I FRIDAY, APRIL so, igofl. THE MORNING ASTOMAN. ASTORIA, OKBGON. 8 i 'I FIRE FIEND CLAIMS ALL (Continued from page l.j. ' FIRE SWEEPS ALL. OAKLAND, April Yd. (5:W p. m.) -Hcport received up to imoii nIiow t hut the dimmer U Ntill irieronHin. Tho fire renched Nob wirly thin iiioniing, Tho diHtrict north of Haven Vullcy in gone,, Fntniiotint Hotel is llucntciicil. The Chronicle, Hi. Francis, McrclumtH' j j'iXcniuiKc, .miu'k iio)kjiin iiesu'oyeu. i iowi duiiuiiik jeanintr. r ir mvii- iiiur in a iiiii;otiiil line coiniuciieiiitf ill .MrAllmtrr una einliiitf nt Hnltory iitul on Market nx fur as Sixlcculh, Oakland Tribune mini puint thuitf.H in ic worn IiKiit. He my even tlioKo who liopcij the firemen i vtnilil (fct control lire now (liMcoiiraxctl n'(l fleeing' for life, pursued by ! flames, Dyiiiiinile iveii out nnd eiin't pyl any more. .It didn't do any i (rood uu.vliow, im llie ftauiim jumped over the pip blasted out, no mat ter Ih'W wide. During the niirlit the people north of Hayes Valley dis diet piled tfoods in the afreets mid in vehieles arid carried them to the park, Oakland is full of refnirecs, the number is not e-ivcu. The j I'lieille sqiuulron is safe. ' . AeeordiiiK to the Western Union the (ire has eaten way out of Mision street west as fur ns Sixteenth and beginning at MeAllihter street extends towards the bay as far as Broadway. Everything re ceived points to the actual, complete and total destruction of the whole city. l There is not a sound water main east of Van Ness avenue nnd west f that street the supply lias la-en made scanty by numerous breaks ' in the pipes due to the earthquake. Vet at Van Ness avenue the firemen, though practically exhausted from over 21 hours work and lack of food, are determined to make their utmost stand, Should the fire erosr Vim Yewti iivi'iole mill llu U'inil iiinlmii. iti tin eiirlu'i' flii'iwl ii.n tmiir-il - .. . . ....... .' . ., .- ....... . . ... ........ ...(..', ,M T IVI. - . .1 ., . g the west, the destruction of Sun Francisco will be practically complete. West of Van Ness avenue mid north of McAllister constitute the finest part of the metropolis. Hero are Wilted all the finer homes and well to ilo wealthier classes and u tiicy should tall before the eontlagration .1 'ill . . J . . . mere win lie nine ml or me city except a row scattered witninm. it is to these latter places and especially the ones nearer the ocean beach, the bulk of the homeless nre seeking safety, although th rush to the ferries, too is in the nature of n panic FLKillT FROM CITY C0NTIXUK8. OAKLOND, April 10. -The flight of resident from the city con tinued today in the nature of a panic, a slight earthquake occured at. 5 o'clock this morning accentuating the terrors. Ferry boats to the adja cent counties were crowded to the utmost this forenoon, and to the west ward portion of the peninsula are a constant throng of homeless peo ple carrying portable household belongings. The (ioldcn date i'urk and the district south and north of the park are already presenting the appearance of tented vin and many varieties of shelters are Iwing improvised. " FIRE SPllKADS OVKU NOB HILL, NKW YORK, April 1!). Fire has spread over the crest of Nob Hill into the residence section, according to a dispatch received here by llie Western Union. I lie frames are traveling in a northerly direction. It was 2:50 by San Fraueisco time when this dispatch was sent. HLOWINO IT. ALL RKSIDEXCFX SAN FRANCISCO, April Ifl.-lt wa d.s-ided at noon to blow up all 1he residences on the east side of Van Ness avenue, between Oolden Oat avenue und Pacific avenue, a distance of on mile. It is hoped to check the llames at that point. Dead in Santa Rosa 500 SAN FRANCISCO, April l!.-("in Oakland) -Reports from the interior are most alarming. Santa Rosa, one of the most beautiful cities of the state, in the prosperous count v of Sonoma, w n tntul u'twlr There are 10.000 homeless men, women and children, huddled together I he hm of hie in not to Iw estimated, It w ill probably reach the thou sands. As the last irivat seismic tremor spent its force -in the earth the wlmle business portion tumbled into ruins. The main street is piled many feet deep with the fallen buildings. Not one business block is left in tact. This destruction includes all of the. county buildings. The four-story court house with its dome mounting high into the heavens, is merely a pile of broken masonry. Nothing is left. What was not destroyed by the earthquake has been swept by fire. Fntil the llames leaped into the heavens there was hope of saving the .residence district. It was nooii apparent that any such idea that tnidit have been entertained wits to be abandoned. This was appreciated by ine citizens as iney prepared to desert their homes, not even their house bold goods being taken. SACRA MKNTO, April 111. - Oscar Lucas arrived here today from Mllilil Kosa. J e said: I here is not n In-ick or tnn hm ,lm loft standing in Santa Rosa and the entire devastated territnrv has Wn burned over. Dead bodies are Ihmiil' taken from the debris aiid wrecked nouses ore on all sides. It is estimated the death ro wi foot nn fiOO War Department Active WASHINGTON, April l!).