The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930, April 18, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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"True By
IiS Of THE 1
Post Office Cut Out,The po-tut an-
tliorltlc lit l!ii city have been mii( if) -1
that, ftuiii iiiul n ft or (lie .Kith ilny of
April, tlm mt office at 8nuvlc, Mult
nomah county, will be dUcoutlmicd,
Took on Responsibilities -Three good
nun ami true aiimed t privileges
ml burden of American ritlenhip
. )--rIiy, by completing the full pro
ce f naturalization, namely i Fred
rrlck W. Lumen, of Denmark j Andrew
A. Martini, of Anlrlaj and 'Charles
Ktorm of l-'itiluml.
, Hotel Irving European pun. The
only steam-heated hotel In Astoria; large
and airy roomi; pricet from so centi to
1 1. 30; well prepared and daintily served
meals at as eenta. Special ratea per
week or month for room and board to
permanent gueiti. Our bui meeti all
tralna and ateamboata.
The Patalon Play.On Thursday, the
2rtt h of the preeot month, tlir will j
take place t St. Mary' hall, next to
the Catholic church, an uuiii ami In-'
trling exhibition of the celebrated J
Passion Play, under t It direction of
Ttev, Father Waters, The style of the
performance will be of the moving pic
ture type, and the film are very fin.
and clear and offord nn effective repre
sentation of the great and saercd
The very best board to be obtained In
the city ia at "The Occident Hotel."
Ratei very reasonable.
A Quartette of Deeds. -There were
four Instrument filed for record at the
olllce of the county clerk yesterday,
accounting for the transfer of Clatnp
realty, n follow: Mary L, Dry and
hnband, to M. C. Mngee, warranty,
consideration $500, conveying the eat
half of lot 10, block 112. of Shlvely'a
Astoria. Sarah J. Heyling and bn
band to M. C. Magic, warranty, con
sideration $.100, conveying the wet. half
of lot 10, block 112, Shlvely'a Astoria.
M. C. Magcc to Joseph Schainberger,
warranty, consideration 5. conveying
lot 10. block 112, Shlvely'a Astoria. The
United States to John H, Robert, pat
ent, 141 acre in section 20, T. 6 X.,
R. 10 W.
Ladles We are now prepared to fur
nish you with our latest styles of up-to-date
dress and street hats for sidles
and also for the little misaes. Our prices
are right. At the Fair Eastern Millin
ery in the Star Theatre Building. 4-8.
For a good ahave go to the Occident
Barber Shop. Five chairs. No long
If you do not like
Hill Bros High
Grade Vacuum
Packed Mocha
than any other you have ever
used. Try it; the taste will tell.
11-122 Twelfth St. Astoria, Ore.
All Tests
I Improved. Andrew Hindi, (be con
tractor, who has been ill for some time
U reported to l' considerably improv-
In Astoria. August (', Jennlng, l!
publican candidate for Stale Tuio-mer
was In the city yesfctday fur h short
time, looking nvr tli. field.
Died Yesterday Tobias Hakkoueu if
t'liiiilitnu 11 died nt. hi home ycnti-nl iy
morning. Tin' funeral will take place
from the ir-lil-M'" today at 1;30 p,
In Portland. I)r, Alfred Kinney
left ye.lerday morning for Portland on
u brief biiln trip, Before leaving
he Muted that be lml about complet
ed tin- of thoe whom In- will name
on the Seawall Committ,, but that ll
would ha several days before he would
ib-llillti'ly announce hi dcefloii,
Receives Telegram. Mayor Herman
Vie yesterday received ft telegram from
Senator Fulton, bating that the bill
Appropriating 400,000 fur the improve
ment of the jetty at the mouth of the
Columbia river bad panned the Senate,
nnd that the money would be immedi
ately available for use.
H oaring ' Today. The preliminary
hearing of William Luce charged with
nault with a dangerous weapon on
the person of .lack Callahan on Sunday
hut,' will take place Unlay in Justice
of the Peace Judd's Court nt Seailde.
Smith Bros, have Ven retained to de
fend Luce.
Dies of Heart Trouble, Anton Ad
amaplc. sued 72 years, died at the St.
Mary' hospital yesterday morning of
heart diseiue. The disease was a native
of (ireece having conic in thl country
fifty-one year ayo. l(n leave a wife,
and seven childien, all of whom are
grown. The funeral will occur1 Thurs
day ot 1.30 o'clock from Cisco church,
Rev. Seymour Short officiating. The In
terment will be in Greenwood cemetery.
McClure Club Meets. The McClurc
Improvcment club met hist evening in
the court house, and appointed a com
mittee to interview Chief Foster in re
gard to burning up the old Trullinger
mill. The property i now In n state
state of decay, and it I said that the
owners are perfectly willing nn anxious
to have ethe mill demolished. The club
will meet ngnin on Monday night and
complete arrangements for the muss
meeting of all the improvement club
which I set for April 30th in lagan's
Done in Probate Court. Judge Tren
chard, sitting for probate matter, yes
terday, made the following orders in
that department! In the matter of
the estato of James Adams, deceased,
final account approved and the execu
trix discharged. In the matter of the
estate of Alliert Leigh ton, deceased,
final account approved and administra
trix discharged. In the matter of the
estate of Fred J. Norton, deceased, final
account approved and administrator
discharged. In the mat ter of the estate
of Thomas Kecles. deceased, that ad
ministrator proceed to sell the personal
property of said e-tatc, nnd make duo
report to the court, In the promises.
