' If t THE MORNING ASTORIAN. ASTORIA. OREGON. FRIDAY) APRIL j, 9o ARNISH ROCK. A llfththoaae Which la Wllkoil LIcM of Ita Own. The most extraordinary of nil light bouses is to be fouud ou Aruisli rock. Stornoway bay, n rock which' Is mig rated from (he Island of Lewis by a channel over 500 feet wide. It Is lu tlio Hebrides, Scotland. On this rock a conical beacon is erected, and on its summit a lantern Is fixed, from which, night nfter night, shines a lipht which Is seen by the fishermen far and wide. Yet there Is uo burning lani in the lantern, and no attendant ever p to it, for the simple reason that there is no lamp to attend to, no wick to train and no oil well to replenish. The way in which this Kx-ullar light house Js illuminated Is this; "On the Island of Lewis, 500 feet or so away, is ft lighthouse, and from a window In the tower n stream of light is project ed on a mirror in the lantern on the summit of Aruish rock. These rays are reflected to an arrangement of prisms and by their action are con verged to a focus outside the lantern, from which they diverge in the neces sary direction." L The consequence Is that to all intents and purposes a lighthouse exists which has neither lamp nor lighthouse keeper and yet which gives as serviceable a light, taking Into account the require ments of the locality, as If an elaborate and costly lighthouse, with lamps, serv ice room, bedroom, living room, store room, oil room, water tanks and all other accessories, were erected on the summit of the rock. QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOO 8 llfll a UL m i iu as as aa 1 0 THE ISLAND OF FIRE. Java's Wonderful Luke of Boiling Msd and Slime. The greatest natural wonder in Java, If not In the entire world. Is the JustJv celebrated Gheko Kamdka Gnmko, or Home of the Hot Devils, known to the world as the Island of Fire. This geo logical singularity Is really a lake of boiling mud situated at about the cen ter of the plains of Grobogana and Is called an Island because the great em erald sea of vegetatioa which surrounds It gives It that appearance. The island is about two miles In circumference and is situated at a distance of almost exactly fifty miles from Solo. Xear the center of this geological freak Immense ! columns of soft hot mud may be seen i MM.ll ' I , til ... ' . wiiuiiuauj' rising bdu railing use great timbers thrust through the boiling sub stratum by giant bands and tben again .qmciiy withdrawn. Besides the phe nomenon of boiling mud columns there re scores of gigantic bubbles of bot lime that fill up like huge balloons and keep up a series of constant explosions, the Intensity of the detonations vary tag with the size of the bubble. In times past, so the Javanese authorities ay, there was a tall, spirelike column of baked mud on the west side of the lake which constantly belched a pure stream of cold water, but this has long been obliterated, and everything is now a seething mass of bubbliDg mud and slime, a marvel to the visitors who come from great distances to see it 00000XO000000q0000000000009000000O00000 THE MORNING ASTORIAN 111 The supplying of any want that may arise in domestic or commercial life may be readily and quickly accomplished at a nominal cost by the publication of the want in the " Want Ad." columns of the Morning Astorian. A necessity which may arise for buying or selling horses, carriages, furniture, pianos, leal estate, sewing machines, bicy cles, safes, watches, jewelry, typewriters, or thousands of other articles, can be met at once by the insertion of a suitable adver tisement in the morning Astorion. To secure help of any sort, or situation of any kind, to find lost articles, to secure board or boarders, lodging or lodgers, borrow money, obtain any kind of security; any of these wants may be supplied by using the "Want" columns of The Morning Astorian. Rates For Classified or "Want" Advertisements ONE INSERTION ONE CENT A WORD THREE LINES THREE DAYS, 30 CENTS Count Six Words to a Line. ao Cents a line a week. ,. "SITUATION WANTED" tor the benefit of persons out of employment, ada under the head of "Situa- y ! tion Wanted" will be printed three days free of charge. 8 ! COOOXXXK)OOCKXCOO 00000000000000000000 MOW I 11 IBM XI IUIIUV fi 9 8 8 BUSINESS DIRECTORY RESTAURANTS. FIRST-CLASS MEAL for 15c; nice cako, colToo, pie, or doufthnuta, Be, at U. 8. Restaur ant 43 1 Ilon.l St LAUNDRItl, REST to LENT MEAL You eun always riud tho beet 15-cent weal in tho city at the Rising Sun Restaurant. 1)12 (ouiiiHrin!St. The Troy Laundry Ths only whit labor laundry In the Ity. Dott lha bait work at reasonable prloea and la In tvery way worthy of your patronaoa. 