-Secretary Tuft early today sent the following dispatch to (ieneral Fiinstoit: "All available hospital wall and eonieal-wnll tents will be sent m once oy express irom Vancouver. Uouglas, Logan, Russell. San An tonio, Monterey, Snelling and Sheridan. The remainder will be sent from Philadelphia depot. Little definite information thus far received as to limits of burned districts or conditions. Wire details ns eonipre- neiisiveiy as possimc. - TAFT, One Miracle Recorded RERKELKY, Cal., April 19.-By a seeming miracle the big Uni versity building standing on the campus elevation escaped harm in the earthquake shock. Rector James F. Sutton, of the University said: "I have made a personal examination of the building and have received reports from the deans of the college and jt appears that not one of the buildings is injured. "Prof. O'Neill, of th chemistry department,, reports that the damage done to the instruments in the building will not aggregate $50. The California has not a mark on it to indicate that an earthquake oc curred. The other buildings appear to be in the same condition. The Creek theater has not, a scratch on its vrnlls," The town of Berkeley was not so fortunate as the University in llie matter of damage sustained. No lives were lost, nor were there any notable disasters to buildings, but the aggregate damage in the shape of structure, broken chimneys and falling walls will be many thousands of dollars. The shock of the trembler did comparatively little damage in Berkeley. The most dninniro snlTVren1 WHS tho fnllim in nt ... hall and the eoinplete rum of the deaf and dumb nsyluin. The Berkeley high school also suffered some considerable damage, the residence por tions of the town were damaged only by the falling of chimneys and the loss of a few odds and ends which were hurled around in the in teriors. PRESIDENT SIGNS APPROPRIATION. WASHINGTON, April 19. The President tonight at 6 o'clock, signed a joint resolution passed by Congress today appropriating $1,000. 000 for San Francisco sufferers. . CLEVELAND. Ohio. Anvil 19. -A ilistniet hWIc nf tlir firm Pinn Cisco earthquake was felt in Cleveland this mornimr. the distiirhnnen being plainly recorded at the observatory at St. Ignatius college. There was a serios oi shocks lasting about eight minutes. NEAHLY $100,000 SUBSCRIBED. PORTLAND, April 19.-Portland has alread rabscribed $85,000 for the Sin Francisco fire miffercw. It in to he sent there tonight and Jy the time it leaves here it is expected it will reach nearly $100,000. They have also ncnt several carloads of provisions. A temporary relief committee was organized here today, with Mayor Lane Chairman, and they have Mint telegrams to the Mayors of all the valley towns, re questing them to inake up carloads of provisions, stoves, blankets, cook ing utensils, etc. Special arrangements have been made for special trains to attach to these ears free of all freight charges. Insurance Risks $250,000,000 CHICAGO, April If). Fire insurance companies had about $230,. 000,000 at risk in the city of San Francisco, the estimate being based on the premiums received in 1905. For years the Pacific Coast has been the one section of the country which could be depended upon for a steady profit year in and venr out. Sun Francisco li.