FRIDAY, APRIL tj, ,M 8 TIIE MOnXIXG ASTORIAX. AST011IA. OHEGON.' s SZTVS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS SPRING SOW IS THE TIME TO PLANT YOUR VEGETABLE, FLOWER A5D GRASS SEEDS. WE HATE A LARGE AND CHOICE VARIETY. Red Clover, White Clover, Tim othy, Orchard. Blue Grass. Choicest Varieties of Sweet Pea and Nistortium Seeds. 1L A. V. ALLEN Sole Agents For Biker's Barrington Ball Steel Cat Co fee. SG23S I M J 2 I men a he trareVl. and hy the tiro he arrived et the wuUkirt of t!ie cp tab Caracas they ere m ruroanticaby i.j....; in hi favor IK. PnMdent Ab-hik- Wt Caracas hy ivr entrance am) md the kill t the r.t with a hantHnt of frirnls. Ctrn mounted the puia of the presidential palace ami aniNmBcvd hintM-lf pmideat of the t'mtil State of Venezuela. Two ymr later b f lot-tt urn ritutkwal prcidnt. Th original pre dental term of VetieiucSa M two jrnr. but tatm made it four. He a n- fWt 4 Ut rr. NEAR TO HIS MAKER f Dowie Has Very Serious WeaKenin$ Spdl. ! i MOST IMPORTANT OFFICE. S033S SG33S S033S SC33S Sd33S SQ33S SXJ23S Sherman Transfer Co. SEN BY SHERMAN. Maoater Hacks Carriage Baggage Cheeked and TranferreJ Trucks and Wagon Pianos Moved LV.jed and Shipp-d. 433 Commerti&l Street TO CURE ANY DISEASE. TW Caaa Sfurt Stt RraMTtOt Sau Way Will DaatraC , EJQ tha gtrm that causes dandrut?, fallinc hair and "baldness, you will have so mora dandruff, and your hair ar.uat grow luxuriantly. Newbro'i Herpiclde not onjy contain tha dandruff ferns destroyer, bat it is also a most deftfht ful hair dressing for regular toilet as. No other hair preparation is oa ibia scientific basis of deatoying the dandruff cerms. It atopa alt lrritaUon, keeps thj scalp sweet, para and wholesoma. Re member that aomet.'nr claimed to be "iuMt aa good. will not do the work of genuine Herpiclda. Sold by leading druggists. Send 14c In stamps for sam ple to The Herpicida Co.. Detroit. Mich. Eagle Drug Store, 351-353 Bond St, Owl Drug Store, 549 Com. St, T. F. Laurin, Prop. "Special Agent" II in Your attention is called to our new store, now open and ready for business We Do Expert Painting, Graining Paper Hanging and Frescoing GIVE US A CALL The Eastern Fainting Decorating' Co. No. 75 th St 'Secretary of Suteship and Mr. Wrijht mar. Candidacy. l"iulcr the c.iption of "One of t!i Mot Important ( elk--" tl,e (hegonian jr-eit!y printed the f! edi torial, i Oii of tht itry impoctant offiors 'which the people of Oregon mu-t fill at Furniture tlw coming elwtio U tlwt f i retary of tate. WhWt the incumbent of that "i5ii d nns tinl a rptvM ta PilOne Main 121 ''ve of tW iu th same . i. i enMf tliat thi jneriMtr di. hi dil- itr are no ( iuirtatit t;un in ntn for more etacting in many the jwwtary of state i merely a ewriml onicer, having iltixly of th piibik mtri an.! smK and perhap V arting a auditiiii; oflU-er. In frsrn . njn j fit!ie fumtion of thjt olVn-e aie mncb Castro Resigned Presidency for!niore wtW4ifc Tbi ,ur. h kw Business Reasons. the keenr of riinnl an. he !auiit all claim aain-t the Mate an I ' draw all warrant np.)ti the tjte 'treasurer. Th'e! however, are She RESIGNATION IS TEMPORARY j nt of bu ,!uti"' The constitution makes the secretary jof tate a memlier of th tati land jUiani. nhii-h has rharjre of the ale FRANCE NOT CAUSE r- REFUiES PHYSICIAN'S AID Self Styled First Apostle Has Fainting Fit and Calls on Lord to Hetp Him Doctors Are Refused. The Sun Will Shine on EASTER I i j the school lands and the loaning of the j pro-eil of th" !. Act of the leg islature hav maJe him a mfinU'r of the tate board of edneation, the board of j trustees of the state inane aaylura, ; the reform school, mute vhool. blind j school and th- tereral normal --hwl i and the afrrv-ultural collejtp. lit i e- officio iniiramv t-omniikiifr. He a-ti with the jjovt-rnor and the tate trea uriT in making the annual estimate of tne expenditures to which tha tate will be subject, but lic-aue of his fa- on April 8 retired temporarily from miiiarity with puUic 4fT4irl be u the presidency of Venezuela, being sue- most important member of tba board, ceedfd by General Juan Vfcent Oomei, H is a member of the board of public Gomez, New President, Win Probably Run Government The Same as Castro u Both Are of Sams School EU" YORK. April li Concerning the announcement made last night by Carlos Figuerdo, consul of Venezuela in Xew York that General Cipriana Castro The j building eomniiioner., ami ha always firt president of the Republic Times today says. been recomiis as t!)e i uUxlian of Xomian B. Kates of the firm of Kates j the capitol and purchaser of the public and Bok the commercial representatives j supplies for the state officials. The of the sovcrnment of Venezuela in this i s-retary is a iuenilr of the state fish countrr dries