite
. adornment on nil kind of costumes,
nd later lu the season It will U dlftl
CQlt to tJnd delrablo patterns.
The Illustration show tho Intent de
velopmeut lu side comb. The butter
fly wing are charmingly carried out
Us tortoise shell and French filigree.
It la quite a fad to have tho sleeve
finished with He vera I taffeta niching,
and they uro moru practical tlmu the
lace rutllua thut were so tremendously
On the smartest lingerie blouses itp
pear embroidered motifs of largo flow
era, auch n roues or popples, worked
only on the outer petals, tho benrt of
the flower being dune lu a succession
of tightly curled petals with u bit of
lace act su,uurely lu tho center. Often
the loaves ore treated lu the sumo way.
Thcee motifs giro tho whole deslgu an
effect of light 11 nd shading thut la ex
ceedingly attractive.
Fringes and buttons play au Impor
tant part In the world of trimmings.
Buttons ure small, and fringed are
, beavy, but 110 doubt this order of things
will be reversed before long. Just uow
v freaka of fashion are numerous, for
many trial trips are being made on
the Held of dress.
Velvet rlblsjus are a favorite trim
ming on huts, made Into buws, men
Inge and rosettes.
One of the latent fads Is the wearing
of whlto lace sleeves on sheer blnck
evening gowns, such os those of net or
inouaaelluo do solo.
On all the new frocks thero will be
e,n abundance of Iueealeueou, baby,
cluny, mechlin and Irish crochet.
Where the laces leave off the embrold
Hoe begin embroideries .that actually
rival rem mces in tneir claims to beau
ty. Sleeves will be short, but they will
bo made In a thousand wayi or lace
frllli and ruflles. with cuffs sod with.
out; but, whatever else, they will be
Uoavy homespun silks mnko smart
all round gowns, but Purls decrees for
dressier costumes plain soft wouves of
Ilk. ' - t
The waist Illustrated Is of soft white
Ilk. The material Is gathered vertical
ly about the figure Into a Louis pointed
plastron, flnlahed on each side with ruf
fles. An emplecement of. luce ami the
neckband are outlined with black vel
vet The sleeves have puttings of the
same becoming fabric at tho elbow,
which continue In ft- novel fashion up
to the arm's eye. Tho sleeves them
selves are shirred Into the armhola.
, Embroidery In all Its nllurli mani
festations will play a prominent part
on summer gowna, Oriental effects are
much liked, and strips of Chinese em
broidery that were made for far dlf-
fereut purmmeH are finding their way
In modified forma 011 some of the hand
aotuest costumes of the season.
Buttons by the hundred, generally
tiny ones of metal, studded with col
ored stones, ornament frocks and
Gray beavy luce Is modish ou gowus
of this shade. A French model In chif
fon cloth has Its long skirt striped with
two Inch gray satin ribbon. The bodice
la a mass of heavy gray lace exactly
matching the material, applied In a
bolero wltb stole ends. About the neck
la an emplecement of white luce. The
sleeves are tiny puffed affairs formed
of the gray lace and small ruffles of
Shoulder collars of luce are not as
doep as they were. The newest am
run with traceries of gold thread out
lining the design. It Is an ensy mat
tor to buy gold thread and use It upon
auch deep collars.
The toque In the cut Is of dark sevres
blue straw. A band of velvet toulng
with the straw trims the crown. A
short green feather' mount and cuou
of tulle ornament the brim.
The newest fad for drey handker
chiefs In au all embroidery or all lace
doeorotlon. A pretty handkerchief Is
edged with lace and has several rows
of Insertion at equal intervals from the
lace ruffle.
In the colored twrdorcd handkerchiefs
there are numerous designs. The smart
est are ornamented by several Hues of
graduated widths In the same color as
the border. 8otue of these handker
chiefs, besides having colored borders,
re covered with dots of n like shade.
Little coats on "jwny" lines ore espe
cially good with the trotting costume
that aspires to being a trifle "sporty."
These coats do not confine themselves
to plain tailored lines. They aro strap
ped a llttlo at the buck and hare under
arm scums slushed here uiul there.
Vests are ofteu added. The sleeves are
abbreviated to Just below tho elbow.