-m fii-r-n O.n ).ut producer of the coast. Its loss ratio for a period of years has been the ji.wcki., ocmg icss man z per cent, oi any city m the country, despite the unusual proportion of frame construction. As a result of this usually favorable experience rates were low in that city. Los Angeles Sending Aid LOS ANGELES, April 19. This city has lost no time in going to the relief of stricken Sn Francisco. The city council hns appropriated $5,000 to bead a public subscription fund and newspaper subscriptions aside from this have already exceeded $25,000. H. E. Huntington, the street railway magnate, has given $10,000. A general relief committee has been formed to have supervision over the raising of relief nionpy and pledged the sura of $100,000. Tho engineers and electricians of Los Angeles have formed a corps, ..num. ohiivot iui nre t:ii:triiig ui wiv NLreuiH arm general resiorauon oi demolished structures huve been offered to the northern city. Bishop Conauty, of the diocese of Monterev and Los A r - - - - 'f - i, call to oil Catholics within his jurisdiction to respond in behalf of San Francisco. The city council last night telegraphed the war 'de partment requesting that the revenue cutter Hugh McCulIough now lying at San Pedro, 20 miles from here, be detailed to carry fifty doctors and 150 trained nurses to Sun Francisco. These doevors and nurses have been held in readiness for hours but their departure has been pre vented by a railroad blockade this side of the stricken city. Stories By Eve Witnesses PORTLAND, Ore., April 19.-(5 p. in.) -A special to the Tele gram from Riddle, Oregon, gives interviews with Portlanders who escaped from San Francisco on the first train to leave Oakland. Henry Halm, a prominent merchant of Portland, was in the Palace Hotel when the shock came. "The piaster fell from the walis .11.... a a i . - . anu mere was a great, crashing or glass," says he. ."The hotel was in darkness and I grouped for my clothing and then rushed into the street. The scene was indescribable. The buildings were demolished on every side. I saw two bodies and scvral crippled persons." I. F. Haker. trovclini' airent for Wells. Fnrim miv- "I u-!. .u-at. ened in the Palace by the plaster .fulling on my head. It seemed the noiei swayed at least two feet. Men and women rushed into the halls with what elothinir thev could trnthcr hurriedlv. A hr came charging down Market street, knocking over people from the i aiace ami urami Hotels. ome of the animals were shot to stop their mad rush. The wrecked buildinm could he. on parts of Market street the sidewalks were five feet above the street E. S. Braymer, a Chicago traveling man left the Occidental Hotel in his pajamas, but returned twice and rescued two women. J. Campbell, a news acent. on train No. 11. rv that, nt S-l.'i vi. terday morning he felt the shock on the train, as they passed Edge wood, in Siskiyou county, and 'saw water spilling over the brim of iivm tanKs. iiinsmnir ana Msson also felt severe shoeka. V 1 K gfiSSBGJ1 AVeffclablcPrcparationfor As similating IhcroodandRe ula ting lite Stomachs and bowels of PromotegTh"geslion,Cheerful- ncssana Kcst.toniatns nciiner Optum.Morphine votltimal. JOT NAltCOTIC. toty tfOldllrSAMUZmTjm JtmJulUSJi,. AnilSfd CianfudSuftr Apcrfect Remedy for Constipa tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms onvulsions.Fevcrish aess and Loss or Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. II Ull in Iru For Infants and Children, t Tho Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of EXACT COP OF WHAPPEB Bears the 1 i NirmintnvA M Vl 11 L JfV In U' For Over Thirty Years Weinhard's LoCr ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHNIFOX, Free, and SopU F L BISHOP. Secretary A. L. FOX, Vice Pres. ASTOKIA SAVINGS BASK. Treat Health It Youth. Pioac and iekne lirlntr OM An HiTtiine, taken every morning before nmikiBM, win Keep you in robust health, fit you to want off dineane. It curpg con- Ntipiitioll. biliollsnOMI HvniT)i fnvnr nkin, liver ami kidney complaints. It purifies the blood and clear the com plexion. Mr. D. W. Smith. Whllnpr. T.r write April 3, 1902: "I have used II.r-i If... . ... - i nine ami una it trio beat medicine for constipation and liver troubles. It does all you claim for it. I can highly recommend it. 50c. Sold by Hurt's Drug Store. AN OPEN LETTER. "Astoria, Ore., April 18, 1900. "To the Tublic: "This is tj advise you of my candi dacy for the Republican nomination for State Senator for Clatsop county to be voted for afrthe primary election, April 20, 1900. "I am an old resident and truly in tewsted in the welfare of the county and city. " My motto is NO CHARTER TINK ERING or SMALL POLITICS. "RUT FOR A BUSINESS ADMIN ISTRATION OF STATE. COUNTY and MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS. "Good Roads, Sea Wall, Protection of our Fishing Industry, $100,000 Ap propriation for Hatch eg and a Great er Astoria. . "I nm not cnli .,cd or bucked by any ring or faction, nut I nm for the people. "I trust you will give my candidacy favoroble consideration. Yours truly, "JAMES W. WELCH." Vote