For Seattle and Victoria. Mr. nnd
Mrs. Al.Tlagar depart from this city on
tonight's express," for Seattle, whence
they will go to Victoria at a Inter
date. Mr, Hagar will have the manage
ment of a new theatre now under con
Htritction nt Victoria nnd will be strict
ly in hi element again. It, goes with
out saying thnt they leave wry many
warm friends in the City-by-the Sea,
who, while sincerely regretting their de
parture, will not hesitate to congratu
late them upon any access of good for
tune: thnt may bo waiting for' them in
the north. Mr, ITngar has been iden
tified with tho show business In this
city for the past three years, having
initiated tho old Unique theatre 'here,
the first vaudeville house in the place
lie was also proprietor of tho Astoria
Billing Company, which business he bus
sold to J. C. Swopo wlo will conduct it
in the future. The Astorian, among
others, will always be 'glad to hear of
their success and prosperity wherever
Out For SherlfLll was currently re
ported 011 the street of Atorl yester
dny that ex -Chief of Police HahVk bad
announced that he will be a candidate
fot' uliciiir at t coming el -ct Ion. No
confirmation of thl could Jw obtained
from Mr. Ifallock 'yesterday.
He Resigned. -T. II. Curti, vice
incident ami' treasurer of the A. 4
C. it. It. ha tendered hi resignation
to the company, and at a meeting re
cently of the director, conniving of
(ieneriil lieebe, Joint Metillll'c, ,
Curtk it ud F, I). Ktii'ltm-r, hi reMg
nation was accepted and Ooigj C. Ful
ton ff Antoila, cho'M'n to fill thn va
eiiuey. At. the annual meeting of the
couipiiny which will ociir on the flrt
of May, it I rumored that somo Im
portant iniitt.ei4 relative U) the trsns-fi-r
of the road U other handn will oc
cur, though particulars are not avail
aide at thin time.
Periliously Close. Karly on Monday
evening 11 little girl by the name of
F.tta Hoc, about ten year of age, wan
knocked down on Kbth street near Bond
by a piiing lior-e ridden by an piic
triciiiic, and enuic williin an ace of lad
ing trampled to death ; so near indeed,
that one of the lior-c hmiH cut a lock
of tli child' hair from it head clone
to the scalp. The girl wn not injured
olherwie titan by such bruic a she
got in the fall, and the nervous strain
to which nhe U till subjected. The rid
er and her friend instantly return-d
and offered to aid in the matter in any
way they could, but assistance was de
clined. Brutal Assault. Because Ed. Ander
son, an employee of the sash and door
factory nt the S-aside Spruce & Lum
br Company, bad been discharged by
the foreman F. H- Bayr, accompanied
by bis father E, B. Anderson, he re
turned to the mill and nsaulteil Burr,
beating him up in a terrible manner
on Monday afternoon. It Is alleged by
witnesses that while the parent lnl
Barr down, the son kicked and b at
Barr breaking several ribs, breaking
hi nose, and otherwise injuring the
helpless man. Luckily there were oth
ers near, and the thug were prevented
from continuing their work which would
undoubtedly have resulted in his death
had the blows been repeated much long
er. The men were arrested and held
under :!Hl bail each for their arraign
ment in the Justice Court today. At
torney Fmnk Spittle will assist Depu
ty Prosecuting Attorney Aliererombie
In the prosecution of the case. The
charge on which the men are held is
assault with attempt to kill. It is stat
ed that Anderson is a hard charac
ter and when the assault was made, was
out of jail pending good behavior, hav
ing b.en sentenced to fifty days for
some misdemeanor.
00000000 0000000000
The steamer Cascades ha- arrived
from the Hay City and "gone on to
The steamer F. A. Kilburn was an
qaily arrival down from Portland .yes
terday morning, leaving out immediate
lv for the Golden Gate.
The steamer Johan Paulsen was an
curly arrival from San Francisco yes
terday morning. She did not tarry long
in Astoria, but went straightway U
The Costa Rica took out from this
city as passengers, the following people,
yesterday: S. S. Smith, S. N. Haber
and M. 0. Stanovich.'in the cabin nnd
Gust. Carlson in tho steerage.
Captain Dunwoody, of the federal
revenue service will reach this city on
Saturdnv next and wil take over the
command of the Perry. Captain Tut tie
is slowly recovering from his recent at
tack of rheumatism and will probably
be nsluue today.
The Gerald C, the .well known Ne
halem pa'cket will likely leave out this
morning for those waters, with a good
cargo of mixed freight. A fine, new,
$500 hoisting winch hns been installed
ut her forehatch nnd is doing excellent
The Alaskan steamer North King was
inspected by Inspectors Edwards and
Fuller, of the federal service, and will
probably sail on Saturday next for
Bristol Buy. She is loaded and ready
for despatch, but is lacking a second
engineer, which deficiency supplied she
will depart without further delay.