Whoever prophosled the passlngof the
short walking skirt certainly made a
big mistake. Short skirts are fur too
comfortable to be given up by women
who know thut tho whole style and
beauty of a costume depend upon fit
ness. A chawin bat for a small girl Is
lata broom sua pea straw m pale green,
resembling woven rushes. Bundles of
Alice blue ragged robins are tied to th
bat with narrow black velvet ribbon.
The tea gown seen In the cut Is an
empire creation carried out In mauve
crepe de chine. At the bottom of the
skirt Is deep tucked ruffle. Tbe little
jacket la of violet velvet, wltb em
broidered rovers of white silk, The
Dutch neck chemisette is of mull trim,
mod with small violet velvet bows.
Lace ruffles and embroidered white silk
raffs trim the sleeves. '
One of the college profeswrs claims
to have completely mastered the mon
key language.' Homebody msy yet lie
able' to figure out h lint most of the
college yells mean.
'0 ' 1 '
Leading Nominees for County
Offices to Date.
Clifton No. a, Chadwell, Clatsop, Push
and Knappa Not KnownUnlike
ly Disturb Present Lead De
termined Tomorrow.
Willi twenty three precincts out of
the twenty -eight in tho county, re
ported fully on the Republican nomi
nee for the offices of Clatsop, and the
flvi not yet acertained being of a
numerical strength hardly eulTlcient to
materialy alter the leads indicated, it
I safe to assume that the following
gentlemen will be the standard-bearers
fop the dominant party in the coming
V. T. Schoflehl, for State senator.
Amus Brlx, for representative.
Tuba C. McCue, (or representative.
.1. A. Kukin, for county judge.
C C. Mater, for county commission
er. Merritt R, Pomeroy, for sheriff.
J. C. Clinton, foe county cluik.
William A. Sherman, for county
It, C F. Astbury, for surveyor.
Charle E. Linton, for coroner.
The five precincts to be counted are:
Clifton No. 2, Chadwell, Clatsop, Knap
pa and Pm-h. The boxes and formal
returns fro mall hut the Push precinct
are in possession of the county clerk,
but ho cannot, under the law, broach,
the rulmlar returns for the purpose of
a canvass, until the In-t precinct in
the comity shall have been duly filed
with him; hence, allowing that Piifb
will report today, or in the morning at
farthest, tho clerk, with the Justices
prescribed in the law, may proceed to
open up the boxes and make definite'
and Ann! count of their contents. If
possible this will be done the first
thing tomorrow, and the Morning As
toria n will furnish its readers with an
exact and complete table of the status
of every man on the Republican ticket
in the state and county.
The differences existing, and liable to
be affected by the votes yet uncounted
are as follows, between the leading
candidates for the respective offices:
Between Messrs. ScholnVld and Welch,
164; Brix and Ingalls. 312; McCue and
CurtU 101; Kakin and Carnahnn, 38;
Mnsten, without opposition; Pomeroy
and Frye, 31; Clinton, without opposi
tion; Sherman and Hcilborn, 27 Ast
bury, without opposition; Linton, with
out opposition.
Thl is the present status of the
line-up and the best informed men in
the purty councils are not disposed to
believe the unaccounted vote will dis
turb the alignment here suggested.
Latest cens.11 reports give the
British Empire approximately 400,000,
000 people, only 54,000.000 of whom are
white. It doesn't look n if the ma
jority ruled in this case.
They Can Step Their Hair Fallla Out
With Herplctde.
Ladles who have thin hair and whose
hair is falling out, can prevent the hair
falling out, and thicken the growth, with
Newbro's "Herplctde." Besides, HerpU
ctda Is one of the most agreeable hair
dressings there is. Herplctde kills tho
dandruff germ that eats the hair off at
the root. After the germ is destroyed,
the root will shoot up, und the hair grow
long as ever. Even a sample will con
vince any lady that Newbro's Herplctde
ts an indispensable toilet requisite. It
contains no oil or grease, It will not stain
or dye. Sold by leading druggists. Send
lOo. In stamps for sample to The Herpl
cJde Co., Detroit, Mich.
Eagle Drug Store, 351-333 Bond St,
Owl Drug Store, 649 Com. St., T. F.
Uxirin ?rop Speoial Agent
Latest News From
The Arizona Kicker
Some More Whopper About Circula
tion Always at Home, Particu
larly to the Bad Man.
ICopyrlfht, im, by McOIurs, Phillips & Co.)