not lnehVve that President j commi-ion. a rnembc of th boarvl ! Castro resigned as a result of th strain- j having charge of the irrigation enter ed relation with France following the j prise under the Carey act, a member recall of If. Tainjy. "I cannot enive of it" he sat dlat ; iHfratioa of Cie pottage lailwjy and niht. "Castro i a strong man. He i has oih-f ditties imp'iscd upon !im firm in everything and when he b-;- from time to time. li;ves he is right, he will -tick in bis Of the candidate now in the field position and show his tetli against J for tbi ofli'-e Fivink T. Wrijfhtnian opposition. Thi- U the mo-t siir-j fills the bill :i set foijh by the Ore prising ww. and I can only believe that ; ronm. He has had long experienc) he had reigned Wiu-e I know that at Its a clerk in the secretary's office, he one time he wa- anxious to leave his ; is an atorny' of reputntjos being offii-s but was compellsl by public fpreident of the Marion county liar, as- t lUC.VllO, April 12. -The HiwiJ to day says: John Alexander IJowic's riitrmy uitti Voliva and the other revolution i-ts at Ziitn City shrank into" i(jin Mint t-hortly befor. ini.i.iijjht, at hkh hour the self ty!ed aj"tle faced the Great Maker of alb On hi k tie- in the center of the claititr of the Auditorium Annex, whence tic had tum bled from his bed in the tiu'it of a racking illu, Pr. iVwiA inoked heavenly aid in what may he hi final struggle with di-ae. It at the of a strenuous day that tltc Ziun i-t a atUi'le-l. Hi it!lape eeined so erst rente that his personal attemiant. ail of wiun have tin tanglit tt shun metiidrwv urg ei tiiat t!iey l allow M t" enl lor a pbrsieian. " i '"I want no doctor," aid !"i'f f'-cb Iv. 'I will have no physician. I shall ak divine asi.tance that i the only real help! Wi(H njiM'iilsvi) tnouit IViwie truggle- from hi lieil au.1 stumbled toward the center of tlu- rmini. He bad gone but a few feet wlwn be ank to Im knees andiiuttered a prayer. His attendant carried him back to bed again and at three o'clock this morning he Was said to be sleeping. ' And you must be inside otic of our Spring Suits by that time. Don't wait select YOURS while the stock is full. . Have you seen the new Dunlao Split Straw Hat They are rightyou must have one. Our stock of John B. Stetson Hats for Spring just arrived. See them. P. A. STOKES "THE GOOD CLOTHES STORE." WHY That All Important Bath Room You hive often heard people remirl "If I were ever to build, I would plan my bath room first and would not put sll my money Into the pstlor with all iu finery." That it food" common sense sentiment, for the bath room U the most Important of all the houiehold. We would liVe to help you plan your Iwr roorr iml will gladly quote you tfc ot 'StetHtsriT Wre, the lc - n o- santtarv ftvrurri mi'ie. tsYfrf .-, - Irll J, A. Montgomery, Astoria. ! First National Bank of Astoria, Ore, i:sT.utusiii:t iHmi. Astoria People Should Take VinpL Our well-known drnggit. Mr. I'harles lingers says, " We do not believe there is a man. om in or cl.iiii in .Vsloru whom our larnmi coil liver oil prepara- i tion inol will not benefit at this seaon of the vear. We Ifelieve there is no need for sot of thej Ixlard having charge, of the many people to drag around run-j down, tirci out aflil il'lnlitt'i. or (or , old age to remain weak and infirm w ill restore j Capital and Surplus $100,000 J. Q. A. BOWLBY, President 0. L PETERSOf, Vice-President fRASK PATTO.V, Ca.hlcr. J. Vf. GARNER, Assistant Cashier. sentiment to remain." ;-ociation, he is familiar with abstracts it Billy Buster Shoes" Mr. Kat-. expressed the opinion that j and titles and is especially qualified Mr. ("Vtro would not re-ign permanent- to sit on the -chool land ItoarJ. It. He thought that even in the event j Mr. Wrightman lays great stres of President Roosevelt taking a hand in J upon the management of the school the Venezuekn-FVench quarrel Castro would not step dorm. 'Of Geneial Gomez." said Mr Kates, "I only know that he is of the same school a Ca-tro and presume that the government will be run on about the same lines as under Castro, save per haps that there will be no such inci dent as that concerning M. Taigny." General Castro has been in the habit of making trips into the interior of Venezuela, on which occasions, the vice president. General Gomez, has managed affair of state, but without l-ing em powered to act fully in Castro's place. These interior trips have been on busi ness affairs, it is said, and coupled with a statement from Mr. Kates that Mr. Castro and Gomez were in business to gether in the interior, some of them in teresting in Venezuelan passing history were intilned last night to believe that perhap- Catro had onjy withdrawn long enough to ' cover a neces-ary absence from the capital. lands of the state and is the friend of the children. He would ue the-e lands to the best advantage and savq them for the schools. In addition to these many excellent planks in Mr. Wrightman's platform is his proposal of running the state government by a system of indirect taxe. telieving the common taxpayer of the immense burden. Mr. Wrightman is making a good campaign and will probably be nominated. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea Is a wonderful spring tonic. It drives out all impurities. A good thing for the whole family. Keeps you well all sum mer. 3o cents, Tea or Tablets. For sale by Frank Hart, druggist. A Dandy for Burns. Dr. Eergin, Para, 111. writes: 1 hare used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always i recommended it to my friends, as I am confident there is no better made. 'It is a vipra.ano wasiro was reponeu in (laD(Jv fop burn , Th have merely Wn a ruse to obtain some thing which be invariablv got. Of bis ! priedessorj Guzmanj (Blancis died' in , Paris. Creipo was shot in battle, and his They have a sole that won't wear out imm,(iil(p ,,r,.,e,ie,,ort Andrade, escaped through the back door of the presiden- , tial palace, and is now working for a . living in Trinidad. Cipiinno Ca;tro first came into promi i nence in 1800 when, with a handful of ! soldiers, himself a tattered cowherd, he - - i . . ... ,eDgaged and 'defeated 'the soldiers sup- , AGENT FOR THE DOUGLAS SHOE f porting the governor of his native prov- ,j ince. Then the tattered cowherd march 543 Bond Street Opp, Ross Higgine & Co. ed out of the Andes, gathering more as having handed his resignation to the farms are especially liable to many ae-preid'-nt of the Venezuelan congress, i cidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal Hitherto hU moves in that direction ! LM? S,noV n,Ten! is appueu. it miouiq always oe Kepi S. A. GIMRE, in the house for cases of emergency.' 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by Hart's Drug Store. Rheumatism Makes Life Miserable. A happy home is the most valuable possession that is within the reach of mankind, but you cannot enjoy its com forts if you are suffering from rheuma tism. You throw asida ' business cares when you enter your home and you can lie relieved from those rheumatic pains also by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One application will give yoirre. lief and its continued juse for a, short time will bring' aboui a permanent cure. For sale by Fmnk Hart and Leading Druggist. when we guaranteed Yinol health and -trength. , Continual Mr. I!oger. "For rentu ric cod liver oil ha Wn recognized a the grandest of nil liody-htiiMing agent for wated human strength and vitality, but on account of the heavy, naiieating and sytern -clogging oil which envelope its curative proper ties fev could take it with any Itene fit. In Yinol you get -in a concentrated form every one of the curative and strength -creating elements of cod liv er oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, and without a drop of oil to up set the stomach and retard its work. Vino is not a patent medicine, and you know what you are taking ssj everything it contains is named on the j back label of every bottle. . Yinol is guaranteed by over two' thousands of the leading druggists of the United States to create strength for old people, for the run-down, tired, and debilitated, weak, sickly . women and children and after a severe sick' nes. We Ask every person in Astoria who have hacking coughs, chronic colds, throat and bronchial troubles, to try Vinol on our guarantee. It cots noth ing it it fail."' Charle Bogers Drug-g'-t. Astoria Savings Bank fapltal Paid In 1100.0W. Burpiua and CmSlrlded front WWW. transacts a CrneraJ Banking Bunnm. Interest Paid on Time tfepostu 168 Tsnth 8trat, ASTORIA.' OREGON r Easter Caret 1 Now Postals and Novelties in. All Prices and Designs. Pillsbury's Best Flour, Minneapolis, $1.75 per tack. Geo. Lindstrom & Co. J. N. GRIFFIN BOOKS, STATIONERY, MUSIC, AND SPORTING GOODS. J STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Progressive Land and Build ing Association will be bald at the Par ker nouse in Astoria, Oregon, on Tues day the 17th., day of April, 1006,( at 7 o'clock p. m. F, L. PARKER, Secretary Dated this 7th day of April 1906. w lrtltCtri9a Loser vn 11 4 3 Beer. ASTORIA IRON WORKS JOHNlFOX.Pree. and Sunt. F L BISHOP. Secretary A. L. POX, Vice Pres. AHTOKIA HAVINGS BANK, Treat Designers and Manufacturers of THE LATEST IMPROVED CASTOR I A' I For Infants and Children. .Be m -MHava Always Bought . Canning Machinery, Marine Enginesand Boilers, gggj Complete Cannery Outfits Furnished. CORRCSPOfjDENCE SOllCITE0.;i ; Foot of Fourth Street Bears the Signature of