The steamship Costa Rica arrived
down from Portland with sixty people
in her cabins and loaded deep with mer
chandise for tho Bay City. She will be
tho only linor in the 8. F. & P. s-'i'vico
for some time to come, as the steam
shin Columbia is to be put on the ways
for a general overhauling of her boilers
nnd machinery, which is imperatively
vLrU 1 11 ErtJ
Correct Cbtks far Men
We Are Sole Agents for These Goods in Astoria.
Mermaini Wise
Astoria's Reliable Clothier
ncees-acy. The company ha been try
ing for a year past to secure an addi
tional steamer for their line, and with
out any success whatever, owing to the
scarcity of charters hence, there will be
nothing to take the place of the Co
lumbia save the Costa Rica. The hiatus
will probably throw some "water on
the w heel " of the Roanoke and the help
out the steam schooner fleet some.
The Harvest Queen arrived down from
Portland light yesterday morning in j
the " w ee, sma' hours " and fastened on
the big schooner Alvena for nn up-river
towj she had not cleared the city
channel before she was in the midst of
a line net belonging to some fishermen,
whose names could not be learned, and
of course it was torn to flinders The
net wus in the main channel and the
tow could not avoid the contact with
out endangering her charge, and per
haps putting her on the ianiL, aenca,
she had to a weep through it to the da
niay and distinct loss of the lmrcl-work-ing
owners. The net was valued at
Intelligence received here at the As
toian office late last night from reli
able sources, states that the steamship
Columbia will be replaced by the steam
ship Barraeouta, of the Facific Mail
Steamship line out of San Francisco,
and will sail from there this morning
for this poit and Portland, one day be
hind the regular schedule of the Colum
bia. Whether odieers and crew of the
Columbia will man the substitute or
not, was not known, though it is reas
onabls to conclude they will have the
handling of her. The llaracouta was
built infilasgow in 18S3, and is of 2,
152 tons gross, and 1.749 tons net, reg
ister j she Ss 275 feet long. 35.1 feet
beam; 10.9 feet draft, and has an indi
cated of 1,000. She has been
running between the California n metro
polis and the Hawihtn Islands for 30211
years. " , ,
Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable.
A happy home ia the most valuable
possession that is within the reach of
mankind, but you cannot enjoy its com
forts if vou are suffering from rheuma'
tism. You throw aside business cares
when you enter your home and you can
be relieved from those rheumatic pains
also by applying Chamberlain's Fain
Balm. One application will give you re
lief and its continued use for a short
time will bring about a permanent cure.
For sale by Frank Hart and Leading
Bought at Herman Wise's Fine Store Pressed
Free of Charge Whenever You Say So.
Personally I thmk it is more im
portant, who sells, recommends and
guarantees the goods, than who made
them; there are so many good -makes
But, just for com
parison what do you
who know, think
ysw YORK.
Dnsifi:! ' - - I
Saw Mill Men, $2.25 per day. J
Q t; i m. cf"i nrv
x i aro men, z.uu per oay. x
8 Ten Boys, Over J6 Years Old to Work
In Box Factory.
When you are in need of anything in
the photographic line in the amateur
way, kodaks, films, tplates, cards,
mounts, and all the technical details
of the business, and want the best and
last in the way of artistic development,
just go to Frank Ilart, the druggist, and
tell him so. That is all.
The Municipal League will hold its
convention on April. 23rd., in the Fish
ermen's hall at 7:30 p. m. 4-10 13t
Baseball goods at Svenson's.
The perfection of whisky used in the
medical department of the United
States military and naval service. Also
in hospitals. Recommended by the high
est authorities as the purest stimulant
for family use. Sold exclusively by
Wra. Bock.
Is it not about time you were getting
that buggy fixed up! It may need new
rubber tires or perhaps some other n
pairs. If so, take it to Andrew As
Company. They also do all kinr"1
blacksmithing and repair work.
X. A. Ackennan, 421 Bond St, doesaC
manner of texidenny, furniture uphol
stering, carpet cleaning and laying, mat
tress making a specialty and a.1 work
guaranteed. '
The nimble coin of the country neve
does so good & thing as when it supplies
a man with a well-cooked and health
ful meal of the sort he is hungry for. In
this instance is becomes a blessing, and
no pocketbook is the poorer for the ex
penditure; this is why everyone you
see coming out of the Palace Restaurant
carries such a grateful and satisfied ex
pression of countenace. , Just watch for
a day or so, and the first thing you know
you'll be a steady customer there. It
is one of the certalntiies' of Astoria life.
Astoria should have a seawall, and a
it cannot be bought, in Portland or Chi
cago it evidently must be built here.
Now, if the gentlemen of this city would
commence to have their clothes " built "
in Astoria and become reconciled to
having things made at home, they would
have no difficulty in building the sea
wall. E. Martinson, merchant tailor, 149
Eleventh street, will build your clothei
from the best that's made to the cheap
est that's good. lw.
fate may direct them.