ONE point of difference between
the Kicker and most other
publications, particularly the
eastern dallies, Is that they
lie about their circulation all the time,
while we He only at Intervals and when
other news Is scarce. They lie to de
ceive ami to proflt thereby, while we
lie for the fun of the thing and don't
expect to make a cent. Incidents and
accidents being scarce this week and It
being about time for a fresh whopper,
we proceed as follows:
Our circulation books are open to all.
This means that no outsider can tell by
our book whether w have ten hun
dred or feu hundred thousand circula
tion. It Is not meant that be should.
While there Is no doubt that we arc
0 devil of a fellow and Justly entitled
to get chesty over our circulation, w?
can bo approached any time of day br
any one who so desires and that with
out sending up a card or any other red
ne business. We are always at borne
to all callers, particularly to the man
who wants to hnvo a rxm at ns for any
I s. ,
We Want to Talk to You
We do it in Ah the Latest and
Best Styles of the Ait . . .
We take your Old Magazines that you
have piled away on your shelves and make
Handsome Books of them fit to grace any
We take your old w6rn out books with
the covers torn off, rebind them and return
to you good as any new book.
Let us figure with you on fixing up your
. i5 55
The J.
Astorian Building
reason or other. You don't even have
to wine your feet on the mat before en
The other day we sent an order to
New York for twenty-live more fast
presses to be made and ahlpped to ns
as soon as possible. These will make
108 presses In our press room. It Is a
cheery sound to hear them all going at
once. If our circulation keeps on In
creasing we shall soon have to order
twenty-live more.
The white paper used for every Issue
of the Kicker keeps Ave of the largest
paper mills In the country busy from
morning till night If the ends of the
sheets were pasted together the weekly
output would reach nineteen times
around the globe and bare enough left
over to print the editions of all the
dally and weekly papers west of the
Mississippi river.
We employ eleven bookkeepers and
twenty-two assistants. We employ six
cashiers and nine men at the advertis
ing counter. We also employ a Span
iard, a Frenchman, a German, a Rus
sian, a Jap, a Persian, an Egyptian, a
Turk and an Arab to Interpret letters
received from those countries. We have
Just sent to India for a Hindoo and to
Algiers for a corsair.
We receive and publish advertise
ments from every country on the face
of the globe. We have more home ad
vertising In one single Issue than all
the papers 'n the United States com
bined. Last year over 10,000,000 hired
girls found good paying Jobs by adver
tising in the Kicker.
We employ a staff of seventeen edi
tors n ml twenty-fjeven reporters, to ail
of whom we aro a father. None cf
tiieiu work over three hours per dry
and the lowest salary paid is $30
week. When engaging a new man o:
tho staff tl;e only thing w Insist on 1
that 1;" sbull o:TectIy answer uh vrli
discovered America. W. furnUb ci
gar for lUe crowd, and the quantity
consumed Just loads a freight car every
Our eorp of artists numbers a h::n
dred even. We did think of tahin on
one more, but gave It up. All we a k of
the hundred is to furnish us one car
toon and two funny pictrnv per wee',:
The rest of the time th'.-y can gu bear
hunting or sit ou the small of their
baclis and ptiff corncob pipes. We arc
an easy mark for artists. Any rann who
can use a piece of chalk and n Jacl;
knife can hit us for S7A) per. Eevare o'
anv paper that claims to have over r
3 3
S. Dellinger Co.
of All Kinds
Corner Commercialand 10th Street
; NEW YORK, April 2LThai no tim
will be lost in the work of rebuilding
8an Francisco is suggested by the fact
that the large engineering and con
trading firms are sending their most
expert men to investigate the ruins
with a, view of discovering which form
of construction best withstood the
shock. The city will require about 2M,
000 tons of structural steel to repair
her losses and erect new buildings, ac
cording to E. H. Garry, bead of the
United States Steel corporation, and
other authorities. One result of tho
earthquake, it was claimed, will be to
give an impetus to the una of steel
skeletons in future building along the
Pacific Coast.
Cores Coughs and Colds
Mrs. C. Peterson, 625 Lake St, Topek,
Kans, says "Of all cough remedies Bal
lard's Horehound Syrup is my favorite f
it has done and will do all that is claim
ed for it to speedily cure all coughs
and colds and it is so sweet and pleas- -ant
to the taste. Sold by Hart's Drue
on draught and in bottles
Brewed snder sanitary condition and
properiy sged ngnt nere m Asunta.
North Pacific
Brewing Co.
ox Books