For John H. Atkin .Republican Can. didate For Treasurer BABY COVERED WllES Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED Canning Machinery, Marine Engines and Boilers, Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished CORRESPONDENCE SOliCITEO. Foot of Foortb Street WRIGHTMAN IN LEAD. F. I, Dunbar hns made one of the best secretaries in the state in the his tory of Oregon. He has conducted the office economically and lias speedily, aucl carefully attended to the wants of all citizens who have business in his office. System and carefulness in the selection of assistants has been anions; the chief causes of his Buccess. When he made Frank T. Wrightman cor portaion clerk he knew what he was about and not a complaint has been heard on the work of that department since the office was created and Mr. Wrightman assumed its duties after his appointment. Mr. Wrightman is now candidate for successor to Mr. Dunbar and no mistake will be made by the republicans if they nominate him. That he will be nominated seems to be assured irom all reports of his popularity with the voters. He has captured a largo part of Eastern Oregon, and if the Valley does as well by him he will be the next secretary of state. Pendleton Tribune. ' Would Scratch and Tear the . Flesh Unless Hands Were Tied Wasted to a Skeleton Awful Suffering for Over a Year Grew Worse Under Doctors Skin Now Clear, WOULD HAVE DIED BUT FOR CUT1CUBA. "My littje 6on, when about a year and a half old, began to have sores com out on nis iace. i nan a phy sician treat him, but tho sores crew worse. Then they began to come on his arms, then on other parts of his body, and then ona came on his chest, 'worse than t,hn others. Then I call- cinn. Still he grew worse. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad I had to tie his hands In cloths at night to keep him from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. "He got to bo a mere skeleton, and tvas hardly able to walk. My Aunt advised mo to try Cuticura Sonn and Ointment. So great was her ftuth in It that she gave nio a small piece of Soap to try and a little of the Oint ment. I took it home without any faith, but to please her I tried it, and it seemed to dry up the sores a little. "I sent to tho drug store and got a cake of the Soap and a box of the Ointment and followed the directions, and at tho end of about two months the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since. "He is now strong and healthy, and I can sincerely say that only for your mosi wonaonui remedies my , ,i , , i. irecious child would have died from hose tornhln snroa. T iirpH nnlv nns cake of Soap and about three boxes rf-i' e of Ointment fsiened Mrs. E bert Sheldon, R. F.D.,No. 1, Wood ville, Conn, April 22, 1905." Oomplt Eitrnl tnd Inlnntl Trettmrat (or Ewrf Humor, Irom I'lmplM to Scrofula, (rum lutancv to Age, oonilMln o( Outlourt 8op, &c, (Hutment, Adv., Kr-iuU nt,aoo. (Inform of Ohocolnte Ooted I'llli, l.6c. ptrTit of may be had of all druKKtrti. A atrtele net ofteu oure Jtatttr Drug Chun. Corp., Sole Propt.. Moiton. Df-MalleU i'rae," tlow to Cure Bab Uuuum." DISCRIMINATING LADIES. Bajor Csla HrralcMe Aeeut Its DlatiactlTeaesa. The ladies who hav used Vwhrn'a HerDlcldn umiak of It In tho hluhoor terms, for Its aulck effect in deanslnr the scalp of dandruff and also for Its ex- ! rAtipnr-A me n rpnflrai naip-nroaaincr ir makes the scalp feel fresh and it allays that itching: which dandruff will cause. Newbro's Herplcide effectively cures dandruff, as It destroys the germ that causes it The same germ causes hair to fall out, and later baldness; in killing it, Herplcide stops falling hair and prevents baldness. It is also an ideal hair dress ing, for it lends an aristocratic charm to the hair that Is quite distinctive. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herplcide Co., De troit. Mica. Ill Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 540 Com.. St., T. F. lanrin, Prop. "Special Agent." Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business Billy Buster Slioes" They have a sole that won't wear out. S. A. GIMRE, AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE , 43 Bond Stret 0pp. Ross Higgina &Co. We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Painting' & Decorating' Co. No. 75 9th St. BIJaESSS "PaleBohemian laier-Beer1' THE BEER FOR THE HEALTHY . WEALTHY AND WISE on draught and in bottles irewed ander sanitary conditions ai propeny aged right here in Aitoda. North Pacific Brewing Co. ASTORIA, OREGON.