10th and DUANE It, Phona 1981. HOTELS HELP WANTED. WAX'I rU- GiRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Apply to J.C Allen' store AWerbrook. 4-11 7t WAXTED.-CJItL FOR GENERAL Housework. Smill family. Enquire 332 Jerome and 8th. It. FOR SALE. PROFESSIONAL CARD). PHYSICIANS. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ActUif Assistant Surgran V. S. Marina Moxpttal Service. JOo hour: 10 to 11 a-ra. 1 to 4: SI p.m 477 Commercial Street. Ind Floor. NOTICE. Portland Restaurant! 7 Aitor St. j Gooi Clean Meal. Excellent Service.! Meala From 13 Ceatt to 30 Cent. Mon Fong' Restaurant Noodles and Chop Suey. MKALS OF ALL KINDS HOTEL PORTLAND mmm mm Plnatt MoUl In h Northwest PORTLAND, OAS. Eagle Concert Hall The 3:-0 Aitor St. J Ifmlliij; iiiiu-inpit houM. p. a. rnrnso, rrp Parker House Bar (Cor. Ninth and Aitor SU J Ajrnoy for Edison Plionojrrijio nfv Gold Moulded Record'. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT 71 EIGHTH STREET W00O YARDS. OSTEOPATHISTaV Burma Cnatoma. Two ceremonies In Burma mark when childhood stops and manhood or wom fcnhood begins. The boys have their thighs tattooed and the girls their ears Wed. The boring of a girl's ears la commenced with a needle, and the puncture Is gradually Increased until the tip of the finger "can be Introduced. The enlarging process is the one car ried out In the Polynesian Islands, where a native can carry a good sized knife hanging, in the lobe of his ear. The ugliest mutilation Is that of the Eskimo, who punches a hole In his cheek and puts a bone stud into It The Burmese boy suffers great pain from the elaborate ornamentation of his legs, which are decorated In blue and red patterns. Organ Grlndera In England. By turning the handle of an organ! the Italian in England obtains nearly eight times as much per week as he can earn In Italy, more than four times as much as the English farm laborer , and nearly three times the pay of thi policeman who moves him on when requested. Thousands of skilled ar tisans who have served apprenticeship us carpenters, painters and Joiners get only half the organ grinder's pay, for the Italian reckons it a very poor week Indeed if he makes less than $15, and he often gets $17.50 to $20 or more. FOR SALE OWING TO PRIVATE reasons, the undersigned will sell a $50 racycle, but slight used, at a Tery low price. Geo. Pontala. 1470 Grand avenue, Astoria, Oregon. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOT oi wire cable new and second band, any length, pipe of any description and size, machinery to suit anybody write for prices on anything; metal scrap iron and all kinds of junk and machinery bought and sold. Adresa 21 Barde A Son, Portland, Oregon. 1m. DR. RHODA C. HICKS .. OSTEOPATH Office ManstL. Bid. Phone Black 206 S (7S Commercial fit. Astoria, Ore. All voters of Clatsop county, Irres pective of parties, are hereby invited and requested to meet and participate in a nuKs meeting to be held in " login hall" at Astoria, on Stturdav. Amli i 1000. at 10 a. m.. for the niinM f nominating a full county ticket to b j voted for on Monday, June 4, luM. fW'OOD! WOOD! WCOD! C. J. TRENCHARD, jcord wood, mill wood, box wood, any Chairman of the Cititens' j Wad of wood t t lowest prlcea. Kelly, Committee of Atoria, Ore. I the transfer man. 'Phone tioi Main, MAX W. POHL, Bara on Twelfth, opposite opera Secretary. house. TOMB STONES, PRICE $5.00 AND UP; factory, opposite Clatsop Mill office. Oscar Laurell. 4-11-17 FOR RENT-HOUSES. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS AT No. 677 Exchange street. 4-3-lw. FOR RENT. THREE Housekeeping rooms. Commercial street. FURNISHED Enquire 472 4-12 tf. A Ticket Means more than your mere transportation if it is over DR. KATHYRN RUETER Oateopahio Physician Phono Red 2101 Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 9 3rd floor Bee Hive BIdg., ComlSt, DENTISTS. DR. T. L. BALL, DENTIST. 624 Commercial St Astoria Oreeon. MUSIC TEACHER. WANTED THREE MUSIC PUPILS. Inquire at Astorian office. MANDOLIN LESSONS GIVEN-MRS. C. D. Stewart, 127 8eventh atreet. 'STAMMERING AND STUTTER I INO CURED For Particular Address THI PACIFIC SCHOOL FOB STAM MERERS 1201 eta amhlll Street, ... Portland, Oregon. . THE Dr. C. GEE WO Chinese Medicine Co. Formerly located Alder Hlwt: lor the pant tle ycara.II AVE MOVED Into Uif lance brick bulltling at tin; witith-eajit rvir. ner of First and Morrison Btreeta. En trance No. lfl-J rout 8t. Successful Home Treatment br.C. ORB WO U known tlirulioNt Ilia Cllifi fiUUtt. and liralli.il iir.t i , tKK-tor utt Mvounl of womlwrul cuff without the aid ol a an I fx, wiUioul tuln poUon r(tiia0fny ainil. W IrntUany and all dlmm with iK.wrrful oriental rwxa lirrba. hark., and vraotablo that ara m.. 1 known to niMlimt irlu i ihi. mt thruntb the m uf tlifM barmlaaa rruio-' dim l)(uranUwa to cura CaUrrh, AKhma, Lunf Trogbl. Khiumftiim, NcfvouiMH, Stoffiach, llvtr, Kidney, TtmUt WakntH and all Chronic D:uks. Call or writ, anrlnalnt 4 l-eont atarani for mailing book aud rlKiilr. Adtlraaa, Tht C 0 Wee CHImm Midldm C, No. I6 12 pirat St., S.C. Cor. MorrW.,,. JienUMthla Portland Orffoa. V&. VAUGHAN, Dentist Pythian Building, Astoria, Oregon. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo JUST A MOMENT! Dr. W. C. LOGAN DENTIST 78 Commercial St., Sbanahan Building BROKERAGE. The Ang'.?r Flah. The angler flsh angles for his prey. Prom the upper part of bis head project two long tentacles, with fleshy extrem ities, which wave about in the water and attract small fish, that, approach ing and attempting to seize the sup posed bait, are themselves captured by the angler. Without this device to at tract his prey he would probably starve to death, as he Is heavy and of com paratlvely slow motion. Conalderate. X. (an incorrigible borrower; Lend me a fiver, old man. Y. (weakly lend lng him 4 19s.)-I'm keeping the other shilling to pay for the postage of the letters which I shall have to write you before I get my money back. X. (cool-ly)-Keep 5 shillings, then. That will rive me more time. London Tit-Bits. Pride of Ancestry. "I'm proud of the fact that my grandfather used -to split rails," de clared Swi'llsome Donothing. "So!" said his friend. "Yes, indeed. If he hadn't I'd prob ably have been, splitting wood myself Instead of blowing In his money." Detroit Free Tress. It- means that you will have every luxury and comfort the utmost courtesy from all employ es a Bafe trip and one that will be a pleasure and delight. It is the Short Line to Ch j cafip AND BEST AS WELL. Anything you wish to know about comfortable traveling will be gladly told by. ' W. A. COX, Gen. Agent 153 Third St. . Portland, Ore. C. J. TRENCHARD Real Estate, Insurance, Commlaaion and 8hlpping. CUSTOM H0U8E BROKER. Offioa 133 Ninth 8trwt, Next to Juttloe Office. ASTORIA, OREGON. tf & dt dt We Want to Talk to You ACCOUNTANT AND BOOKKEEPER. F. W. GARDINER O Accountant and Bookkeeper Small Sets of Books Kept. Bills Collected on Commia . sion. Accounts Adjusted. Office: 359 Commercial Street, "THE MILWAUKEE" "Pioneer Limited," St. Paul to Chi cago; "Overland Limited," Omaha to Chicago; "Southwest Limited," Kansa City to Chicago. No train in the service of any rail road in the world equals in equipment that of the Chicago, Milwaukee Jt St Paul Pty Th(y own and operate their own sleeping and dining cars and give their patrons an excellence of service not obtainamle elsewhere. Berths in their sleepers are longer. higher and wider than in similar can on any other line. They protect their trains by. the Block System. IL S. IRowe, General Agent, 134 Third street, J Portland, Ore. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OP CO PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the firm of Scholfield & Hauke is dissolved by mutual consent. W. T. Scholfield, n tiring. All bills due said firm art Py able at once and al bills payable should be presented for payment immediately, Dissolution to take effect April 1, 1906, The business after this date will be conduced by E. Hauke & Co. In retiring from this firm, W. T. Schol field desires to thonk the patrons for their generous patronage and bespeaks for the now firm the same liberal treat ment. W. T. SCHOLFIELD, . E. HAUKE. a!l4i 60 YEARS' r-N VXPERIENCE . ; m T M: 1 I i Mi.. 4 .4 Tnanr Mark ,.iiv Designs Copyright 4c.' Anyone aenrilng a akelrh and dorrlntlon mat quickly aararlniii our opinion .'ite wlK-t lmr an Invention n prohnblf nainr.Unle. Oiirmnunkiu tknuHtrlellrc'H'llileiitlV. HANDBOOK on I'utwita lent free. (iMi'it wshCf for aecui -ina i)aiiiin. i'nKMiii) f.iko- tliroiivh Munn A Co. rucelvs tfitciai notif.t, wli hout vlwwe, In tin) Scientific JItiiericatte A finnilfioTtielr illimt rnlnd weeklr. I.nroent dr. dilation of nriT mlenilllc Jonnitil. Termn, a Ti'nr; fnur monttis,(L Sold by all newsdealert, lUNN&Co.38,BfMdiw"'NewKort Urauch Office, 636 F BU Wublugton, D.C. CKXXKXXX)OOOOOOOOOOQ ABOUT BOOK BIDING Wc do it in All the Latest and . . Best Styles of the Art tje tc tjs We take your Old Magazines that you have piled away on your shelves and make Handsome Books of them fit to grace any library, We take your old worn out books with the covers torn off, rebind them and "return to you good as any new book, Let us figure with you on fixing up Jyour ' Library, ' ' ' L The Jr S. Dellinger Co. Makers of All Kincjs or Books . Astorian Building , Corner Commerciai,and 10th,. Street 30(X)CX)(XX)C))Oa CCKSCCOCCm